Love this mon, I slightly prefer ada over jolly as it turns those barely 3hko rolls into clean 2hkos in a lot of scenarios, such as vs defensive lando with rocks up and a bit of chip, mixed def mola and ferrothorn with no hazards up. Being at 329 is also a nice speed tier barely outspeeding +nature base 100s, jolly is also valid despite being slightly weaker as it can outrun the base 110s and even things like serperior.On another note, and gladly changing the subject, Oculars mentioned this in NDOU chat the other day:
Zygarde-10% @ Choice Band
Ability: Aura Break
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- Extreme Speed
- Thousand Waves
- Toxic
Roaring Moon has not been unbanned.Anyways moving forward I don't see too many needed suspect tests besides
dream stanOgerpon-wellspring as it just is very restrictive.
I would like to discuss the current state of Moody and hear your opinion on whether it should remain banned in this tier.
Since gen8, Moody no longer affects evasion, which was the main reason it was considered anti-competitive in the past. The removal of the Dynamax mechanic, which allowed for increased boosts, also doesn't favor Moody users.
In the current meta, as long as Baton Pass remains banned, I don't see how Moody can be a problem. First of all, every Moody user is RU right now. Besides, power creep has introduced many mons that can immediately respond to a Moody user, including those with Quark Drive/Protosynthesis and Zamazenta, which receive an instant boost. Furthermore, there are other offensive alternatives, such as moves that ignore stat changes (Surging Strikes in Urshifu, Sacred Sword in Boulder, Kart, and H-Samu, Flower Trick in Meowscarada...).
On the defensive side, there are numerous responses. Gen9 has brought reliable new unaware users (Clodsire, Dondozo, Skel), and there are still good phazers (Ting, Skarm). Additionally, in the current meta, several Pokémon can use Haze (like Clod, Pex, or Fini).
Unlike other abilities like Speed Boost, there are no Moody users that can learn Stored Power or Power Trip (except Smeargle), significantly reducing the possibility of abusing stat boosts. Moreover, classic Moody sets have a lesser impact in this tier. Disable may be effective against choice items, but it doesn't affect booster energy users too much. On the other hand, new multi-hit moves like Tachyon Cutter help deal with Substitute.
In conclusion, I believe Moody in NatDex is not as threatening as to justify its ban. What are your thoughts?
I'd like to point out the main reason moody is banned is not due to being broken (even though it is) it is banned due to being insanely uncompetetive get the right moody boost and you do basically whatever you want and it's just not good for the tier, no one wants more bullshit cheese that wins games that it shouldn't, we have enough of that already.I would like to discuss the current state of Moody and hear your opinion on whether it should remain banned in this tier.
Since gen8, Moody no longer affects evasion, which was the main reason it was considered anti-competitive in the past. The removal of the Dynamax mechanic, which allowed for increased boosts, also doesn't favor Moody users.
In the current meta, as long as Baton Pass remains banned, I don't see how Moody can be a problem. First of all, every Moody user is RU right now. Besides, power creep has introduced many mons that can immediately respond to a Moody user, including those with Quark Drive/Protosynthesis and Zamazenta, which receive an instant boost. Furthermore, there are other offensive alternatives, such as moves that ignore stat changes (Surging Strikes in Urshifu, Sacred Sword in Boulder, Kart, and H-Samu, Flower Trick in Meowscarada...).
On the defensive side, there are numerous responses. Gen9 has brought reliable new unaware users (Clodsire, Dondozo, Skel), and there are still good phazers (Ting, Skarm). Additionally, in the current meta, several Pokémon can use Haze (like Clod, Pex, or Fini).
Unlike other abilities like Speed Boost, there are no Moody users that can learn Stored Power or Power Trip (except Smeargle), significantly reducing the possibility of abusing stat boosts. Moreover, classic Moody sets have a lesser impact in this tier. Disable may be effective against choice items, but it doesn't affect booster energy users too much. On the other hand, new multi-hit moves like Tachyon Cutter help deal with Substitute.
In conclusion, I believe Moody in NatDex is not as threatening as to justify its ban. What are your thoughts?
yo dude uh it dies to a big bite from Caterpie. In less joking fashion it's bulk is just terrible... It dies to basically any strong neutral hit you can't really beat it defensively but it's just that against any offensive team it just doesn't do much.But if now is the time for ultra hot takes, I would like to participate.
I think we should suspectbecause AFAIK
has no counters. I will rescind my argument if someone can provide me some viable ones.
yo dude uh it dies to a big bite from Caterpie. In less joking fashion it's bulk is just terrible... It dies to basically any strong neutral hit you can't really beat it defensively but it's just that against any offensive team it just doesn't do much.
How are we gonna suspect a mon thats not even on the VR...For a moment, I would like you to imagine your Tachyon Cutter failing to break sub on the first hit because your opponent got a lucky special defense boost the turn prior, and now the stat boosts snowball into an unwinnable nightmare. Your Haze mon gets OHKOed by the lucky SpA boost and now, you lost this game by no fault of your own.
This is the reality you are suggesting. Moody is too unpredictable and causes wins and losses based on RNG as opposed to player skill. I don't think that sounds like a fun metagame.
But if now is the time for ultra hot takes, I would like to participate.
I think we should suspectbecause AFAIK
has no counters. I will rescind my argument if someone can provide me some viable ones.
How are we gonna suspect a mon thats not even on the VR...
Hoopa is just in no way broken by any means at all. Banded sets, while having limited switch-ins, are relatively easy to deal with. If you cant force it regularly and make progress on the rest of their team(thereby rendering Hoopa unusable since it no longer has those partners to pivot in and out of), then that's your team's problem, not the mon. Sure, it can stallbreak and force huge progress on core teams, but at the same time it gets threatened by nearly EVERYTHING-- it can't live a hit at all. So basically it's a glass cannon, but a slow and manageable one at that. It has the power, but can only rely on teammates for backup.
just use bulky dark type, max Def mandibuzz can easily tank banded hoopa and click u-turnI appreciate you taking the time to write this out and provide some discussion about's counterplay. I will be trying out some new ideas soon to handle it, and if I can get a workable solution, I will probably change my mind.
If I may ask, do you know anything able to stall it out?
Unless for some ungodly reason ur still playing hipposkarm ur not running mandibuzz.just use bulky dark type, max Def mandibuzz can easily tank banded hoopa and click u-turn