To be honest neither of you could probably do it successfully without asking questions so please stop posting questions not related to research, not asking questions on how to do something, or not replying to help someone.
Can anyone verify if the Encounter Slots listed for Wayward Cave (Main) are correct?
I'm fairly certain they're all wrong as I've caught 3 different pokemon from various spreads, non of which match the encounter slots that comes listed with RNG Reporter. The IVs are all correct.
Make that 4 pokemon with the correct spread IVs but the wrong Encounter Slot.
I want to catch Giratina in Turnback Cave because it's easier to encounter it's shiny form there.
My question is: Are his values permanent when you encounter him in Distortion World?
Hmm, I'm getting some really bizarre results here with my coin flips. I'm not missing my seconds (as far as I can tell), yet I'm not getting matching coin flip results between 610 and 650, which is a huge range, and one that I'm typically right in the middle of. I'm landed inside that range twice out of like 10 resets. Could there be anything affecting this that I don't know about?
if i have no roamers do I always start at frame 0? The frame i'm trying to get is frame 1. The coin flips match but then i rare candy up and IV check and none of the 3 seeds that having matching 10 coin flips have matching IV's to the guy i have. So i can't figure where i'm going wrong.
Any advice?
You start on frame 1, so if you Sweet scent you can only catch frame 2. Next time try finding the seed, generating the list, then finding out what frame you got yourself.
So I guess I'm sounding stupid, but this is my second attempt at this so some things I'm pretty clueless on. Thanks for helping anyway. So you mentioned sweet scent, but I'm past the point of that. I'm standing at the day care right beside the dude with the egg. I know the seed i want, and it is at frame 1. so i keep doing the SR thing until i got the 10 coin flips that match but the pokes IV's don't match any on the list of "generate adjacent results".
So either i am way off, or i'm donig something completely wrong. What does sweet scent have to do with anything at this point?
target time can be anything I choose, right?
Can anyone verify if the Encounter Slots listed for Wayward Cave (Main) are correct?
I'm fairly certain they're all wrong as I've caught 3 different pokemon from various spreads, non of which match the encounter slots that comes listed with RNG Reporter. The IVs are all correct.
Make that 4 pokemon with the correct spread IVs but the wrong Encounter Slot.
i need help getting my SID for RNG plz anyone?
Bump and make that 5 different spreads. Who created this Encounter Slot chart? I can help in changing it to the correct slots whoever it is....just pm me.
I did :P (Well, they are from the rom dumps from the actual games)
What location? What method of capture?