Magmortar (Update)

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To be honest I don't really see why the Milotic analysis needs to be waited on- both of them are going to want to outspeed each other. It's all very well saying that 'LO Milotic runs 212 speed so Blaziken only needs 213 speed', but if that becomes the standard, then intelligent players who don't just C&P from analysis pages without thinking will just up their LO Milotic's speed to 214 or 215. (no idea if they're the actual numbers involved, but you get the point)

That's why I would agree with Chris and Valantaro here- whatever the Milotic analysis comes up with, it's still pretty much completely arbitrary. Max speed Milotic isn't, as you're outspeeding Milotic regardless of it's EV spread. And lots of people do use max speed (I use it, for one) and so the speed doesn't really need adjusting beyond a brief mention in EVs.
I understand what you're saying, but I disagree still.

Pokemon like Milotic aren't going to keep playing the "+4 Speed EVS" game, just to beat Blaziken and Magmortar aiming to beat them, because they will just do the same. It'll go back and forth untill Milotic is forced to actually lose to the Standard Blaziken, and Standard Magmortara, just to beat people who +4 your Milotic's +4 and keep going.

So if Milotic doesn't run 252 Speed, then you are going to be wasting 36 EVs or whatever, and risk losing a couple 2HKOes that the extra attack helps you with. It's a matter of personal preference I guess, but I still think the Analyses show what is the most competitively viable, and if the Pokemon beat that speed then they beat it in the analyses. If people want to add 20 Spe EVs to beat standard Magmortar and Blaziken, that's fine, but the analyses should reflect the most viable spread, which for Blaziken and Magmortar, is beating Milotic.

I won't kill myself over the Speed, the important thing is that the spread resembles this: 24-60 Atk / 196-232 Spe / 252 SpA. The main spread can just be 24 Atk / 232 Spe / 252 SpA as long as it says somewhere in the Set comments "These EVs outspeed max Speed neutral nature Milotic, but if you have no fears about an offensive Milotic, then you can lower your Speed EVs to 196, retaining the ability to outspeed Blaziken, Absol, and Honchkrow".

<p>Magmortar is one of the most threatening forces in UU. With a 383 Special Attack stat, as well as a STAB Fire Blast and Thunderbolt to help it distinguish itself from other Fire-types, few things can take repeated abuse from Magmortar and live to tell the tale. Its excellent movepool makes it an unpredictable foe to face, and with the ability to rid itself of potential counters such as Chansey with Cross Chop, Milotic with Thunderbolt, and Altaria with Hidden Power Ice, Magmortar is truly a terror to face.</p>

Although it should be common knowledge that Magmortar is not an electric type, the way the sentence is worded implies it, which could confuse newer players. "With a 383 Special Attack Stat and STAB Fire Blast, as well as Thunderbolt to help it distinguish itself from other Fire-types," would work (I'm not sure if the STAB Fire Blast is a distinguishing property. If so, you could go with, "With a 383 Special Attack stat, as well as Thunderbolt and STAB Fire Blast...").
I know i am a bit late and whatnot but I totally agree with Heysup and his magmortar's spread. Besides this magmortar is going to be used for wallbreaking and if the team(most likely a stall team) even carries a milotic it will most likely not even be a LO milotic. As we probably all know most wallbreakers struggle against some offensive teams where they are easily revenge killed by other faster pokes. And there's nothing wrong with that. This magmortar's job is to break walls not to defeat other sweepers so I think the excess speed will just worsen magmortar's ability to actually defeat walls which is it's true purpose anyway. The excess speed seems like you are trying to get this magmortar to start multitasking anyways
Besides this magmortar is going to be used for wallbreaking and if the team(most likely a stall team) even carries a milotic it will most likely not even be a LO milotic

Making a Pokémon completely useless against half of the teams in the metagame is a bad idea. The idea that a Pokémon should only break walls is dumb, then they'll get trampled by anything resembling offense.
The spread is fine as it is at the moment, I still think the 196 Spe spread should be added into set comments though.

In this current suspectless metagame with stall being half as prominent as it was with Crobat around, having speed on Pokemon is more important most of the time (there are obviously a few exceptions imo).
I found in analyses one little nitpick. Here it is ;).

If one is looking for a faster Magmortar, giving the fiery beast a Choice Scarf allows it to reach a respectable stat of 397 when Modest, and 436 when Timid.

I think it reaches 436 with Modest and 397 with Timid ;). Otherwise it looks good.
I found in analyses one little nitpick. Here it is ;).

If one is looking for a faster Magmortar, giving the fiery beast a Choice Scarf allows it to reach a respectable stat of 397 when Modest, and 436 when Timid.

I think it reaches 436 with Modest and 397 with Timid ;). Otherwise it looks good.

Actually, that sentence is referring to Choice Scarf...I'll reword to remove confusion.
It looked fine to me actually...I think he was just confused with Modest vs Timid, and the original sentence was correct.
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