With the release of generation 9 ORAS OU is no longer in any official individual tournament. This gen gets a lot of shit because not many people play it and are not good at it so I read a lot of people saying they’re happy to see it go. No individual representation for a tier in an official team tour is pretty shit as this can really limit the options someone has to prove themselves worth a chance in SPL. I don’t know how to mess with the tours and get a positive outcome like other posts have mentioned so I will keep it simple with two options.
I like this option, all three gens are relatively similar and the learning curve between them is marginal. Keeps it simple for newer players trying to find their footing in fairy gens, don’t know how this would be handled for future generation releases though. Keep gens 4 and 5 in classic. Don’t see why this is so unfavorable.
I’ve seen this talked about and it feels to me like the only reasoning behind it is “Slam did it, why can’t Classic?”. I’m no expert on any of the old generation OUs, given I’ve only played 1 of them a small amount, but I watch a lot of SPL / cup / classic and I can’t help but feel that ORAS doesn’t fit in with those generations at all. The learning curve between BW and ORAS is already big enough -- but the differences between gen 6 and any of the first 4 generations is even more substantial. I look at the qualifiers for classic in recent years and see it's primarily players who (no shit) play the older generations of OU. However, none of them even dabble in gen 6. If I am being generous I would say at most half of the players that qualified for the more recent editions are capable of winning an oras game vs some of the consistent qualifiers that play in ORAS. Just look at the people who do well in classic, apart from the obvious all-around big names like ABR / SoulWind, and see if you can envision them playing an official game of ORAS let alone taking that generation off of someone who plays the tier. Aside from this I find a 6 slot individual tour undesirable nor am I a fan of axing a tier that’s been in classic since it began in favor of another gen.
The talk of what to do for future generations can wait until they become the current gen since this bridge is being crossed now. Thank you for reading.
- Change one of the two smogtours to 6/7/8 (spring > fall would make more sense given it’s right as spl is ending)
I like this option, all three gens are relatively similar and the learning curve between them is marginal. Keeps it simple for newer players trying to find their footing in fairy gens, don’t know how this would be handled for future generation releases though. Keep gens 4 and 5 in classic. Don’t see why this is so unfavorable.
- Format Classic like how Slam XI was formatted with ORAS as the 6th tier (or remove rby and keep 5 tiers)
I’ve seen this talked about and it feels to me like the only reasoning behind it is “Slam did it, why can’t Classic?”. I’m no expert on any of the old generation OUs, given I’ve only played 1 of them a small amount, but I watch a lot of SPL / cup / classic and I can’t help but feel that ORAS doesn’t fit in with those generations at all. The learning curve between BW and ORAS is already big enough -- but the differences between gen 6 and any of the first 4 generations is even more substantial. I look at the qualifiers for classic in recent years and see it's primarily players who (no shit) play the older generations of OU. However, none of them even dabble in gen 6. If I am being generous I would say at most half of the players that qualified for the more recent editions are capable of winning an oras game vs some of the consistent qualifiers that play in ORAS. Just look at the people who do well in classic, apart from the obvious all-around big names like ABR / SoulWind, and see if you can envision them playing an official game of ORAS let alone taking that generation off of someone who plays the tier. Aside from this I find a 6 slot individual tour undesirable nor am I a fan of axing a tier that’s been in classic since it began in favor of another gen.
The talk of what to do for future generations can wait until they become the current gen since this bridge is being crossed now. Thank you for reading.