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International WiFi Tournament -International Challenge- WON BY Cybertron

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You owe me thanks for accepting those rage inducing crits, and I even saved a battle video.

Damn... you're one lucky kid.

I, on the other hand have a 65% D/C rate if you can believe it. I'm disqualified for sure...
I finally felt what it is to outplay an opponent and have them d/c on me. I couldn't tell you his name nor location (since name is most likely Japanese, but since location wasn't set, I can't tell where from). I can tell you his trainer class was kindergartner and his team consisted of (the 5 I remember) Whimsicott, Manectric, Politoed, Blastoise, Garchomp. Basically, a rain team with Lightningrod support and Tailwind. It turned into a nail biter at the end, but with smart prediction, I outlasted his Tailwind, set up with Thundurus and Rotom-W, and thus, I had the advantage in the end (a Rotom-W vs his paralyzed, nearly dead Blastoise). The kid promptly d/c's instead of forfeiting.

What a disgrace. We had similar rankings at the time (1757 vs 1755).
Calling it quits today, level of DC's were unreal today, though I don't know if many were from my end. Again apologies Wolf, I hope it doesn't effect your rating/rank
I think its time for me to call it quits. Since the rating doesn't update I have no clue where I am, aside from probably being in the high 1800s.

Tentatively, my final tally is:
156W-25L-44 D/C 18xx

I might play a few more battles, but I'm not too sure, especially after the disaster my rating too yesterday.
I'll give my team and thoughts later when it finishes for the rest of the people.
Played decidedly mediocre, and lost in a gg to DarkPenguin67. Only the second smogoner I've run into as well. Bit of a letdown. Hoped for a lot more.

Well, I'm assuming so, as OT, Location all match, and you're looking at this thread.
Not too many DCs, but the hax is driving me mad. I guess it all evens out in the end, so I shouldn't really complain... But when they hit 5 Thunders in a row (no rain/wide lens/compoundeyes) it gets annoying. I feel like no one's ever missed a Draco Meteor against me, but my own have veered off course costing me the match at least twice.

Some interesting strategies I've seen... Countersash Weavile was pretty innovative, destroying my Metagross.
One person used Memento Chandelure plus Arena Trap Trapinch. It didn't work, but it was interesting!
One person was using a Poliwhirl. No idea why, maybe they didn't want the Psychic/Flying weakness. Or they didn't have a Waterstone.
Level 38 (or maybe it was 36) Shuckle? No clue on that one. I guess it can lower my guard more with Guard Share?
Ran into one presumably Perish trapping team - Dugtrio, Murkrow, Politoed, etc. He forfeited after I Taunted Murkrow, though.
Why did no one ever tell me Latios can learn Energy Ball? I could remove all my Gastrodon problems! Is it on any analyses anywhere? Instead, I had to learn the hard way...
One guy just had four Pokémon. A bog standard rain team of Politoed, Ludicolo, Kingdra, Scizor. I guess if it works, four is all you need... My team does have difficulties against rain! (I would have got Tailwind up and been fine if his Politoed wasn't scarfed, though. As it is, it was a very near run thing, relying on Terrakion's sash to kill Ludicolo, then crucially not protecting with it on a turn when it could have died to Kingdra predicting Kingdra would go after my other Pokémon.)
No smogoners for me either.
Wow you're lucky. I've played 12 battles against Smogonites so far, going a combined 5-7. Rating is at 1966 right now with some wins and one loss (to Firestorm) that haven't been added yet. Overall I'm roughly 110-9-90, although I need to check to be exact. The sheer amount of disconnects is making me want to just quit this now, lol.
It's never a good sign when the selection screen reveals my high-ranked opponent to be a Sunny Day Fire-Type team.
Especially when I'm using a Mono-Ice-Type team...
Makes me feel like I'm slowly falling into a volcano, lol.

Oh well. Here goes nothing.

Despite her using the semi-common Scarfed Typhlosion Eruption (which used to be a two-turn game ender for me), and a really quick Ninetails, I pulled off an unexpected win.

And I didn't win by hax, either, which made it even more awesome!
So on PO, I do A LOT of damage on Chandy with Psycho Cut. I just battled a Japanese Chandy. Psycho Cut did pretty much no damage. Just lost 1-0
93-41 1674 rating So many wins! Too many losses :(
Played iss earlier in a very close match which I thought I lost until I discovered a little something on the last turn which got me the win. He was the highest rated player I've seen by about a hundred points =P
Just had a mad string of about 15 games which counted! Seems like i've found a good time to play. Unfortunately, it's not very sleep pattern friendly.

Would love to catch a few more smogoners before the tourney is over though. I'm going to squeeze in a few more battles I think, so keep an eye out, and we can all be content with our time spent
After today's absolutely miserable performance (losing more than winning :/ ) I don't know if I have it in me to play many battles tomorrow. But if it's one thing I learned, it's that my team has weaknesses that need patching up before VGC.
Sunday matches:

(32nd) vs (? Male trainer) (?) Rating: 1755 = Win 1-1 (opponent d/c'ed) (Full details of the noob here)
(33rd) vs (Japanese name) (Tokyo, Japan) Rating: 1675 = Win 3-1 (opponent forfeited) (Battle Video: 41-55345-69367)
(34th) vs (? Female trainer) (?) Rating: 1257 = Win 2-0
(35th) vs (Japanese name) (Hiroshima, Japan) Rating: 1651 = Lost 0-1
(36th) vs (Japanese name) (Tokyo, Japan) Rating: 1510 = Win 3-0 (Noob d/c'ed as records were being saved) (Hail Team)

Rating: 1748 (through 34 matches) (29-3-4)

That last one was stupid. "Not my fault Blaziken torched your whole team." Opponent's team consisted of Cloyster, Abomasnow, Walrein, Rotom-F, Weavile, Glaceon. 35th opponent killed my win streak (and knocked me from my (latest) peak rating of 1770). Eh...didn't do many matches today, what with doing some breeding and finding out the first two episodes of "The Legend of Korra" were shown online since Saturday (Korra is hawt!), so of course I had to watch! 32nd match set up the mood for not really wanting to do any matches today. Goal until the 4pm PST deadline? 50 matches done.

Honoraryfor her badassery and full stats.
quitting this now

final ranking: 1764

every time i get a good battle or i'm about to win my internet goes out or they dc, so i really cant get ahead at all
Urgh, battery just died mid battle. Sorry "Fenrir" from NY if you're on here. CLaim a wain off me later.

Think I'll just be leaving it now the battery is gone. Anyone worth any points are just DCing to save their rating, and the only people who stay are the people actually just playing for fun, worth about one point. I have mad respect for the guy using a snivy, just because he could. May as well just settle for my current score, and see how it fares on the leaderboard. Probably get DQ'ed as my rate seems high.

I'll be interested to hear other peoples opinions on using the ladder system again. Personally, I'll say I'm not impressed, as it hasn't really made any jumps from Autumn, what I was expecting, I don't know.

EDIT: I was having "Just one more" and got Havak! He sums it up well, I did have a fair amount of hax on my side. Still pulled it back to a very close 1-0 though :)
Since RubeNCB92 won the autumn (un)friendly rankings last time, I believe it was awarding him a trophy avatar for his GBU dreamworld account. Other than that nothing special I believe.

Has anyone else been getting an error code 10607 when attempting to upload battles on GTS today?
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