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After spending a few days on the island with Professor Mulberry, you find you are able to confirm your initial hypothesis: some Pokemon here are different than on the mainland. In some cases, they are completely different. Perhaps this is a new kind of evolution?
I wanted to give a unique spin on Onix. Instead of being very strong on the defensive side, why not make it strong on the special side? The ice typing is inspired by the crystal Onix from the anime. Since crystals are prone to getting chipped or shattered, I replaced Onix's current Defense stat with it's former Special stat.
The stat change will be nice to allow it to fire off monstrous Blizzards, but not being a Ground type makes it prone to being paralyzed and crippled. Not having reliable recovery also means it won't have much lasting power, and it walled pretty hard by special walls like Chansey or Starmie. It probably won't be the best mon in the game, but I think it'll always have a niche in firing off nuclear bombs. Acid armor might also be good on it but IDK really.
Aerodactyl got Earthquake from tradebacks, but let's improve it even more. It gets a nice power boost, only being slightly weaker than Rhydon. However, unlike Rhydon, Aerodactyl is fast too. It now outspeeds Jolteon instead of speed tying it. The extra bulk means it can utilize its unique ability to resist both normal and ground effectively against foes like Snorlax
Name: Machamp
Stats: 90/130/80/80/80 (+15 SPC,+25 SPE)
Typing: Fighting
New Moves: Glare
Removed Moves: -
Machamp's main problem (besides its obvious Psychic weakness) is its slow speed. 55 is a terrible number which makes it also scared of paralysis. A boost in its speed lets it deal damage much easier without taking any damage itself, and while also not stepping into Rhydon's place of being a better defensive option . 15 SPC lets it take special hits a tad easier while also being able to use the elemental punch moves better. It still loses against Psychic types of course, no question there. And paralysis, while not as dreadful as before, still hinders it. Glare lets it paralyze foes, especially switch-ins like Psychic types. So after they get paralyzed, Machamp can just Rolling Kick them to oblivion before Hyper Beam.
Name: Beedrill Stats: 65 / 100 / 60 / 65 / 95 Typing: Bug / Ground New Moves: Earthquake Removed Moves: N/A Description: Beedrill can now actually use its anti-Psychic tools! It's no longer weak to Psychic, Ground STAB and Earthquake gives it a much-needed tool to smack Rocks and Gengar, Thunderbolt immunity offers it more chances to switch in, and it has all-around better stats.
While documenting your previous survey, there were some Pokemon you saw that looked like creatures that have never been seen before! Perhaps the Island is also home to some Pokemon that are not native to the Kanto region, but may be found in other regions. Your second survey with the professor will attempt to prove your thinking.
For Slate 2, we are adding Pokemon from other gens and adapting them to RBY. Keep in mind that Dark, Steel and Fairies do not exist here and that special is one stat.
Keep in mind the goal is to adapt them to the format, not overhaul them. They should stay relatively close to canon (so they shouldn't need a bunch of stat changes or new moves). Also keep in mind that RBY's power level is the lowest of any Pokemon gen, and so nerfs may be necessary depending on the mon you choose. Please limit yourself to six subs. You can use the following code on Showdown to determine their Gen 1 moveset:
/nms pokemonname, gen1, all
Keep in mind that Toxic, Bide, Substitute, Rage, Mimic and Rest are all universal moves and should be added to any mon.
Also, for fun, the pre-evolutions of the Pokemon you pick will be added to the format as well to give new options in any lower tiers.
Here is a template
Movepool Changes:
Justification of Changes:
Movepool: [hide=list of moves]
Due to the holidays, the deadline for the slate is currently TBD but we will announce a warning when voting will start at some point.
Stats: 104/75/100/110/66 BST: (455/565)
Typing: Fire/Ghost
Movepool Changes: +Universal moves, -Solarbeam
Justification of Changes: No fire mons get Solarbeam in gen 1, so consistency again
Description: Mixed wall without immediate recovery or setup alongside an immunity to normal and fighting will have a niche, it's weakness to ground, water and rock I believe will make the mon balance itself
Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Earthquake, Body Slam, Hyperbeam, Night Shade, Rest, Roar, Substitue, Bite, Dig, Leer, Lick, Tackle, Take Down, Double-Edge, Bide, Rage, Mimic
Stats: 60/130/80/60/70 BST: 400/460
Typing: Grass/Fighting
Movepool Changes: + Submission, +Universals, -Sludge
Justification of Changes: All fighting types get submission, I don't see why loom wouldn't. Sludge is exclusive to Muk and Weezing.
Description: A spore user who also has swords dance, it might seem like it has too much coverage, but if loom wants to run a sd set it has to run either 3 attacks or 2 attacks + spore, it gets walled by gengar for the most part and can't deal with special attackers faster than him.
Body Slam, Hyperbeam, Double-Edge, Mega-Drain, Leech Seed, Low Kick, Rest, Rock Slide, Spore, Substitute, Swords Dance, Toxic, Absorb, Counter, Cut, Dig, Double Team, Flash, Growth, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Poison Powder, Solar Beam, Strength, Swift, Tackle, Take Down, Thunder Punch, Bide, Rage, Mimic
Stats: 111/83/68/92/39 BST: 393/485
Typing: Water/Ground
Movepool Changes: +Universals, - Sludge
Justification of Changes: Same reasoning for sludge removal as above
Description: Amnesia user with physical stab that gets destroyed by razor leaf, neet typing that would cause grass types whose names are not exegguttor to rise in usage.
Acid Armor, Blizzard, Body Slam, Counter, Earthquake, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Recover, Rest, Rock Slide, Substitute, Surf, Toxic, Amnesia, Dig, Double Team, Fissure, Flash, Harden, Hyperbeam, Strength, Take Down, Water Gun, Bide, Rage, Mimic
Stats: 103/105/72/105/65 BST: 450/565
Typing: Normal/Psychic
Movepool Changes: It's movepool is legit just Stantler's gen 2 movepool with bslam, hyperbeam and universals
Justification of Changes: It's modern movepool, would be broken, and since it's a gen 2 evo in a game where tradebacks are allowed it feels natural that the mon would learn these moves, it's also the most reasonable moveset for a monster with this stats and typing
Description: A mon with the two best types in the game, it has huge coverage and utility
Stats: 75/75/95/95/113 [453] Typing: Grass Movepool Changes: +Razor Leaf Justification of Changes: gives it a good stab attack to let it compete. It gets other leaf-based moves so it fits. Description: This is super cool. Starmie like statspread and it gets paralysis and wrap. This makes it a very strong pivot and lead. Razor Leaf is helpful for breaking reflect mons (its almost as strong as Persian Slash)
Stats: 70/100/115/65/75 (+10 Special Defense, used as Special) Typing: Rock Movepool Changes: Toxic, Bide, Rage, Reflect Justification of Changes: Toxic, Bide, Rage are universal. Reflect is fairly widespread this gen. Special boost allows it to 4HKO Snorlax with Crabhammer. Description: Rock type not weak to Blizzard is already a cool niche and Swords Dance also sounds neat for a Rock. The real fun is Crabhammer though, which always crits and allows it to break through Rock resists or Reflect mons.
Body Slam, Crabhammer, Dig, Guillotine, Harden, Hyper Beam, Rest, Rock Slide, Rock Throw, Substitute, Swords Dance, Take Down, Vise Grip / Toxic, Bide, Rage, Reflect
hisui Stats: 110/83/70/112/65 (special attack used as special) Typing: Psychic/Flying Movepool Changes: Rage, Mimic, Bide Justification of Changes: universal moves Description: Psychic type that uses Slash to break through other Psychics or Chansey. Ice weakness sucks and it is very prone to paralysis given the mons it is trying to break.
