Metagame National Dex Metagame Discussion

dumb question but did you mean SpD instead of Spe? i can see the merits of some speed, but forgoing serious def or SpD investment in favor of a stat that doesn’t matter that much on a wall, and gets reduced by curse anyway just seems weird to me
Well, considering the proximity of the keys e and d on the keyboard, and the fact that garganacl has a base speed of 35 I can say with great confidence that it is in fact meant to be Special defense.
Hi everyone, is it okay if someone rates my main Showdown team, please? It's kind of cobbled together, here is the team: Dream Team (
Thank you!
Unfortunately this isn't the place to ask for team rates, you'd be better off asking in either the National Dex Discord #rmt channel, the #Natdex OU thread in the Smogon Discord, or SV Other Teams in the Forum RMT, link here.
Idk why nobody is talking about this mon it’s by far the best in the meta and it beats every spdef wall in the meta, this big giraffe needs to be susd ASAP.

Raging bolt calcs :raging bolt:

+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 240+ SpD Slowking-Galar: 223-264 (56.5 - 67%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Thunderclap vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Iron Valiant: 256-303 (88.5 - 104.8%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Dragon Pulse vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Gliscor: 178-211 (50.2 - 59.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Poison Heal

252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Draco Meteor vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Clodsire: 228-268 (49.2 - 57.8%) -- 96.9% chance to 2HKO

252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Weather Ball (100 BP Fire) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Iron Treads in Sun: 292-344 (76 - 89.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

not to mention it’s defensive prowess walking mons like Ogerpon, Zapdos(offensive) and Zard y

252 SpA Charizard-Mega-Y Weather Ball (100 BP Fire) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Raging Bolt in Sun: 156-185 (34.3 - 40.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

+2 252 Atk Ogerpon Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 28 Def Raging Bolt: 162-191 (35.6 - 42%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

252 SpA Zapdos Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Raging Bolt: 96-114 (21.1 - 25.1%) -- 0.1% chance to 4HKO
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Idk why nobody is talking about this mon it’s by far the best in the meta and it beats every spdef wall in the meta, this big giraffe needs to be susd ASAP.

Raging bolt calcs :raging bolt:

+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 240+ SpD Slowking-Galar: 223-264 (56.5 - 67%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Thunderclap vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Iron Valiant: 256-303 (88.5 - 104.8%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Dragon Pulse vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Gliscor: 178-211 (50.2 - 59.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Poison Heal

252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Draco Meteor vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Clodsire: 228-268 (49.2 - 57.8%) -- 96.9% chance to 2HKO

252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Weather Ball (100 BP Fire) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Iron Treads in Sun: 292-344 (76 - 89.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

not to mention it’s defensive prowess walking mons like Ogerpon, Zapdos(offensive) and Zard y

252 SpA Charizard-Mega-Y Weather Ball (100 BP Fire) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Raging Bolt in Sun: 156-185 (34.3 - 40.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

+2 252 Atk Ogerpon Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 28 Def Raging Bolt: 162-191 (35.6 - 42%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

252 SpA Zapdos Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Raging Bolt: 96-114 (21.1 - 25.1%) -- 0.1% chance to 4HKO
When Ogerpon-W is running around the tier spamming Encore, Tapu Lele shutting down Thunderclap entirely, Landorus-Therian threatening powerful Earthquakes, and Ferrothorn well, existing, I really don't think Raging Bolt is a suspectable threat. Is it powerful? Undeniably. But it's poor speed and reliance on Thunderclap opens it up to some easy checks/counters, and it's never really felt overwhelming to me in the same way that Wellspring and Zamazenta have felt at times.

Also, you forgot Ting-Lu and the fat pink blobs of Blissey and Chansey exist, all of which completely wall Raging Bolt. Sure, they can't be easily fit on most teams, but to claim that Raging Bolt can break through "every special wall in the metagame" when these mons exist?
First of all raging bolt literally beats Lando lol. Lando can’t switch in or even ohko it and it just gets 2hkod by dragon plus or Draco meteor 2hkod in its 1v1 not to mention raging bolt can also run Tera flying really easily even being the recommended Tera.

