[Gen 9] Do Not Use Fall Seasonal ($25 prize pool) - won by shreyashhy!

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all act calls granted, moon vs wildfire given extension

Do Not Use Fall Seasonal -- Round 5
Winner's bracket on bye.
M0onStarr vs Wildfiree

adpg.2007  vs  Mushroomtester
woo  vs  binary search
teal6  vs  Theycallmephil
Zpice  vs  Alon Guy Person (won per #101)
tick_tackplayz  vs  Shrinn
M0onStarr  vs  AnnadeNeko
Charliezard7  vs  RILEYPIKMIN09
Darthus  vs  Shivam_Z

Extension game is due Wednesday 11:59 PM, looks like y'all have a time which is great. For everyone else, games are due Sunday, December 1st at 11:59 PM GMT-6. Remember to post replays.

Please use the challenge code, but be aware that (as brought to my attention this week) that the challenge code isn't perfect due to a quirk in how "-all Pokemon" is handled, meaning that Pokemon not in the Paldea Dex validate under it. I am attempting to figure out a solution to this, but double check that the Pokemon you are trying to use are legal. If you're uncertain about something, feel free to ask!
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Opp gave me win. Proof on my wall
Apologies for the delay getting this out, this has been a hectic week for me, the deadline for Round 6 will be extended as such.

One flip: teal6 > phil. All other act calls granted

Do Not Use Fall Seasonal -- Round 6

CoruptedUsername  vs  shreyashhy
Chazz Princeton  vs  Silver Trogdorf
Gekokeso  vs  JeoZ
DontMindMe  vs  Sir Tetris

Shivam_Z  vs  M0onStarr
Charliezard7  vs  binary search
adpg.2007  vs  teal6
Shrinn  vs  Zpice

Games are due Sunday, December 15th at 11:59 PM GMT-6. Remember to post replays.

Going to copy-paste this warning from last week as well:
Please use the challenge code, but be aware that that the challenge code isn't perfect due to a quirk in how "-all Pokemon" is handled, meaning that Pokemon not in the Paldea Dex validate under it. I am attempting to figure out a solution to this, but double check that the Pokemon you are trying to use are legal. If you're uncertain about something, feel free to ask!
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As it stands, calling act as opp has been a no show for 30 mins. Will update this msg if we schedule a formal time and play

Update: Opponent still hasn't arranged a formal time after being explicitly told if they would like to schedule they'd need to submit a formal time. Therefore, act claim will stand. Proof on Shrinn's profile
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Sorry for the delay in getting this round out, finals kicked my ass this year. But now we move!

Do Not Use Fall Seasonal -- Round 7
Winners are on bye this week. Enjoy!

Zpice  vs  Gekokeso
Charliezard7  vs  CoruptedUsername
M0onStarr  vs  Chazz Princeton
teal6  vs  DontMindMe

Games are due Sunday, December 22th at 11:59 PM GMT-6. Remember to post replays.

Please use the challenge code, but be aware that that the challenge code isn't perfect due to a quirk in how "-all Pokemon" is handled, meaning that Pokemon not in the Paldea Dex validate under it. I am attempting to figure out a solution to this, but double check that the Pokemon you are trying to use are legal. If you're uncertain about something, feel free to ask!
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