Monotype Viability Rankings

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I've been meaning to write about the Dragon rankings, a lot of them are messed up. What I think:

Garchomp stay S
KyuB stay S
Latias stay S
Latios A -> S
Mega Garchomp A-> B
Hydreigon stay A
Dragonite stay A
Kingdra B -> D (maybe c.. long shot)
Mega Latias stay B
Dragalge stay B
Druddigon C -> D
Noivern C -> D
Mega Latios C -> Unranked
Goodra stay C
Zygarde stay C
Haxorus C -> D
Tyrantrum stay C
Salamence D -> C
Flygon D -> unranked

Latios: If Latias is S ranked, there's no reason for Latios not to be S ranked. Both of these Pokemon are fantastic defoggers and their speed and power is unique and unparalleled. Latios can also pull off full offensive sets or an offensive calm mind set, and even choiced sets
Mega Garchomp: Even though there's no opportunity cost of using this mega anymore since Altaria is gone, regular Garchomp usually outperforms it with its different sets that work better for offensive dragon (lead rocks, bulky etc)
Kingdra: This thing is terrible outside of rain. It could be B on water sure, but on Dragon this thing is just so terrible almost every other dragon with access to dragon dance beats it and other dragons can wallbreak better than its crit set.
Mega Latias: average is the best word for this mon, B is best. It's really good vs some teams but it's terrible vs others
Dragalge: the dragon fang toxic spikes set is really good, people underestimate its wallbreaking potential. instead of looking at its performance against fairy, look at how it tears apart tough cores that dragon has trouble with (psychic, dark, water, etc) along with being a secondary keldeo check and overall good special sponge
Druddigon: this thing is terrible with the advent of bulky comp, could be unranked
Noivern: no reason to use this with Latias and latios around, could be unranked but has that flying stab i guess
mega latios: garbage
goodra: good special sponge, like dragalge but trades power for more bulk
zygarde: mediocre, but can be really good vs some teams (like psychic without garde, dark, water without ice beam etc)
haxorus: garbage mon, slow, frail, adds nothing with its typing
tyrantrum: its speed kills it, but nothing switches in to head smash
salamence: mixed sets / scarf set are mediocre but they are worthy of C
Flygon: garbage
I've been meaning to write about the Dragon rankings, a lot of them are messed up. What I think:

Garchomp stay S
KyuB stay S
Latias stay S
Latios A -> S
Mega Garchomp A-> B
Hydreigon stay A
Dragonite stay A
Kingdra B -> D (maybe c.. long shot)
Mega Latias stay B
Dragalge stay B
Druddigon C -> D
Noivern C -> D
Mega Latios C -> Unranked
Goodra stay C
Zygarde stay C
Haxorus C -> D
Tyrantrum stay C
Salamence D -> C
Flygon D -> unranked

Latios: If Latias is S ranked, there's no reason for Latios not to be S ranked. Both of these Pokemon are fantastic defoggers and their speed and power is unique and unparalleled. Latios can also pull off full offensive sets or an offensive calm mind set, and even choiced sets
Mega Garchomp: Even though there's no opportunity cost of using this mega anymore since Altaria is gone, regular Garchomp usually outperforms it with its different sets that work better for offensive dragon (lead rocks, bulky etc)
Kingdra: This thing is terrible outside of rain. It could be B on water sure, but on Dragon this thing is just so terrible almost every other dragon with access to dragon dance beats it and other dragons can wallbreak better than its crit set.
Mega Latias: average is the best word for this mon, B is best. It's really good vs some teams but it's terrible vs others
Dragalge: the dragon fang toxic spikes set is really good, people underestimate its wallbreaking potential. instead of looking at its performance against fairy, look at how it tears apart tough cores that dragon has trouble with (psychic, dark, water, etc) along with being a secondary keldeo check and overall good special sponge
Druddigon: this thing is terrible with the advent of bulky comp, could be unranked
Noivern: no reason to use this with Latias and latios around, could be unranked but has that flying stab i guess
mega latios: garbage
goodra: good special sponge, like dragalge but trades power for more bulk
zygarde: mediocre, but can be really good vs some teams (like psychic without garde, dark, water without ice beam etc)
haxorus: garbage mon, slow, frail, adds nothing with its typing
tyrantrum: its speed kills it, but nothing switches in to head smash
salamence: mixed sets / scarf set are mediocre but they are worthy of C
Flygon: garbage

I agree with most of these; Zygarde imo is more B rank material while Kingdra and Dragalge could be argued for B/C (i'm not too picky on what ends up happening with these two)..