Even though encore is rarely used on Waterpon I’ll still entertain it, the only way Ogerpon will annoy raging bolt with encore is if raging bolt had clicked either calm mind or thunderclap the previous turn you can easily switch out and back in on Ogerpon because it walls it and when you come back in even if they swords dance you tank and thunderbolt twice killing it
The fact that you can easily force Raging Bolt out, burning its Booster Energy while also chipping it is pretty valuable

and if they want to Tera to get more damage it’s even better not to mention you can z move through encore. Addressing lele it doesn’t even beat it either after 1 calm mind LMFAOOO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Moonblast vs. +1 80 HP / 0 SpD Raging Bolt: 342-404 (83.2 - 98.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Tapu Lele: 289-342 (102.8 - 121.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Lele isn't switching in on Raging Bolt unless it's a revenge kill, so it actually does beat it with Moonblast, and I was referring to Lele shutting down its Thunderclap with Psychic Terrain, not Tapu Lele 1v1ing it.

And even if I WERE to grant you both of those counters let’s make a little comparison, hmmm what other mon abused priority and was threatened out by encore and lele kingambit and it still got banned not to mention lele or Ogerpon can’t even 1v1 raging bolt
Ogerpon 1v1s if it catches Bolt on the Thunderclap/Calm Mind, same with Lele. Kingambit was also much stronger due to having Swords Dance, Supreme Overlord giving it 1.5x to its attacks, abused Tera to a far greater extent, and didn't have a priority move that could be blanked by one of the best types in the tier.

+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Vessel of Ruin Ting-Lu: 295-348 (57.3 - 67.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

4 Atk Ting-Lu Earthquake vs. 80 HP / 28 Def Raging Bolt: 246-290 (59.8 - 70.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

So ting Lu also gets fried
Now you're just misrepresenting stats completely. I'm going to assume that you understand how Draco Meteor works, so if you do the right calc, not the one that fits your narrative, you'd see that
+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Draco Meteor over 2 turns vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Vessel of Ruin Ting-Lu: 397-468 (77.2 - 91%) -- not a KO
it's not even a KO.

and look at the treatment Chansey gets lol I can just do +3 raging bolt because Chansey is setup fodder butttt I’ll just do 2

+2 252+ SpA Raging Bolt Devastating Drake (195 BP) vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 462-544 (65.7 - 77.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

+2 252+ SpA Raging Bolt Draco Meteor vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 307-363 (43.6 - 51.6%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock

so it just sets up once and mauls it easily

Chansey clicks Toxic then stalls you out with Soft Boiled, so much for "mauling it easily". And if you try to prevent the Toxic by clicking Z after 1 Calm Mind, when Chansey would presumably switch in? +1 252+ SpA Raging Bolt Devastating Drake (195 BP) vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 346-408 (49.2 - 58%) -- 97.7% chance to 2HKO.
I was just about to make a post talking about raging bolt, looks like someone got there before me. I think a suspect test is very reasonable. Raging bolt has good bulk, great stab combo, powerful stab priority (maybe unreliable but we will get to that later), calm mind and tera to top it all up.
While I don’t see the above calcs as relevant and consider chansey and ting lu counters, I believe that the average team has a very hard time prepping for raging bolt. The meta’s ground types have pretty meh special bulk and are neutral to dragon and lose the 1v1 after tera fairy. The exceptions to this are unaware clodsire, iron treads and ting lu, all of which are true counters but may have a hard time against bolt over the course of the game due to the roles they have to fulfill (like hazards and checking other mons) while all but clod lack proper recovery.
Since the place of those mentioned above in the meta is questionable, ferro is the only truly meta mon which reliably beats bolt (not weather ball sun). Of course, ferro has unreliable recovery and is generally tasked with answering other threats.
Everything besides chansey and the mons mentioned above are at best good matchups into bolt, not actual counters. Generally, bolt is one good prediction or tera away from running with the game. Dragonite (tera normal), mscizor or gouging fire may have the advantage but a good bolt team has an easy time applying the needed pressure to turn the matchup around.
My analysis only considers the tera fair dragon pulse set, which I have been using for a while. I think zmove is a bait as you lose the most valuable asset you have, which is tera.I prefer dpulse over draco to double down on the cleanup role even if it gives up some breaking power. Other notable options which work are the sun set and the electric terrain rising voltage one.

