Pet Mod Multiverse - Gen 9 - Slate 10 FINAL

Pokemon: Magneton (no eviolite)
Niche: DPP Ubers
Stats: 75/60/85/105/85/135
Type: Electric/Steel
New Moves: Ice Beam, Flamethrower
Removed Moves: Explosion
Description: Magneton's only niche in DPP Ubers was that, since Magnezone was 10 points slower than it, it could use Choice Scarf to revenge kill mons that Magnezone couldnt, so i gave it a huge speed stat and Ice Beam and Flamethrower to emulate its use of HP Ice/Fire, but nerfed its defenses, spatk, and i also gave it an useless ability due to it effectively having BoltBeam coverage, with STAB in one of them, and Volt Switch, so now its a decent Specs mon with BoltBeam and a pivot move that can be taken care off by bulky mons that can take its hits, or Scarf mons who outspeed it and could easily ko it due to its poor defenses

Pokemon: Seaking
Niche: BW NU
Stats: 110/105/80/65/90/70
Type: Water
Sheer Force | Lightning Rod
New Moves: Headfreeze, Liquidation
Removed Moves: -
90BP | 100% Acc | 32PP | Ice | Physical | Has a 10% chance to freeze
"The user brainfreeze's itself to create a hard coat of ice on its head, and crashes into the opponent"

Description: Seaking has had an history of being bad in every generation, at any tier, to quote SS ZU's Seaking's overview, "Don't use Seaking.", so i want to redeem it here, its best and most consistant item through all gens has been the Life Orb, which is also used in its only BW NU set, so i gave it Sheer Force to help it in using it more effectively, it also has many coverage moves from which it can boost its attacks from with it, with attacks like Poison Jab, Throat Chop, Drill Run, and now Headfreeze, which i added because one of the moves in its BW NU set is Ice Beam, it now also has a better water STAB in Liquidation, which is also boosted by Sheer Force, and retains Flip Turn, it also has a slightly better atk stat, better defenses but its still held back by being quite slow, and only having one STAB type, and its defenses, while buffed, are still not the greatest

Pokemon: Moltres
Niche: SS UU
Stats: 90/95/100/115/90/90
Type: Fire/Flying
Pressure | Flame Body
New Moves: Earth Power, Defog
Removed Moves: -
Description: Moltres is one of the most interesting mons competitively in my opinion, its an offensive pivot, something that should not work due to its poor defensive typing, having a quad weakness to stealth rock, and to rock type moves, as well having a normal weakness at two of the best typings in the game, water and electric, but somehow it just works, it compensates all of these by also having amazing resistances to other common types like fire, fighting, fairy, and an inmunity to ground, and can heal off damage with Roost, and having just the right tools for its job with U-Turn, Scorching Sands to smack electric types trying to switch into it, Defog, and the already mentioned Roost aswell as great STAB options in Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Hurricane and Air Slash, and then gen 9 came along and removed Scorching Sands and Defog from its movepool, severely hurting it, so i decided to sub this guy here, i nerfed its offenses to buff its defenses to make it a better pivot and still being able to deal good damage, replaced Scorching Sands with Earth Power and gave it Defog back

Pokemon: Golbat (no eviolite)
Niche: XY RU

Stats: 90/85/110/65/115/70
Type: Flying/Poison
Infiltrator | Aerilate
New Moves: Mortal Spin, Rapid Spin, Spikes, Toxic Spikes
Removed Moves: U-Turn
Description: Lower tiers are known for its lack of hazard control, and XY RU is no exeption, one of the only hazard control mons in XY RU was Golbat, with Defog it was able to remove pesky hazards for its teamates, but would also remove the ones its teamates put on the opponent's side, and could also work as a bulky stallbreaker with moves like Toxic, which paired well with Infiltrator, Super Fang, Taunt and Brave Bird while remaining healthy with Roost, and pivot with U-Turn, but had the drawback of not being able to hold any other item that wasnt Eviolite, so i decided to go with its hazard control role to the fullest, it now has great bulk with a good defensive typing, the ability to hold other items, and now it has many ways to remove hazards, it can go with Defog, Mortal Spin, and can run Aerilate with Rapid Spin to have an unblockable way to remove hazards, and can dish out its own with Spikes and Toxic Spikes, its also still weak to Stealth Rocks, slower than before, cannot use U-Turn anymore, and while it has very good bulk, compared to other bulky mons, it isnt that great
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Pokémon: Mewtwo
Niche: Gen 5 Ubers (Psycho Killer, StallTwo)
Stats: 86 HP / 85 Atk / 70 Def / 124 SpA / 70 SpD / 120 Spe [BST: 555]
Type: Psychic
Abilities: Pressure | Unnerve (HA)
New Moves: Mindgames
: 90 BP | -- Accuracy | 16 PP | Fighting-type | Special | Does not make contact | This attack never misses (Basically a Gen 5 version of Aura Sphere)
Removed Moves: Nasty Plot (sorry)