Mega-Latios to unranked is kinda harsh though.. all the arguments about Salamence being outclassed, etc. apply to Mega-Latios, and its not like there's a huge competition for the mega-slot either. After 1 DD, a Mega-Latios w/ max special attack and speed would have the same special attack and speed as a scarf Latios, with close to 400 attack (plenty to break Heatran and dent Tyranitar w/ EQ)... surely this is worth at least D rank, even if regular Latios does all other sets better with another item?
I agree with most of these; Zygarde imo is more B rank material while Kingdra and Dragalge could be argued for B/C (i'm not too picky on what ends up happening with these two)..

Mega-Latios to unranked is kinda harsh though.. all the arguments about Salamence being outclassed, etc. apply to Mega-Latios, and its not like there's a huge competition for the mega-slot either. After 1 DD, a Mega-Latios w/ max special attack and speed would have the same special attack and speed as a scarf Latios, with close to 400 attack (plenty to break Heatran and dent Tyranitar w/ EQ)... surely this is worth at least D rank, even if regular Latios does all other sets better with another item?
That's the thing tho, nobody runs Mega Latios, and if they do Latias completely outclasses it bc it has a lot better bulk.
Only niche Mega Latios has is DD while also having the ability to click Draco for physical walls and HP Fire for pokemon like Ferro. Other than the dd sets mega Latias is just a better Mon CM Sweeping (better bulk to take hits) and a general attacker the bulk and its special attack still being decent. It has a niche as a mixed Dragon Dancer so I don't think it should be unranked. D Rank would fit it maybe C Rank (C Rank is a stretch but I could see why some people would want it there)
Also Latias does not get access to Dragon Dance (So Mega Latios is not 100% useless yay but still pretty bad)
Here's a huge write up on what I think should be fixed (debatable):

Empoleon on Water S -> A
Serperior on Grass S -> A
Rotom-Wash on Electric A -> S
Mega Gardevoir on Psychic A - > S
Victini on Psychic A -> S

There has been a huge tier update which changes some mons' viability while doesn't affect others.
Empoleon: Zapdos is back which beats Empoleon and defogs the rocks away. That aside, empoleon is only one kind of hazard removal/hazard setter. It really depends on what kind of core you decided to choose such as empoleon/lanturn or swampert/tenta or some of the other. Each of those cores are effective in their own ways and empoleon should NOt be s rank because of that.
Serperior: Okay so this mon single handedly beats water teams and puts in work vs ground teams... anything new to grass vs water or ground? Not really, serp doesn't really help with common types that beat grass such as steel, flying, or fire because you either pick hp ground/fire and either way a mon walls you in steel. On Flying, serp just can't touch anything really except maybe mega gyara but that's handled by other teammates anyways.
Rotom-Wash: Rotom w is an amazing mon on electric scarf or bulky lefties. Rotom allows you to wall excadrill (sand rush) that would otherwise rock slide or eq your electric team to death. Access to strong water stab and will o wisp is really helpful in general and rotom provides good momentum. Deserves S-Rank for its helpfulness.
Mega-Gardevoir: Let's be honest, can psychic really beat dark without this monster? Super high base spatk and a good speed tier + pixilated stab hyper voice. Very little counters and can run sub/encore/willo. Enough said.
Victini: Bug slayer, v create with 180 power + stab. Momentum. Good movepool. Nothing else needed except it's on every psychic team and puts in a ton of work vs every type.