Overall, if your acual reliable answers to a mon are so few and far between, with the apparently good, meta dominating checks losing to tera, a suspect test is honestly in order.
Also forgot to mention, its sooooo easy to click thunderclap most games. I honestly find myself in a 50/50 thunderclap prediction battle far less often than I remember was the case with kingambit.
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Even though encore is rarely used on Waterpon

Encore is not as common as its main sets but that doesn’t make it something to discount, especially because it messes with many fat teams to a ridiculous degree.

Addressing lele it doesn’t even beat it either after 1 calm mind LMFAOOO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Moonblast vs. +1 80 HP / 0 SpD Raging Bolt: 342-404 (83.2 - 98.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Tapu Lele: 289-342 (102.8 - 121.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

You’re assuming Bolt is at 100% (which is big lol because it’s used to switch into stuff and launch off powerful offense), and that stealth rock and/or spikes aren’t up. Lele revenge kills it, it’s not switching directly in.

And I already addressed Ogerpon you repeating yourself doesn’t defeat my point whatsoever and with gambit and the bolt comparison, bolt has a much better defensive typing than gambit and a much greater defensive prowess and gets a 1.3x boost from proto synthesis and not to mention electric priority is muchhhh better than dark priority especially when most the phys attackers in the tier are fighting type plus iron valiant.

You didnt even offer a counter argument to why FayaWizard’s Wellspring argument. Encore disrupts CM variants relying on Booster Energy and if you're Z, being forced to burn the Z just makes it easier to handle anyways since the Bolt user was forced to waste a major resource. And all that is disounting Play Rough Wellspring sets which completely destroy Bolt. I'm also just gonna have to stop you there with the gambit comparison. Gambit has a laundry list of incredible defensive utility it brought to teams, from pursuit to help check dangerous ghost and psychic types (Pult, Lele, Gholdengo), it helped keep faster frail threats in line with incredibly strong priority, it spread damage with knock off and helped force progress. Bolt's defensive utility is there, checking stuff like Urshifu-R, Zapdos/Tornadus-T, Rillaboom, Rotom-W, that's cool. But it doesn't come close to what Kingambit did defensively. The 1.3 proto boost is only one time use most of the time, and given how very possible it is to chase Bolt out, it's not nearly as big a deal as Kingambit's perma damage boosts it got as the battle went on. It really didn't matter that we had tons of fighters because Kingambit both could tera to beat them, and knocked them off to cripple them for teammates.

And you sure as heck aren't gonna seriously argue that elec priority is much better than dark priority when the former has a full immunity. Endgame Kingambit match ups were far more common, and dangerous, than endgame Bolt match ups.

And I meant z plus Draco fries it and look at this
+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Devastating Drake (195 BP) vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 450-531 (64 - 75.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
So in sun u get torched badly

CM Z+sun Bolt is not exactly the most common style, for a number of reasons, but Chansey can eat a hit, toxic Bolt, switch out baiting the follow up Draco, and stall out Bolt pretty easily. Speaking of sun, yes some Bolt run Weather Ball for Ferro, but guess what happens when you run weather ball? You have to drop either TBolt or Calm Mind (you need Thunderclap+Dragon stab), and dropping either is not desirable as dropping Tbolt means stuff like Toxapex can toxic and pivot around to stall out, while dropping CM leaves it much less potent offensively.

I believe the variety of sets and teams you can run this Mon is what makes it crazy along with it being impossible to prep for and having no walls I think it should be banned similar to how gambit was

It doesn't have a lot of variety honestly. CM+Z, Booster+CM, and sun+CM. Like three sets, and they all have a pretty good amount of soft checks and strong checks alike that overlap. It is not remotely impossible to prep for. Ferrothorn, LandorusT, Spdef Gliscor, Heatran, Slowking-G (tera fairy+toxic owns it), Ting-Lu, plus the many ways you can chain pivoting between immunities and resists to limit it along with hazards. It's a great mon that brings cool aspects to teambuilding but in no way is it broken, let alone anywhere near Kingambit.

(you wanna talk about broken, Wellspring is right there and far more limiting to bulky structures).ou

Edit because I forgot to mention it: CM Encore Iron Valiant also dunks on CM locked Raging Bolt, who can't even Z to break the lock (except if you ran ElectriumZ but now you REALLY lose to the stuff already mentioned).
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yes, i can discount ogerpon in this scenario due to the fact that we are talking on a basis of what will most commonly beat raging bolt and most of the time it wont annoy bolt because it barely runs encore and once again even if it does run encore it still doesnt beat it lol.

and for the lele calc i was referencing if it was switching in. (maybe to try to predict a draco or z ect) plus bolt can tera around lele and beat it.