Descriptions: Gen 5 is one of the iconic versions of Mewtwo, gaining the signature set names of Psycho Killer (special wallbreaker) and StallTwo (defensive). And unlike Gen 1 Mewtwo, Gen 5 Mewtwo is actually balanced in its own tier. Gen 5 Mewtwo takes advantage of its legendary stats and incredibly wide movepool to allow it to become an unpredictable threat both offensively and defensively. Even Special walls are not safe with Psystrike hitting their lower defensive stat. Mindgames emulates its Gen 5 version of Aura Sphere, giving it a more powerful Fighting coverage so it won't have to rely to the infamously inaccurate Focus Blast. Unnerve might also end up being useful if the metagame ends up having Belly Drummers and Chople and Yache berry-holding Pokemon.

Pokémon: Blastoise
Niche: Gen 6 UU (Offensive spinner, special wallbreaker)
Stats: 79 HP / 83 Atk / 105 Def / 115 SpA / 100 SpD / 78 Spe [BST: 560]
Type: Water
Abilities: Mega Launcher
New Moves: Aura Cannon
Aura Cannon
: 80 BP | 100 Accuracy | 16 PP | Water-type | Special | Does not make contact | 20% chance to confuse the opponent | Boosted by Mega Launcher
Removed Moves: Shell Smash

Descriptions: Based on its Gen 6 Mega Evolution, Blastoise acts as a bulky offensive spinner and special wallbreaker in one teamslot. The new Rapid Spin mechanics helps Blastoise a lot, since it patches up its initially low Speed while also gaining a lot of opportunities to spin thanks to its good bulk. Aura Cannon gives it a spammable wallbreaking STAB move that allows it to keep up with power creep and also makes up for the loss of Shell Smash.

Pokémon: Rapidash
Niche: Gen 8 PU (Physical sweeper/wallbreaker)
Stats: 75 HP / 110 Atk / 70 Def / 80 SpA / 80 SpD / 125 Spe [BST: 540]
Type: Fire/Electric
Abilities: Reckless / Flash Fire | Flame Body (HA)
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None

Descriptions: Gen 8 gave Rapidash a lot of buffs, including Swords Dance and a lot of useful coverage moves. Unfortunately, Rapidash still didn't have the stats to make use of it in the higher tiers, but it also managed to be a viable threat in the PU tier. A couple of stat buffs on the crucial stats gives Rapidash a fighting chance to go toe-to-toe with the threats in the higher tiers, functioning as a fast physical attacker with high-powered moves and Swords Dance. Reckless gives Rapidash further power boost to its commonly-used moves in Flare Blitz and Wild Charge.
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wow, legally distinct gengar
Pokémon: Gastly
Niche: SM LC (Special Wallbreaker (no eviolite)
Stats: 80 / 65 / 60 / 120 / 90 / 110 (515)
Type: Ghost / Dark
Abilities: Levitate
New Moves: +Aura Sphere
Removed Moves: none

Descriptions: lil bro think he flutter mane. Gastly and his whole family have always been frail extremely offensive wallbreakers, and SM LC Gastly (the most recent LC where Gastly is even legal) is no different. In that tier, Gastly excels because of its fast Speed and excellent Special Attack. This Gastly replicates that with some extreme stat buffs (as is expected for any LC). Aura Sphere is because SMLC Gastly's most common third slot was Hidden Power Fighting. Aura Sphere is higher BP than that, but we're giving buffs.

this allegedly has a niche in this tier
Pokémon: Tentacruel
Niche: DPP Ubers (Hazard Lead)
Stats: 80 / 70 / 65 / 100 / 120 / 110
Type: Water / Poison
Abilities: Toxic Debris / Poison Point (Liquid Ooze)
New Moves: +Spikes, Mortal Spin, Wash Out
Water - 70 BP - 16PP - 100% Accuracy - Special
After using this move successfully, the user switches out. (wet volt switch)
Removed Moves: none

