League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Thresh and Gnar are stupidly overloaded champions that should be deleted from the game if Riot were interested at all in actually balancing the game. As a result they're bad for teaching fundamentals of their roles.
ive never understood the concept of a champion teaching a role. Learning how to play mid lane is separate to learning how to play malzahar or whatever, at least to me anyway. If i wanted to learn a role champions that don't require a lot of attention would be what id play so I can focus on actively improving things like places to ward or help ur adc last hit if you're a support or tracking the opposing jungler if you're learning jungle
ive never understood the concept of a champion teaching a role. Learning how to play mid lane is separate to learning how to play malzahar or whatever, at least to me anyway. If i wanted to learn a role champions that don't require a lot of attention would be what id play so I can focus on actively improving things like places to ward or help ur adc last hit if you're a support or tracking the opposing jungler if you're learning jungle
afk pushing mid with Malzahar/Morgana/Heimerdinger doesn't teach you anything about playing midlane
i dont understand... do you truly believe that? There's much more to laning than just pushing waves, even if ur playing those champions. theres a lot more you could be doing if you want to learn like matchups, how and when to trade, warding locations, pressuring the enemy laner & team and so much more. although i dont rly play as much anymore I learned these things playing malzahar and if i can do it anyone can

perhaps im the only one who thinks this. make of that what you will
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Never played Heimer but Malzahar 100% teaches you how to play mid - sure you have to push the wave but learning when it is safe to do so, how to maximize the pressure you can apply without dying, how to pick safe fights with your lane opponent and most importantly how to rotate to other lanes are all invaluable skills to pick up that are integral to playing Malz. Same with Morg IMO though I've never played her.

Will admit that Heimer is a weird af champ with vastly different play rhythms and macro objectives than other champions. Playing Heimer may not help you learn to play other champs better at the same position.
it doesnt mean much because i didn't play him in ranked much (he was really my dumpster kids in chill normals pick) but i've never lost a ranked game as Swain





RIP old bird dude, you were way better than edgelord demon raven ever will be
Hey guys,

I just wanted to share with other lol players a funny action I've done with Ashe and her ult; I saw my Trundle chasing the Jax so I tried to anticipate his moves and here's what happened:

I don't know if we are allowed to share some replays in this threads so delete this if it's the case
Any Wukong mains amongst the hundreds of people on Smogon. I've been told by some friends that Conqueror on Monkeyking is becoming standard against tanks. Despite the fact that it is still less used than Electrocute, I don't think Conqueror is the best keystone rune on Wukong and Electrocute is still the ideal one due to the burst damage it allows Wukong to do.

Just want to see some peoples' opinions on the matter.
Any Wukong mains amongst the hundreds of people on Smogon. I've been told by some friends that Conqueror on Monkeyking is becoming standard against tanks. Despite the fact that it is still less used than Electrocute, I don't think Conqueror is the best keystone rune on Wukong and Electrocute is still the ideal one due to the burst damage it allows Wukong to do.

Just want to see some peoples' opinions on the matter.

definitely electrocute. way better in lane.
Any Wukong mains amongst the hundreds of people on Smogon. I've been told by some friends that Conqueror on Monkeyking is becoming standard against tanks. Despite the fact that it is still less used than Electrocute, I don't think Conqueror is the best keystone rune on Wukong and Electrocute is still the ideal one due to the burst damage it allows Wukong to do.

Just want to see some peoples' opinions on the matter.
Think of it this way: How often in the mid game are you going to have Conqueror up in a fight? General combo is to sneak in, E -> Q -> Ult, and by that time you haven't procced Conqueror and can't until your ult ends. Conqueror is decent for lane cheese but Electrocute is just better for lane and for assassinations mid-late game.

Any toughs about new Irelia? Probably i'm giving up on top lane to move back to AD Carry
Irelia is very fun, they took out a lot of her stat advantages (true damage, tenacity passive, on hit lifesteal) that made her OP and gave her mobility/outplay ability instead. I think she's a lot of fun to play while ahead, but it felt pretty rough to play her in a losing lane.

Top lane sucks but nothing's worse than being tied to the hip to someone in your elo (which is always way lower than your skill level, right???)
Irelia is very fun, they took out a lot of her stat advantages (true damage, tenacity passive, on hit lifesteal) that made her OP and gave her mobility/outplay ability instead. I think she's a lot of fun to play while ahead, but it felt pretty rough to play her in a losing lane.

Top lane sucks but nothing's worse than being tied to the hip to someone in your elo (which is always way lower than your skill level, right???)
Don't have a fix main lane in my elo is pretty bad, i can play all lanes decently but if i'm against a main, usually he's gonna beat me, same with otp, on top-lane at diamond 4-5 there are a LOT of Darius players, Camille players and that's really annoying, i can't beat them.

Any Wukong mains amongst the hundreds of people on Smogon. I've been told by some friends that Conqueror on Monkeyking is becoming standard against tanks. Despite the fact that it is still less used than Electrocute, I don't think Conqueror is the best keystone rune on Wukong and Electrocute is still the ideal one due to the burst damage it allows Wukong to do.

Just want to see some peoples' opinions on the matter.
Against tanks has a lot of sense, Wukong usually sucks against tanks because he don't have any ways to kill tanks, he can be 50/50 on lane but if the tank player is not that bad, he's gonna be in disadvantage on lane and teamfight pressure, against damage dealers, 100% Electrocute is way better, Wukong has an idiot potential to overwhelm on lane because his gapcloser has a low cooldown and with this he has a great potential to burst enemy laner.
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Bumping this thread for Season 10

I'm mainly an ADC and Jungle player, but I haven't played in the Jungle yet. So far, I think Lethality items are a bit overtuned, especially on champions such as Lucian. The buffs that Sanguine Blade gives when split-pushing and 1v1'ing are stupidly good on Lucian. This means that Lucian more often than not beats most enemies 1v1, and you'd need to commit at least two teammates to stop the split. This leaves the team less able to defend against a 4-man mid lane push unless you have pretty good waveclear.
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Just gonna drop off a few clips before I get tilted and move onto making a page-long essay about why this game is shit

Title colon good memories from urf 2019