You can't, because despite ladder usage weirdness, it's a set that exists and has to be respected. You also just ignored the part where it needs Z to even break the loop, which btw Wellspring can simply pivot out of to bait and waste your Z and then Bolt is REALLY stuck.

No one is switching lele directly into it unless they have no other options. Which is only happening if: the lele player somehow doesn't have other soft checks (which there are many of), or somehow let themself get put in that position. Your whole "well it can just tera" is weak considering Bolt isn't gonna auto tera in that instance, especially when the Bolt user has to account for the rest of Lele's team. It's much more nuanced than you're trying to reduce it to because you wanna make Bolt seem broken.

maybe if you read carefully you would find that i refuted and defeated his argument about ogerpon stopping it with encore. Not always is raging bolts protosynthesis from booster energy its also standard on sun teams which weakens the ogerpon wellspring argument even further by making its ivy cudgel do less, and i would say you're blowing the z move out of proportion i dont think its that big of a resource especially when u have a boosted draco meteor, and play rough is ran sub 8 percent on ogerpon and even if it does run play rough it still gets fried

+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Thunderclap vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Ogerpon-Wellspring: 262-310 (87 - 102.9%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Play Rough vs. 64 HP / 28 Def Raging Bolt: 234-276 (57.4 - 67.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

You didn't refute or defeat. Also drop the attitude it's not helping your argument at all.

Sun Raging is not that common because it's a very high maintanence playstyle (it's good, but you're running ZardY and at least two forms of anti hazard tech to ensure Zard can keep coming in). You're also taking ladder usage a little too honestly considering Wellspring is the type of pokemon that has such a free 4th moveslot, it can and will viably run anything (SD/Ivy/PowerWhip/4th move) and thus all are possibilities to be respected. You keep calcing like Proto boost is the most common example, but if the opposing Bolt is Booster then all it takes is it being chased out once (not hard to do) and Wellspring cleans it with boosted PR (and Bolt becomes easier to manage anyways).

now to address gambit all of the mons u mentioned beat gambit with lele using focus blast, pult using terablast fighting and gholdengo especially running tera fighting focus blast and i like how you cherrypick random mons that raging bolt walls when you could have mentioned bigger threats like zard y and ogerpon wellspring and what fast frail sets are you talking about that gambit put in place, im going to need some examples. To address the 1.3 proto boost, raging bolt is ran on sun just as much as its ran with protosynthesis so no its not really that much that you're portraying it to be. I mean kingambits entire role is endgame matchups so sure ill give you that but during the game raging bolts priority imo is much better and i dont really care about the immunity because all the pokemon that are immune get terad on and fried not to mention iron valiant 4x resists kingambit sucker destroying it, raging bolt cant relate
252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Thunderclap vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Iron Valiant: 256-303 (88.5 - 104.8%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
not to mention raging bolt is usually plus 1 by the time iron val comes in to revenge kill it and even if u run choice specs it cant kill with moonblast
252 SpA Choice Specs Iron Valiant Moonblast vs. +1 64 HP / 0 SpD Raging Bolt: 324-384 (79.6 - 94.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
therefore encore also doesnt matter due to it already surviving fairly easily unless you had calm mind or thunderclapped last turn

Lele is almost always choiced and clicking any move besides FB meant it was losing most, if not all health to pursuit on the way out. Gholdengo only sometimes ran Z fighting because of Gambit, but it was still less common because lefties NP and covert cloak NP were much better back then.

It's not cherrypicking really. ZardY frequently runs Scorching Sands which heavily damages Bolt if it comes in on it, while Wellspring as mentioned can both beat it with +2 PR (or hell, after just one switch in to unboosted Ivy Cudgel and Bolt drops to +2 Superpower too). It checks them, but is not at all a hard answer to either. As for your claim that Bolt is ran on sun as much as booster energy off sun? Yeah no.

As for Kingambit, it was a fantastic buffer for a ton of teams against a huge amount of frail offense teams and cheesy HO. It compressed this as well as the other utility I mentioned in one single slot, easing building. Of course we still banned it because despite this, it itself was highly difficult to handle because of its power, but it was a more impactful defensive piece than Bolt ever could be. Kingambit's entire role was not endgame sweeper, it was excellent throughout games because of pursuit and knock off.

