Klinklang (Analysis)

I know the best partner for Klinklang: Magneton (or Magnezone in OU, if you're crazy enough to use it there). The only Pokemon resisting both Gear Grind and Return are Steel-types (well, Shedinja, too), so Magneton's great for getting those annoying Steel-types out of the way for a Klinklang sweep.
I had a team options section in there, but the analysis format restructuring caused it to disappear (You can check Fate's GP if you still want to see it). Not sure where the best place to put it is these days, but here we're talking about an analysis for a Pokemon that isn't even making the UU cut, let alone the OU cut. I'm not even sure why this keeps getting bumped.
I know the best partner for Klinklang: Magneton (or Magnezone in OU, if you're crazy enough to use it there). The only Pokemon resisting both Gear Grind and Return are Steel-types (well, Shedinja, too), so Magneton's great for getting those annoying Steel-types out of the way for a Klinklang sweep.

Negative. Jellicent resists the combo as well.
Question: Why is this getting an OU analysis? Doesn't Metagross outclass it thanks to its beter bulk/typing/coverage?
this thing got an analysis and was finished before they had the deicated what should get an analysis and what not. just stop bumping this thing
I know the analysis is already written, but I'm afraid I do not believe Klinklang is viable in OU. It was approved when the metagame was not fully developed; it's apparent now that Klinklang really doesn't have a niche in the OU metagame. As such, I am going to QC reject this.

QC Rejected 1/3