Agility, Body Slam, Confuse Ray, Cut, Double Team, Fly, Fury Attack, Hyper Beam, Leer, Night Shade, Peck, Psybeam, Psychic, Rest, Rock Slide, Sky Attack, Slash, Strength, Substitute, Swift, Take Down, Thrash, Toxic, Whirlwind, Wing Attack
Stats: 75/125/140/60/40 Typing: Bug/Water Movepool Changes: Rage, Bide, Mimic Justification of Changes: universal moves Description: big phys wall and a viable bug! ground+ice resist is really cool here and it even gets Pin Missile.
Stats: 65/20/35/45/75 [240] Typing: Normal Movepool Changes: Justification of Changes: +10 HP matches Ditto's BST Description: thought it's movepool would be interesting here. faster sleep lead has a lot less value here due to sleep mechanics and it can't really cheese things with wrap either. as a lead, it usually can't be OHKOed outside of a crit and sleeps something. Transform sounds kinda funny here given its sleep move can force a switch.
literally every move except Struggle. nms code is broken for Smeargle
Stats: 100 / 100 / 80 / 60 / 50 Typing: Ice / Ground Movepool Changes: +Bide, +Rage Justification of Changes: Universal moves Description: Mixed amnesia sweeper that can block Thunder Wave and freeze. As opposed to Rhydon and Golem, Piloswine is free of a weakness to Ground and Ice and has a better Speed tier, but lacks a resistance to Normal and doesn't boast as strong an Earthquake. As opposed to Slowbro, Snorlax, and Hypno, Piloswine has STAB on Earthquake and Ice Beam/Blizzard as well as a better Speed tier than the former two, but doesn't have as high a Special stat, has to rely on non-STAB Body Slam for paralysis, and can't inflict sleep.
- Earthquake
- Blizzard / Ice Beam
- Body Slam
- Hyper Beam
Abra Blizzard vs. Alakazam: 77-91 (24.6 - 29%) -- 99.9% chance to 4HKO
Abra Blizzard vs. Chansey: 91-108 (12.9 - 15.3%) -- possible 7HKO
Abra Blizzard vs. Rhydon: 301-354 (72.8 - 85.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Abra Blizzard vs. Snorlax: 125-147 (23.9 - 28.1%) -- 93.4% chance to 4HKO
Abra Earthquake vs. Alakazam: 171-201 (54.6 - 64.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Abra Earthquake vs. Chansey: 296-348 (42.1 - 49.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Abra Earthquake vs. Rhydon: 194-228 (46.9 - 55.2%) -- 71.7% chance to 2HKO
Abra Earthquake vs. Snorlax: 141-166 (26.9 - 31.7%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
Abra Ice Beam vs. Alakazam: 61-72 (19.4 - 23%) -- possible 5HKO
Abra Ice Beam vs. Chansey: 72-85 (10.2 - 12%) -- possible 9HKO
Abra Ice Beam vs. Rhydon: 239-282 (57.8 - 68.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Abra Ice Beam vs. Snorlax: 99-117 (18.9 - 22.3%) -- possible 5HKO
Alakazam Psychic vs. Piloswine: 165-195 (40.9 - 48.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Chansey Ice Beam vs. Piloswine: 97-114 (24 - 28.2%) -- 96% chance to 4HKO
Chansey Seismic Toss vs. Piloswine: 100-100 (24.8 - 24.8%) -- guaranteed 5HKO
Exeggutor Double-Edge vs. Piloswine: 81-96 (20 - 23.8%) -- guaranteed 5HKO
Exeggutor Psychic vs. Piloswine: 156-184 (38.7 - 45.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Hypno Psychic vs. Piloswine: 148-174 (36.7 - 43.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Machamp Low Kick vs. Piloswine: 153-180 (37.9 - 44.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Machamp Submission vs. Piloswine: 241-284 (59.8 - 70.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Rhydon Earthquake vs. Piloswine: 150-177 (37.2 - 43.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Snorlax Blizzard vs. Piloswine: 90-106 (22.3 - 26.3%) -- 10.6% chance to 4HKO
Snorlax Body Slam vs. Piloswine: 114-135 (28.2 - 33.4%) -- 0% chance to 3HKO
Starmie Psychic vs. Piloswine: 133-157 (33 - 38.9%) -- 99.9% chance to 3HKO
Starmie Surf vs. Piloswine: 282-332 (69.9 - 82.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Tauros Blizzard vs. Piloswine: 95-112 (23.5 - 27.7%) -- 84.2% chance to 4HKO
Tauros Body Slam vs. Piloswine: 107-126 (26.5 - 31.2%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
Stats: 110 / 80 / 120 / 90 / 30 Typing: Rock / Fire Movepool Changes: +Bide, +Mimic, +Rage, -Solar Beam, +Toxic Justification of Changes: Universals, Fire-types don't get Solar Beam in RBY Description: Bulky Rock-type, similar to Rhydon and Golem. Selling points include Ice neutrality coupled with high Special, Fire STAB to hit Exeggutor and Jynx as well as thaw out from freeze, and access to Explosion. Detractors include bottom-of-the-barrel Speed tier, 4x Earthquake weakness, generally weaker offensive presence, and lack of Thunder Wave immunity.
Bide, Body Slam, Dig, Earthquake, Explosion, Fire Blast, Fire Punch, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Reflect, Rest, Rock Slide, Self-Destruct, Smokescreen, Solar Beam, Substitute, Tackle, Take Down, Toxic
- Fire Blast / Flamethrower
- Rock Slide / Earthquake
- Body Slam / Earthquake
- Explosion
- Fire Blast / Flamethrower
- Rock Slide / Earthquake
- Substitute
- Rest
Coalossal Explosion vs. Alakazam: 339-399 (108.3 - 127.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Coalossal Explosion vs. Chansey: 599-705 (85.2 - 100.2%) -- 2.6% chance to OHKO
Coalossal Explosion vs. Exeggutor: 236-278 (60 - 70.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Coalossal Explosion vs. Jynx: 371-437 (111.4 - 131.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Coalossal Explosion vs. Snorlax: 279-328 (53.3 - 62.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Coalossal Explosion vs. Tauros: 217-255 (61.4 - 72.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Coalossal Fire Blast vs. Alakazam: 97-115 (30.9 - 36.7%) -- 71.7% chance to 3HKO
Coalossal Fire Blast vs. Chansey: 117-138 (16.6 - 19.6%) -- possible 6HKO
Coalossal Fire Blast vs. Exeggutor: 205-242 (52.1 - 61.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Coalossal Fire Blast vs. Jynx: 250-294 (75 - 88.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Coalossal Fire Blast vs. Snorlax: 158-186 (30.2 - 35.5%) -- 30.8% chance to 3HKO
Coalossal Fire Blast vs. Tauros: 151-178 (42.7 - 50.4%) -- 0.8% chance to 2HKO
Coalossal Flamethrower vs. Alakazam: 77-91 (24.6 - 29%) -- 99.9% chance to 4HKO
Coalossal Flamethrower vs. Chansey: 92-109 (13 - 15.5%) -- possible 7HKO
Coalossal Flamethrower vs. Exeggutor: 165-194 (41.9 - 49.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Coalossal Flamethrower vs. Jynx: 199-234 (59.7 - 70.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Coalossal Flamethrower vs. Snorlax: 125-147 (23.9 - 28.1%) -- 93.4% chance to 4HKO
Coalossal Flamethrower vs. Tauros: 120-142 (33.9 - 40.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Alakazam Psychic vs. Coalossal: 130-153 (30.7 - 36.1%) -- 53.5% chance to 3HKO
Chansey Ice Beam vs. Coalossal: 77-91 (18.2 - 21.5%) -- possible 5HKO
Chansey Seismic Toss vs. Coalossal: 100-100 (23.6 - 23.6%) -- guaranteed 5HKO
Exeggutor Explosion vs. Coalossal: 104-123 (24.5 - 29%) -- 99.9% chance to 4HKO
Exeggutor Psychic vs. Coalossal: 123-145 (29 - 34.2%) -- 2.7% chance to 3HKO
Jynx Blizzard vs. Coalossal: 136-160 (32.1 - 37.8%) -- 95% chance to 3HKO
Snorlax Blizzard vs. Coalossal: 72-85 (17 - 20%) -- possible 5HKO
Snorlax Body Slam vs. Coalossal: 43-51 (10.1 - 12%) -- possible 9HKO
Snorlax Earthquake vs. Coalossal: 275-324 (65 - 76.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Tauros Blizzard vs. Coalossal: 74-88 (17.4 - 20.8%) -- possible 5HKO
Tauros Body Slam vs. Coalossal: 40-48 (9.4 - 11.3%) -- possible 9HKO
Tauros Earthquake vs. Coalossal: 258-304 (60.9 - 71.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Stats: 72 / 101 / 100 / 50 / 68 Typing: Ghost Movepool Changes: +Bide, +Body Slam, +Mimic, +Rage, +Toxic Justification of Changes: Universals, needs Body Slam to not be completely passive Descrpion: Alternative Ghost-type to Gengar: selling points include better typing, better physical bulk, Growl, and Roar; detractors include a lower Special and a drastically weaker offensive presence; no Hypnosis, no Explosion, no coverage, etc.