"i dont really care about the immunity because all the pokemon that are immune get terad" it's not nearly as straightforward as that. You're basically sticking your fingers in your ears when you make comments like this. Also your Valiant example is silly because Valiant commonly runs encore, can run Destiny Bond and will realistically be able to lock down Bolt in most scenarios so the team isn't overwhelmed by it one way or another.

to reference kingambit beating the fighting types.... kingambit rarely ever ran anything but tera dark in nd and idk what u mean cripple it with knock off nobody said its switching in lol and its also not doing shit with sucker punch unless it has enough fallen teammates which just dismissed ur arg ab the teammates being able to beat it via it being way too situational lategame and unreliable to predict from a hypothetical standpoint.

Yeah you can just quit right there. I played during the Kingambit meta, and got reqs to ban it. Dark was a common type, but it was not the only type it could run. It's one of the most tera flexible pokemon in the game. Kingambit cripples fighting types switching in with knock off. That's quite literally what that means. Also "its also not doing shit with sucker punch unless it has enough fallen teammatesz" says you either didn't play the meta or didn't play enough. Even early game Gambit had immense strength to pressure frail offense without boosting (and that's if it wasn't running Blackglasses, which made it even more devilish.

i think the chansey shit is getting too off track to where yes you could attempt to predict me in game but going by that logic i can also just predict the switch and thunderbolt lol and can you show me its not used on sun that much? please and thank you. You also dont need thunderbolt to kill pex lol

+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 164+ SpD Toxapex: 282-333 (92.7 - 109.5%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO

now look at that, imagine what z move would do lol

theres also leftovers sets, assault vest sets and life orb sets on top of the already broken sets listed above.

raging bolt fries most of the mons u mentioned lol
+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 212+ SpD Heatran: 234-276 (60.6 - 71.5%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

0 SpA Heatran Earth Power vs. +1 64 HP / 0 SpD Raging Bolt: 120-142 (29.4 - 34.8%) -- 9.4% chance to 3HKO

+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Weather Ball (100 BP Fire) vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Ferrothorn in Sun: 948-1116 (270 - 317.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO (yikes)

not even gonna waste my time on a lando calc cuz it gets fried so hard lmfao

+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Vessel of Ruin Ting-Lu: 295-348 (57.3 - 67.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery not to mention the z move

not even gonna put slowking g on there cuz of how bad it gets fried

raging bolt also just tera flys on gliscor and wrecks it with tbolt plus gliscor is coming in when its already plus 1 either as a switch in and can risk getting destroyed by draco or z or you have to let something die in order to bring it in safely and yes i obviously know u cant z and tera im just mentioning the variety of sets and how its so hard to prep for

+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Tera Flying Raging Bolt Thunderbolt vs. 244 HP / 252 SpD Tera Fairy Gliscor: 310-366 (88 - 103.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

not to mention theres a high ass chance it would be plus 2 lol

you havent justified as to why its nowhere near kingambit, and sure cm encore beats the z set but it doesnt beat it if it teras lolol

overall this mons lack of walls offensively and defensively pushes it over the edge to be uber material

The rest of this is just "Bolt being in the perfect conditions every scenario therefore it can't lose" which is both unrealistic and not common. Bolt on Sun is the LEAST common way it's used, so using every calc as if it's on sun and CM is very disingenuous. Though one I want to specifically touch on because it tanks your post more than anything,

+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Vessel of Ruin Ting-Lu: 295-348 (57.3 - 67.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery not to mention the z move

FayaWizard already corrected you on this calc being wrong but for some reason you repeated it.

+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Draco Meteor over 2 turns vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Vessel of Ruin Ting-Lu: 397-468 (77.2 - 91%) -- not a KO

In short, you need to consider what is most commonly used with Raging Bolt which is either Booster Energy or Z. Sun is viable but not common due to the high maintenance it requires, plus the ban of Walking Wake hit them pretty hard as that was the team's main anti offense tool. So, Booster sets are manageable because it's not hard to force a Bolt out and lose the boost, while Z sets lack as much instant power and thus are very manageable with good building and play. Even sun is very possible to manage by simply putting pressure on the sun team with offense, while slower teams have it tougher, can still limit it with hazards, status and chip.
You can't, because despite ladder usage weirdness, it's a set that exists and has to be respected. You also just ignored the part where it needs Z to even break the loop, which btw Wellspring can simply pivot out of to bait and waste your Z and then Bolt is REALLY stuck.

