League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Hellooo i play riven a lot, and one of the best tips i can give you is to bind laugh to a button youre comfortable with, be it mouse, i use the 'T' key. In between every skill, press your laugh button, it cancels the animations for you, and also bms the opponent. With skill and practice you can easily do a full fast q combo by aa-qt-aa-qt--qt-aa

Against tough lanes, poke with EW, you'll get the feel of when you can all in
I need to flaunt my e-dick. Got S+ babeeeeeeee.

Any tips to play nidalee? Jungle clear feels a bit hard for the first red/blue, especially if i soloQ and i'm not getting a leash, if you have any video/guide about how to jungle i'd appreciate that :]

A gem on the Meteos thread on reddit, I couldn't stop laughing

EDIT: So this just happened in teambuilder

C9 Chrispy has joined the group.
LuluViBrittannia: ah
LuluViBrittannia: must be good
LuluViBrittannia: to be a c9 fan
LuluViBrittannia: right about now
LuluViBrittannia: right
C9 Chrispy has left the group.
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meh zed can just play back and farm with q and w shits for early lane then just back and all in at 6 with ignite.
Ask your jungler to dive him a couple of times. Eventually he'll be a walking minion without range. Make him feel miserable early on and he's trash the rest of the game. Unless super late game.
Zed's all-in at 6 isn't particularly threatening, but it's decent damage that might force the opponent out of lane and there's no real penalty to just blowing it on cooldown since it has minimal utility and he's manaless.
Apparently there's a whole animation series for that, or at least there are 5 episodes on Youtube. I don't know if anymore were made but they're pretty funny.