(edit: removed togekiss)
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Since i haven't posted in here in a while quick changes
Gardevoir (Fairy) B--->A
Mega-Gardevoir (Fairy) B--->A
Jiraichi (Psychic) C--->B
Starmie (Psychic) A--->B
Whimsciot (Grass) A---->B
Granbull D--->C (Fairy)
Fletchinder (Fire) C--->B
Bronzong (Steel) B--->C
Gallade (Psychic) B--->C
Snorlax (Normal) C--->B
Cinccino (Normal) D--->C
Gardevoir: Good scarfer just as viable as Togekiss as a scarfer. Also has niche with healing wish
Mega-Gardevoir: Great Mega helps vs posion and for teams that don't wanna run sr clef (cm clef with the yellow)
Jiraichi: Good scarfer with healing wish. Just a solid Mon
Starmie: Latios and Mew do Starmie's job of getting rid of hazards better
Whimsciot: Has a niche of slowing down fast threats. Other than that its eh. Encore is cool though
Granbull: Good physical wall in similar position as Flogress but still decent
Fletchinder: Good revenge killer and late game cleaner. Helps vs fighting which can be hard for fire
Bronzong: Like fortress other thing do its job of screens (Klefiki) Rocks and Immunity to ground/taking half from fire moves (Heatran (is immune) and Skarm (Doesn't Worry about mold breaker)
Gallade: Good in X and Y lost its viability because Hoopa-U took its spot on Psychic. Also Mega Gallade coming back also hurts it
Snorlax: Just a good mon on Normal Curse Lax can sweep unprepared teams.
Cinccino: High speed with skill link and movepul to back it up. Just on the C Rank Mons Level
Since i haven't posted in here in a while quick changes
Gardevoir (Fairy) B--->A
Mega-Gardevoir (Fairy) B--->A
Jiraichi (Psychic) C--->B
Starmie (Psychic) A--->B
Whimsciot (Grass) A---->B
Granbull D--->C (Fairy)
Fletchinder (Fire) C--->B
Bronzong (Steel) B--->C
Gallade (Psychic) B--->C
Snorlax (Normal) C--->B
Cinccino (Normal) D--->C
Gardevoir: Good scarfer just as viable as Togekiss as a scarfer. Also has niche with healing wish
Mega-Gardevoir: Great Mega helps vs posion and for teams that don't wanna run sr clef (cm clef with the yellow)
Jiraichi: Good scarfer with healing wish. Just a solid Mon
Starmie: Latios and Mew do Starmie's job of getting rid of hazards better
Whimsciot: Has a niche of slowing down fast threats. Other than that its eh. Encore is cool though
Granbull: Good physical wall in similar position as Flogress but still decent
Fletchinder: Good revenge killer and late game cleaner. Helps vs fighting which can be hard for fire
Bronzong: Like fortress other thing do its job of screens (Klefiki) Rocks and Immunity to ground/taking half from fire moves (Heatran (is immune) and Skarm (Doesn't Worry about mold breaker)
Gallade: Good in X and Y lost its viability because Hoopa-U took its spot on Psychic. Also Mega Gallade coming back also hurts it
Snorlax: Just a good mon on Normal Curse Lax can sweep unprepared teams.
Cinccino: High speed with skill link and movepul to back it up. Just on the C Rank Mons Level
I can agree with everything except whim. It's a great fast special attacker and very helpful against dragon, and with the usage behind it, I feel it is still a rank.
^ that usage right now is likely a reaction to mega-sableye though, as it's the only mon on grass that can avoid burns from it (via prankster sub) while beating it with fairy moves...
Clefairy for D Rank in Fairy Monotype
Fairy doesn't have many superb rockers. Mawile is passable, but Clefairy has better special defense and can be a wishing cleric and status spreader as well while Getting Eviolite to improve it's bulk. You can also use it as a "backup clefable" with Calm Mind/Moonlight/Moonblast/Flamethrower. Clefairy has a niche of essentially giving Clefable 4 more moveslots to toy around with.
Clefairy for D Rank in Fairy Monotype
Fairy doesn't have many superb rockers. Mawile is passable, but Clefairy has better special defense and can be a wishing cleric and status spreader as well while Getting Eviolite to improve it's bulk. You can also use it as a "backup clefable" with Calm Mind/Moonlight/Moonblast/Flamethrower. Clefairy has a niche of essentially giving Clefable 4 more moveslots to toy around with.

Na, Clefable is currently already a great rocker with a nice set that works and isn't "niche" just for setting up rocks. It can also be used as great Thunder Waver and/or CM, Moonblast set without Thunder Wave/rocks. Also I'm not so sure about putting a Pokemon with very low stats totalling(Is that even a word lmao) up to 323, although it does have Evilote it's really not enough unless your using it for a suicide lead, but the worst problem with it is what are you gonna replace it with. Fairy already basically needs everything it uses imo and I don't see a proper replacement. Really I just don't think its worth using rocks on a mon who will do nothing but set up rocks when its not even fast for a nice suicide lead like aerodactyl and when there's already a good rocker option.
Clefairy for D Rank in Fairy Monotype
Fairy doesn't have many superb rockers. Mawile is passable, but Clefairy has better special defense and can be a wishing cleric and status spreader as well while Getting Eviolite to improve it's bulk. You can also use it as a "backup clefable" with Calm Mind/Moonlight/Moonblast/Flamethrower. Clefairy has a niche of essentially giving Clefable 4 more moveslots to toy around with.