No one is switching lele directly into it unless they have no other options. Which is only happening if: the lele player somehow doesn't have other soft checks (which there are many of), or somehow let themself get put in that position. Your whole "well it can just tera" is weak considering Bolt isn't gonna auto tera in that instance, especially when the Bolt user has to account for the rest of Lele's team. It's much more nuanced than you're trying to reduce it to because you wanna make Bolt seem broken.

You didn't refute or defeat. Also drop the attitude it's not helping your argument at all.

Sun Raging is not that common because it's a very high maintanence playstyle (it's good, but you're running ZardY and at least two forms of anti hazard tech to ensure Zard can keep coming in). You're also taking ladder usage a little too honestly considering Wellspring is the type of pokemon that has such a free 4th moveslot, it can and will viably run anything (SD/Ivy/PowerWhip/4th move) and thus all are possibilities to be respected. You keep calcing like Proto boost is the most common example, but if the opposing Bolt is Booster then all it takes is it being chased out once (not hard to do) and Wellspring cleans it with boosted PR (and Bolt becomes easier to manage anyways).

Lele is almost always choiced and clicking any move besides FB meant it was losing most, if not all health to pursuit on the way out. Gholdengo only sometimes ran Z fighting because of Gambit, but it was still less common because lefties NP and covert cloak NP were much better back then.

It's not cherrypicking really. ZardY frequently runs Scorching Sands which heavily damages Bolt if it comes in on it, while Wellspring as mentioned can both beat it with +2 PR (or hell, after just one switch in to unboosted Ivy Cudgel and Bolt drops to +2 Superpower too). It checks them, but is not at all a hard answer to either. As for your claim that Bolt is ran on sun as much as booster energy off sun? Yeah no.

As for Kingambit, it was a fantastic buffer for a ton of teams against a huge amount of frail offense teams and cheesy HO. It compressed this as well as the other utility I mentioned in one single slot, easing building. Of course we still banned it because despite this, it itself was highly difficult to handle because of its power, but it was a more impactful defensive piece than Bolt ever could be. Kingambit's entire role was not endgame sweeper, it was excellent throughout games because of pursuit and knock off.

"i dont really care about the immunity because all the pokemon that are immune get terad" it's not nearly as straightforward as that. You're basically sticking your fingers in your ears when you make comments like this. Also your Valiant example is silly because Valiant commonly runs encore, can run Destiny Bond and will realistically be able to lock down Bolt in most scenarios so the team isn't overwhelmed by it one way or another.

Yeah you can just quit right there. I played during the Kingambit meta, and got reqs to ban it. Dark was a common type, but it was not the only type it could run. It's one of the most tera flexible pokemon in the game. Kingambit cripples fighting types switching in with knock off. That's quite literally what that means. Also "its also not doing shit with sucker punch unless it has enough fallen teammatesz" says you either didn't play the meta or didn't play enough. Even early game Gambit had immense strength to pressure frail offense without boosting (and that's if it wasn't running Blackglasses, which made it even more devilish.

The rest of this is just "Bolt being in the perfect conditions every scenario therefore it can't lose" which is both unrealistic and not common. Bolt on Sun is the LEAST common way it's used, so using every calc as if it's on sun and CM is very disingenuous. Though one I want to specifically touch on because it tanks your post more than anything,

+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Vessel of Ruin Ting-Lu: 295-348 (57.3 - 67.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery not to mention the z move

FayaWizard already corrected you on this calc being wrong but for some reason you repeated it.