Bide, Bite, Body Slam, Confuse Ray, Dig, Disable, Double-Edge, Growl, Headbutt, Hyper Beam, Lick, Mimic, Night Shade, Rage, Rest, Roar, Substitute, Tackle, Tail Whip, Take Down, Toxic
- Body Slam
- Night Shade / Hyper Beam
- Roar / Growl
- Rest
Houndstone Body Slam vs. Alakazam: 97-115 (30.9 - 36.7%) -- 71.7% chance to 3HKO
Houndstone Body Slam vs. Chansey: 170-200 (24.1 - 28.4%) -- 98% chance to 4HKO
Exeggutor Psychic vs. Abra: 173-204 (49.8 - 58.7%) -- 99.9% chance to 2HKO
Houndstone Body Slam vs. Snorlax: 80-95 (15.2 - 18.1%) -- possible 6HKO
Houndstone Body Slam vs. Tauros: 64-76 (18.1 - 21.5%) -- possible 5HKO
Alakazam Psychic vs. Houndstone: 182-214 (52.4 - 61.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Chansey Ice Beam vs. Houndstone: 108-127 (31.1 - 36.5%) -- 69.6% chance to 3HKO
Chansey Seismic Toss vs. Houndstone: 100-100 (28.8 - 28.8%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
Exeggutor Psychic vs. Houndstone: 118-139 (34 - 40%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Rhydon Earthquake vs. Houndstone: 131-154 (37.7 - 44.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Snorlax Blizzard vs. Houndstone: 100-118 (28.8 - 34%) -- 1% chance to 3HKO
Snorlax Earthquake vs. Houndstone: 77-91 (22.1 - 26.2%) -- 8% chance to 4HKO
Snorlax Ice Beam vs. Houndstone: 79-93 (22.7 - 26.8%) -- 30.9% chance to 4HKO
Tauros Blizzard vs. Houndstone: 104-123 (29.9 - 35.4%) -- 26.1% chance to 3HKO
Tauros Earthquake vs. Houndstone: 73-86 (21 - 24.7%) -- guaranteed 5HKO
Stats: 70/70/80/120/110 [450/570. Special is the average of Latias' special stats from later gens. HP and physical stats are reduced by 10.]
Typing: Dragon/Psychic
Movepool Changes: +Conversion, Growl, Universals.
Justification of Changes: Conversion is meant to emulate Reflect Type from later generations. Growl is meant to emulate Charm from later generations.
Description: Latias can be considered a slower alternative to Alakazam, but a much bulkier one, not to mention one with a usable physical movepool. Latias' Dragon-typing is also a double-edged sword: while Latias does gain some nice resistances to Water, Grass and Electric, it also gains a crippling Ice weakness, which can hinder it in comparison to Alakazam when faced with the Blizzards that tend to fly around everywhere. What Latias does have going for it is a wide, varied movepool that lets it generally threaten more of the metagame than Alakazam: Thunderbolt mauls Slowbro and Starmie, Blizzard hamstrings Dragonite and opposing Latias (as well as Aerodactyl, Beedrill and Zapdos), Surf dumpsters the rocks, Psychic is Psychic, and so on. It even gets access to some physical moves like Earthquake, just in case Chansey got any funny ideas about trying to wall it, though Latias can't really handle Snorlax very well. It just really wishes it had a second STAB to use. It can, however, also run a nasty defensive set with Recover, Light Screen, Reflect, and Toxic, and even potentially make usage of the rare Conversion to alter its type, in case it wants to take advantage of its auxillary options and alter its weaknesses. It certainly has the bulk to make usage of the move, unlike Porygon. Latias' main issue is not doing much of note to Snorlax, and Tauros is a risky matchup for it (though it is also a risky matchup for the Tauros, as the two speed tie, and Tauros does not appreciate eating a possible Special drop from Psychic or a freeze from Blizzard).
...And Growl exists, I suppose. I could have given her Growth to potentially emulate Calm Mind, but on a Pokemon like Latias who already has very high special, a solid defensive typing and workable physical bulk, that would have been just too much power.
I will make the most insane subs that might somehow be balanced and you cannot stop me.
Stats: 59/181/131/59/109 Typing: Grass Movepool Changes: +Slash Justification of Changes: Slash is a very reliable physical option for it and come on, why doesn't it get it already. Also not adding universals because Kartana doesn't play by those rules. Description: This has essentially two moves: Slash and Razor Leaf. Slash is a nuclear option, despite lack of stab because of Kartana's insane attack stat, while Razor Leaf tears Rhydon to pieces and also helps against some Water types, especially Cloyster. Kartana's Slashes are incredible powerful, nearly matching Tauros's Hyper Beam in terms of power, but you have to remember that Kartana is a very flawed glass cannon. Its low special and Ice weakness make it very frail, it really can't take any of the Blizzards or Ice Beams flying around. And even if it gets on the field through all of those, it still has to deal with some pretty bad issues, as it can't touch Gengar and the newly buffed Aerodactyl takes its hits well, not to mention that 109 is an awkward Speed tier, making it usually lose to Tauros and Starmie. Overall, you end up with a high-risk high-reward mon because those Slashes are truly terrifying.
Stats: 1 / 90 / 45 / 30 / 40 Typing: Ghost / Flying Movepool Changes: + Rage, Lick Justification of Changes: Rage is a universal move, Lick emulates the Ghost STAB it generally runs (niche, I know), a Flying typing combined with its Ghost one translates quite well Shedinja's usage as a sort of all-or-nothing wall with Wonder Guard in later gens. Description: Shedinja has the most overpowered typing in the meta, but it compensates by being quite slow and most notably having basically no bulk, you're basically forced to scout an opponent first before bringing it in.
60/45/80/100/30 Typing: Grass, Psychic Movepool Changes: + Rage, Bide, Reflect, Psybeam Justification of Changes: Reflect is messed up this gen, and Shiinotic had Light Screen so IMO it makes sense. Psybeam’s a weak STAB to try to balance it and universals. Description: A devastating sweeper with a good typing, Spore/Coverage+Amnesia+Reflect, very slow, can run a Seeder set to recover, or accomplish its real purpose, STAB Dream Eater. It’s abysmal speed make it easy to RK though.