Disagree completely. There is no reason to use Clefairy over Clefable. Clefable does the job as a Stealth Rocker pretty nicely, and has access to both Unaware and Magic Guard.

I say leave it unranked.
More Changes I'd like to be made
Bisharp (Dark) A--->S
Mega Sceptile (Grass) C--->B
Tyrantrum (Dragon) C--->B
Luxray (Electric) A--->B
Exploud (Normal) B--->C
Stunfisk (Electric) C--->B
Salmence (Dragon) D--->C
Haxorus (Dragon) C--->D
Krookodile (Dark) C--->B
Bisharp (Dark) A--->S Staple on dark and is one of very few ways dark stands a chance vs fairy. Also is one of the best setup sweepers dark has. Good late game cleaner.
Mega Sceptile (Grass) C--->B Fast typing helps grass somewhat still shit compared to Venasaur but still usable because of the high speed and typing.
Tyrantrum (Dragon) C--->B Good stealth rocker got better with its new ability of being able to spam head smashes without taking recoil damage. Also is a great dragon dance/ choice band user
Luxray (Electric) A--->B Not A Rank material nothing against it just feel like it and Evire are equal.
Exploud (Normal) B--->C Not as good as it was in x and y. Also normal has lots of good special attackers. Just isn't the best thing in this meta
Stunfisk (Electric) C--->B Good stealth rocker/wall (and also only stealth rocker electric has)
Salmence (Dragon) D--->C decent scarfer. decent dragon dancer (mixed) just faces lots of competition
Haxorus (Dragon) C--->D Lots of good dragon dancers on dragon and its just bad compared to the other DD's on dragon
Krookodile (Dark) C--->B Stealth Rock other than t-tar with Intimidate fits with other B Rank mons on dark.
Jynx (Ice) D Rank Jynx should be removed
Empoleon (Water) S Rank Empoleon should be removed
Gallade (Psychic) B Rank Gallade should be removed
More Changes I'd like to be made
Bisharp (Dark) A--->S
Mega Sceptile (Grass) C--->B
Tyrantrum (Dragon) C--->B
Luxray (Electric) A--->B
Exploud (Normal) B--->C
Stunfisk (Electric) C--->B
Salmence (Dragon) D--->C
Haxorus (Dragon) C--->D
Krookodile (Dark) C--->B
Bisharp (Dark) A--->S Staple on dark and is one of very few ways dark stands a chance vs fairy. Also is one of the best setup sweepers dark has. Good late game cleaner.
Mega Sceptile (Grass) C--->B Fast typing helps grass somewhat still shit compared to Venasaur but still usable because of the high speed and typing.
Tyrantrum (Dragon) C--->B Good stealth rocker got better with its new ability of being able to spam head smashes without taking recoil damage. Also is a great dragon dance/ choice band user
Luxray (Electric) A--->B Not A Rank material nothing against it just feel like it and Evire are equal.
Exploud (Normal) B--->C Not as good as it was in x and y. Also normal has lots of good special attackers. Just isn't the best thing in this meta
Stunfisk (Electric) C--->B Good stealth rocker/wall (and also only stealth rocker electric has)
Salmence (Dragon) D--->C decent scarfer. decent dragon dancer (mixed) just faces lots of competition
Haxorus (Dragon) C--->D Lots of good dragon dancers on dragon and its just bad compared to the other DD's on dragon
Krookodile (Dark) C--->B Stealth Rock other than t-tar with Intimidate fits with other B Rank mons on dark.
Jynx (Ice) D Rank Jynx should be removed
Empoleon (Water) S Rank Empoleon should be removed
Gallade (Psychic) B Rank Gallade should be removed
Agree with everything aside from Luxray, unlike the other physical attackers, it does not mind being burned thanks to Guts, Toxic is also something that Electric isn't too fond of taking (Magnezone may be immune to it but Luxray can be a status absorber and utilize the Guts boost which is nice when considering typical Electric defensive cores). I haven't played with Electric all that much but I have a good idea of how it works. Imo Luxray is better than Electrivire overall but that's just coming from me. I support everything else.
Golem (Ground) for C D Rank

I'm not entirely sure if this is a D or C rank mon (it's C- imho), but Golem is one of the better offensive Stealth Rock layers on Ground (Mamoswine arguably can lay rocks better as well as provide an Ice resist and good priority, and normal Steelix is better for pure damage-dealing while still maintaining the custap strat, but Golem can most easily lay rocks and shift momentum in your favour by exploding allowing you to put a more powerful mon in), being able to make a slight dent in Skarmory (or just burn haxing it) with Fire Punch (252+ Atk Golem Fire Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 98-116 (29.3 - 34.7%) -- 100% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery) as well as being able to kill most mons that are foolish enough to try to use a strong move on it. Its counters are many, but if your team absolutely needs rocks to function well, or if you're really scared of sash spam, Golem may be the mon for your team.