Descriptions: Did somebody say Glimmora 2? No? Well, here it is anyways. In DPP Ubers, Tentacruel has use as a toxic spike stacker that can set spikes against pretty much anything. It's still certainly flawed, but now it has certain tools that give it an edge: namely a higher Speed tier, a pivoting move that can't be easily blocked, additional hazards in Spikes, and the biggest change: Toxic Debris. Toxic Debris is what makes Tentacruel basically Glimmora 2, but it's cooler.

horse it down
Pokémon: Rapidash
Niche: GSC NU (Sunny Day Attacker)
Stats: 90 / 100 / 90 / 110 / 85 / 105 (580)
Type: Fire
Abilities: Daymare / Flash Fire
Before using a Fire-type attack, this Pokemon sets Sunny Day.
New Moves: +U-Turn
Removed Moves: None

Descriptions: Fear not, fans of my Moltres sub that was unfortunately killed because it was for the wrong metagame, I found a pokemon that does the same thing but in a lower tier! Not much to say here. It does the same thing that my Moltres did, just it's a horse instead of a bird. It combines the roles of sun setter and sun abuser with Daymare boosting its strong special attacks to nuclear blazes. This will maybe end up being more viable without a 4x stealth rock weakness maybe. Gave it pivoting like Moltres had since that's always good for pretty much any mon.
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Pokémon: Mewtwo
Niche: XY Uber (Physical Attacker)
Stats: 86 / 115 / 100 / 64 / 95 / 90 [BST:550]
Type: Psychic / Fighting
Abilities: Steadfast / Sword Of Ruin(HA)
New Moves: Close Combat
Removed Moves: Agility
Descriptions: A different take on mewtwo where i turn it into mmx. Mewtwo never had physical set-up moves or priority so running a broken ability in place of a sky high attack stat is forgivable.
:life-orb:Life Orb:life-orb:
Mewtwo @ Life Orb
Ability: Sword Of Ruin
EVs: 112 Atk / 144 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Taunt
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch

:choice-band:Choice Band:choice-band:
Mewtwo @ Choice Band
Ability: Sword Of Ruin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Zen Headbutt
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch

Pokémon: Kangaskhan
Niche: ADV UU (Physical Attacker)
Stats: 120 / 105 / 90 / 55 / 90 / 100 [BST:540]

Abilities: Early Bird / Scrappy(HA)
New Moves: Toxic
Removed Moves: N/A
Descriptions: In ADV UU, Kangaskhan was used as a physical attacker with Normal / Ghost moves along with being a WishPasser. This set didn't like status effects, so I made people choose between an offensive Scrappy set or a defensive Comatose set
:leftovers:Wish Passer:leftovers:
Kangaskhan @ Leftovers
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Double Edge
- Spirit Shackle
- Wish
- U-Turn

:leftovers:Wish Staller:leftovers:
Kangaskhan @ Leftovers
Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Wish
- Toxic
- Double-Edge
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Name: Electrode
Niche: RBY.... Ubers?! (Crit Machine, Support, Momentum Reseter)
Stats: 75(+15)/50/80(+10)/80/80/200(+50) (490 -> 565)

Abilities: Static | Critical Voltage
Move Additions: Kaboom(From Gengar!), Sunny Day.
Move Removals: N/A
(Gen 9 Electrode Movepool as Base)
This Pokémon's crit rate is 27.3% .

Welcome one and all, to the Mewtwo killer you never knew you wanted.
Electrode is one of those stupid pokemon with very niche uses, and in Gen 1 it harbors the extremely interesting ability in Ubers to really piss off Mewtwo AND a number of Mew sets. With the reintroduction of a proper boom thanks to our Gengar submission, we can slap that bad boy onto Electrode and give it its old Gen 1 crit rate. This makes it a fairly inconsistent pokemon in just wiping the floor with the opponent, but Electrode isn't about just blasting apart your opponent for free, it's about having a smug grin on your dumb face as they now have to question what the hell you're about to do.
Volt Switch? T-wave? Boom? Screens?
With it's boosted speed, not even our boy Dragonite at +2 gets to move first, because Electrode is fast, and that is key to the design of this pokemon. It has also received a small buff in it's HP and DEF.

Besides, what's the point of a Gengar... If it's not around to absorb some morons boom?