Stats: 75/125/100/70/45 Typing: Rock/Bug Movepool Changes: +Universals, +Reflect, -Body Slam Justification of Changes: Reflect + Rest will allow Armaldo to fulfill a defensive role, similar to snorlax. Removing Body Slam ensures it won't completely replace snorlax due to the devensive sets now being helpless against Alakazam and Starmie, since it can't threaten Paralysis.
Description: Another SD user, but this one might be able to escape the realm of the D-ranks thanks to an amazing typing for RBY standards. It'll have a normal resistance without a weakness to ice or ground, making it an excellent Tauros check. It can either be used as a SD user with a set such as SD + Earthquake + Rock Slide + Hyper Beam or it can be used as a defensive mon, using a set similar to one you would see Reflect Snorlax running.
Description: This terrible typing is not terrible in RBY when almost all of its weakness are completely irrelevant, while the resistances are important! It also gives Abomasnow access to two STAB 110 BP moves which is completely unresisted outside of pure fire types, none of which are relevant in OU. The main set will probably be a growth set (keep in mind razor leaf isn't boosted tho) but if you're feeling extra spicy, you can go for an SD set coming off a great physical movepool and a respectable base 92 attack stat.
Bide, Blizzard, Body Slam, Double Team, Double-Edge, Earthquake, Flash, Growth, Headbutt, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Ice Punch, Leech Seed, Leer, Light Screen, Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mist, Rage, Razor Leaf, Rest, Rock Slide, Skull Bash, Solar Beam, Stomp, Strength, Substitute, Swords Dance, Take Down, Toxic
Stats: 60/100/85/85/100 (Mega Stats) Typing: Fighting/Psychic Movepool Changes: +Universals, -Reflect, -Counter Justification of Changes: Reflect might make it too hard to break on the physical side considering it has the same physical bulk as Starmie and recover. Removing counter also prevents Medicham from just cheesing a physical attacker.
Description: My attempt at making a good fighting type in RBY. Medicham is a fighting type without a psychic weakness. Although it's STABs are both resisted by Psychics, it's not completely inept defensively against them as opposed to other fighting types. Although it's not as strong as other fighting types, it's the second-bulkiest after Machamp, and recover gives it a lot more longevity. Meditate could also make it a dangerous sweeper if left unchecked.
Bide, Body Slam, Confusion, Double Team, Double-Edge, Dream Eater, Fire Punch, Flash, Headbutt, High Jump Kick,Hyper Beam, Ice Punch, Light Screen, Low Kick, Meditate, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome, Mimic, Night Shade, Psybeam, Psychic, Rage, Recover, Rest, Rock Slide, Seismic Toss, Strength, Substitute, Swift, Take Down, Thunder Punch, Toxic
Stats: 80/130/60/80/120
Typing: Fight-Poison
Movepool Changes: + Bide, + Mimic, + Toxic, +Double Kick, +Jump Kick, +Submission, +Sludge, -Fire Punch, -Rock Slide
Justification of Changes: First 3 moves are required. Next 4 are actual STABs, otherwise it would only have Low Kick. Fire Punch makes littler sense on this specific Mon, who comes from a cold region. Rock Slide makes more sense, but I wanted to keep it balanced and allow Reflect Articuno to somewhat check it.
Description: My goal was to make a Mon that viable used the Poison STAB, regarded as the worst typing in RBY, even though it only uses it for only one Mon (Exeggutor), unless we buff or get new viable Bugs (Bug is weak to Poison in Gen 1). Sneasler is incredibly fast, as fast as Alakazam. If it gets a free SD, it can sweep entire teams, at +2 these Mons die (some are just rolls) from Sludge, Hyper Beam or Jump Kick:
-Alakazam (Speedtie), Starmie (Hyperbeam roll), Tauros, Chansey, Snorlax (Jump Kick roll), Exeggutor, Dewgong, Flareon, Victreebel (Hyper beam roll), Lapras (Jump Kick roll), Jynx, Persian, Jolteon, Hypno (Hyper beam roll).
Sounds impressive and maybe, broken, right? However, it has big downsides. Defensively, Fight-Poison is terrible, Sneasler has big troubles setting up, Psychic from any Mon OHKOs it, Thunder Wave cripples it, a lucky Fire Blast burn absolutely destroys and Earthquake is a common move too. At the same time, at +0 it doesn,t OHKO anything, even Persian lives one Jump Kick from full. Even at +2, the mere existante of Gengar terrifies Sneasler, since its a full counter outside of Dig. Other than Gengar, Alakazam speedties, newly buffed Aerodactyl outspeeds and smashes hard with Drill Peck and EQ and Jolteon, while dies from +2 Hyper Beam, can at least paralyze Sneasler before that happens (or even put a surprise Reflect strat). Other Mons that survive +2 hits and are capable of either crippling or KOing Sneasler are:
-Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Aerodactyl (already mentioned), Slowbro, Cloyster (93% max damage), Rhydon (92% max damage, almost always OHKOs back), Golem (99% max damage, doesn,t OHKO back with EQ often from full, but does with Boom), Nidoqueen, Nidoking (I believe both to be viable with Lovely Kiss) and Machamp (newly buffed, has Glare and EQ).
So, all in all, Sneasler offers 2 unique typings and is a high risk, high reward Mon, destroying the most common OU Mons if they let him to set-up, but still with enough counterplay from lesser used Mons
Stats: 64/165/75/93/75
Typing: Ghost
Movepool Changes: +Bide, +Rage, +Lick, -Sword Dance
Justification of Changes: Required moves. Lick as only STAB that can also paralyze. SD would make it too strong.
Description: Since Parasect failed as submission, here is another Ghost that is not weak to Ground, but doesn,t resist it. With Mega Stats, while that Attack looks insane, it isn,t as strong as it looks. It does 2HKO Chansey with Double Edge + Hyper Beam, but that means it has 2 Normal Moves and it can,t do the same to Snorlax. Other than being a Physical breaker, it can attack from Special Stat too with Thunderbolt and Psychic or cripple something with Thunder Wave. The main 2 niches are:
1. Explosion absorber, while not being weak to EQ.
2. Para spreader that can 2HKO Chansey, preventing it from switching in. At the same time, Grounds like Nidoking won,t apreciate a Psychic or even strong normal Moves.
Rhydon on the other hand takes everything including Psychic easily from Banette and 2HKOs with EQ, so there is your full counter.
Stats: 75-95-95-95-85
Typing: Water-Dragon
Movepool Changes: +Haze, +Glare.
Justification of Changes: It learned Haze in GSC. It also learned Dragon Breath, so I decided to put Glare on it (a worse Thunder Wave).
Description: A new Dragon, without weaknesses. It doesn,t threaten many Mons offensively, but massively checks Fire Spin users and can also spread Para and heal undesirable ones (Chansey) with Haze. If Chansey falls and Kingdra has Rest, it can become a very annoying threat, since almost nothing 2HKOs it without fearing Paralisis. Haze also gives the nice of totally making Slowbro (and some other Amnesia users) useless.
Stats: 100/115/65/90/65
Typing: Fire-Bug
Movepool Changes: +Bide, +Mimic, +Toxic, +Rage, +Sword Dance, +Mega Drain, +Body Slam, +Pin Missile.
Justification of Changes: 3 obligatory Moves. It learns Coil, so SD is not that far from it, it doesn,t make it broken. Mega Drain cause it learns Grass moves already. Body Slam is a common move many Mons learn. Pin Missile is STAB.