Golem @ Custap Berry
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 44 HP / 252 Atk / 212 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fire Punch
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Stealth Rock

This is the only Golem set worth running outside of meme sets on low ladder (Assault Vest Flamethrower Golem is the truth), and it's self-explanatory. Lay rocks and blow up. If they put in a mon that Earthquake can OHKO that you can outspeed, just kill it, free kills are always helpful. The HP EVs are for surviving a +0 Cloyster's Icicle Spear ~70% of the time (that chance being that none of them crit), the Speed EVs are for outspeeding mons that creep uninvested base 70s, such as Azumarill, and maybe even other mons. The rest of the EVs and the nature are for hitting as hard as possible. Fire Punch Skarmories and Ferrothorns and Mega Scizors and make the other person forfeit (has actually happened on high ladder even after I posted my RMT). Don't try to Custap on priority users and don't try to rocks on multi-hit users and Golem can be the superstar of your team.

It's destroyed by any priority, gamesense (50/50s can be forced since you can just use Earthquake in Custap but it's obviously not preferred), any mon that only exists to get saced in a matchup (why sac Latios when Dragalge does nothing in the Ground matchup?), any Bullet Seed users, any Arm Thrust users (i have seen a megahera use arm thrust, gotta kill those golems amirite), and any U-Turners that can break Sturdy and turn Golem from a solid mon to a deadweight. Only use it if you absolutely need rocks, or you just really, really, love rocks being up on your side.
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Golem (Ground) for C Rank

I'm not entirely sure if this is a D or C rank mon (it's C- imho), but Golem is one of the better offensive Stealth Rock layers on Ground (Mamoswine arguably can lay rocks better as well as provide an Ice resist and good priority, and normal Steelix is better for pure damage-dealing while still maintaining the custap strat, but Golem can most easily lay rocks and shift momentum in your favour by exploding allowing you to put a more powerful mon in), being able to make a slight dent in Skarmory (or just burn haxing it) with Fire Punch (252+ Atk Golem Fire Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 98-116 (29.3 - 34.7%) -- 100% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery) as well as being able to kill most mons that are foolish enough to try to use a strong move on it. Its counters are many, but if your team absolutely needs rocks to function well, or if you're really scared of sash spam, Golem may be the mon for your team.

Golem @ Custap Berry
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 44 HP / 252 Atk / 212 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fire Punch
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Stealth Rock

This is the only Golem set worth running outside of meme sets on low ladder (Assault Vest Flamethrower Golem is the truth), and it's self-explanatory. Lay rocks and blow up. If they put in a mon that Earthquake can OHKO that you can outspeed, just kill it, free kills are always helpful. The HP EVs are for surviving a +0 Cloyster's Icicle Spear ~70% of the time (that chance being that none of them crit), the Speed EVs are for outspeeding mons that creep uninvested base 70s, such as Azumarill, and maybe even other mons. The rest of the EVs and the nature are for hitting as hard as possible. Fire Punch Skarmories and Ferrothorns and Mega Scizors and make the other person forfeit (has actually happened on high ladder even after I posted my RMT). Don't try to Custap on priority users and don't try to rocks on multi-hit users and Golem can be the superstar of your team.