Name: Onix
Niche: RSE NU (Sunny Day Support)
Stats: 85(+50)/85(+50)/170(+10)/35(+5)/85(+40)/85(+15) (385 -> 555)

Abilities: Sturdy | +Earth Eater
Move Additions: Scorching Day*, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Flame Charge, Fire Spin, Fire Fang, Glare, Tar Shot, Fire Lash, Wish
Move Removals: N/A
(Gen 3 Onix Movepool as Base)
Fire type move, Status, 8pp
Scorching Day causes bright sunlight that lasts for 8 turns, inducing the normal effects of Sunny Day... As well dealing 1/16 damage at the end of each turn for 5 turns. Fire, Flying, Grass, and Ground types are immune, as well as Levitating pokemon.

Forged in the flames of bottom tier for literally all its life, Onix reprises one of its only niches outside of setting up rocks and blowing itself up in little cup. Sunny Day setter... So lets roll with this. It IS the sunny day setter, it's setting down the most intense sunny day of your life and forcing everyone to interact with it when it comes onto the field. With 90 speed it dances uncomfortably close with some of our current submissions and provides some interesting questions on how to handle it--Its bulk, chip damage, and ability to toss out some boosted fire moves should allow it to actually take advantage of the scorching day its setting, but otherwise it'll just be doing its best. Retaining sturdy as an option to force uncomfortable guesses, earth eater lets it negate a horrible weakness and allow it to have far more sustainability and pair well with other pokemon(such as Gengar!).



Name: Tentacruel
Niche: RBY UU ("Bouncer of OU", One of the top 3 wrappers Eminem was too afraid to diss)
Stats: 80/80(+10)/70(+5)/80/120/85(-15) (515)

Abilities: Clear Body | Liquid Ooze | Rain Dish
Move Additions: Cruel Lock*
Move Removals: N/A
(Gen 7 Tentacruel Movepool as Base)
Cruel Lock: 25BP. 85acc. 16PP. Normal. The opposing Pokemon can't attack this turn(if faster) and next turn. The user swapping removes this effect.

I said I'd submit it, and here it is. Tentacruel! This lad is a deceptively cool pokemon, with it's water and poison typings it helps invite in Electric type and Psychic types to come forward as strong contenders. I actually adopted and tweaked the ideaEma had for Cloyster during the first slate--Seemed like a novel way of translating the "vibe" of wrap while being a bit funky fresh. What's cool about this sub is that it's not entirely reliant on the Cruel Lock concept and, thanks to the actually solid *everything* of Tentacruel they should be able to function just fine. Cruel really would function as this petmod's "bouncer" due to how consistent it's been through the gens. I lowered its speed so it requires a bit of support/planning to make Cruel Lock work.


I hope that you lot enjoy these concepts, and if you have any feedback, feel free to shoot them my way.
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your toast is burned
is a Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Name: Nidoqueen
Niche: GSC UU (Bulky Attacker)
Stats: 90/112/92/95/95/86 (570)

Abilities: Sheer Force
Move Additions: Moonlight, Lovely Kiss, Gunk Shot
Move Removals: Earth Power, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb
:black-sludge:Bulky Offensive:life-orb:
Nidoqueen (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
- Earthquake
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Lovely Kiss / Moonlight / Stealth Rock

:life-orb:Pure Offensive:life-orb:
Nidoqueen (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Earthquake
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Fire Blast / Lovely Kiss

:black-sludge:Pure Defensive:black-sludge:
Nidoqueen (F) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam / Thunderbolt
- Stealth Rock
- Moonlight

Description: Nidoqueen is a really fun Pokemon in GSC UU. I decided to remove its special STAB moves in order to encourage the use of EQ and thus make it a mixed attacker. It is a nice Pokemon to use against Machamp, Gengar and some Dragonite sets. Nidoqueen becomes more threatening with Lovely Kiss and the Sheer Force power boost. Stealth Rocks and Toxic Spikes are great utility moves and Moonlight helps it stick throughout a battle.