Description: Wrap and Fire Spin were nerfed, but are probably still viable. This guy learns both. It absolutely needs paralysis Support to work, but once it gets it, it can get rolling. Apart from being a wrapper, it has a second niche of classical SD Sweeper, which still needs paralysis support. The Bug typing here prevents Centiskorch from being outclassed by faster (Ninetales, Rapidash) or more powerful (Flareon) fire types, since unlike them, its not weak to Ground. Like Moltres and Charizard, Centiskorch crumbles to a single Rock Slide, but unlike them, it resists Ice and is not weak to Electric, having this way a better match-up vs Chansey even when paralyzed. Psychic types might paralyze it, but fear STAB Pin Missile.
Typing: 70/65/80/125/65
Movepool Changes: +Bide, +Mimic, +Rage, +Toxic, +Psychic, +Agility, +Mega Drain, +Sleep Powder.
Justification of Changes: 80 Defense still makes it frail, but not paper frail. First 4 Moves are required. Frosmoth learns many support Psychic moves, so I gave him an offensive one, it makes sense. I didn,t want to give it Amnesia to replicate Quiver Dance, so Agility it is. Mega Drain cause it learns Giga Drain in later gens. Sleep Powder is similar enough to Stun Sporte.
Description: Frosmoth is a Status spreaded and Special sweeper. The Mon it can most compare itself to is Articuno, both learn Agility (or Reflect + Rest), both die from one Rock Slide (without Reflect) and even have the same Special. Still, Articuno being a legendary Mon, its better in every other Stat as a result. However, being a legendary Mon in RBY is both a blessing and a curse, so Frosmoth has a better offensive and support movepool, threatening the obvious Chansey counter with a Sleep Move and the obvious Starmie check with Stun Spore. Another advantage over Articuno is not being weak to Electric moves. This doesn,t work vs Zapdos, but does vs Jolteon and some new Electrics, should they become relevant. Unfortunately for Frosmoth, it can,t run more than 4 Moves, but until all of them are revealed, the opponent has to be careful instead of switching Chansey in.
Stats: 85-135-79-105-81
Typing: Bug-Fight
Movepool Changes: +Bide, +Toxic, +Rage, +Mimic, +Fire Blast, +Mega Drain, +Pin Missile
Justification of Changes: 4 obligatory moves. It learns lots of Fire Moves and becomes Volcarona in the future, so Fire Blast makes sense. It also learns Giga Drain, so Mega Drain it is. Pin Missile is STAB.
Description: Yes, I want relevant Bug Mons, so that Sneasler gets to use Sludge more often! Before you ask about the Stats, its a legendary Mon and has the same total as the legendary Birds, 485. This is a slow, mixed wallbreaker supposed to threaten almost everything with good coverage and high base power Moves. With Low Kick, it 2HKOs Chansey (though can,t do the same vs Tauros or Snorlax, even losing the 1 vs 1 to the former). With Pin Missile, it threatens Psychic (4 hits kill Egg, 5 kill Zam and Jynx), though Slowbro, Starmie and Hypno do survive this move. With Mega Drain, Rhydon (who lives 3 Low Kicks), can,t switch-in, with Fire Blast it damages Articuno a lot (though still loses the 1 vs 1 due to Cuno being faster). EQ doesn,t allow Gengar to be a counter, Stun Spore and Body Slam offer para. Despite the wide movepool, it can,t do everything at once and there will always be some Mon in the opposing team who can stop it, the most relevant being Zapdos, Moltres and Aerodactyl. Paralysis don,t frustrate this Mon too much, but it still doesn,t enjoy it. Overall, this is one of the Mons that have the widest movepools in RBY with high enough Stats, but not good enough typing (at least it resists Ground and Grass) to abuse it.
Stats: 65 / 108 / 65 / 108 / 75 Typing: Grass / Fire Movepool Changes: + Bide, Double-Edge Mimic, Rage, Toxic Justification of Changes: Universals. Double-Edge is a decent Normal attack with widespread distribution. Description: Scovillain is a Fire-type that can break Waters and Rocks thanks to its powerful STAB Razor Leaf and juicy Special which can be further bolstered with Growth. Unfortunately, it's pretty lacking in utility and its bulk and speed are nothing to write home about, but it's hard to argue with those Razor Leafs.
Bide, Bite, Double-Edge, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Growth, Headbutt, Hyper Beam, Leech Seed, Leer, Mimic, Rage, Razor Leaf, Rest, Solar Beam, Substitute, Take Down, Toxic
Stats: 90 / 100 / 90 / 90 / 55 Typing: Electric / Ice Movepool Changes: - Low Kick, Hydro Pump, + Bide, Mimic, Rage, Toxic Justification of Changes: Universals. Low Kick removed because it's a TM / tutor move that wouldn't be available and doesn't make much sense. Hydro Pump removed for the same reason. Description: Arctozolt is an Ice that breaks through Water-types with its Electric STAB, with the additional benefit of being able to spread paralysis both with Thunder Wave and Body Slam, and having great coverage for a gen 1 Pokémon between Rock Slide and Surf. Its stats are relatively average and its Speed is very poor, so it's pretty reliant on paralysis to perform well, and it lacks recovery so it's vulnerable to strong neutral hits.
Bide, Blizzard, Body Slam, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Rage, Rest, Rock Slide, Slam, Substitute, Surf, Thunder, Thunder Punch, Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Toxic
Stats: 78 / 92 / 75 / 63 / 118 Typing: Fighting / Flying Movepool Changes: + Bide, Mimic, Rage Justification of Changes: Universals. Description: Hawlucha has an incredible Speed stat and the best Fighting attack in the game in High Jump Kick, which gives it an identifiable niche as essentially a better Hitmonlee, with less raw strength but access to Swords Dance over Meditate, Agility in case of paralysis and to up its crit rate, Rock Slide to hit Ghost-types, an Earthquake immunity, and better (though still poor) bulk. Shame that Karate Chop is Normal, that would've made it really fun.
Agility, Bide, Body Slam, Cut, Dig, Double Team, Fire Punch, Fly, High Jump Kick, Hyper Beam, Karate Chop, Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Rage, Rest, Rock Slide, Sky Attack, Strength, Submission, Substitute, Swift, Swords Dance, Tackle, Take Down, Thunder Punch, Toxic, Wing Attack
Stats: 90 / 55 / 65 / 95 / 70 Typing: Rock / Psychic Movepool Changes: + Bide, Rage Justification of Changes: Universals. Description: A Psychic that resists Normal and has Hypnosis? Good thing its stats are relatively bad. Still, between Hypnosis, Psychic, Blizzard, and Explosion, Lunatone is pretty solid all-around and can offer decent role compression, lacking new Onix's raw numbers but with a bit more utility.
Movepool Changes: +Bide, Rage, Water Gun, Bubble Beam, -Body Slam. Justification of Changes: Gains universals, and also Water Gun and Bubble Beam from TM, since it can learn Brine in future gens. Removing BSlam so no way to threaten Para. Special is as low as it can be while still being able to hit 999 after 3 Amnesia boosts. It's been lowered from 81 so that Tauros has a possible 2HKO without a crit. It's attack has been bumped up to match its better Special Attack, so it can hit harder than a wet noodle before boosting. Description: Rock that takes neutral damage from Water, Ground and Grass, and also has an amazing Movepool with Wrap, Swords Dance, Amnesia, and RECOVER. Thanks to its defensive profile and access to recovery, it can switch into metagame threats like Snorlax, Taurus, Jolteon, etc, and pp stall out their best attacks, set up, then blast them into oblivion. Or, forgo boosting to wrap the foe and get a clean switch into an offensive threat.
While it has a lot of things going for it, its glacier like speed and Ice type weakness means that Tauros can break thru with Blizzard, especially with a crit. Amnesia can patch up that weakness, but it's Special movepool is very lacking, sporting Mega Drain/Bubble Beam with their Tiny BP as the most reliable options, as well as Solar Beam, Mimic, and Toxic for coverage. Rock Type TobyBro this aint.
