Data Mentoring Program Signups [ZhengTann now in Charge!]

Program: Reffing 101
GMT -7.
Reffing Experience (if any):
Well, I used to be able to ref TLR, BH, Pike, self ref, and I think I was kinda good at it. I don't think I would be capable of some of those now, tho.
Why do you want to be tutored:
I want to relearn the game and reffing helped me a lot back in my days. However, I don't want people to suffer for the mistakes that I am sure to make, so I would like to have someone who can help me correct / avoid them.
Any extra comments about yourself:
Veteran player returning, so I should not cause thaaaaat many problems :)

I spoke to ZhengTann and I will give him a hand on analysing self-ref applications for a while.

The current status is:

(strikethrough=time is up!)
  • Rainman Legends - October 2nd - 2017
  • Dogfish44 - October 2nd - 2017
  • ZhengTann - October 2nd - 2017
  • Birkal - October 2nd - 2017
  • Gale Wing Srock - October 2nd - 2017
  • Its_A_Random - October 2nd - 2017
  • Elevator Music - October 2nd - 2017
  • zarator - October 2nd - 2017
  • JjayyFeather - October 2nd - 2017
  • Lucy - October 2nd - 2017
  • Someoneelse - October 2nd - 2017
  • Ooraloo - April 2nd - 2018
  • deadfox081 - October 2nd - 2017
  • smashlloyd20 - October 2nd - 2017
  • Maxim - October 2nd - 2017
  • Toon - April 2nd - 2018
  • PTPlatinum - October 6th - 2017
  • TheBisharpKing - November 22th - 2017
  • Yoshiblaze - December 10th - 2017

So, ignoring the retirees, ZhengTann Birkal Gale Wing Srock Elevator Music zarator JJayyFeather deadfox081 smashlloyd20 Maxim PTPlatinum and Yoshiblaze all need to reapply to get self-ref licenses back. Doing self-refs without reapplying and getting through the process means that the claims from said battles are void (Toon if you could help me enforce that, it would be great). This affects all battles started from this post onwards.

I think some applied here already. But since it has been long ago, I am gonna ask that you reapply, please.

That should be all.
Hello, my name is Birkal, and I am interested in applying for my self-reffing privileges to be returned.

Thank you.
Hello, my name is Birkal, and I am interested in applying for my self-reffing privileges to be returned.

Thank you.

Send me the list of all matches you have reffed in the past 2 months.

The match doesn't need to have started 2 months from now. If there is a single round reffed within that time limit, it is elligible.

Self-reffed matches (apart from roleplays, for example) aren't elligible though.
Applying once more for my sr status
Send me the list of all matches you have reffed in the past 2 months.

The match doesn't need to have started 2 months from now. If there is a single round reffed within that time limit, it is elligible.

Self-reffed matches (apart from roleplays, for example) aren't elligible though.

Points used:

Self-Reffed 1vs1 or 2vs2 standard matches: 0 points
Singles: 1 point per round
2APR Doubles: 1.5 point per round
3APR Doubles or Triples: 2 points per round
Anything above triples: 2.5 points per round
Raid: 3 points per NM round. 6 points per HM round
TLR: 0.5 point per non-combat round. Combat Rounds as per above
Uneven number of pokemon per side on the rules format OR Multi-Player Melee: Add the number of pokemon out, divide it by 2 and round normally. Then classify the result under Singles, Doubles or Triples (or above triples)
Flavor: add 1 point per round with full flavor (will provide examples on the thread). TLR's copy pasta flavor and random flavors like pasting poetry or making one-line comments won't award a thing extra.

Target number of points: 70

Total: 6.5

Not white-listed. You can reapply in one month

You just need to ref more. Check the OP when you have the time. The rules approved by the council are there.

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Points used:

Self-Reffed 1vs1 or 2vs2 standard matches: 0 points
Singles: 1 point per round
2APR Doubles: 1.5 point per round
3APR Doubles or Triples: 2 points per round
Anything above triples: 2.5 points per round
Raid: 3 points per NM round. 6 points per HM round
TLR: 0.5 point per non-combat round. Combat Rounds as per above
Uneven number of pokemon per side on the rules format OR Multi-Player Melee: Add the number of pokemon out, divide it by 2 and round normally. Then classify the result under Singles, Doubles or Triples (or above triples)
Flavor: add 1 point per round with full flavor (will provide examples on the thread). TLR's copy pasta flavor and random flavors like pasting poetry or making one-line comments won't award a thing extra.

