Preferably with Tera gone, but Galarian Darmanitan and Heartflame Ogerpon.what ubers (if any) do u guys think should be suspect tested to be emitted into nat dex ou
Preferably with Tera gone, but Galarian Darmanitan and Heartflame Ogerpon.what ubers (if any) do u guys think should be suspect tested to be emitted into nat dex ou
Preferably with Tera gone, but Galarian Darmanitan and Heartflame Ogerpon.
That's your opinion, I would rather a mon be retested every Generation than for it to be assumed broken only for it to be Mid when we finally decide we want to test it/drop it. This is also known as the Blaziken Method.Horrible, horrible take. Darmanitan-Galar was one of the most obscenely broken mons to ever be permitted in a non-Ubers format.
Rotom wash does lowkey wall the hell out of darm but I’m more concerned about hearthflame like I used to terrorize people with that idk if it’s the Tera that pushed it over the edge though like mold breaker with swords dance fire grass stab with play rough is just disgustingThat's your opinion, I would rather a mon be retested every Generation then for it to be assumed broken only for it to be Mid when we finally decide we want to test it/drop it. This is also known as the Blaziken Method.
Mate, we don’t need to spend time testing stuff that’s obscenely broken, like a 140 base Attack monster that can either double its Attack stat with CB to annihilate defensive teams or get both CB and Scarf to outrun and kill offense. This would effectively pigeonhole every team into running Dondozo or Alo (I don’t even know if Alo can take CB + G-Tactics Icicle Crash without being 2HKOed. I’ll calc it soon.)That's your opinion, I would rather a mon be retested every Generation then for it to be assumed broken only for it to be Mid when we finally decide we want to test it/drop it. This is also known as the Blaziken Method.
nah, its not even 2x. the multiplier for cb+gtactics is 2.25x LOL. yeah pls keep it banned. not to say every damn move is a predict bc if you go pex or tran to resist that icicle crash, and you get hit with an eq, no matter how bulky you are you are dying. every move is a play w/ that mon around, its ohko or no ohko. and theres tera here too. why would u want it susd. ndou would cripple like an elderly man.Mate, we don’t need to spend time testing stuff that’s obscenely broken, like a 140 base Attack monster that can either double its Attack stat with CB to annihilate defensive teams or get both CB and Scarf to outrun and kill offense. This would effectively pigeonhole every team into running Dondozo or Alo (I don’t even know if Alo can take CB + G-Tactics Icicle Crash without being 2HKOed. I’ll calc it soon.)
Rotom wash does lowkey wall the hell out of darm but I’m more concerned about hearthflame like I used to terrorize people with that idk if it’s the Tera that pushed it over the edge though like mold breaker with swords dance fire grass stab with play rough is just disgusting
I remember playing SS OU during the gdarm meta, and I can tell you that rotom-wash is not enough of a check - people used rotom-heat instead since u-turn otherwise chips you way too much (the mon does have a choice band ability alongside a 140 atk stat...), and the mon still was very easy to chip down with icicle crash, even from scarf sets. Obviously it's even worse if you try to switch into the choice band set or if it just uses tera (252 Atk Gorilla Tactics Tera Ice Darmanitan-Galar Icicle Crash vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Rotom-Heat: 101-119 (33.2 - 39.1%) -- 100% chance to 3HKO)Rotom wash does lowkey wall the hell out of darm
Guys, we should suspect Kingambit in National Dex OU again. Seriously.
NatDex has been plagued by an onslaught of hyper-offense recently, with Stored Power CM+IDef Iron Crown being immune to Toxic and Stored Power often straight up OHKOing Special Walls through RESISTS. It can also use multiple Teras and sets to its benefit, such as Tera Ghost to be immune to Fake Out/CC from Medicham and set up Iron Defense, or Tera Water to patch up the weaknesses in its typing. It can also run more sets other than CM+IDef, including Sub (to beat Garg), Specs to surprise the opponent (although not as effective), or bulky Volt Switch pivot (outclassed but sure). It can also use Tera to tech past counters, such as Tera Blast Fairy for AV Hoopa-U, TB Fire for Steels (that don't already get nuked by Stored Power of course) and Wisp immunity, and Tera Electric to get past TWave shenanigans. It can afford to run so many different sets and teras when it cannot do so in the OU tier, all because in OU the omnipresence of Kingambit prevents Dark weak setup sweepers from getting any nasty ideas.