Blizzard vs. : 165-194 (44 - 51.7%) -- 10% chance to 2HKO
+2 Graveler Hyper Beam vs. : 234-275 (66.2 - 77.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Ice Beam vs. : 171-202 (45.6 - 53.8%) -- 45.1% chance to 2HKO
+2 Hyper Beam vs. : 621-730 (88.3 - 103.8%) -- 25.6% chance to OHKO Ice Beam vs. : 125-148 (33.3 - 39.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
+6 Hyper Beam vs. through Reflect: 235-277 (44.9 - 52.9%) -- 27.7% chance to 2HKO Rolling Kick vs. : 159-188 (42.4 - 50.1%) -- 0.2% chance to 2HKO
+2 Hyper Beam vs. : 262-309 (68.4 - 80.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Drill Peck vs. : 81-96 (21.6 - 25.6%) -- 0.5% chance to 4HKO
+2 Rock Slide vs. : 377-444 (98.4 - 115.9%) -- 92.3% chance to OHKO Double Kick (2 hits) vs. on a critical hit: 136-160 (36.2 - 42.6%) -- approx. 3HKO
+2 Hyper Beam vs. : 311-366 (93.3 - 109.9%) -- 59% chance to OHKO Ice Punch vs. 156-184 (41.6 - 49%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
+2 Rock Slide vs. : 234-276 (72.4 - 85.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Acid, Amnesia, Barrier, Bide, Bind, Body Slam, Bubble Beam, Confuse Ray, Constrict, Dig, Double Team, Double-Edge, Earthquake, Flash, Headbutt, Hyper Beam, Leech Seed, Mega Drain, Mimic, Rage, Recover, Rest, Rock Slide, Solar Beam, Strength, String Shot, Substitute, Swords Dance, Toxic, Water Gun, Wrap,
Stats: 68/70/82/132/42 [394/526 BST] Typing:
Movepool Changes: +Bide, Rage, Mega Drain, Hyper Beam, Double Edge, Pin Missile Justification of Changes: Gains universals, and also Mega Drain since it can learn Giga Drain in future gens. Hyper Beam and Double Edge are very common among fully evolved Pokémon. Pin Missile as an option for Bug STAB, here because it learns a bunch of good bug moves in the real games. It's Special is its higher Sp. Defense stat, and does a good job of simulating the Water Bubble ability as much as possible in RBY. Defense has been reduced slightly to make it easier to break through pre Reflect. Description: A special TANK. It has a very unique defensive profile, that grants it resistance to Earthquake and Blizzard. Also has reflect to protect itself on the physical side. The most powerful unboosted special nuke in the game, Araquanid's Hydro Pump edges out Articuno's Blizzard dealing about 4% more damage on a neutral target.
Body Slam vs. 105-124 (30.9 - 36.5%) -- 66.4% chance to 3HKO Hyper Beam vs. 184-217 (54.2 - 64%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Hydro Pump vs. 197-232 (55.8 - 65.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Thunderbolt vs. 119-140 (35.1 - 41.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO Hydro Pump vs. 151-178 (21.4 - 25.3%) -- 0.1% chance to 4HKO Body Slam vs. : 112-132 (33 - 38.9%) -- 99.9% chance to 3HKO Hydro Pump vs. 205-241 (39.1 - 46%) -- guaranteed 3HKO Psychic vs. : 81-96 (23.8 - 28.3%) -- 96% chance to 4HKO Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 150-180 (46.4 - 55.7%) -- approx. 69% chance to 2HKO (about 9 or 10 total hits) Psychic vs. : 95-112 (28 - 33%) -- guaranteed 4HKO Blizzard vs. 180-212 (45.8 - 53.9%) -- 47.1% chance to 2HKO Pin Missile (3 hits) vs. 183-216 (46.5 - 54.9%) -- approx. 64.8% chance to 2HKO (needs between 6-8 hits) Explosion vs. : 274-323 (80.8 - 95.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Thunder Punch vs. : 112-132 (33 - 38.9%) -- 99.9% chance to 3HKO Pin Missile (3 hits) vs. 120-144 (38.3 - 46%) -- approx. 3HKO (about 8 total hits) Hydro Pump vs. 127-150 (40.5 - 47.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Movepool Changes: +Bide, +Rage, +Dig Justification of Changes: Psychic replacing Dark, since it foresees natural disasters. Ground because it Predicts Earthquakes (but doesn't learn the move because it doesn't cause quakes). Special is Sp Def +10 so it doesn't auto lose to anything with Ice moves. Gains Universals. Description: A mixed Wallbreaker with TWave that is also immune to electric. Can cut through Reflect with a Slash that is on par with Persian's. (on pur?) plays sorta like a Kingler that trades Crab Hammer away for TWave and Electric immunity. Or a Persian that Trades away a bunch of speed and Amnisia for SD, TWave and Electric immunity.
Body Slam vs. 125-148 (37.5 - 44.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO Blizzard vs. 153-180 (45.9 - 54%) -- 49.2% chance to 2HKO Hyper Beam vs. 222-261 (66.6 - 78.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 Hyper Beam vs. 268-315 (75.9 - 89.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Slash vs. on a critical hit: 323-380 (45.9 - 54%) -- 50% chance to 2HKO
+2 Hyper Beam vs. 712-837 (101.2 - 119%) -- guaranteed OHKO Ice Beam vs. 158-186 (47.4 - 55.8%) -- 80.9% chance to 2HKO
+2 Hyper Beam vs. 337-397 (64.4 - 75.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Body Slam vs. 135-159 (40.5 - 47.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO Hyper Beam vs. 237-279 (71.1 - 83.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Ice Punch vs. 149-176 (44.7 - 52.8%) -- 25.6% chance to 2HKO Slash vs. on a critical hit: 186-219 (59.4 - 69.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Ice Punch vs. 144-170 (43.2 - 51%) -- 4.1% chance to 2HKO Psychic vs. 148-174 (45.8 - 53.8%) -- 44.8% chance to 2HKO Blizzard vs. 246-290 (59.5 - 70.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Psychic vs. 138-163 (33.4 - 39.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO Earthquake vs. 178-210 (53.4 - 63%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Pin Missile (3 hits) vs. 69-84 (20.7 - 25.2%) -- approx. 0% chance to 4HKO Slash vs. on a critical hit: 162-191 (48.6 - 57.3%) -- 95.3% chance to 2HKO
Movepool Changes: +Bide, +Rage, +Drill Peck, +Double Edge, +Focus Energy, -Swords Dance, -Solar Beam, -Fire Spin Justification of Changes: Special is equal to its higher Sp Attack. Gains Universals, Drill Peck for physical STAB, and Double Edge since it uses recoil moves in the regular games. I'm buffing its base speed by 2 points and giving it Focus Energy so it can have 100% Crit Rate. GF used to be weird about giving Flying types SD, and giving Fire types Solar Beam, so I'm taking those away. Removing Fire Spin to differentiate it from Moltres more, (also 100% Crit PT seems like a bit much). Description: Revenge Killer/Cleaner with Focus Energy. Has a slightly better time against Rock types than Zapdos does, as Fire Blast Crit is a 3HKO, and it can burn them; however it does take 68% minimum from a Burned Rhydon's Rock Slide sooo...