Name: Tentacruel
Niche: ADV UU (Swords Dance, Special Sweeper, Mirror Coat, Utility)
Stats: 80/100/65/105/120/100 (570)

Abilities: Clear Body / Liquid Ooze (HA)
Move Additions: Gunk Shot, Liquidation, Chilling Water
Move Removals: Knock Off, Scald
:black-sludge:Swords Dance:black-sludge:
Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Liquidation
- Substitute
- Swords Dance

:black-sludge:Special Sweeper:choice-specs:
Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Ability: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Giga Drain
- Substitute / Sludge Bomb

:black-sludge:Mirror Coat:black-sludge:
Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Ability: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Chilling Water
- Mirror Coat
- Giga Drain / Toxic
- Acid Armor

Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Ability: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Surf
- Ice Beam / Haze
- Rapid Spin / Haze
- Toxic

Description: I chose ADV UU Tentacruel since it provides a good tank, offensive threat and hazard removal. It matches fairly well againt Venusaur, Machamp and some Gengar variants. While Starmie checks Tenta pretty easily, Tenta can annoy it with Sludge Bomb poisons or a hard hit with offensive Giga Drain. Even if Starmie runs Natural Cure to deal with the former, the intial poison damage can still be irritating.

Name: Arcanine
Niche: DPP UU (Physical Wallbreaker, Defensive, Special Attacker)
Stats: 90/110/85/105/85/95 (570)

Abilities: Intimidate
Move Additions: Grass Knot
Move Removals: -
:life-orb:Life Orb:life-orb:
Arcanine @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Wild Charge
- Extreme Speed
- Morning Sun

Arcanine @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD / EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Careful Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Extreme Speed
- Toxic / Will-O-Wisp
- Morning Sun

:choice-band:Choice Band:choice-band:
Arcanine @ Choice Band
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Extreme Speed
- Wild Charge
- Close Combat / Play Rough / Morning Sun

:heavy-duty-boots:Special Attacker:life-orb:
Arcanine @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Grass Knot
- Morning Sun
- Dragon Pulse

Description: Arcanine is here for the role of Fire-type. It is really good offensively and defensively with its wide movepool, Intimidate and recovery in Morning Sun. It can 1v1 Gengar and Venusaur pretty easily, eventhough the latter isn't weak to Fire and switch-ins like Dragonite and Starmie can be dealt with via Close Combat, Play Rough and Wild Charge. It is also nice defensively due to its bulk, good speed, Intimidate and access to WoW or Toxic.

Name: Snorlax
Niche: BW UU (Bulky Attacker, Curse Sweeper, Specially Defensive)
Stats: 160/120/65/65/110/30 (550)

Abilities: Thick Fat
Move Additions: Sumo Slam, Roadblock
Move Removals: -
Name: Sumo Slam
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 20/32


Effect: Max 102 power at maximum Happiness.
Priority: 0
Flags: Protect, Mirror, Contact

Name: Roadblock
Power: 40
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 20/32


Effect: If a foe is switching out, hits it at 2x power.
Priority: 0
Flags: Protect, Mirror, Contact
:choice-band:Choice Band:choice-band:
Snorlax @ Choice Band
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Atk / 40 Def / 200 SpD / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Pursuit
- Earthquake
- Crunch

:leftovers:Offensive CurseLax:leftovers:
Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 172 HP / 60 Atk / 240 Def / 36 SpD
Careful Nature
- Curse
- Return
- Crunch
- Earthquake

:leftovers:Defensive CurseLax:leftovers:
Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Curse
- Body Slam
- Earthquake
- Rest

Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Body Slam
- Whirlwind

Description: Snorlax adds much needed bulk without being a full wall. While it competes with Machamp for a slow, specially bulky Wallbreaker, Snorlax has a better match-up into Gengar and Starmie, with the typing and a Pursuit clone. It is also good against Venusaur and Dragonite depending on their sets. Sleep Talk sets make Snorlax more passive but are a sturdier answer to Starmie, Gengar and Venusaur.
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Hello Critty
Niche: RBY UU (Revenge Killer)

Ability: Lucky Cat - User's base critical hit rate is 1/4.
Stats: 70 | 80 | 70 | 75 | 90 | 120 [BST= 505]
Movepool Changes: +Ice Spinner, Night Slash, Quick Attack, Stone Edge, Swords Dance
Description: Where Tauros was the offensive king of OU, Persian was the normal-type staple of RBY UU, abusing the generation's critical hit mechanics to remedy its below average offenses and perform as a premier attacker. In combination with its custom ability and expanded access to high crit rate moves, Persian can do some serious damage! Even with normal moves, most mons don't want to run the risk of a coverage move like Play Rough or Ice Spinner to become supercharged and go from a 3HKO to 2HKO.

