Multifaction Recruitment Mafia - Night 13 (Deadline: 17/01 10:00pm GMT/5:00pm EST)

Hello friends. It's me, Bass!

I think our brothers and sisters on the fire faction have probably suffered enough for now. So let yesterday's enemies be friends and join hands to restore balance to this game!

Today we are going to vote spiderz. Please share your energy with me and hop to it.

the spinner doesn't lie

vote spiderz
since IPL is uh banned I'll be stepping in to host interim. DM me on smogon or on discord (knyazev.) for actions

Vote count as of post 1355:

spiderz (12) - Bass, UncleSam, zorbees, Lrr, CaffeineBoost, olivia7, Celever, Gmax, LightWolf, NightEmerald, ChaosNinjaGaming, Matieu
SB. (1) - master oden

21 votes for hammer.