Fire Blast vs. on a critical hit: 261-307 (73.9 - 86.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Drill Peck vs. on a critical hit: 153-180 (43.3 - 50.9%) -- 3.5% chance to 2HKO Blizzard vs. : 168-198 (46.7 - 55.1%) -- 70.6% chance to 2HKO Hyper Beam vs. : 199-235 (55.4 - 65.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Hyper Beam vs. on a critical hit: 505-594 (71.8 - 84.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Drill Peck vs. on a critical hit: 404-475 (57.4 - 67.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Ice Beam vs. 173-204 (48.1 - 56.8%) -- 91.5% chance to 2HKO Fire Blast vs. on a critical hit: 273-321 (52.1 - 61.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Ice Beam vs. 127-150 (35.3 - 41.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO Hyper Beam vs. : 212-250 (59 - 69.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Fire Blast vs. on a critical hit: 354-416 (90 - 105.8%) -- 38.5% chance to OHKO Drill Peck vs. on a critical hit: 328-386 (83.4 - 98.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Psychic vs. : 138-163 (38.4 - 45.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO Hyper Beam vs. on a critical hit: 204-240 (63.1 - 74.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Blizzard vs. : 211-248 (58.7 - 69%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Hyper Beam vs. on a critical hit: 291-342 (92.9 - 109.2%) -- 56.4% chance to OHKO Psychic vs. : 148-174 (41.2 - 48.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO Fire Blast vs. on a critical hit: 165-194 (39.9 - 46.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
burned Rock Slide vs. : 245-288 (68.2 - 80.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Agility, Bide, Double Edge, Double Team, Drill Peck, Ember, Fire Blast, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Fly, Focus Energy, Growl, Hyper Beam, Peck, Quick Attack, Razor Wind, Rest, Solar Beam, Substitute, Swift, Swords Dance, Tackle, Take Down, Toxic
Stats: 65 / 108 / 65 / 108 / 75 Typing: Grass / Fire Movepool Changes: + Bide, Double-Edge Mimic, Rage, Toxic Justification of Changes: Universals. Double-Edge is a decent Normal attack with widespread distribution. Description: Scovillain is a Fire-type that can break Waters and Rocks thanks to its powerful STAB Razor Leaf and juicy Special which can be further bolstered with Growth. Unfortunately, it's pretty lacking in utility and its bulk and speed are nothing to write home about, but it's hard to argue with those Razor Leafs.
Bide, Bite, Double-Edge, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Growth, Headbutt, Hyper Beam, Leech Seed, Leer, Mimic, Rage, Razor Leaf, Rest, Solar Beam, Substitute, Take Down, Toxic
Stats: 90 / 100 / 90 / 90 / 55 Typing: Electric / Ice Movepool Changes: - Low Kick, Hydro Pump, + Bide, Mimic, Rage, Toxic Justification of Changes: Universals. Low Kick removed because it's a TM / tutor move that wouldn't be available and doesn't make much sense. Hydro Pump removed for the same reason. Description: Arctozolt is an Ice that breaks through Water-types with its Electric STAB, with the additional benefit of being able to spread paralysis both with Thunder Wave and Body Slam, and having great coverage for a gen 1 Pokémon between Rock Slide and Surf. Its stats are relatively average and its Speed is very poor, so it's pretty reliant on paralysis to perform well, and it lacks recovery so it's vulnerable to strong neutral hits.
Bide, Blizzard, Body Slam, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Rage, Rest, Rock Slide, Slam, Substitute, Surf, Thunder, Thunder Punch, Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Toxic
Stats: 78 / 92 / 75 / 63 / 118 Typing: Fighting / Flying Movepool Changes: + Bide, Mimic, Rage Justification of Changes: Universals. Description: Hawlucha has an incredible Speed stat and the best Fighting attack in the game in High Jump Kick, which gives it an identifiable niche as essentially a better Hitmonlee, with less raw strength but access to Swords Dance over Meditate, Agility in case of paralysis and to up its crit rate, Rock Slide to hit Ghost-types, an Earthquake immunity, and better (though still poor) bulk. Shame that Karate Chop is Normal, that would've made it really fun.
Agility, Bide, Body Slam, Cut, Dig, Double Team, Fire Punch, Fly, High Jump Kick, Hyper Beam, Karate Chop, Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Rage, Rest, Rock Slide, Sky Attack, Strength, Submission, Substitute, Swift, Swords Dance, Tackle, Take Down, Thunder Punch, Toxic, Wing Attack
Stats: 90 / 55 / 65 / 95 / 70 Typing: Rock / Psychic Movepool Changes: + Bide, Rage Justification of Changes: Universals. Description: A Psychic that resists Normal and has Hypnosis? Good thing its stats are relatively bad. Still, between Hypnosis, Psychic, Blizzard, and Explosion, Lunatone is pretty solid all-around and can offer decent role compression, lacking new Onix's raw numbers but with a bit more utility.
Type: Normal/Flying
Stats: 65/75/85/105/40 (+10 HP, +35 Attack)
New Moves: Wing Attack, Ice Beam, Body Slam, Thunder Wave, Soft-Boiled, Rage, Toxic, Double-Edge, Mimic, Bide
Removed Moves: None
Justification of Changes: I gave it more attack so it can actually use it's STABs, mainly normal moves (The flying type is basically used mostly for Defense.) It also has a Special Stat equivalent to it's special defense. Body slam is a good normal stab, Ice Beam gives it more coverage and has funny interactions with Fire Blast, Thunder Wave is a move Togetic has in later gens, and Wing Attack gives it more stab (Even if said stab hits as hard as a damp tissue). Soft-Boiled is a move it gets in gen 3. The Rest are just Universal moves.
Description: Why has no one done this already? Basically, it's a bootleg Chansey that takes Physical Moves less terribly, using it's defensive typing to it's advantage. It's mainly a status spreader, spreading Paralysis with T-wave, and spreading burns with Fire Blast.
Stats: 70/70/70/95/95 (+10 to all stats.)
New Moves: Lick, Double Edge, Bide, Toxic, Rage, Mimic
Removed Moves: None
Justification of Changes: Slight Stat buffs because it's not really doing much without the utility it has in gen 2. The rest are just universal moves. I gave it lick...Not like it would use it anyways, but it's ghost stab. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Description: A Pure Ghost type goes especially hard in gen 1. It's been modified since it doesn't have the gen 2 utility it loved using. It still has hypnosis and decent coverage, but it's still out preformed by Gengar, who's just an overall better ghost. Also, if you wanna be a crackhead, screech+lick could potentially be really funny.
Type: Normal
Stats: 255/85/125/10/55 (Stats Shuffled around and removed 10 defense in exchange for 10 extra Attack)
New Moves: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Double Edge, Bide, Toxic, Rage, Mimic
Removed Moves: None
Justification of Changes: Physical Coverage that the Chansey line has in later gens that's never been usable...Until now. Please note that Chansey will also get these moves if this sub wins (which is highly unlikely), but they shouldn't be a problem, given Chansey's non-existant Attack stat.
Description: I regret absolutely nothing at the time of making this. This was made as a reverse Chansey and I could see this being either incredibly strong, or incredibly terrible. But hey, at least it's somewhat better at using recoil moves and has nice newfound coverage.
Stats: 70/70/70/95/95 (+10 to all stats.)
New Moves: Lick, Double Edge, Bide, Toxic, Rage, Mimic
Removed Moves: None
Justification of Changes: Slight Stat buffs because it's not really doing much without the utility it has in gen 2. The rest are just universal moves. I gave it lick...Not like it would use it anyways, but it's ghost stab. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Description: A Pure Ghost type goes especially hard in gen 1. It's been modified since it doesn't have the gen 2 utility it loved using. It still has hypnosis and decent coverage, but it's still out preformed by Gengar, who's just an overall better ghost. Also, if you wanna be a crackhead, screech+lick could potentially be really funny.
