Writing this to cool off a bit, so I’m sorry if it’s off topic.
Anyway, I wanted to talk about a certain mon

This is one of my favorite mons to use right now along with idbp zama and pex, funnily enough. If you told casual pokemon player me that I would like balance most, my past self wouldn’t believe you. Anyway, on to the Pokémon I’m talking about, which is Mega Latias.
Strengths, sets, and it’s place in the metagame
To understand Latias’ place in the tier right now, we need metagame context. What are some of the best Pokémon here? What do the Viability rankings look like and how do this mon’s traits interact with these pieces?
To answer all these, we need to know what this mon’s sets are.
Latias-Mega (F) @ Latiasite
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psyshock
- Aura Sphere
- Roost
- Calm Mind
Well, the first of this mon’s strengths is its ability to be a good calm mind user, using its great bulk and decent typing to be a quite threatening wincon. With roost, it’s also able to do this quite consistently. With Pokémon like Zamazenta, heatran, and Waterpon being quite good in the tier, its typing is able to be used to great effect defensively, allowing it to setup multiple calm minds. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this metagame is infested by a lot of spikes; with levitate, Latias is able to stay on the field even longer! This is important despite the other two calm mind users that come to mind, cresselia and clefable, being hazard immune because latias has a much more threatening 140 base spatk stat, higher than both cresselia and clefable. Other Pokemon it checks include Urshifu, Kartana, Rillaboom, and Mega Medicham, a Pokemon that is difficult to check for the balance teams latias finds itself on. It also has Aura Sphere, an excellent tool on a Pokémon so weak to darks and steels like mega Tyranitar, weavile, heatran, and ferrothron that would otherwise stuff it without the coverage. This move also sets it apart from clefable mainly due to it being able to hit steels (cress only needs to be mentioned once since it’s not very common nor very good). This set fits well in a metagame that holds monsters like Zamazenta and Waterpon in it, while also being a threatening wincon with its bulk, spikes immunity, and unique typing along with good coverage in aura sphere, being able to blow past certain team structures if given the chance. Unfortunately, this set is very prone to status moves from slowking galar, Gliscor, and Alomomola, very common pokemon on balance structures. How is this solved? Look at this set:
Latias-Mega (F) @ Latiasite
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stored Power
- Substitute
- Roost
- Calm Mind
With Substitute, Mega Latias is able to force progress against the many common balance structures that threaten mtias without it, whereas the set with aura sphere is able to do well against bulky offense and even some offense structures at points like rain and sun (sometimes), this set excels at forcing progress against balance teams, which can be quite difficult to do in a balance vs balance matchup. It denies passive Pokémon like Glowking, Garganacl, Gliscor, and defensive Zapdos among others like Alomomola. With stored power and calm mind, in conjunction with substitute, latias is able to boost past unaware Pokémon like Dondozo and Skeledirge (on the rare occasion you see dirge) while also boosting past Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Clefable, Corviknight, and against stall Chansey. Substitute also makes it way easier to set up calm minds. This set does have one issue, though; it can’t hit darks like ting Lu and mega tyranitar. What do most darks have in common, though? That’s it; they are all very hazard weak. Pair it with spikes setters like Ferrothorn, Gliscor, and even skarmory and suddenly it stored power mtias is able to sweep and do annoying things to teams with these darks much easier. Toxic Spikes is also a notable companion to this set, being mainly set by Toxapex, allowing mtias to wear down teams much easier throughout a game. If I recall correctly, near the end of dlc1 there was this team that had sub calm mind mtias along with tspikes meowscarada, and to my knowledge it performed decently, showing this set still exists. There are also other ways to beat the darks mentioned. You can use a certain lure to beat them and then sweep with mtias (see:
this team by lameflame) or you can use a Pokémon that threatens these darks immensely, such as Zamazenta (no examples for this set specifically, but even with different mtias sets you can see this same idea being used, such as
in this team). Overall, this set is a great progress maker on more fat balance teams, and with good support can be very threatening against many of the passive pokemon running around. But even so, there are still quite a number of Pokemon that offensively threaten mtias, such as Mega Scizor, iron boulder, and even Waterpon at points. How do we solve these issues, now?
Latias (F) @ Latiasite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Aura Sphere / Ice Beam / Draco Meteor
- Thunder Wave
- Roost
Enter Thunder Wave mega latias, arguably the most consistent out of all mtias sets. With access to Thunder Wave and its huge bulk that was mentioned earlier, it is able to be quite the annoying support Pokemon, crippling pretty much anything wanting to switch in or just threaten it offensively, like the aforementioned Mega Scizor among other things like dragonite and nplot tornt. Almost nothing switches in on this safely besides grounds which aren’t very keen on taking multiple psychics (mainly Lando and great tusk) a game and other grounds like Gliscor and Garchomp and are threatened by another coverage option in ice beam. With aura sphere, it is able to threaten basically everything that was mentioned in the Calm mind aura sphere section. Para is a super annoying status and slows down a ton of offensive threats that benefit the fat and balance teams this set because of how fat teams can be overwhelmed by these offensive threats. Sure, this is cool and all, but why not just use something like thunder wave clefable? Well, there are a couple of selling points to differentiate Latias from clefable in this case. One is its typing, which allows it to check Pokémon like waterpon, Zamazenta, mega Medicham, mega Charizard y, and Kartana, Pokémon that are all able to threaten clefable one way or another most of the time, and are quite notable threats to bulkier teams that mtias is usually fit on. Not only that, mtias has much more chances to throw off a thunder wave, as it’s greater bulk on top of the fact that it is generally sort of tough to fit twave on clef sometimes. This is also considering the fact mtias has better matchups into many threatening offensive Pokémon, and while it still misses out on things like Tapu lele and iron valiant (as it usually is forced out by them), it is able to spread status well against Pokemon like sd kart, bulky dd gouging fire, waterpon, and mega scizor even. Waterpon and mega scizor are extremely important targets for thunder wave, as they are very threatening to balance structures and are immensely crippled by thunder wave. Combining Latias’ excellent bulk, good defensive typing in this current metagame, and the ability to spread status very effectively allows thunder wave to be very consistent on a lot of fatter balance teams, and although it wasn’t a sample set for the longest time I encourage you to try it.
So, what can we infer from these sets? How exactly does mtias play in the current metagame now that we know what its sets do and how they fit in such a varied tier? Well, we know that mtias is able to act as a good wincon against a lot of different team structures with calm mind, being able to force a lot of progress if played and positioned right. Even though it seems like a fatter mon, The ability for Mega Latias to force progress on structures that can have difficulty doing so, even with utility options like thunder wave that may not seem threatening at first, allow it to be a good fit on balance teams. Its bulk and reliable recovery also allows it to do these things constantly, further giving it use as being able to check many things that fatter structures may have trouble with. In conclusion, Mega Latias, even though it has flaws that can be inferred by the structure of these sets and how latias generally matches up poorly into a good amount of good Pokemon, I feel it is quite underused and should be seen a lot more for its unique traits flowing well into the structure of this metagame, as well as being great glue for a lot of balance teams that can struggle against certain threats to their structures.