It's destroyed by any priority, gamesense (50/50s can be forced since you can just use Earthquake in Custap but it's obviously not preferred), any mon that only exists to get saced in a matchup (why sac Latios when Dragalge does nothing in the Ground matchup?), any Bullet Seed users, any Arm Thrust users (i have seen a megahera use arm thrust, gotta kill those golems amirite), and any U-Turners that can break Sturdy and turn Golem from a solid mon to a deadweight. Only use it if you absolutely need rocks, or you just really, really, love rocks being up on your side.
If it's alright, I'm gonna argue against that. Gleam does have a couple niches in it can fire priority explosions (if custap), or be a below average revenge killer. Otherwise tbh that's about it. It never lasts long, so if your opponet has a spinner/defogger, and your golem already died, there goes your hazards for the match. If you were to compare this to an actual C ranked ground mon, like mega steelix, that clearly is more viable. It's steel typing helps against ice teams, it can take advantage of sandstorm and get both of its stabs boosted, and its got good enough defenses to be a physical/mixed tank. Comparing that to Golem's pluses, I'm gonna vouch for D Rank.
If it's alright, I'm gonna argue against that. Gleam does have a couple niches in it can fire priority explosions (if custap), or be a below average revenge killer. Otherwise tbh that's about it. It never lasts long, so if your opponet has a spinner/defogger, and your golem already died, there goes your hazards for the match. If you were to compare this to an actual C ranked ground mon, like mega steelix, that clearly is more viable. It's steel typing helps against ice teams, it can take advantage of sandstorm and get both of its stabs boosted, and its got good enough defenses to be a physical/mixed tank. Comparing that to Golem's pluses, I'm gonna vouch for D Rank.

I should have been more specific, by "teams that need rocks" I meant HO teams. You are definitely going to have trouble keeping rocks up against Defoggers in particular (in theory maxspeed spin delibird provides a challenge also but lol delibird). You have to Explode on slower Defoggers or spinners you cannot ohko, denying the removal. Even then, you may find Mandibuzz or Skarmory taking away your hard-fought rocks. You often have to run double rocks to compensate for it, and Golem teams often find their matchups are essentially "How weak is this team to rocks, and how reliable is their hazard removal against my team?". Not sure whether this is C or D, either is an okay rank for him.

edit: mega steelix was an awful example of a C rank, overrated imho, Golem is def rhyperior/dugtrio tier. Definitely D tier.
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I should have been more specific, by "teams that need rocks" I meant HO teams. You are definitely going to have trouble keeping rocks up against Defoggers in particular (in theory maxspeed spin delibird provides a challenge also but lol delibird). You have to Explode on slower Defoggers or spinners you cannot ohko, denying the removal. Even then, you may find Mandibuzz or Skarmory taking away your hard-fought rocks. You often have to run double rocks to compensate for it, and Golem teams often find their matchups are essentially "How weak is this team to rocks, and how reliable is their hazard removal against my team?". Not sure whether this is C or D, either is an okay rank for him.

edit: mega steelix was an awful example of a C rank, overrated imho, Golem is def rhyperior/dugtrio tier. Definitely D tier.
Golem I don't think is c rqnked, sure it has a niche, but it doesn't offer very much else to a team once so ever. And how was steelix not a good example exactly, I'm a little curious why you think that. Granted ik you use golem, and hey, great for you, that doesn't mean it's as viable as you may think it iss.
Golem I don't think is c rqnked, sure it has a niche, but it doesn't offer very much else to a team once so ever. And how was steelix not a good example exactly, I'm a little curious why you think that. Granted ik you use golem, and hey, great for you, that doesn't mean it's as viable as you may think it iss.
only not a good example because mega steelix sux, I think he's on a similar level as golem (at least when I try to use it). also my edit read golem at d rank (prob should've edited the actual analysis to read D rank? changing now), didn't realize rhyph and my boy dugtrio are at d tier. golem's niche is slightly better than "lol polish policy" or "do like 50% to some fast sweeper and die" or "lay toxspikes and then realize nidoqueen has no defensive synergy" so its like D+, but it's definitely not krookodile good, not nearly, so it does better in D rank.
Sharpedo (Water) B -> A
Empoleon (Water) It's literally on both S and A (??) -> A
Medicham (Fighting) A -> S
Medicham (Psychic) A -> S
Mega Gallade (Psychic) S -> A

Sharpedo is really amazing for Water since it can smash matchups that are difficult for water; Psychic, Dragon and Flying all crumble to a well played Sharpedo and are nearly 6-0d by it with hazards set up. (Lax can attest to this)Sharpedo can also just mega evolve right away and wallbreaker difficult cores like Psychic's and Ghost's without needing the Speed Boost. The only thing holding it back from being S is the support that it needs in terms of entry hazards and also the fact that it exemplifies the breloom weakness and is useless vs Fairy.

Empoleon is good, but it isn't really S because if using it on a Water team you need to give it support to take Ground type moves because having it on a team makes you very weak to Landorus and Sand Rush Excadrill. Also, it's completely useless in ~3 matchups and it doesn't really fit the criteria of S.

