Not too many DCs, but the hax is driving me mad. I guess it all evens out in the end, so I shouldn't really complain... But when they hit 5 Thunders in a row (no rain/wide lens/compoundeyes) it gets annoying. I feel like no one's ever missed a Draco Meteor against me, but my own have veered off course costing me the match at least twice.
Some interesting strategies I've seen... Countersash Weavile was pretty innovative, destroying my Metagross.
One person used Memento Chandelure plus Arena Trap Trapinch. It didn't work, but it was interesting!
One person was using a Poliwhirl. No idea why, maybe they didn't want the Psychic/Flying weakness. Or they didn't have a Waterstone.
Level 38 (or maybe it was 36) Shuckle? No clue on that one. I guess it can lower my guard more with Guard Share?
Ran into one presumably Perish trapping team - Dugtrio, Murkrow, Politoed, etc. He forfeited after I Taunted Murkrow, though.
Why did no one ever tell me Latios can learn Energy Ball? I could remove all my Gastrodon problems! Is it on any analyses anywhere? Instead, I had to learn the hard way...
One guy just had four Pokémon. A bog standard rain team of Politoed, Ludicolo, Kingdra, Scizor. I guess if it works, four is all you need... My team does have difficulties against rain! (I would have got Tailwind up and been fine if his Politoed wasn't scarfed, though. As it is, it was a very near run thing, relying on Terrakion's sash to kill Ludicolo, then crucially not protecting with it on a turn when it could have died to Kingdra predicting Kingdra would go after my other Pokémon.)