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In response to your CMT, I am currently not interested in anything you have, sorry. But I think I could trade them for 3 credits, if you are interested.
Okay, I'm interested in these three:
Event Victini | ビクティニ Adamant Bond's DW Arceus UT Lv 100 Adamant Winters zombie's Pikachu (피카츄) KHIFT's Corsola (★) (What are the redis rights for Victini and Arceus?)
Terrakion UT lv 42 OT: Henry - ID: 14081 Ability: Justified - Nature: Jolly - Date: May 23, 2011 Location: Trial Chamber - Hidden Power: N/A IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31 Moves: Helping Hand - Retaliate - Rock Slide - Sacred Sword Availability: Level 42 UT Cloning Method: Action Replay NotesFully-Redis
★ Princess of Johto's Deerling lv 1♀ OT: Paige♥ 36229 Nature: Jolly | Ability: Sap Sipper | Type: Normal/Grass Location: Dragonspiral Tower | Date: August 31, 2011 31 | 31 | 31 | 5 | 31 | 31HP Dark 59
I can trade, you cannot.
BowWave's Gothita UT lv. 1 OT: Bow Nature: Bold Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 I can trade, you cannot
fenix54s shiny japanese Larvesta ♀★ IV: 31/30/30/31/31/31 Hidden Power Ice 70 nature timid - ability flame body Notable Moves: Ember | String Shot | Morning Sun OT (♂ ): Alex ID: 61657 Obtained: hatched at route 3 Available as: Lvl. 1 UT. /
BlueMew's Zekrom UT lv 50 Jolly OT: BLUEMEW | ID: 64143 IVs: 31-31-31-23-31-31 Moves: Dragon Breath | Slash | Zen Headbutt | Fusion Bolt Cloned by Action Replay/ Fully Redistributable
Domiciwah's Adamant Dream World Chimchar UT lv 10 Ability: Iron Fist IVs: 18/20/6/28/19/16 Cloned by Action Replay Note: Legitimate, non-RNGed Dreamworld Starter. NOT extra-link edited
Shiny Jirachi OT:WISHMKR ID:20043 Ability:Serena Grace Nature:Timid IV's:15/28/29/3/0/7 EV's:UT Moves: Wish,Confusion,Rest,Mimic [tutored move] Cloned by me by an Action Replay
Dex no:493Lv:100Gender:GenderlessSpecies:Arceus OT:TRU ID: 11079 Shiny: No Nature:Adamant Ability: Multitype IVs:FlawlessEVs:None Moveset: Judgement/ Roar of Time/ Spacial Rend/ Shadow Force Notes: Available on 4th gen but I can poketransfer this anytime,Semi Redis
Domiciwah's Adamant Dream World Chimchar UT lv 10 Ability: Iron Fist IVs: 18/20/6/28/19/16 Cloned by Action Replay Note: Legitimate, non-RNGed Dreamworld Starter. NOT extra-link edited!
Thanks, i believe i mighthave some of your wants on my thread :)