Medicham is just as good as Gallade if not better since it has access to strong priority on top of having immediate wallbreaking potential. It pairs very well with Heracross and if a team isn't really weak to Psychic Gallade is almost always better. It's the same story on Psychic but even moreso because Psychic has absolutely no access to priority so Medicham is really useful, and it is also better to wallbreak vs bulky types like Normal and Ground.

Gallade is a really big letdown on Psychic, it's alright but both the other megas do its job so much better; Medicham wallbreaks and has priority and Gardevoir can wallbreak Water, be a Dragon resist and also (the biggest thing) beat Dark teams. The Swords Dance set is good, but the fact that it lives in the shadow of the other two megas would make it worthy of A rank.
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Sorry for the double post (might be more tho!)

Zapdos (Flying) for S Rank


Zapdos @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 244 SpD / 16 Spe
Calm Nature
- Defog
- Roost
- Discharge
- Toxic / Heat Wave

Zapdos is generally used as a Defogger because of its unique typing, and decent special bulk. Electric / Flying gives Flying an important neutrality to Electric and its bulk lets it tank many special attacks. This spread makes Zapdos as specially bulky as possible while letting it outrun Adamant Bisharp. 248 HP lets Zapdos hit a Stealth Rock number so you can switch it in 5 times. Defog is obvious, it removes Stealth Rocks from your side of the field. Roost keeps Zapdos healthy, and removes its Ice and Rock weakness for one turn. Discharge hits for a decent amount of damage while having a 30% chance to paralyze the opponent. The last move depends on what your team needs. Toxic puts things on a timer while Heat Wave hits Ferrothorn. Hidden Power Ice is also an option, but it isn't worth it because Toxic is generally more useful.
Triple post unless someone snipes me. I'm updating some of the more poorly written analysis's.

Mega Venusaur (Grass) for S Rank


Venusaur @ Venusaurite
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Synthesis
- Sludge Bomb / Giga Drain
- Earthquake
- Hidden Power Fire

You can change which defense to invest in depending on your team, or go for mixed defenses.

Grass generally struggles against Steel Monotypes. Breloom generally isn't enough because Doublade and Skarmory are able to wall it while Mega Scizor checks it. This set's purpose is to beat Steel types, and hit Grass's weakness. A Bold nature is chosen because Mega Venusaur is able to 2HKO Heatran with Earthquake even with a negative nature. Hidden Power Fire is there to lure in Heatran, and to hit Scizor and Skarmory. Sludge Bomb is generally better because Grass is a poor attacking type, and Sludge Bomb can poison your opponent. Synthesis is mandatory, but you need to keep PP in mind.

Venusaur @ Venusaurite
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Synthesis
- Sludge Bomb
- Giga Drain
- Earthquake / Hidden Power Fire / Leech Seed

You can change which defense to invest in depending on your team, or go for mixed defenses.

There is no standard set because Mega Venusaur can be customized to fit with your team. However, this set generally has both Sludge Bomb and Giga Drain. Earthquake is used to hit Fire types and Heatran. Leech Seed wears down foes while healing Venusaur. Hidden Power Fire is used to hit Scizor and Ferrothorn. A Bold nature is the best even if you have Earthquake because speed is important, and you're able to 2HKO Heatran either way.

There are more sets such as the Curse and Amnesia set but these are the main ones. Tell me if I missed something.
Heatran for A Rank on Fire (Explanation)


Heatran @ Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Earth Power
- Toxic
- Flash Cannon

Fire is a type with little to no walls. Out of this small amount of walls, Heatran is definitely the one that stands out the most. With it's respectable 91 HP, 106 Defense and 106 Special Defense, it can easily be called Fire's best wall. With a good typing Fire/Steel it can come into Rock type attacks and even do damage with Flash Cannon/Earth Power. It has an amazing Special Attack (130) stat that people tend to forget about. It also can check Mega-Diancie with Air Balloon while also helping Fire with a switch in for Outrage. I, personally like the Specially Defensive set the most because Fire has a Physical Wall in Torkoal. Another thing that makes Heatran so good is it's versatility. It can run different types of sets on Fire e.g Choice Scarf, Stealth Rocker, Bulky Attacker etc. I'd even say that it could potentially be S Rank for Fire.

