That seems a lot more balanced, and the flavor I used is maintained. I like it. Seems like mono-psychic types and/or dual-types with immunities would be more prone to using it. I have a question about it though. You said the item's effect is to turn all neutral interactions into super effective, but when you mentioned Slowbro, it's resistances become neutral, so what exactly happens? Turning resistances into neutrals defensively would make it more balanced, but if we mirrored the effect to offenses, we'd end up with spammable Psychic moves again (well, Dark wouldn't be affected).
I meant that the item modifies your
Psychic typing's type chart interactions, such that neutral hits against you become super effective, and this in turn interacts in the usual way with being dual-typed -just pretend that the type chart has Psychic weak to everything except Fighting and Psychic and super effective against everything except Dark, Steel, and Psychic. Thus, Slowbro holding the item is neutral to Water, Fire, Ice, and Steel (Because Water resists those, but Psychic is vulnerable) and doubly weak to Grass and Electric (Because Water's weakness stacks with Psychic's weakness), and Psychic moves will do x4 damage against any dual-type that isn't part Steel, Psychic, or Dark, because both types are "vulnerable" to the Psychic type. (If neither type is Steel, Psychic, or Dark)
The way Freeze Dry works can be helpful for thinking about the offensive component -an Ice move is neutral on Gyarados (Flying is weak, Water is resistant), but Freeze Dry is ultra-effective. (Flying is weak, Water is weak)
Anyway, I prefer my own Hard Rock entry. The fossil Pokemon are largely fragile (Whether via stats or typing or both), and the biggest exception -Bastiodon-
hates raising its Speed. (Because Metal Burst has neutral priority) So Polishboiled for fossil Pokemon in specific seems really iffy as something to commit an item slot to.
Also wow, really, a
5-way tie?
Pixie Plate: Replaces the holder's Normal typing with Fairy typing. The holder's Normal type moves become Fairy type moves.
Flavor: Similar reasoning to Tarontos; a fair number of the Fairy Pokemon that currently exist using to be Normal typed.
Competitive: Fairy is an excellent defensive typing, and in particular
resists Normal's one weakness, making it a bit of a nasty surprise to have the enemy Close Combat into Blissey for ineffective damage when they're expecting an easy OHKO. In exchange, it's a weak (non-existent) offensive boost, compared to other Plates.
Whipped Dream: The holder's HP is restored by 1/8 at the end of each turn, but their Attack and Special Attack are lowered by one stage each as well at the end of each turn.
Flavor: Sucking on candy sure is relaxing. And better than a half-eaten apple.
Competitive: Super Leftovers that damages your offense, making it primarily a stallmon choice, and not even all of them.
Sachet: At the end of every turn, the Evasion of all Pokemon on the field is lowered by one stage.
Flavor: Think of Sweet Scent's effect, but amplified and passive and item-based.
Competitive: For Pokemon with powerful, inaccurate moves like Hurricane and Thunder, can make more sense to run than a Life Orb. (Hurricane, in particular, is a more than 50% increase in damage over the next runner up, Air Slash) It can also assist support-oriented builds, with
mostly-accurate moves like Leech Seed, Sleep Powder, etc.
Sweet Heart: When KOed, the holder's health and PP are fully restored, their status conditions are cleared, and they become infatuated with the foe and trapped until the foe leaves. Cannot be restored by Recycle nor received by Pickup.
Flavor: The power of
LOVE. Side effects may include being unable to leave your darling abusive sweetheart and difficulty bringing yourself to harm them.
Competitive: Risky, and probably won't help if you were trapped by a counter
anyway, but it can allow you to power through a number of different ways to KO you and keep going. Obviously a dream item for Hyper Offense Pokemon, particularly ones with Volt Switch or U-Turn. And of course a Ghost can simply switch out after revival.