Apart from Mr. King there, Gouging Fire has also been quite popular on HO, since it is a Physical setup sweeper with a burn immunity. Usually, this guy does not get out of hand in OU, even with +6+6, since Tera Dark Black Glasses Sucker Punch from Kingambit chunks it for a respectable 50% at just 2 fainted. However, in NatDex, we have no such luxury, and we must hope Gouging Fire does not have Morning Sun, lest the puny 15% from Lopunny-M get healed off (Frustration doesn't even 2HKO). It can also use multiple different Teras, such as Tera Steel for Toxic, and Tera Ground to boost Earthquake damage and have a Thunder Wave immunity. Guess why it can use so many different Teras? Of course! Kingambit doesn't exist so it doesn't need to Tera Fairy for Sucker Punch! (also Dondozo is the only reliable check unless they pull out the Fire Spin Breaking Swipe tech)
Trick Room is kinda shit in OU since Kingambit somehow solos them, but in NatDex, counterplay is more limited. (now that I think about it only Protect can save you)
Alright so basically there are some really broken threats that cannot be checked (they both happen to resist Scizor BP), and so Kingambit should be suspected to prevent having to suspect those two guys. Kingambit does have Pursuit, but that is just a tool, allowing one to chip down HO threats more easily. Knock Off is also not quite so bad, considering that Megas do take reduced damage. The power level in NatDex has increased with the introduction of new mons in the DLC, so we should try to give Kingambit a chance (or else only Stall and HO are really viable in NatDex). With him, the only real loser is Stall, but there are enough tools to check him (if he uses other sets then he cant beat HO).
Mate, we don’t need to spend time testing stuff that’s obscenely broken, like a 140 base Attack monster that can either double its Attack stat with CB to annihilate defensive teams or get both CB and Scarf to outrun and kill offense. This would effectively pigeonhole every team into running Dondozo or Alo (I don’t even know if Alo can take CB + G-Tactics Icicle Crash without being 2HKOed. I’ll calc it soon.)
blaziken was banned for like the past 4 gens prior to the test, and has actual reasons to why it was worse in nd than smThat's your opinion, I would rather a mon be retested every Generation than for it to be assumed broken only for it to be Mid when we finally decide we want to test it/drop it. This is also known as the Blaziken Method.
Guys, we should suspect Kingambit in National Dex OU again. Seriously.
NatDex has been plagued by an onslaught of hyper-offense recently, with Stored Power CM+IDef Iron Crown being immune to Toxic and Stored Power often straight up OHKOing Special Walls through RESISTS. It can also use multiple Teras and sets to its benefit, such as Tera Ghost to be immune to Fake Out/CC from Medicham and set up Iron Defense, or Tera Water to patch up the weaknesses in its typing. It can also run more sets other than CM+IDef, including Sub (to beat Garg), Specs to surprise the opponent (although not as effective), or bulky Volt Switch pivot (outclassed but sure). It can also use Tera to tech past counters, such as Tera Blast Fairy for AV Hoopa-U, TB Fire for Steels (that don't already get nuked by Stored Power of course) and Wisp immunity, and Tera Electric to get past TWave shenanigans. It can afford to run so many different sets and teras when it cannot do so in the OU tier, all because in OU the omnipresence of Kingambit prevents Dark weak setup sweepers from getting any nasty ideas.
