League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

I thought flex queue didn't take into account last season's mmr??? went like 6-4 in placements with gf after a few months out of the game, I got placed in P5, she got placed in S2, so we literally can't even play together in the for fun queue. back to ARAM
High diamond mid/top, EU,

Peaked master tier for 2 days last season, looking for Support to duo with(i dont play adc), auto-fill gives me ebola, pref girl but whatever.


Wtf are those balance changes Riot.
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just realized I might get a chance to see LCS live this summer, my family is going to California during summer split and the studio is in LA!
Jungle Ezreal is viable. and right after releasing a skin that I have trouble *not* seeing as potentially being transfeminine, meaning I suddenly have *that* to identify with while playing Ezri now

I am a happy grill.
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