This issue is kind of a big deal for lots of reasons. As you can probably tell from the cover art, one of the hot topics of this issue is that the Smog Awards are back! Yeah, that's right! It's time to nominate your favorite users for the categories you think that they deserve to win. There are a few new topics and plenty of old ones, so have fun with it! There are other super cool articles as well, like a metric ton of metagame and battling strategy articles and more tournament coverage. Lastly, this is just a really big issue (one of our biggest, in-fact), so there's a ton of content to enjoy!
I'd like to, as I typically do, take this moment to thank everyone that made this issue possible. Setsuna, Seven Deadly Sins, Swaggersaurus, and bojangles all did their parts as staff members. Thanks to all of the article authors, grammar checkers, and HTMLers. You guys know who you are, and you help more than you know. Lastly, I want to thank you guys, the readers, for all of your support. You guys give us the power and motivation to do this at all.
Also, this is a big issue for another reason. This is the 7th issue that I have been head editor of The Smog, and the 9th or so that I have participated in the uploading process, which is crazy to think about. I make note of that because, well, this is going to be my last issue. There are a lot of reasons I am moving on as head editor, but this is not the place for it. Needless to say, this means that Setsuna will be succeeding me, and hopefully The Smog will continue to thrive without my presence on its staff. I've tried hard in my time here, and I hope that I've done a good job in your all's eyes. It's very hard for me to say goodbye to something I really love, but here we are. I love you guys! It's been a real pleasure!! <3