I can't talk right now, I'm making PISS.
Niche: DPP Ubers (Water Chugger Defensive Pivot)

Ability: Fungal Takeover - User is immune to Bug and Water-type moves.
Stats: 100 | 100 | 80 | 70 | 110 | 50 [BST= 510]
Movepool Changes: +Destiny Bond, Knock Off, Liquidation, U-turn
Description: Parasect is infamous in DPP Ubers for being able to specifically counter Choice Specs Water Spout Kyogre... so what exactly is the point of bringing this guy over when there's no big fish to troll? How about also being able to block U-turn? Combine that with a better typing and generous stat buff and Parasect can perform well as a defensive pivot or stall mon."

Do you think maybe he's compensating for something?
(Not compatible with Eviolite)
Niche: SS LC (Physical Wall, Setup Sweeper)

Abilities: Sturdy, Rock Head, Weak Armor
Stats: 100 | 100 | 125 | 40 | 65 | 75 [BST= 505]
Movepool Changes: +Parting Shot, Slack Off
Description: Mostly chose gen 8 Onix for its access to Dragon Dance. Otherwise it's the same old Little Cup Onix you know and love with a much-appreciated stat rework. Takes physical hits like a champ and then either lays rocks or sets up for the kill.
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Chaos Chaos Chaos
is a Pre-Contributor
Name: Arbok
Niche: RBY PU (Wrap Para Spreader)
Stats: 90/95/79/75/80/80 (499)
Type: Ground
Abilities: Sand Spit / Shed Skin (H: Unnerve)
Move Additions: Earth Power, Squeeze Tight, Stone Edge
Move Removals: Coil, Sucker Punch
Ground-type Gen 1 Wrap
Description: Arbok in rby doesn't use its Poison-type at all. In fact, one of its primary attacks is EQ, which is why I made it Ground. Its main niche is spreading paralysis and chipping with Wrap. Sand Spit allows more potential chip & Shed Skin lets Arbok avoid status which was a major weakness it had. Squeeze Tight allows it to chip away the foe while preventing them from moving. Combine it with Glare for letting you hit more targets. Stone Edge allows Edgequake as Rock Slide was a potential move it ran. It lost Coil for no set up and Sucker Punch as then you can't chip them down and take them out with priority.
3rd rework bc 2nd was overcorrecting and kinda busted, hopefully i get it right this time
Name: Gastly (no Eviolite)
Niche: RBY PU (Fast Sleeper)
Stats: 30 / 50 / 30 / 100 / 35 / 130 (375)
Type: Psychic
Abilities: Prankster, Bad Dreams
Move Additions: (SV movepool) Kaboom, Thunderjolt, Volt Switch
Move Removals: -Explosion, Thunderbolt, all non-physical Ghost moves
Description: Admittedly pretty similar to Gengar from the same gen, Gastly comes in on stronger threats and puts them to sleep before doing solid damage with Thunderjolt and Psychic. It is an inherently risky strategy due to Gastly being frail enough to not live pretty much any hit thrown its way, as well as Hypnosis being blocked by dark types and having low accuracy. Prankster and Volt Switch let it play the role of a fast pivot, or Bad Dreams can be used to stay in and deal big damage. Kaboom is another alternative, although significantly less deadly than on Gengar, it fulfills the same role that it has in RBY by taking care of frailer mons and giving a free switch while doing 50-60% to bulkier opponents.
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Sugar, Spice and One For All
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
Did a sub review!

Peak Fiction.

I can see a Pokemon like this becoming very problematic to face, given it would be very fast and hit very hard, all while being particularly difficult to wall. I suggest a significant speed nerf or removing Drizzle.

:mew: Very interesting take on Mew, unique in what I'd believe people would pitch as Mew, while not being explicitly outclassed by anything we have so far.

Roselia is a Gen 3 mon.

Honestly not much to say, subs are all pretty solid and would all have some good semblance of viability if they won. Good job.

:mewtwo: This is probably still too strong with it's Speed and Power, from what we currently have. I'd lower one of those mentioned Stats.

:rapidash: Conversely, I think this Pokémon could really benefit from some sort of secondary Typing to improve its offensive and defensive utility.

These are also all pretty solid submissions imo, nice work.

