How did you find Smogon?

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i have been play since g/s/c and i post on serebii and they were trying to put pokemon in there tiers like uber ou bl uu nu and the mod caption chris said smogon is better for team rates and stuff like that so i came here to get my team rated and to learn some extra stuff
i have been play since g/s/c and i post on serebii and they were trying to put pokemon in there tiers like uber ou bl uu nu and the mod caption chris said smogon is better for team rates and stuff like that so i came here to get my team rated and to learn some extra stuff

...such as grammar and punctuation, hopefully.
I was watching a video of a Pokemon battle. Then somehow I ended up coming here, I checked out some movesets and teams and decided that it looked fun. So I joined =D
I found Smogon by google searching Pokemon battle online, or something like that, I downloaded netbattle about 2-3 years ago and played it until D/P where released. I always found sticking with the same Nickname to be boring so I've had plenty, some include: Asshat, (Master),000,(Atq) Asshat, 0 and Tycoon. I only recently signed up to Smogon because for some unknown reason I could never be sent the confirmation Email :(.
I found smogon since they were the Tafop server.

I started playing pokemon when I was 12-13. When searching some stuff at the old yahoo!, i found the netbattle project and the mirc bots (2002). Then I've registered in their forums, played netbattle for a while (2003-2004), and ended up here, at smogon in 2005

please forgive my bad english, i must practice it again. :(
How I First Started Playing Pokemon:

I started way back with Pokemon Blue after me and my sis got it for Christmas. Of course I had the professional Bubblebeam, Body Slam, Surf, and Strength set up on Blastoise and the Thunder, Thunder Bolt, Drill Peck, Fly set up on Zapdos. I continued casually playing pokemon and got the Gold version. I skipped the Advance Gen and wasn't bothered by pokemon until my friends at school mentioned Diamond and Pearl at school like 4 months ago...

How I Started Battling Online/ How I Found out about Smogon:

After hearing about Diamond and Pearl, I got interested again and played my Blue version for nostalgia. While checking a Board at GameFAQs I heard about Netbattle/Smogon. I downloaded and learned all about IVs, EVs, Natures, etc. Then I proceded to pwn my friend at Blue version with my super powered EVed pokemon (And Rare Candies).
I first started playing pokemon back in first gen. My favorite back then was starmie, who I always but bubblebeam on. I got into gold and silver while they were still japanese, and my favorite switched to espeon, and the espeon on my gold version was my first legit level 100. (My ones on red were all rare candy glitched) I think I must have taken a small break from pokemon, but then I eventually randomly found serebii. They had just released the data about deoxys then. I got into researching pokemon then. Eventually, I looked something up, and wound up at pokerealm. From there, I somehow got here, and I've been lurking ever since. I was a little bit afraid to join the forums here, but I did, so I'm here. I wish I could have downloaded netbattle, but I guess I'll just have to wait until competitor comes out for macs.
How I started playing pokemon (and eventually found Smogon)

I was a total n00b back in the day, being just 6 years of age when I started playing pokemon in 1998. I used to think my team of Legendary Trio, Mewtwo, Charizard and Dragonite was invincible. During the GSC era, my favourites became Umbreon and Tyranitar. I had my first legit Lvl 100 poke, my Typhlosion, and I actually gave it a decent moveset. I was still a n00b though, thinking that my Hyper Beam/Hydro Pump/Surf/Waterfall Kingdra was unbeatable. Then, to begin RSE I learnt the concepts of how variety in a moveset was important, although I didnt know about the value of Swords Dance or stat boosters. When I was looking for a competitive moveset for Blaziken on my Sapphire, I stumbled onto Smogon, which helped me immensly. Come Emerald, I knew all about making a good moveset, but wanted to join competitive battling, which is why I downloaded netbattle and joined smogon. However, (ingame) I did not know anything about breeding/IV's (although I did know about EV"s). Even when I did find out, I cbf breeding for them. However, come DP, I learnt that to succeed in WiFi you needed good IVed pokes. So I started breeding for competitive pokes to use in DP or to fetch a good trade. And that is where I am today. (Ends long rant).

EDIT: By any chance Maestro, are you from Australia? (Melbourne to be exact)
It's been the top server on NB for as long as I can remember so I eventually joined after clans and other servers were just bombarding each other with threats and those BOAH progs? I just said screw that shit and stayed with Smogon.
I have found Smogon through links in other sites like gamefaqs.
I 've been watching the site for a year now, but joined recently.
When I was 5 I found out about Pokemon from a friend, but it wasn't until I was 6 (2000) that I got my first console (N64 w/ Pokemon Stadium and Yellow). I couldn't stop playing. I found out about NetBattle on Neopets about three years ago, and I went to Smogon server. You tore me apart, LOL. Later after I got competitive I came back to Smogon when Cel owned the RPG and eventually joined the forums. I don't play NB anymore, waiting for competitor.
I found Smogon a few years back when I was looking for movesets for my Netbattle team. I share the love this community has for all things competitive battling.
I ran into Smogon while I was looking for movesets for my FireRed Pokemon a couple years back, and that's when I really started delving into the deeper aspects of the game.

Smogon's been my top Pokemon resource ever since.
I first saw Smogon about a year and a half ago through an ign link. I didnt join, but lurked for a while and then went off Pokemon for a few months. When DP came out I jumped right back on and am hoping to get better at this battling stuff.
Something like googling for pokemon led me to netbattle, which led me to Smogon's server, which led me to the site.
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