Nice work to anyone that wrote it, it was good stuff!
Loved the Most Dangerous Pokes article, especially Machamp's description:
So, it could just be casually leaning up against a mountain, showing off his muscles to a lady Machamp, when the mountain goes sliding into a town nearby. Not like it's going to feel any remorse for it anyway. Those weaklings should have been able to push the mountain back.
So fucking marvelous, laughed my ass out!!!
Also, even though it wasn't written in this issue, i loved the How to Avoid Getting Caught article, written by Jabba, that was in the 20 Memorable Articles in The Smog article of this isue. You see Jabba, i also have a smaller brother, whom i have helped many times with his Pokemon endeavor, and the results were exactly the same as yours, public humiliation to the entire city, lol (my brother is THE pokemon pro, and similar stuff) :D