Judge William Adams

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this is a bit off topic but why the fuck was there even a video of this shit in the first place?

edit: read the article again with a clearer head, nvm this post.
Apparently he can be charged for this??? Great

This was posted because he pissed her off again
If it's a 1st degree felony than yes, but if it's not than no, either way she doesn't want to press charges. :\ (They would have a very strong case against him too, if that isn't obvious)

I really don't want to watch the video, but they way the guys shrugs this off in the above article just disgusts me. Even if he's not criminally charged with this, his reputation is ruin. No one who has seen that video will want him to judge their case. Also, he's trying to get custody of his 10 year-old daughter? I hope there's a sane judge hearing that case.
why have you watched this so many times?

i spend like 4 hours average a day on reddit, so it got posted a lot to r/reddit and r/wtf.

Also, I just wanted to go on record and say, my parents used to spank me with a belt when I got in trouble as a child. So I'm kind of going to defend BlakBlastoise here. That being said, this guy was kind of excessive. Maybe it's a "southern thing" but to be honest, it just looked like a really bad spanking.
alan, many children were spanked when they were younger, myself included. did your parents ever spank you when you were 16? the fact that she has cerebral palsy only exacerbates the gravity of this situation, but this isn't just a 'really bad spanking.' ESPECIALLY when the father believes this level of punishment is merited by downloading games for free off the internet.

clearly he has his own flawed judgement system in deciding what actions deserve punishment, and to what degree. plus, it is not excusable for him to be so verbally abusive as well - beating your child whilst shouting expletives and physically forcing them to move just so you can beat them more easily is a joke. I think it's pretty obvious that what the father enjoys doing in this video is not punishing his daughter, but physically abusing her to his liking.

and yes, curtains, it is a fucked up situation that the daughter FEELS THE NEED TO BLACKMAIL HER FATHER, but the fault and problem is not borne in the girl's bitch personality or something - her father is the source of any problems the girl has, and is forced to act upon for her own good (and peace of mind!)
I saw a quote from the father on another forum (that's down right now, so I can't directly quote it) that was something along the lines of

"No child should be believed, even if everyone says they're honest and bright." etc.

So this guy is clearly a gigantic, gaping asshole. Who's seriously defending him? Come on. He physically harmed his own child for something that almost everyone does. It's fuckin' asinine.

(The girls motives for uploading the video don't change shit.)
I'm going to be honest, I do believe in discipline through spanking, even if it does mean using the belt from time to time. I grew up with my father, and he ONLY used the belt if we done something very bad in the process (like let's say steal money). If we were disobedient, he would first simply "spank" us (so he didn't get out the belt, he used his bare hand), then he would attempt to put you in a corner. If that failed, then he'd go for the belt. Now, I do want people to note that, before you say my father is abusive because he used a belt, he did nothing like what was displayed in the video. And let me tell you, my dad wasn't afraid to use the belt on us at any age.

Actually, there were days I wish my dad used the belt more because oh my God my brother is a complete dipshit.

Still, watching this video, this isn't discipline. This is torture. Hell, abuse. This is when discipline is taken too far.
"cerebral palsy |ˌsɛrəbrəl ˈpɔlzi|
a condition marked by impaired muscle coordination"


cerebral palsy is not a mental condition you dipshits, i have a friend with it and he just has bad handwriting.
closing this, i think we got maybe half a drop of discussion before it deteriorated
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