Pokémon: Mewtwo
Niche: XY Uber (Physical Attacker)
Stats: 86 / 110 / 90 / 84 / 85 / 105
Type: Psychic / Fighting
Abilities: Steadfast / Triage(HA)
New Moves: +Close Combat
Removed Moves: -Agility

Descriptions: A different take on mewtwo where i turn it into mmx with boosted drain punch
I could see SD Triage Drain Punch being potentially problematic in the future, I'd remove that move if Mewtwo learns it.

:onix: I think it's straight up bad. Sun as a weather prior to Photosynthesis existing is a straight up awful playstyle even when it has auto setters. A manual Sun Setter has no chance at viability, and I think it would be unfair for people to vote it in as a Sun mon and wait til the mod is almost over to add any noteworthy abusers. Outside of its Sun setting capacities though, it's a bad mon overall. It's weak with little impressive utility, lacks any worthwhile secondary STAB to speak of and even with Earth Eater I'd be surprised if people can easily fit this into a team structure. Mon imo needs a major rehaul.

:tentacruel: I think this should have better physical bulk if you are indeed going to lower its speed that drastically, since speed is such an important stat for this Pokémon.

I think Tentacruel ought to have more oomph in its attacking Stats if urs gonna pull of SD or Special attacking sets with any efficiency. Sub 100 doesn't cut it.

:persian: Not sure how to feel about just how powerful this Pokémon can potentially be, and how much of that boils down to essentially hax. It's even more offending than the previous Electride Sub since Elec doesn't really have means of punishing things that resist Electric STAB outside of Kaboom, whereas this has the means and also just hits alot harder than Electrode does due to its increased crit damage. I suggest removing that aspect from the ability, as that makes it alot easier to maintain (probably adjust stats as needed).

:parasect: Not broken, I just personally don't think a Pokémon should be packing too many immunities while being as good as it it potentially is.

:onix: Can't think of much else, maybe make its HP 100+ so it takes special hits a little better. Head Smash def helps it be non passive.

Mon seems pretty weak all things considered. The Niche us solid but as the mod develops I can see people feeling constrained to use this as their bulky Ground. For reference, it's much worse Sandaconda with a Niche pivoting move.

Not gonna lie, the absurd Stats seem pretty well....absurd. it's essentially mini Deoxys with the ability to guarantee a 100% accuracy unblockable outside of Magic Bounce sleep. Broken mon.


long day at job
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
Pokémon: Persian
Niche: rb uu
Stats: 75 / 90 / 70 / 75 / 75 / 115 | 500
Type: Normal / Electric
Abilities: Super Luck / Sniper
Movepool Changes:
+ Rampage | Normal | Physical | 70 BP | 100% Acc | 20 PP | Slicing, Contact | Always results in a critical hit.
+ Wild Charge, Thunderjolt, Surf
- Nasty Plot
Description: offensive pivot who takes lives with a massive stabs. kinda struggles with coverage though.

Pokémon: Magneton (not eviolite compatible)
Niche: gs uu
Stats: 60 / 60 / 130 / 120 / 90 / 70 | 530
Type: Electric / Steel
Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Changes:
+ Deep Slumber | Psychic | Status | 10 PP | Heals 100% HP and falls asleep. Can be used while asleep.
+ Water Pulse, Aurora Beam, Magical Leaf
Description: meant to use resttalk sets. great defensive typing especially with levitate but lack of recovery forces into resttalk (which it used in this meta)

Pokémon: Nidoking
Niche: dp uu
Stats: 81 / 107 / 77 / 95 / 75 / 100 | 525
Type: Poison / Ground
Abilities: Poison Point / Neuroforce
Description: very effective mixed mon with wide coverage. good offensive rocker.

Pokémon: Mewtwo
Niche: dp uber
Stats: 96 / 70 / 75 / 104 / 75 / 120 | 540
Type: Psychic
Abilities: Pressure
Movepool Changes:
+ Kaboom
- Psystrike, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot
Description: extremely versatile with all the coverage it could possibly want. can run cm, all out attacker with kaboom, even stall sets with pressure.

Pokémon: Sandslash
Niche: xy pu
Stats: 75 / 110 / 130 / 65 / 75 / 75 | 530
Type: Ground / Dark
Abilities: Sand Rush / Tough Claws
Movepool Changes:
+ High Horsepower
Description: very versatile due to having both spikes/rocks and spin along with dual stab boosted by tc. also has sand rush sets.

