Gyms (in theory.)

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I have this cool idea that might work. So here it is: We all have gone on the same quest to defeat all eight gym leaders and defeat the elite four. My proposition is that we have one gym specializing in every type. So, a fire gym for example, would be able to use any fire type pokemon. Any pokemon that has the fire type, so Arcanine, a pure fire type, is usable, obviously. Also dual fire types are usable, like Charizard, Blaziken, etc. And secondary typings of the gym are also usable, such as Houndoom. A gym would consist of five permanent members ranking from 5-2 and leader. I don't know how you'd find the members of the gym, but it would most likely involve battling to find the top five players in each type. Also, pokemon that used to be a type of the gym, but are no longer are not allowed. Thus, Drapion is unusable in the bug gym. Each gym could have seperate rules, like double battles, sudden death (only one pokemon each), three pokmeon, etc. For battles, any pokemon of the gym's type are usable, except Ubers. For the challenger, all pokemon are allowed, but no Ubers as well. The rules are subject to change based on the decision of the gym leader. I'm not sure if this would work, but I hope you will take it into consideration.
So you'd say we pick 5 people, 1 being the leader of them, using monotype-teams and rules of their choice, and then others try to beat these 5?

If that's what you mean, I'd also be interested in something like this, but I doubt it will happen.
Well, there would be a competition hosted for a membership in the gym. The competition rules would be that only pokemon of that gyms type are usable. And no Ubers. The top five of the competitors would become the gym. In rank, of course. The challenger would be permitted to use any types they wish. The challenger would have to beat each member to move on. The challenger will be awarded a badge for every gym they succesfully complete. Also, to conserve time of the gym leaders, there will be a limit of challenges per day. The gym leaders can cancel challenges at any time.
I have this cool idea that might work. So here it is: We all have gone on the same quest to defeat all eight gym leaders and defeat the elite four. My proposition is that we have one gym specializing in every type. So, a fire gym for example, would be able to use any fire type pokemon. Any pokemon that has the fire type, so Arcanine, a pure fire type, is usable, obviously. Also dual fire types are usable, like Charizard, Blaziken, etc. And secondary typings of the gym are also usable, such as Houndoom. A gym would consist of five permanent members ranking from 5-2 and leader. I don't know how you'd find the members of the gym, but it would most likely involve battling to find the top five players in each type. Also, pokemon that used to be a type of the gym, but are no longer are not allowed. Thus, Drapion is unusable in the bug gym. Each gym could have seperate rules, like double battles, sudden death (only one pokemon each), three pokmeon, etc. For battles, any pokemon of the gym's type are usable, except Ubers. For the challenger, all pokemon are allowed, but no Ubers as well. The rules are subject to change based on the decision of the gym leader. I'm not sure if this would work, but I hope you will take it into consideration.

Man, it's far too easy to prepare a fight against someone when you know which kind of types will he use. Even if you are some sort of God of Pokémon battling, there's no way you can win with a mono-Ice team when your opponent knows it and brings on a full battery of Infernape, Lucario, Scizor etc. Unless you give the chance of a wildcard AND force also the opponent into some kind of restriction (for example, using a mono-type team as well), there's no way this thing could be even remotely competitive. And, EVEN THEN, knowing that your opponent uses a mono-type team and which type it is gives you a huge advantage no matter what.
Yeah, good point. I agree that the challenger should be restricted to that as well. So the rules applied to the gym leader are applied to the challenger.
Oh, I just read the box guidelines. This would benefit Smogon by introducing a whole new element of battling strategies. It would also help users gain battling experience and understand these types much more.
Oh, I just read the box guidelines. This would benefit Smogon by introducing a whole new element of battling strategies. It would also help users gain battling experience and understand these types much more.

In that light, this would be good for newer players to learn some of this metagame, and try to fight something that uses certain strategies, since reading wont teach you absolutely everything. (Maybe this could be included in Battling 101, for players who are completely new to competitive fighting.)
Monotype teams don't work in theory or in fact. Really, we COULD have Gyms that aren't monotype, and just have people with great battling records with regular teams as Gym leaders, it doesn't really matter if we're in-game accurate or not, does it?
I'd rather like an innacurate Challenge than pathetic, yet accurate fight.
I think this is a good idea but I think players shouldn't be allowed to change their team after playing the first gym. While the Elite Four can use any Pokes.
Actually that was one of my considerations. So they'd have to stick with the same team, so it would be like in one of the pokemon games. It would be an excellent way to test how your team handles different threats. And no, I had no idea that existed. I'll have to try it though. Do they do shoddy, netbattle, or regualr DS friend codes?
This'll probably put people off, but I took part in something like this on serebii in the NetBattle days, and it worked pretty well. The only problem was, I had a dozen people wanting to challenge me everytime I went online, and if I was away for a couple of days, I'd get a load of messages from annoyed people saying they don't want to wait around so long to progress to the next gym.

