[Gen 9] Do Not Use Fall Seasonal ($25 prize pool) - won by shreyashhy!

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act wins posted granted. hsbt and tick_tackplayz get act calls. tji69 vs zayda gets an extension, ttk gets flip.


will get next round up shortly :D
Do Not Use Fall Seasonal -- Round 4

Tji69 vs zaydapoketrainer

shreyashhy  vs  RILEYPIKMIN09
binary search  vs  Gekokeso
Silver Trogdorf  vs  AnnadeNeko
adpg.2007  vs  Sir Tetris
teal6  vs  CoruptedUsername
Zpice  vs  JeoZ
Chazz Princeton  vs  Shrinn
Alon Guy Person  vs  DontMindMe

Charliezard7  vs  HSBT
cyclonez_  vs  tick_tackplayz
lou dort  vs  woo
M0onStarr  vs  Wildfiree
Mushroomtester  vs  zaydapoketrainer
Theycallmephil  vs  Cao Jie
Shivam_Z  vs  TTK
Darthus  vs  zxgzxg

Extension is due Thursday at 11:59 AM GMT-6. Rest of games are due at Sunday, November 24th at 11:59 PM GMT-6. Use the challenge code and save replays! Good luck!
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Opponent hasn’t been on since Saturday my time which is almost a week. Tried to schedule in their wall Tuesday proof is there. Calling act work both days this weekend
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