Pokémon: Sableye
Niche: bw uu
Stats: 80 / 95 / 95 / 65 / 95 / 50 | 480
Type: Dark / Ghost
Abilities: Keen Eye / Trickster (Prankster but it affects Dark-types too) / Stall
Movepool Removals: Encore
Description: its sab, not much more to say except it has better stats to abuse trickster more
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Mossy Sandwich

Gunning for the top
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
Pokémon: Hypno
Niche: ADV UU (Special Wall, Wish Passer)
Stats: 100/73/70/93/125/67 (528 BST) (+15 HP, +20 SpAtk, +10 SpDef)
Type: Psychic
Abilities: Insomnia/(Immunity)
New Moves: Fire Pledge, Teleport, Toxic, Wish
Removed Moves: Nasty Plot

Descriptions: Hypno in gen 3 UU used to be a very important special wall as its bulk and lack of relevant weaknesses made it perfect for taking on many of the metagame's special attackers while also not being unthreatening on its own by threatening Toxic while having Psychic to damage poison types. However, it's worth noting that, during Hypno's prime, ADV UU did not use Toxic much which is why it was seen as a sturdy wall. After some changes in the metagame, its crippling weakness to poison was exposed and it fell out of favor. This submission is based off of ADV Hypno at its best though, with Immunity being a great option to allow it to function against its most dangerous enemy. It even allows it to somewhat bypass Gengar's Neutralizing Gas as Immunity will cure it as soon as Ngas stops being active. Some stat adjustments allows it to be more fitting for a higher powerlevel with more bulk and higher Special Attack to make it less passive. Since it's reliant on Wish, I gave it access to Teleport so it doesn't turn into the do-nothing wall that is Umbreon in current gens while Fire Pledge can simulate Fire Punch and threaten Steel types trying to block Toxic. Overall, Hypno fills the role of a much needed Special Wall, dealing with some of the threats that were introduced in the first slate, notably Starmie, Dragonire and Venusaur. However, with its mediocre physical bulk and reliance on Wish, it retains weak points that other pokemon will be able to take advantage of.
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Decided to scrap my old sub, decided to focus on the other side of my old Raichu sub: the lead and pivot aspect (aka what if orb NOT go boom)
Niche: GSC UU - Support (Screen Setting Lead)
Stats: 75 HP / 50 Atk / 85 Def / 110 SpA / 90 SpD / 120 Spe (530 BST)
Type: Electric
: Prankster
New Moves: Memento, Teleport, Chilly Reception, Icy Wind
Removed Moves: Explosion

Descriptions: The ball no longer blows up. A focus on this mons screen setups allows for some less skewed stat distribution to still prove speedy while having somewhat comparable stats, and if that ends up making it too much of a Twave and Memento machine it’ll be facing the advent of dark types as soon as next slate. Other additions are just more unique ways to pivot (because it’s an electric mon so why not) and Icy Wind to replace HP Ice.
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your toast is burned
is a Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Aight veto time

:arcanine: - Blazing Heat is unnecessary and being a Fire-type Espeed that can burn is also too strong. You should stick wtih regular Extreme Speed and remove Blazing Heat. ESpeed is already good as is.

:kangaskhan: - This Pokemon is too overtuned. Making it Ghost, giving it Poltergeist and Spirit Shackle (btw no reason to add this move) and increasing its bulk by a lot is just too much. Also its niche is to use one turn Rest thanks to Early Bird, so Comatose. TL;DR Ghost-type, Ghost STABs (especially Spirit Shackle), Comatose should be removed.

:persian: - Sniper and the guaranteed crit of Rampage makes this way too strong. When holding a Choice Band, this is stronger than Choice Band Meowscarada. I would lower the BP of Rampage or make it less likely to crit.

:magneton: - Even without Eviolite, this Pokemon is bulky and with Steel/Electric and Levitate, this is menace to take down. A buffed Rest and more coverage also makes it harder to deal with. The main issue is Levitate, so change it to something else.

That's it for now. You have 24 hours to fix these before Voting starts.
Have a nice day! Ciao Servus!


your toast is burned
is a Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Time's up! It's time to vote now!
You cannot vote for the following:
:magneton: (anaconja)
:persian: (anaconja)

Here are the voting rules:
Please note that this is the most points you’re able to get through self voting, since can’t vote for your own Pokémon in first place, and if you SV for second place, you can’t put another one of your submissions in third place. Another quick reminder that the position you put these in matters, as first place gets 5 points, second gets 4 points, third gets 3 points, and so on.

Voting will last for 72 hours. Good Luck!

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