Pokémon Mimikyu

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It does get Destiny Bond, so you could use that or WoW as a last ditch anti-sweep move. Hell I'm thinking about a DBond/Play Rough/Shadow Claw/Shadow Sneak set personally.
I said something along those lines earlier in this thread, but instead of Destiny Bond, I suggested Sword Dance (I said Hone Claws at first though). Destiny Bond would not be a bad move to have on a Mimikyu due to his speed.
Well I caught a Naughty Shiny Mimikyu. Is that a good enough nature or should I try once again to nag an Adamant one do you think? I have an Adamant Synchronize Umbreon that I use for Mimikyu chaining... and a bucket of Leppa Berries.
I feel like there has got to be a good use of Curse here but I can't quite put my finger on it... Perhaps on a Red Card set to guarantee your "status" works on whatever gets switched in?
I feel like there has got to be a good use of Curse here but I can't quite put my finger on it... Perhaps on a Red Card set to guarantee your "status" works on whatever gets switched in?
Mimikyu's pretty fast, so it won't be uncommon to Curse the thing that's about the get Red Carded out, thus wasting the Curse.
I feel like there has got to be a good use of Curse here but I can't quite put my finger on it... Perhaps on a Red Card set to guarantee your "status" works on whatever gets switched in?

... and what's stopping the Cursed Pokemon from switching out?

Mimikyu does not even learn the quintessential Ghost-type move, Mean Look, so it cannot trap anything.
... and what's stopping the Cursed Pokemon from switching out?

Mimikyu does not even learn the quintessential Ghost-type move, Mean Look, so it cannot trap anything.
I think the idea is that Disguise guarantees the success of Curse (sort of like Prankster, except Mimikyu can still fire off an attack or retreat after using it, as opposed to just dying to almost anything). The opponent is now forced to either switch out or take massive damage from Curse. It's even better if you opponent tries to set up on the turn you use Curse. Not only to they lose their boosts, but Mimikyu still has its disguise.

Not sure what Red Card is helpful for, though. I think Leftovers or Sitrus Berry would be more useful, since in the case of the opponent setting up on your Curse, you'll be able to use Curse again and still live (or you could just have an odd number of hit points). If you wanted to go all-out and focus a set around Curse, here's what I came up with:

Mimikyu @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Disguise
EVs: Split between HP, Attack, and Speed. The only requirement is that the HP EV is a multiple of 8.
Adamant or Jolly Nature
- Curse
- Shadow Sneak
- Play Rough
- Shadow Claw / Thunder Wave / Toxic / Will-O-Wisp

This focuses on using Curse to force a switch. Curse can be used used twice without fainting, and if after two Curses you still have your disguise (for example, you Curse when they set up, then Curse again on the switch), you can use Z-Curse to fully heal and use Curse at most three more times. Shadow Sneak is to revenge kill mons in order to preserve your disguise for the guaranteed Curse. Play Rough is also primarily for revenge killing, but you have to be faster than the opponent. Both attacks can also be used when at low HP if you don't want to kill yourself with Curse. The last slot is pretty flexible. Shadow Claw is for stronger Ghost STAB, Thunder Wave and Will-O-Wisp cripple switch ins, and Toxic racks up damage even faster when stacked with Curse.

On the other hand, while Mimikyu doesn't learn Mean Look, it does learn Infestation, while is arguable even better.

Mimikyu @ Leftovers / Sitrus Berry / Confuse Berry
Ability: Disguise
EVs: Something defensive and/or fast
Either a fast or defensive nature
- Curse
- Infestation
- Pain Split / Substitute / Protect / Rest / Leech Life
- Thunder Wave / Toxic / Will-O-Wisp

Curse and Infestation are obvious. Pain Split and Rest both provide additional healing, but Pain Split adds extra damage on the foe, while Rest heals more. Protect and Substitute stall out the Curse damage. Thunder Wave lowers the opponent's speed and adds a chance for your opponent to do nothing, making it easier to stall with Substitute or Rest. Toxic racks up damage alongside Curse. Will-O-Wisp makes it easier to stall out physical attackers, but Thunder Wave is probably preferred.
Not sure what Red Card is helpful for, though.

Giving Mimikyu a red card lets it become a one-time auto stop to any sweep (minus mega gyarados and other mold breakers) with no damage to mimikyu whatsoever. This could be potentially useful as a last resort when you are about to get dominated.
I think the idea is that Disguise guarantees the success of Curse (sort of like Prankster, except Mimikyu can still fire off an attack or retreat after using it, as opposed to just dying to almost anything). The opponent is now forced to either switch out or take massive damage from Curse. It's even better if you opponent tries to set up on the turn you use Curse. Not only to they lose their boosts, but Mimikyu still has its disguise.