So the whole "We need to be online at the same time" factor could be a bit annoying, especially if lots of people are taking part in this.

But other than that, it could be okay.

In terms of our teams, we were allowed to have up to 2 Pokemon not belonging to the type, for example, if you were the Bug leader, you could have Pinsir, Scyther, Scizor, Heracross, Swampert and Tyranitar, for example, or if you were Fighting, you could have Breloom, Medicham, Blaziken, Poliwrath, Heracross and Magneton.
Monotype is an unofficial metagame that is not played very much and not necessarily a very deep metagame in terms of what strategies are viable. Also, you might have trouble finding eight monotype players good enough. Instead I propose that instead of type restrictions, the gym leaders use different team types and strategies. Here are some that would work well:

Sandstorm Gym
Rain Gym
Heavy Offense Gym
Choice Item Gym
Stat Boost Gym
Trick Room Gym
Hail Gym
Gravity Gym

This type of league would give the leaders more freedom as to what they put into their teams, as well as being in a metagame where there are more skilled players and more challengers.
Hmm, does that mean that the leader uses that type of team? Or that it's a specific setting that you can use on Shoddy battle? Although I agree with that, possibly we could have the seperate type gyms with restrictions as well as the specialty teams you suggested. "Shuckle Man," I like that idea with the types, although I think it should be that three of them should be the same type as the gym and the other three would be the leaders choice. There would be a limit to the amount of challenges per day, and the gym leader(s) would have reasonable control to the amount of battles they would do and when. That's where the five levels per gym comes in, you have to progress to the top, that means you have to beat #5, then #4, and so on until you reach the gym leader. Note that you wouldn't have to beat them all in a row, and if you lose, you start where you left off, not at the beginning of the gym. And you can only be part of one gym, that means you can only be in the dark gym, or the ghost gym.
Oh, "Starraptor Call." I hadn't completely read your post before replying, that is probably the better way. That would work much better, more like the battle frontier. Except the challenger would be able to pick his team according to the gym. I forgot to mention this; when you lose a match, there will be a certain amount of time before you can challenge the same gym. This is to prevent to many challenges for just one person in a row from the same guy.
Bmb had a vary ingenious way of subverting the monotype clause. But I think if the gym leader's could use 2 of there gym's type and what ever for the rest of their pokes, it might be more viable.
Monotype is an unofficial metagame that is not played very much and not necessarily a very deep metagame in terms of what strategies are viable. Also, you might have trouble finding eight monotype players good enough. Instead I propose that instead of type restrictions, the gym leaders use different team types and strategies. Here are some that would work well:

Sandstorm Gym
Rain Gym
Heavy Offense Gym
Choice Item Gym
Stat Boost Gym
Trick Room Gym
Hail Gym
Gravity Gym

This type of league would give the leaders more freedom as to what they put into their teams, as well as being in a metagame where there are more skilled players and more challengers.

You forgot Stall, arguably the most efficient playstyle out there =)
Ah, a stall gym would be viable as well. I'm going to save this on my computer in case anything happens to it. I will also organize the data on it and post it when I am finished.
So currently the ideas for an eight gym battle system are:

1. Sandstorm Gym
2. Rain Gym
3. Heavy Offense Gym
4. Choice Item Gym
5. Stat Boost Gym
6. Trick Room Gym
7. Hail Gym
8. Gravity Gym
9. Stall Gym

For another idea is to have the standard element gyms. We all know the pokemon elements so no need to post that. The current theme for those gyms would be that members of the gym would need to have a certain number of pokemon pertaining to the gyms type. Using two to four of that type has been suggested. Also there could be special badges awarded for each gym, essentially like a gym badge. Of course, the occasional freeze and critical hits will still count towards the victory. So no claiming "hacks."
We have something similar to this. It's called the Smogon Frontier and runs every now and then, like twice a year. I can't see this getting widespread support.
A much better idea would be to allow the mono-type gym to use any Pokemon they want, including ubers and 100 EV per stat max Arceus. Then at least Water, Dragon, Ground, and Psychic gyms would be powerful, and all of them would have a good chance thanks to Arceus.
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