+1 252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Draco Meteor over 2 turns vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Vessel of Ruin Ting-Lu: 397-468 (77.2 - 91%) -- not a KO

In short, you need to consider what is most commonly used with Raging Bolt which is either Booster Energy or Z. Sun is viable but not common due to the high maintenance it requires, plus the ban of Walking Wake hit them pretty hard as that was the team's main anti offense tool. So, Booster sets are manageable because it's not hard to force a Bolt out and lose the boost, while Z sets lack as much instant power and thus are very manageable with good building and play. Even sun is very possible to manage by simply putting pressure on the sun team with offense, while slower teams have it tougher, can still limit it with hazards, status and chip.
Bolt never loses to ogerpon. Stop.
If encore ogerpon comes in on z Raging, it has to have come in on a CM or Thunderclap, if it comes in on a CM and encores the Raging Bolt can Thunderclaps anticipating this or any other attack and at +1 the ogerpon will be forced to spam SD out of fear for a +1 Thunderclap, this gives the Raging Bolt the opportunity to bust its load in the form of a Z Draco, or switch out into a faster check since the ogerpon is forced to set up.

Play rough Ogerpon can't kill Raging Bolt in time before it dies to a thunderbolt + Thundercats combo unless you get the perfect read on the switchin which already requires the opposition to be the one switching in.

Superpower Ogerpon does not have anywhere near enough fire power to 1v1 Raging Bolt.

Regardless of the argument at large, trying to brainstorm some perfect hypothetical example in which Ogerpon can MAYBE squeeze out a 1v1 verse Zamazenta is completely useless, please drop this.
so idk why ur just tryna argue to argue lol its a waste of time when people dont accept when they're wrong and just keep arguing a losing battle, respect tera flying terablast raging bolt if u should respect all sets and respect my set of z body press pls for ting lu like what i dont have to respect every set lmfao. If its not commonly used it shouldnt be brought up in the argument.

There's so much irony in that when you've sort been doing nothing but arguing despite being wrong. When I say respect Encore Oger, it's because it's an actual set brought to serious play at any decent or high level. Unlike bad faith stuff like "tera blast flying raging bolt". Especially when Encore is actually in the set options for its analysis.

zard y isnt the only sun setter bruh im actually dead torkoal is extremely popular with raging bolt sun and it doesnt care about rocks as much as zard because of heat rock making the sun last longer than zards and im not gonna address the drop the attitude stuff but thank u cuz that made me laugh so hard lol and i also dont rlly care what u think should be respected because thats subjective also its kinda odd how u care so much about moves of pokemon like mb if i hurt encores feelings lil bro

Torkoal is notoriously a unmon, an unviable junk mon that ladder wants to spam despite it being awful. You're really coming across as bad faith with your attitude. People are just trying to explain to why Bolt isn't broken and you're dismissing them without really making sound counterarguments, and being kind of cocky.

and wym z fighting gholdengo lmfao idk which gen u were playing but i havent ever seen that in my life u should prolly justify that tho because whatevers asserted without proof may be dismissed without proof via hitchens razor and lele can run terrain extender, life orb and fighting z it isnt just choice limited whatsoever.

Yeah you really didn't play the tier enough at the time, no offense. It was used on some occasions to flip the match up on Gambit (reduce knock and let it ensure a smack back on it).

ONCE AGAIN WHICH FRAIL OFFENSIVE MONS LOSE TO KINGAMBIT i asked u to specify last time but u didnt maybe if i put it in all caps and bold it you will see it this time no worries ill even make it bigger.

Oh let's see... it massively helped against all manner of swift swim abuse when that was popular, it helped against psyspam, the threat of sucker helped vs offensive Zapdos, TornT, ZardY, Mega Medicham, and when factoring in SD boosts and not even Supreme Overlord, +2 Sucker Punch could pick off even frail resisted mons like MLop, Lopunny. And probably more i'm forgetting.

atp ur literally arguing for the sake of arguing which is a huge waste of time so pls stop being disingenuous so we can actually progress this dialectic and have a productive conversation.

Taking a tone as though you're the right one here and others are wrong despite being presented with multiple viable counterplay and your response is to handwave and go "nuh uh it does this and wins". Bolt has small permutations in its one set (CM) such as substitute and taunt, but these don't come without concessions and it's this reason why it's more than managable. Your arguments and calcs all largely depend on sun support when you can ask people and they'll tell you, sun is not a very consistent playstyle for a number of reasons (i listed a few before), and Torkoal is not a good pokemon. It's not even ranked on the VR and hasn't been for some time.
atp ur literally arguing for the sake of arguing which is a huge waste of time so pls stop being disingenuous so we can actually progress this dialectic and have a productive conversation.
On mobile at the moment so I can’t make an argument right now (will tomorrow), but holy hell is this one of the most arrogant parts of a post I have read (and I have read CTC’s posts in the Gouging suspect test). FayaWizard and Moyashi are giving you points to counter your arguments, and you still think that they’re “arguing for the sake of arguing”. Remind me, who started this argument and who has the burden of proof? That would be you.