Type: Normal
Stats: 255/85/125/10/55 (Stats Shuffled around and removed 10 defense in exchange for 10 extra Attack)
New Moves: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Double Edge, Bide, Toxic, Rage, Mimic
Removed Moves: None
Justification of Changes: Physical Coverage that the Chansey line has in later gens that's never been usable...Until now. Please note that Chansey will also get these moves if this sub wins (which is highly unlikely), but they shouldn't be a problem, given Chansey's non-existant Attack stat.
Description: I regret absolutely nothing at the time of making this. This was made as a reverse Chansey and I could see this being either incredibly strong, or incredibly terrible. But hey, at least it's somewhat better at using recoil moves and has nice newfound coverage.
I would find some ways to give it some utility, because otherwise its just a damage sponge right now. Stat increase isn't advised as you run the risk of powercreeping Gengar.
The instructions were to adapt, not overhaul, and so the Blissey is vetoed on that ground.
Movepool Changes: +Bide, Rage, Justification of Changes: Universals. Description: Lanturn possesses one of the better gen 1 moves in amnesia. Like some sort of bro-lite, this allows it to be an effective late game sweeper, albeit with worse stats. Lanturn makes up for it with its great electric typing, letting it threaten pokemon like Starmie and also win the set up war versus opposing Slowbros, Dewgongs or Vaporeons and also granting it access to a strong Bolt Beam. It also has a better speed stat than bro, outspeeding Exeggutor most notably. Like Slowbro, it also has access to Thunder Wave, making physical threats like Persian or Tauros think twice before trying to face it. It's weakness lie in its somewhat flimsy bulk (at least compared to other set up monsters) and its pretty laughable unboosted SpA stat, which makes it difficult for it to get the ball going. But if you find the right opportunity, Lanturn could prove devastating.
Typing: Fire/Water
Movepool Changes: +Universals +Surf, +Water Gun, -Rock Throw
Justification: Universal, Adds new stabs
BST: 60/50/120/100/30 +10 Sp. Atk -> Special
Description: With it’s Special boost, Magcargo can become a really good defensive threat, with access to Amnesia, Toxic, and Recover, Macargo can now fit well into defensive teams, however, it did have a poor defensive typing so I changed rock to water. The flavor reason was I imagined a volcanic island for Magcargo, like Volcanion. Also, Magcargo, like doesn’t exist in Gen 2, so the “Fire/Rock” version almost like debuted in Gen 3.
Type: Bug/Poison
Movepool Changes: +Universals, +Twineedle, +Sludge
Justification: Universals, good STABs…
BST: 70/90/70/70/70 (+30 speed)
Description: Ariados had potential to be a solid physical attacker, but it is SO SLOW, so I gave it plus +30 speed to make it okay… Spinarak and Ariados are found a lot in Johto at night, and there isn’t Day/Night in Gen 1 so I think they could fit well here.
I do understand neither of these will probably be accepted lol
Typing: Water
Movepool Changes: +Universals
Justification: Universals
BST: 100/50/80/80/50
Description: Azu is only good with huge power, but I think it could be a good special attacker with a really solid Water typing, also Marill was in the Gen 1 anime, so it makes sense for it to be here
regional fakes
Typing: Grass/Ground
Movepool Changes: +universals -spore
Justification: universals
BST: 80/70/65/120/100
Description: Regional fake of Tentacreul, it’s speed and SpAtk are super good, but it’s Movepool, is not as good…it has the powders and wrap which gives it good defensive utility
Typing: Water
Movepool Changes: +universals
BST: 35/100/50/70/120
Description: Regional fake, really fast and strong physical attacker, stabs are useless tho, I’m chucking subs at this point lmao
Subs are closed and we move onto a 24 hour veto phase.
Other than the Blissey I already mentioned, there is one other veto I need to make.
regional fakes
Typing: Grass/Ground
Movepool Changes: +universals, +razor leaf
Justification: universals, STAB
BST: 80/70/65/120/100
Description: Regional fake of Tentacreul, it’s speed and SpAtk are super good, but it’s Movepool, is not as good…it has the powders and wrap which gives it good defensive utility
Kanto Expansion Pak shows Toedscruel is likely Ubers in base RBY and even in our meta with nerfed sleep, it likely still invalidates Jynx and Alakazam as leads. The Razor Leaf off of this is exceptionally strong (stronger than Alakazam Psychic). I'm really not comfortable having this in the format for these reasons and would suggest more alterations, likely removing sleep and razor leaf from it.
Toedscruel is a legal sub again, but Blissey is not.
There are 42 legal subs (assuming I counted right) and you can rank as many of them you want in a ranked choice ballot. Voting will likely end in the new year.
Great Tier
1. Talonflame: Moltres is my child and I love fast moltres that crits every turn, removing fire spin is the single-best decision you could have made and that's why this is #1. Balanced by the fact that it (effectively) can't crit after a focus energy
2. Sneasler: I want a good fighting type part 1
3. Medicham: I want a good fighting type part 2
5. Abomasnow: See Above Good Tier
6. Wyrdeer: Seems like a fun addition, psychic type with paraslam immunity is cool
7. Braviary-Hisui: I like this one, psychic type that sacrifices recovery for a chance to break through chansey
8. Absol: Cool mon, love how you adapted the typing
9. Latias: Fun addition, lack of twave and worse typing might make it struggle compared to alakazam and starmie tho
10. Houndstone: Seems like a fun addition, low special and speed balances it
11. Shiinotic: I'm a fan of "parasect but actually good" part 1
12. Breloom: I'm a fan of "parasect but actually good" part 2, and I want a good fighting type part 3
14. Lanturn: Amnesia done right, I like it Mid Tier
15. Araquanid: worried about it possibly being immortal with reflect but it would be cool to see
16. Armaldo: Kabutops done right
17. Centiskorch: Mediocre Bug-Type SD users go in the middle of the list
18.Lunatone: Just seems pretty mediocre
19. Skeledirge: Not a fan of having such a bulky ghost type, even with the bad secondary typing
20. Smeargle: Fun option, but there aren't many good utility moves in rby, will probably run something like agiliwrap twave spore
21. Azumarill (Skipper): The more balanced of the two azu subs
22. Arctozolt: I just don't see a reason to use this tbh
23. Piloswine: Cool Typing, just worried it might displace Rhydon
24. Frosmoth: This is like if Veomoth and Slowbro had a child, i'm scared of this Bad Tier
25. Slither Wing: I'm just not a fan of this concept tbh
26. Coalossal: This just seems... very bad
27. Togetic: Nobody has done this already because it's a bad idea lol, we don't need a physically defensive chansey
28. Golisopod: Might be too bulky
29. Banette: A para spreader that beats the main para absorber is too powerful imo
30. Kingdra: This is just Seadra with a worse typing and glare lol
31. Misdreavus: This will probably just end up becoming a better gengar, even with the lower special and speed. Not having a posion typing is HUGE.
32. Toedscruel: This looks like it just exists to spam wrap
33. Kwalf: Just seems like bad kabutopsw
34. Ariados: This is probably as good in gen 1 as it is in modern gens (spolier alert: not good!) Broken Tier
35. Azumarill (Turtlek): An amnesia user with 149 base attack to break through chansey and starmie is dumb
36. Kartana: This is Broken lol, go on the damage calc if you don't believe me
37. Serperior: This one should burn, 113 base speed, paralysis, and wrap. No
38. Wugtrio: If you thought 113 base speed wrap is bad, wait until you see 120. A garbage mon that just exists to wrap things
39. Magcargo: Amnesia + Recover is stupidly broken. Probably the weakest of the three, so most balanced as a result?
40. Cradily: Amnesia + Recover
41. Gastrodon: Amnesia + Recover Lol Tier
42. Shedinja: This literally walls nothing except icebeam-less Snorlax. Porygon does the job better