Target number of points: 70

8+8+1+4+5+7+2.5+3+21+7+3+1= 70.5 points



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Thats 10UC for me (5UC per approval)

Due to how....uh....barren ASB is right now, I am lowering the bar to 40 points for now.

for now at least. I might reduce it further if needed. Or raise it back if the tide raises once more.
Applying for self-reffing privileges.
Last edited:
Program: Starting ASB (Battling 101)
Timezone: US central time
ASB Experience (if any): well, I registered successfully...
Preferred speed (Expedited, Standard, or Slow): Standard
Why do you want to join Smogon's ASB: looks fun and strategical (is that a word)
One random fact about yourself: I have an advanced vocabulary and rarely use it
Any extra comments: nah
Per decision of Frosty I am now a b101 tutor so Sivanandi I'll try to teach you how this game works.
PM me your mons and expect a battle thread in 2 days at most.
Program: Reffing 101
Timezone: US Central
Reffing Experience (if any): lol none, unless tman and Jayy let me ref their flash
Why do you want to be tutored: Reffing sounds fun
Any extra comments about yourself: Nah I'm good
Might as well

Program: Reffing 101
Timezone: MST (or -7 if your into that)
Reffing Experience: Plenty of Tower Battles, Flashes, prolly over a dozen now.
Why do you want to be tutored: So I can ref stuff for people and get that sweet UC \o/
Any extra comments: Baskin Robbins is delicious this time of year
White List Application
Why do you think you deserve to be white-listed?
I am a skilled referee (when I'm not rushing) and I have excellent activity and availability
Which types of matches do you ref the most? Why?
Singles, usually smaller battles, since those are mostly the kinds that are available.
Do you flavor? Why or Why not?
Sometimes, usually when I feel invested in the battle and I haven't spent a ton of time reffing already.
Any extra comments about yourself:
Program: Starting ASB
Timezone: EST
ASB Experience (if any): None
Preferred speed (Expedited, Standard, or Slow): Standard, I guess?
Why do you want to join Smogon's ASB: It seems fun.
One random fact about yourself: I don't like eggplant.
Hi Tarantara I'll be your tutor!
I see that you didn't register, feel free to PM me if you have any questions about that (or any question about anything, really).
You should also join the ASB Discord since it might be easier to get quick answers there.
White List Application
Why do you think you deserve to be white-listed?
I am a skilled referee (when I'm not rushing) and I have excellent activity and availability
Which types of matches do you ref the most? Why? Singles, usually smaller battles, since those are mostly the kinds that are available.
Do you flavor? Why or Why not? Sometimes, usually when I feel invested in the battle and I haven't spent a ton of time reffing already.
Any extra comments about yourself: nah

Send me the list of all matches you have reffed in the past 2 months.

The match doesn't need to have started 2 months from now. If there is a single round reffed within that time limit, it is elligible.

Self-reffed matches (apart from roleplays, for example) aren't elligible though.
White List Application
Why do you think you deserve to be white-listed?
I am a skilled referee (when I'm not rushing) and I have excellent activity and availability
Which types of matches do you ref the most? Why? Singles, usually smaller battles, since those are mostly the kinds that are available.
Do you flavor? Why or Why not? Sometimes, usually when I feel invested in the battle and I haven't spent a ton of time reffing already.
Any extra comments about yourself: nah

Singles: 1 point per round
2APR Doubles: 1.5 point per round
3APR Doubles or Triples: 2 points per round
Anything above triples: 2.5 points per round
Raid: 3 points per NM round. 6 points per HM round
TLR: 0.5 point per non-combat round. Combat Rounds as per above
Uneven number of pokemon per side on the rules format OR Multi-Player Melee: Add the number of pokemon out, divide it by 2 and round normally. Then classify the result under Singles, Doubles or Triples (or above triples)
Flavor: add 1 point per round with full flavor

1+1+5+1.5+6+8+4.5+2+5+3+6+12+1+11+12= 79

Program: Starting ASB
Timezone: MST
ASB Experience (if any): Had plenty quite a few months ago
Preferred speed (Expedited, Standard, or Slow): Standard
Why do you want to join Smogon's ASB: Because im slowly gaining interest in Pokemon again, and I thought, why not ASB?
One random fact about yourself: I have a fortnite addiction
Any extra comments: I dont think i finished b101 the first time
Program: Reffing 101
Timezone: EST
Reffing Experience (if any): I just recently had to ref a flash. That is all, so far.
Why do you want to be tutored: I’ve found that I actually enjoy reffing matches quite a bit, and so I’d like to be able to do it well and in an interesting manner.
Any extra comments about yourself: No Comment even though that is technically a comment

grab a match and send me the OP of le match before you post it

if there are no matches in BT, post some to ref or/and send some of the reffings you already have done