One thing I have noticed as that a lot of Fletchling checks simply are not what people make them out to be. Pokemon such as Archen and Chinchou simply are not "great Pokemon" that people are making them out to be. Chinchou got severely hurt with the Knock Off buff, as it cannot make an effective revenge killer anymore, and Eviolite sets are really weak / defenseless when Eviolite is lost. Archen really has no safe opportunities to switch in, due to Defeatist. Again it is hit hard with Knock Off. The thing both of those ahve in common, is that they both can ALWAYS switch in on Fletchling. Neither really want to take any attacks.
Lets take a look at last months usage stats:
The only Pokemon that Chinchou WANTS to switch into is Fletchling, Magnemite, and lol Chinchou. Chinchou really does not take things like a Misdreavus +2 Shadow Ball well, as it either KOes late game, or it is 2hkoed. Meanwhile, Chinchou cannot really touch Misdreavus. Might weaken it a little with Thunderbolt, but never KO. Obviously people knew that Chinchou was not a Misdreavus check, so i'll continue. Next we have a common grouping: Knock Off users. Chinchou cannot safely switch in to Pokemon such as Pawniard, Mienfoo, Scraggy, Croagunk, Dwebble, Aipom, and Timburr, as they severely cripple, and sometimes outright set up or OHKO, Chinchou. Abra 2hkoes even maximum SpD Chinchou with Psychic, without a Life Orb. Other Pokemon such as Foongus or Drilbur or Bellsprout simply OHKO or outright wall Chinchou. This logic also applies to Archen, however the amount of things that Archen can switch into is slightly bigger, with the addition of Drilbur, some Mienfoo variatns, Vulpix, and Cottonee.
My point is thus: Fletchling's "non niche checks" are not really as excellent of Pokemon to begin with. They are good, but not to the point that you can just shaft them onto a team and call it a day. Both require care to use, and truly only shine at checking Fletchling, or Birdspam, or whatever. Of course, this is taking into account you not having momentum when using either of these. Neither Pokemon really take neutral hits well, and only really shine when switching into resisted hits or immunities. I just figured I would point this out, because I really do not like seeing "Fletchling has counters that are great Pokemon and easy to fit onto a team." Every time I have used Pokemon like Eviolite Archen or Eviolite Chinchou, they have not really done much except switch into Fletchling, which is something to say.
I'd also just like to say
enough with saying I want X Pokemon banned so Y Pokemon can shine. If either are banned, it will bc they are unhealthy, not bc you want Doduo or Gastly or Duskull to have more usage. This is an extremely poor argument to use, as you should never want something banned for the sole reason to increase usage of another.