You are correct, I didn't mean to say that Fletchling checks are rather bad outside of beating the bird, I completely agree that they are really good even if the opposing team doesn't pack this bird of doom. But personally I feel that you need at least two to beat the most viable Fletchling sets. And even then, someone could through you the curve ball of an Overheat + HP grass Fletch. And yes Slashari Fletch lacking either U-turn or SD is less than optimal and I fully acknowledge that, though it is a possibility albeit a small one that probably only myself considers in battle.But it's like you said earlier, we're not in the Swirlix era where we were forced to run crap like Grimer and Koffing, which sat dormant and useless if your opponent didn't have it. All of Fletchling's checks have something to contribute, even without having to take on Fletch. Tirtouga and Archen can use its awesome array of support while still hitting pretty hard, Magnemite and Chinchou can provide momentum with Volt Switch, Magnemite also making a good Fairy-counter, and Pawniard is just Pawniard.
I don't feel like I'm bending over in order to accommodate for Fletchling. You have to pack counters for it, but hey, you have to for Pawniard and Mienfoo as well. I know that it can get around its counters with the right coverage, but so can any good offensive Pokemon; Drilbur packs Poison Jab for Cottonee or something along those lines.
I'm aware of how potent FletchDig is, but I've honestly never been too troubled by it. Whenever I see the two in team preview, I make setting the Stealth Rock that screws these two up a priority. A Diglett without its Sash intact is beaten by Tirtouga, Pawniard (Scarf or Regular), Archen, and Scarf Magnemite.
And I find the argument that if a team has multiple numerous checks/counters to a mon a poor defense. If I have 3 counters to BD Swirlx, it won't be very effective. Does that mean it isn't broken? Of course not! Sure, Fletch checks tend to be more viable than those of Swirlx, but you still need multiple checks. And these can still be worn down as most lack recovery.
This makes the checks wear down rather quickly, and often times I find that what they are revenging isn't worth having something lost 20% of their health. You really aren't safe switching Scarf Mag if it's at lower than 50% in on an Acrobatics after SR/spikes as it usually can die to the next Acro. You need 10 HP to live 2 Acros after SR, and you have a 50% chance with 9. Again, quickly worn down.Sorry Superpowerdude, I must have missed your post before while I was skimming. :(
While I do agree that Fletchling has the potential to be a great revenge sweeper, I feel it isn't as good as it could be. Yes, it could pick off weakened threats, Fighting-types, etc., but all the opponent has to do is switch out. If they do this then they can bring the weakened threat in again later to be a threat if Fletchling is gone, at no risk to them since they didn't take much from the Acrobatics. Yes Fletchling wants to revenge kill, but all the opponent has to do is switch out the Pokemon that is getting picked off. This isn't to say that it can't revenge kill at all, but once again, I don't think it can consistently enough to constitute a ban.
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