Not sure what Red Card is helpful for, though. I think Leftovers or Sitrus Berry would be more useful, since in the case of the opponent setting up on your Curse, you'll be able to use Curse again and still live (or you could just have an odd number of hit points). If you wanted to go all-out and focus a set around Curse, here's what I came up with:

Mimikyu @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Disguise
EVs: Split between HP, Attack, and Speed. The only requirement is that the HP EV is a multiple of 8.
Adamant or Jolly Nature
- Curse
- Shadow Sneak
- Play Rough
- Shadow Claw / Thunder Wave / Toxic / Will-O-Wisp

This focuses on using Curse to force a switch. Curse can be used used twice without fainting, and if after two Curses you still have your disguise (for example, you Curse when they set up, then Curse again on the switch), you can use Z-Curse to fully heal and use Curse at most three more times. Shadow Sneak is to revenge kill mons in order to preserve your disguise for the guaranteed Curse. Play Rough is also primarily for revenge killing, but you have to be faster than the opponent. Both attacks can also be used when at low HP if you don't want to kill yourself with Curse. The last slot is pretty flexible. Shadow Claw is for stronger Ghost STAB, Thunder Wave and Will-O-Wisp cripple switch ins, and Toxic racks up damage even faster when stacked with Curse.

On the other hand, while Mimikyu doesn't learn Mean Look, it does learn Infestation, while is arguable even better.

Mimikyu @ Leftovers / Sitrus Berry / Confuse Berry
Ability: Disguise
EVs: Something defensive and/or fast
Either a fast or defensive nature
- Curse
- Infestation
- Pain Split / Substitute / Protect / Rest / Leech Life
- Thunder Wave / Toxic / Will-O-Wisp

Curse and Infestation are obvious. Pain Split and Rest both provide additional healing, but Pain Split adds extra damage on the foe, while Rest heals more. Protect and Substitute stall out the Curse damage. Thunder Wave lowers the opponent's speed and adds a chance for your opponent to do nothing, making it easier to stall with Substitute or Rest. Toxic racks up damage alongside Curse. Will-O-Wisp makes it easier to stall out physical attackers, but Thunder Wave is probably preferred.

The big problem here is that these kinds of builds would only be necessary if Mimikyu was completely incapable of doing meaningful damage otherwise- and this simply isn't the case. Mimikyu can hit very hard, especially with things like Ghostium-Z Shadow Claw after an SD, and it's very hard to stop Mimikyu from getting those free turns to prevent that damage. Why make these sets that can get a single kill 1 in 100 times when you can consistently get 1-2 kills every game with a straight up attacking route?
Giving Mimikyu a red card lets it become a one-time auto stop to any sweep (minus mega gyarados and other mold breakers) with no damage to mimikyu whatsoever. This could be potentially useful as a last resort when you are about to get dominated.
I meant in the context of a Curse-focused set. See posts 53 and 54.

The big problem here is that these kinds of builds would only be necessary if Mimikyu was completely incapable of doing meaningful damage otherwise- and this simply isn't the case. Mimikyu can hit very hard, especially with things like Ghostium-Z Shadow Claw after an SD, and it's very hard to stop Mimikyu from getting those free turns to prevent that damage. Why make these sets that can get a single kill 1 in 100 times when you can consistently get 1-2 kills every game with a straight up attacking route?
Yeah, after playing around with the full Curse stall build I theorycrafted, it didn't seem to work all that well (though that could have just been me not being amazing at battling). Nonetheless, being able to use Curse and live to fight another day might be something to consider when teambuilding.
Ghost-type Curse is a gimmick on pretty much everything that gets it, and Mimikyu is no different. Just run SD.

Red Card is also kind of a gimmick, but it also actually does something useful so I'd actually consider running it.
Does Disguise breaking also break a Focus Sash? I just went through a battle in which that happened.
No, it does not.

As for Ghost types using Curse, the only time I've actually found success with it in the past was with Sitrus Harvest Trevenant.
I can't help but feel Lum Berry should absolutely be slashed on that first set. With Mimikyu gaining a little more traction as the meta goes on, I'm seeing a lot more people go for the status to hinder Mimikyu instead of mindlessly trying to break disguise only to get set up on. Sub does allow it to play around that, and SubSd is an absolutely awesome set, but I feel Lum is very good on SD Mimikyu nonetheless.
Anyone tried Z-Splash on this thing yet?

