League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Can someone explain to a greasy shitter like me why jungle Ezreal is a thing
Faker did it = legit.
My opinion on jungle Ezreal is that he is in "in meta" because if you have aggressive laners he can quickly kill low health targets, expecially if you feel confident in the situation enough to E in and pop out of nowhere.
In my opinion is like how it was for MF Support, fits a niche that for now not many other champions can really fill themselves.
Cheers fellas. Now that I know everything there is to possibly know about ezreal jungle, I'm gonna first time it and terrorize a gold solo q game.
Ezreal benefits heavily from both blue and red buffs (and is scary with both buffs at once), has very fast clears thanks to your passive (50% AS steroid at level 1) and 125% total AD ratio Q, is mobile and has superior kiting/chasing abilities thanks to E, can apply red buff from a long distance before level 6, and the jungle items' mana regen mean you can actually abuse Ez's early-game strength without losing it to Tear of the Goddess on your first back.

That's about why.
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So years ago I got banned (after Jinx came out) for absolutely no reason. I appealed my ban and they admitted I did nothing wrong but they wouldn't/couldn't unban me. I've still had the game installed since then and have recently debated making a new account or reappealing my ban again (I dumped hours and so much money into the game)

Is it even worth it now?
nah just the one thread

speaking of league I just disconnected from my first placement game and because of this we lost
Yeah, I accidentally fucked up my first game as well for ranked.

I originally was just going to play Draft for a while to determine which champs I perform most solidly on. I've been meaning to try out Gnar since I main ADC, and the lane mechanics are more or less similar.

I accidentally queued up for Ranked, and our bot lane collectively went 0-17 before 20 minutes even though I was bullying the hell out of Renekton in lane. Maybe it's just a lesson to me that I should never ever go into ranked.
Yeah, I accidentally fucked up my first game as well for ranked.

I originally was just going to play Draft for a while to determine which champs I perform most solidly on. I've been meaning to try out Gnar since I main ADC, and the lane mechanics are more or less similar.

I accidentally queued up for Ranked, and our bot lane collectively went 0-17 before 20 minutes even though I was bullying the hell out of Renekton in lane. Maybe it's just a lesson to me that I should never ever go into ranked.
Your first few games will be fiestas before the system determines your skill level. Though the 0-10 botlanes don't ever really stop. They're also the reason I went back to playing support.
Your first few games will be fiestas before the system determines your skill level. Though the 0-10 botlanes don't ever really stop. They're also the reason I went back to playing support.

I'm not too sure whether or not I should go back to playing Support through my promos or continue with ADC. I mainly went back to support to focus on my macro game (warding, objective control, roaming), but I end up dealing with too many games where I can't fix a given problem such as a fed Kha'Zix or a feeding teammate.
I'm not too sure whether or not I should go back to playing Support through my promos or continue with ADC. I mainly went back to support to focus on my macro game (warding, objective control, roaming), but I end up dealing with too many games where I can't fix a given problem such as a fed Kha'Zix or a feeding teammate.
I think it's a lot easier to fix problems like that as a support than as an ADC
I think it's a lot easier to fix problems like that as a support than as an ADC
I believe that if you value yourself as a player, you shouldn't really play support in placement games. While a good support may turn games around, if a good support has a really bad ADC on his side, which may very well happen in placements, no matter how much the support gets it fed, your team banked a lot on someone who can't carry them into the mid to late game.
I'm not that good at the game that much as I took a decently big hiatus to play Pokemon, but from experience as a main support since s4 almost this is what I have noticed.
I believe that if you value yourself as a player, you shouldn't really play support in placement games. While a good support may turn games around, if a good support has a really bad ADC on his side, which may very well happen in placements, no matter how much the support gets it fed, your team banked a lot on someone who can't carry them into the mid to late game.
I'm not that good at the game that much as I took a decently big hiatus to play Pokemon, but from experience as a main support since s4 almost this is what I have noticed.
Support being reliant on the ADC is a myth.
Is there a separate thread for discussion of League meta or are we all not at that level yet?
it's only been seven years give it a few more

Support being reliant on the ADC is a myth.
disagree for low ELO, you can't babysit the vayne that flashes in 1v2 while you're warding and dies. I wouldn't try to climb as support until I was at least in gold, and once you're there you can 1v9 as a competent support main against autofilled supports.
Also, just as a general discussion question: what champions would you consider as "fundamental", or should be learned by every main in that role?

From what I've understand, being able to play Ahri and Twisted Fate to a high degree is a solid foundation for mid, though that could be largely up to debate.

What's everyone else's opinion about this topic?
Also, just as a general discussion question: what champions would you consider as "fundamental", or should be learned by every main in that role?

From what I've understand, being able to play Ahri and Twisted Fate to a high degree is a solid foundation for mid, though that could be largely up to debate.

What's everyone else's opinion about this topic?

Alistar (this is probably the biggest one I can think of)

Alistar (this is probably the biggest one I can think of)
Shen definitely seems like a staple, but I feel that Top lane is just more inconsistent than anything. I remembered reading about how Gnar is considered to be the bar that determines what's strong in top and what's not, thus making him a staple in every Top main's kit.

Certainly the new Alistar, but I'm a bit skeptical about Lulu. Lulu's really ADC-dependent since her kit doesn't really mesh well with Caster minions (i.e. Ezreal, Jhin). In this meta, I would say Lulu is much better. I would certainly classify Thresh as a Support main's staple because he has engage, disengage, lane pressure, and incredible roam potential all in one package.