[Gen 9] Do Not Use Fall Seasonal ($25 prize pool) - won by shreyashhy!

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Do Not Use Fall Seasonal -- Round 8
Zpice  vs  Gekokeso
M0onStarr  vs  Chazz Princeton

JeoZ  vs  Sir Tetris
shreyashhy  vs  Silver Trogdorf

DontMindMe  vs  Zpice
M0onStarr  vs  Charliezard7

Games are due Sunday, December 29th at 11:59 PM GMT-6. Extensions are due Thursday, December 26th at 11:59 PM GMT-6 (one extra day in case people don't want to play on Christmas :P). Remember to post replays. Good luck!

Please use the challenge code, but be aware that that the challenge code isn't perfect due to a quirk in how "-all Pokemon" is handled, meaning that Pokemon not in the Paldea Dex validate under it. Please double check that the Pokemon you are trying to use are legal. If you're uncertain about something, feel free to ask!
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Since we're done with round 8 already, merry late Christmas, here's the round 9 matchups!

Do Not Use Fall Seasonal -- Round 9
Winners are on bye.

Sir Tetris  vs  shreyashhy
Zpice  vs  Charliezard7

Games are due Sunday, January 5th at 11:59 PM GMT-6. Remember to post replays. Good luck!

Please use the challenge code, but be aware that that the challenge code isn't perfect due to a quirk in how "-all Pokemon" is handled, meaning that Pokemon not in the Paldea Dex validate under it. Please double check that the Pokemon you are trying to use are legal. If you're uncertain about something, feel free to ask!
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that was fast

Do Not Use Fall Seasonal -- Round 10

Winner's finals:

JeoZ vs Silver Trogdorf

Zpice vs shreyashhy

Games are due Sunday, January 5th at 11:59 PM GMT-6, which is the same deadline as last round but we had a two-day round so we're just ahead of schedule :boi: Remember to post replays. Good luck!

Please use the challenge code, but be aware that that the challenge code isn't perfect due to a quirk in how "-all Pokemon" is handled, meaning that Pokemon not in the Paldea Dex validate under it. Please double check that the Pokemon you are trying to use are legal. If you're uncertain about something, feel free to ask!
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forgot to post next round mb

Round 11:
Loser's finals!

JeoZ vs shreyashhy

Due to this supposed to have been posted on Monday before the suspect test was completed, Shedinja is legal in this round (but I would endorse a Shedinja ban gentleman to go with new rules). At this point just play your games, not gonna put a hard deadline on it. Good luck you two!
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won in 2 very competitive sets. ggs
Set 1
Game 1: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9nationaldexubers-2281678222-2ahpnujmxhiy26e70dxmx5gfg9tb3u5pw
Game 2: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9nationaldexubers-2281681806-45ncufvq62d6u3auadj7fwaj0fnyepfpw
Game 3: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9nationaldexubers-2281688925-nps1ypyitlxfcvkgv88g6b8ufvcj41epw

Set 2
Game 1: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9nationaldexubers-2281696692-2orb0by5fwnpdw1rua905qex7q7xduwpw
Game 2: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9nationaldexubers-2281701411-emzuws4xf08jrcewp7xk1i1fzlsabpepw
Game 3: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9nationaldexubers-2281706571-qrbdg0f2f6vitvbc2jglv8yn0h8eaympw

S/O to Zpice for the Rattata-A Maku balance team, it went 2-0 and put in work. This community's been super welcoming and fun to be a part of and I couldn't have had a better introduction to DNU than this tournament. Ty cyclonez_ for putting the tournament together as well as various folks in the Discord that helped me test my teams. (mainly yven CoruptedUsername Mushroomtester ) Been an honor folks.
(P.S. I'd like my $25 in Hawkcoin if that's cool...)
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