Apart from Mr. King there, Gouging Fire has also been quite popular on HO, since it is a Physical setup sweeper with a burn immunity. Usually, this guy does not get out of hand in OU, even with +6+6, since Tera Dark Black Glasses Sucker Punch from Kingambit chunks it for a respectable 50% at just 2 fainted. However, in NatDex, we have no such luxury, and we must hope Gouging Fire does not have Morning Sun, lest the puny 15% from Lopunny-M get healed off (Frustration doesn't even 2HKO). It can also use multiple different Teras, such as Tera Steel for Toxic, and Tera Ground to boost Earthquake damage and have a Thunder Wave immunity. Guess why it can use so many different Teras? Of course! Kingambit doesn't exist so it doesn't need to Tera Fairy for Sucker Punch! (also Dondozo is the only reliable check unless they pull out the Fire Spin Breaking Swipe tech)
Trick Room is kinda shit in OU since Kingambit somehow solos them, but in NatDex, counterplay is more limited. (now that I think about it only Protect can save you)
Alright so basically there are some really broken threats that cannot be checked (they both happen to resist Scizor BP), and so Kingambit should be suspected to prevent having to suspect those two guys. Kingambit does have Pursuit, but that is just a tool, allowing one to chip down HO threats more easily. Knock Off is also not quite so bad, considering that Megas do take reduced damage. The power level in NatDex has increased with the introduction of new mons in the DLC, so we should try to give Kingambit a chance (or else only Stall and HO are really viable in NatDex). With him, the only real loser is Stall, but there are enough tools to check him (if he uses other sets then he cant beat HO).
No, this stupid ass mon terrorized gen 8 and can break through all of its checks either via Hax or just sheer forceMega Metagross
Not this generation, but next generation, I wanna suspect Landorus Incarnate.
This thing is strong, no doubt there, but it's not like it can withstand power creep forever. One day there will be better Ferrothorn that just won't be beaten by Landorus I and then we can have a metagame where the REAL Landorus can function.
Ok, im tired of the classic "pls unban (fav mon locked in ubers) powercreep makes it fain down here, it would be fine and balanced". While this can end up being true in some cases like Darkrai, this wont apply to everyone of them. There is also the issue that we have a TON of strong titans in the tier already. Darkrai, Zamazenta, Roaring Moon via suspect test, Iron Valiant, Gouging Fire, Raging Bolt, Tornadus Therian, Tapu Lele, Ogerpon Wellspring, Mega Lopunny, Mega Scizor, Mega Latias, the list goes on. So adding more to the pot might end up ruining the dish(tier). Not that we shouldn't try, but we should be more in depth about it, rather than just "unban my favorite pokemon".Give that to Typhlosion and we can start exchanging numbers.
But in all seriousness, we do not need to suspect Garmanitan. The thing just hits too hard and has too much raw firepower (or ice power if you will.) Even without Tera, I don't see how that thing doesn't skyrocket to Ubers.
I agree with this point. The only way having so many hard-hitting monsters in a single tier would be OK is if we have super chunky mons from Ubers that can take similar punishment, such asOk, im tired of the classic "pls unban (fav mon locked in ubers) powercreep makes it fain down here, it would be fine and balanced". While this can end up being true in some cases like Darkrai, this wont apply to everyone of them. There is also the issue that we have a TON of strong titans in the tier already. Darkrai, Zamazenta, Roaring Moon via suspect test, Iron Valiant, Gouging Fire, Raging Bolt, Tornadus Therian, Tapu Lele, Ogerpon Wellspring, Mega Lopunny, Mega Scizor, Mega Latias, the list goes on. So adding more to the pot might end up ruining the dish(tier). Not that we shouldn't try, but we should be more in depth about it, rather than just "unban my favorite pokemon".
I think you missed my point. I'm not suggesting that we should just test obviously broken Pokemon for the sake of it. Like I don't want Mewtwo in OU just because there might potentially be some OU Pokemon that could deal with it. That isn't enough. Like there are NU Pokemon that can probably blank some Ubers folks situationally but that are otherwise doo doo garbage.... looking at you Parasect.
Also the idea that Ubers Pokemon can end up nerfed is not entirely based around prediction. Look at both Aegislash and Darkrai. Both of which were nerfed and ended up falling into OU. It's not unreasonable to suggest it can happen again.
Also no, Scolipede was not a joke. It was banned from OU in XY. Look it up.