C’mon. Do better.
I’m not sure if you know what a burden of proof is but when they counter my claim making positive assertions the burden of proof would then fall onto them lol but Ive stopped engaging Moyashi because the argument was going circular and not progressing
I am part of my local debate circuit and know some stuff about law, so I’d say I know what a burden of proof is. The “positive assertions” you think they’re making are rebuttals to your unsubstantiated points; I’d be happy to be proven wrong. In my eyes, honestly, you’ve stopped engaging Moyashi not because the argument was going circular, but that some of your main points were disproven.
I mean you can think that the main points were disproven but that’s just not the case and I wouldn’t say they’re unsubstantiated points if I provide empirical evidence for every one of them bro

You threw out a bunch on paper calcs and scenarios without regarding whether or not these are practical to replicate consistently, especially at a high level. You claimed Torkoal was popular as if that somehow justifies your arguments and I pointed out the mon is not good at all (not helped by the fact Galar Slowking is extremely prevelant and very good and it denies sun constantly), which sort of makes your sun calcs a moot point. Just for the record, but generally when you make a claim like "X is broken" when said X hasn't been claimed to be broken from most other people, the burden of proof is on you generally. Not trying to be rude, but you sort of just started getting rude with people when they wouldn't agree with you.
It's clear that this entire debacle has gone from somewhat sustainable to almost entirely inflammatory; discussion here is encouraged for sure, but we're really not gonna tolerate posts that are made for the sake of shoehorning in unnecessary insults / passive aggressive tones at all.

Any posts made in bad faith with little to no respect for other users will be deleted and possibly infracted. This is your first and final warning; let's just be civil, please.
Dead by Daylight, thanks for writing the analysis for Kingdra in Nat Dex OU. As a resident Kingdra believer this analysis made me very happy, but I would have liked to have seen Hurricane as an option on it since you occasionally want to click hurricane for neutral coverage against things like Clodsire and to destroy Rillaboom on the switch in.

But otherwise, very happy.
Dead by Daylight, thanks for writing the analysis for Kingdra in Nat Dex OU. As a resident Kingdra believer this analysis made me very happy, but I would have liked to have seen Hurricane as an option on it since you occasionally want to click hurricane for neutral coverage against things like Clodsire and to destroy Rillaboom on the switch in.

But otherwise, very happy.
Hurricane doesn't help with your mu with clod at all: 252+ SpA Choice Specs Kingdra Hurricane vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Clodsire: 114-135 (24.6 - 29.1%) -- 99.9% chance to 4HKO.
Also Draco Meteor OHKOs rilla on switch in just like hurricane: 252+ SpA Choice Specs Kingdra Draco Meteor vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Rillaboom: 376-444 (110.2 - 130.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Fine then Ferrothorn and Mega Venusaur. It’s not that important.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kingdra Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 216 SpD Ferrothorn in Rain: 131-155 (37.2 - 44%) -- 99.9% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kingdra Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 216 SpD Ferrothorn: 117-138 (33.2 - 39.2%) -- 11% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Also, mvenu shouldn’t be that much of an issue for kingdra and rain as a whole. Draco doesn’t do that much less and still 2hkos. Hurricane is also a 2hko so there is pretty much no reason to click it really. Surf is just the other 4th move slot because of its consistency as a water move (although I would still click pump 95% of the time LOL).
Yeah but I hate Hydro Miss. So I just click surf 90% of the time anyway.

I know that's stupid but so is Kingdra. He's like Vegeta, he's the proud king of his race but he has nobody else to validate him. And he thinks he's the best ever even though nobody else does.

I love Kingdra: King of all Dragons
Do you guys believe we should have a "rogue" tier on the VR for stuff that doesn't really cut it but is still decent enough in its own right to see use in OU? There's a similar thing to that in Yu-Gi-Oh (out of pocket comparison, but hear me out) where deck archetypes that aren't really meta but see use in competitive are called "rogue decks", and I believe it could provide a more niche side to the VR for stuff like Kingdra and Stakataka to have a spotlight.