Infernape for A Rank on Fire (Explanation)


Infernape @ Focus Sash
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Flamethrower
- Close Combat
- Earthquake
- Mach Punch

Infernape is a pokemon that I would say can run almost any set on Fire. Due to it's amazing movepool aswell as great Speed Tier and Good Offensive stats, it is one Fire's best offensive mons. One of my favorite things about Infernape is it's ability to dismantle a team on it's own. Infernape helps Fire against Normal, Dark, Steel, Electric etc. As it has a great movepool, it can run different types of coverage moves to suit the team. My favorite set on Infernape is the Choice Band set. Some other set's aswell as the Choice Band sets are given below:

Choice Band:

Infernape @ Choice Band
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat
- Mach Punch
- U-turn


Infernape @ Focus Sash
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 248 Atk / 8 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Overheat
- Close Combat

Mixed Life Orb Attacker:

Infernape @ Life Orb
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 248 Atk / 8 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Close Combat
- Fire Blast
- Mach Punch
- Earthquake

Like Heatran,I'd say Infernape could potentially be S Rank on Fire.
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Heatran for A Rank on Fire (Explanation)


Heatran @ Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Earth Power
- Toxic
- Flash Cannon

Fire is a type with little to no walls. Out of this small amount of walls, Heatran is definitely the one that stands out the most. With it's respectable 91 HP, 106 Defense and 106 Special Defense, it can easily be called Fire's best wall. With a good typing Fire/Steel it can come into Rock type attacks and even do damage with Flash Cannon/Earth Power. It has an amazing Special Attack (130) stat that people tend to forget about. It also can check Mega-Diancie with Air Balloon while also helping Fire with a switch in for Outrage. I, personally like the Specially Defensive set the most because Fire has a Physical Wall in Torkoal. Another thing that makes Heatran so good is it's versatility. It can run different types of sets on Fire e.g Choice Scarf, Stealth Rocker, Bulky Attacker etc. I'd even say that it could potentially be S Rank for Fire.

Infernape for A Rank on Fire (Explanation)


Infernape @ Focus Sash
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Flamethrower
- Close Combat
- Earthquake
- Mach Punch

Infernape is a pokemon that I would say can run almost any set on Fire. Due to it's amazing movepool aswell as great Speed Tier and Good Offensive stats, it is one Fire's best offensive mons. One of my favorite things about Infernape is it's ability to dismantle a team on it's own. Infernape helps Fire against Normal, Dark, Steel, Electric etc. As it has a great movepool, it can run different types of coverage moves to suit the team. My favorite set on Infernape is the Choice Band set. Some other set's aswell as the Choice Band sets are given below:

Choice Band:

Infernape @ Choice Band
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat
- Mach Punch
- U-turn

Infernape @ Focus Sash
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 248 Atk / 8 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Overheat
- Close Combat

Mixed Life Orb Attacker:

Infernape @ Life Orb
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 248 Atk / 8 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Close Combat
- Fire Blast
- Mach Punch
- Earthquake

Like Heatran,I'd say Infernape could potentially be S Rank on Fire.
Hey nice write up, but I'm gonna disagree I think with heatran. It can absorb rock attacks nicely, and with the right investment can check diancie (which note, that is something Darmanitan can also do), but on a usually hyper offensive team, there isn't a lot of room, and there's also the fact that it has no recovery, which really hurts it's role as a wall. I'm gonna say B rank for that.

As for Infernape, I would slash Thunder Punch on some of these sets. Very helpful against water and flying, and it can check gyarados prior to boosting. You could even slash HP Ice on the LO set, since it sits at a great speed tier, so it can potentially check Chomp, Landos, ans even certain dragons. Nice write up otherwise
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Terrakion for S Rank on Fighting

Terrakion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Iron Head
- Earthquake/X-Scissor

Terrakion is one of Fighting best Revenge Killers and main thing to deal with Flying and Big threats such as Mega Pinsir or Scarf Togekiss. With a nice attack stat of 129 and a decent Speed stat of 108 it can outspeed a good amount of the Meta using a Choice Scarf and get off a nice output of damage while doing it. Close Combat and Stone Edge are used for standard stabs while Iron Head is more for Faries like Mega Diancie and Earthquake can be nice for things like Doublade or Aegislash if they're low enough to the point where you can get a kill or its a decent revenge move sometimes so you won't be risking Stone Edges accuracy or Close Combats drops implying they are low enough. X-Scissor can be used for Physic, although Slowbro still can wall it very well. Terrakion isn't terribly frail with a 91/90/90 but it's not something your consistently letting take hits. Overall Terrakion is very helpful to Fighting being able to be a check to a good amount of Fighting's biggest threats like Mega Pinsir or Mega Diancie as I mentioned above

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