Life Orb Swords Dance gives a bigger boost:

+3 Attack = x2.5
+2 Attack + Life Orb = x2 * x1.3 = x2.6

You have multiple chances for boosting and you can use the Z-Move slot for something more interesting, such as boosting Shadow Claw or Play Rough.
Don't bother with Curse gimmicks. SD + STABs is ridiculous and it even has room for a 4th move. The last slot can be coverage, sub, Shadow Sneak, or even WoW / Curse to be an emergency stop to something that has the edge on you.

I'm glad Pikachu finally has a good clone. I don't know if this will actually end up OU but it certainly seems usable. Shame it isn't slightly faster.
IF you wanted to use Curse, than use Eject Button with a trapper. This would work better if Gothithelle with Shadow Tag becomes legal. But really, sub-optimal strategy.
IF you wanted to use Curse, than use Eject Button with a trapper. This would work better if Gothithelle with Shadow Tag becomes legal. But really, sub-optimal strategy.
It would situational, but Magnet Pull would be an alternative and is legal. Might not be too uncommon with Mimikyu's weakness to steel being bait for this setup.
Btw guys, Zmoves can`t be Taunted at all. Mimikyu could get some benefit from this. I don`t know if it`s relevant but it`s at least another tool it has.
What about a Jolly 252 Atk/252 Spe/4 Def, SD/Shadow Sneak/Shadow Claw/Play Rough BUT with a Lum Berry in order to counter status that pass through Disguise ?
Not sure why the only wisp sets here are gimmicks, it's very feasible to use the standard LO play rough/sneak/sd set with wisp as the last move over shadow claw.
Mimikyu's biggest problem is that it doesn't achieve much against teams with bulky mons, like lando-t, mega scizor and toxapex. With wisp you can cripple most of these, and the ones that aren't crippled (like toxapex) certainly don't like the residual damage. It also lets you check things you can't ko, like mega pinsir and excadrill.
Thunder wave is usable here too, but it doesn't stop bulky mons from being a pain so it's not as usable.
Well, I decided to come up with a Mimikyu. Should be fine enough.
Mimikyu @ Normalium-Z
Ability: Disguise
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
- Splash
- Play Rough
- Shadow Claw
- Wood Hammer

Now, for those uninitiated, Z-Splash pretty much gives an instant 2.5x Attack multiplier, essentially making it a better Swords Dance. However, you're sacrificing a Z-Move for it. Mimikyu's Disguise should be the perfect ability for it in Singles at the very least, where multi-hitting moves are few and rather far between. Now, use Z-Splash on the first turn, and Mimikyu's Attack should be 765 (if Adamant) or 697 (if Jolly). Now apply the STAB on Shadow Claw, and it even OHKO's tanks like Aggron, Tyranitar, and even a Specially Defensive Aegislash-Shield.

Now, one can make the very legitimate argument that it is better to simply have Life Orb Swords Dance (and they're probably right) but this set is for those teams that don't really need a Z-Move. Besides, it still gets the job done, at the very least! Maybe this set will find some use in OU or UU, who knows.
That's cute, but sorry it's not that strong. It doesn't KO tanks, and it's not better than Life Orb Swords Dance, which by the way isn't limited to only setting up once.

+3 252+ Atk Mimikyu Shadow Claw vs. 252 HP / 16+ Def Aggron-Mega: 105-124 (30.5 - 36%) -- 47.7% chance to 3HKO
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Mimikyu Shadow Claw vs. 252 HP / 16+ Def Aggron-Mega: 109-130 (31.6 - 37.7%) -- 90.9% chance to 3HKO

Edit: My bad, used Mega instead of regular, but it still doesn't change anything useful.

+3 252+ Atk Mimikyu Shadow Claw vs. 252 HP / 16+ Def Aggron: 132-156 (38.3 - 45.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Mimikyu Shadow Claw vs. 252 HP / 16+ Def Aggron: 136-161 (39.5 - 46.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

I don't know why you named Aggron of all things when that's not even relevant to the meta, so here's a better calc.

+3 252+ Atk Mimikyu Shadow Claw vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Celesteela: 237-280 (59.5 - 70.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Mimikyu Shadow Claw vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Celesteela: 247-292 (62 - 73.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Can't OHKO that one either, while...

+4 252+ Atk Life Orb Mimikyu Shadow Claw vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Celesteela: 370-437 (92.9 - 109.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock


TL;DR Z-Splash is useless, if the rest of your team lacks a Z-move that's no excuse to use Splash here when it's clearly worse in all aspects. If you seriously want to use a Z-move...

+2 252+ Atk Mimikyu Never-Ending Nightmare vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Celesteela: 379-447 (95.2 - 112.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
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