Pokemon: Magneton (no eviolite)
Niche: DPP Ubers
Stats: 75/60/85/105/85/135
Type: Electric/Steel
Abilities: Analytic
New Moves: Ice Beam, Flamethrower
Removed Moves: Explosion
Description: Magneton's only niche in DPP Ubers was that, since Magnezone was 10 points slower than it, it could use Choice Scarf to revenge kill mons that Magnezone couldnt, so i gave it a huge speed stat and Ice Beam and Flamethrower to emulate its use of HP Ice/Fire, but nerfed its defenses, spatk, and i also gave it an useless ability due to it effectively having BoltBeam coverage, with STAB in one of them, and Volt Switch, so now its a decent Specs mon with BoltBeam and a pivot move that can be taken care off by bulky mons that can take its hits, or Scarf mons who outspeed it and could easily ko it due to its poor defenses
Pokemon: Seaking
Niche: BW NU
Stats: 110/105/80/65/90/70
Type: Water
Abilities: Sheer Force | Lightning Rod
New Moves: Headfreeze, Liquidation
Removed Moves: -
90BP | 100% Acc | 32PP | Ice | Physical | Has a 10% chance to freeze
"The user brainfreeze's itself to create a hard coat of ice on its head, and crashes into the opponent"
"The user brainfreeze's itself to create a hard coat of ice on its head, and crashes into the opponent"
Description: Seaking has had an history of being bad in every generation, at any tier, to quote SS ZU's Seaking's overview, "Don't use Seaking.", so i want to redeem it here, its best and most consistant item through all gens has been the Life Orb, which is also used in its only BW NU set, so i gave it Sheer Force to help it in using it more effectively, it also has many coverage moves from which it can boost its attacks from with it, with attacks like Poison Jab, Throat Chop, Drill Run, and now Headfreeze, which i added because one of the moves in its BW NU set is Ice Beam, it now also has a better water STAB in Liquidation, which is also boosted by Sheer Force, and retains Flip Turn, it also has a slightly better atk stat, better defenses but its still held back by being quite slow, and only having one STAB type, and its defenses, while buffed, are still not the greatest
Pokemon: Moltres
Niche: SS UU
Stats: 90/95/100/115/90/90
Type: Fire/Flying
Abilities: Pressure | Flame Body
New Moves: Earth Power, Defog
Removed Moves: -
Description: Moltres is one of the most interesting mons competitively in my opinion, its an offensive pivot, something that should not work due to its poor defensive typing, having a quad weakness to stealth rock, and to rock type moves, as well having a normal weakness at two of the best typings in the game, water and electric, but somehow it just works, it compensates all of these by also having amazing resistances to other common types like fire, fighting, fairy, and an inmunity to ground, and can heal off damage with Roost, and having just the right tools for its job with U-Turn, Scorching Sands to smack electric types trying to switch into it, Defog, and the already mentioned Roost aswell as great STAB options in Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Hurricane and Air Slash, and then gen 9 came along and removed Scorching Sands and Defog from its movepool, severely hurting it, so i decided to sub this guy here, i nerfed its offenses to buff its defenses to make it a better pivot and still being able to deal good damage, replaced Scorching Sands with Earth Power and gave it Defog back
Pokemon: Golbat (no eviolite)
Niche: XY RU
Stats: 90/85/110/65/115/70
Type: Flying/Poison
Abilities: Infiltrator | Aerilate
New Moves: Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, Spikes, Toxic Spikes
Removed Moves: U-Turn
Description: Lower tiers are known for its lack of hazard control, and XY RU is no exeption, one of the only hazard control mons in XY RU was Golbat, with Defog it was able to remove pesky hazards for its teamates, but would also remove the ones its teamates put on the opponent's side, and could also work as a bulky stallbreaker with moves like Toxic, which paired well with Infiltrator, Super Fang, Taunt and Brave Bird while remaining healthy with Roost, and pivot with U-Turn, but had the drawback of not being able to hold any other item that wasnt Eviolite, so i decided to go with its hazard control role to the fullest, it now has great bulk with a good defensive typing, the ability to hold other items, and now it has many ways to remove hazards, it can go with Defog, Mortal Spin, and can run Aerilate with Rapid Spin to have an unblockable way to remove hazards, and can dish out its own with Spikes and Toxic Spikes, its also still weak to Stealth Rocks, slower than before, cannot use U-Turn anymore, and while it has very good bulk, compared to other bulky mons, it isnt that great
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