Pokémon Noivern

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I've been running this set as an anti-lead, and I've been diggin it. Usually takes out >1 poke.

Noivern @ Choice Specs
Timid; 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
- Focus Blast
- Draco Meteor
- Hurricane
- Flamethrower

I like Focus Blast and Flamethrower over Boomblast for coverage. Overall, this set has been treating me well. It has problems facing a lead Dragonite, but besides that, it has been doing work, plus it can easily revenge kill anything that isn't boosted and has pretty easy switch ins.
Everytime I've thought about running Air Slash over Boomburst a Rotom-W or Azumarril greets me on the team preview as I gleefully click Boomburst on the obvious switchin and proceed to 2hko. Also when Rotom-W is in front of you and they switch to something like Aegislash to fish for the DM, nothin' like ignoring that stat drop.

Also, DO NOT USE 4 HP. Use 29 HP IVs to hit 309 HP, this is 1 less Rocks and LO recoil damage, which also at level 50 happens to be 159 HP which is the perfect LO and SR number.
Just traded for a perfect IV noibat, and was wondering what team mates he works well with. Already got some spinners/defoggers, but besides a steel counter, what does this guy need to dominate the special sweeping department?
Just traded for a perfect IV noibat, and was wondering what team mates he works well with. Already got some spinners/defoggers, but besides a steel counter, what does this guy need to dominate the special sweeping department?

With only 97 SpA, you aren't going to sweep reliably without a boost. You could bring something that can baton pass a nasty plot onto him, but I think he lacks the staying power to sweep and is better suited as a revenge killer or anti-lead.
I've been using Noivern as a Revenge Killer. Here's the set I'm using.

Noivern @ Choice Specs
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Boomburst
- Dragon Pulse
- Air Slash
- Flamethrower

I'm kind of torn between sticking with Dragon Pulse or teaching it Draco Meteor.
I'm kind of torn between sticking with Dragon Pulse or teaching it Draco Meteor.
I'd highly suggest going with draco meteor. Boomburst deals more damage than pulse, and the damage output of meteor lets it overcome some annoying would be counters, though he does tend to die sooner with a meteor reliance, so it depends on how long he typically lasts for you.

Pulse: 90/180/270
Meteor: 130/195/238

More immediate results, but you won't make much impact after a while, classic draco meteor
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Noivern never seems to have the power to OHKO what needs to be OHKOd. I've been using him as a Specs Revenge-r with Draco Meteor, Hurricane, Focus Miss and Boomburst.

Lots of things seem to just barely avoid the OHKO from that 97 base Sp. ATK. Of course its niche as a lightning-quick dragon will keep him out of UU, and his lack of power will keep him out of OU.

Noivern for an unfortunate BL IMO. It's too bad, I've been thrilled about him since I saw his design, I knew he would be ridiculously fast. He's kind of a letdown.
This thing is a Dragon/Flying Crobat. Apart from being a Dragon/Bat, the stat spread completely gives it away.
It has the same 85/80/80 bulk with SpA and Atk switched and 7 base stat points pilfered from Spe and put into SpA.
Specs revenge-killer seems good with Infiltrator and there's even Switcheroo (egg move) to mess with walls and U-turn to scout.
It can also run an almost identical wallbreaker set to Crobat with Taunt + Roost and U-turn/Super Fang + Air Slash/choice of Attack.
A speedy Taunt, Frisk and Air Slash's high flinch rate would give it an immediate niche as an anti-lead in the DP age of sash suicide leads and no Prankster.
That's not as coveted today but defensive Pokemon that can't beat it quickly will still struggle against sets like that.

Noivern @ Choice Specs
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Boomburst
- Flamethrower
- Switcheroo
- Sleep Talk/Super Fang


This is definitely more than a gimmick; I've had great success with it. Noivern's STAB options are either liabilities or weak sauce, and are predictable to boot. Boomburst is more powerful than Dragon Pulse, and slaps Azumarill around a bit when it tries to switch in (AND IT TRIES OFTEN). If your opponent's only Normal resist is e.g. Ferrothorn, a late game Noivern sweep is a very real possibility. Sleep inducers are predictable, and Sleep Talking Switcheroo is pretty funny. I ran Super Fang for a while, but used it too infrequently. It has its merits, especially after losing your Choice Specs with Switcheroo.

The key here is Noivern's flexibility. It's quite happy to SPAM Specs Boomburst all day long, providing that you can predict steel Pokemon with Flamethrower. However, a well-timed Switcheroo can really screw up your opponent's strategy.

Edit: stuff like this happens more often than you think...

wreynolds withdrew Breloom!
wreynolds sent out Greninja!
Noivern is fast asleep.
Noivern used Sleep Talk!
Noivern used Boomburst!
The opposing Greninja lost 100% of its health!
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Noivern @ Choice Specs
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Boomburst
- Flamethrower
- Switcheroo
- Sleep Talk/Super Fang


This is definitely more than a gimmick; I've had great success with it. Noivern's STAB options are either liabilities or weak sauce, and are predictable to boot. Boomburst is more powerful than Dragon Pulse, and slaps Azumarill around a bit when it tries to switch in (AND IT TRIES OFTEN). If your opponent's only Normal resist is e.g. Ferrothorn, a late game Noivern sweep is a very real possibility. Sleep inducers are predictable, and Sleep Talking Switcheroo is pretty funny. I ran Super Fang for a while, but used it too infrequently. It has its merits, especially after losing your Choice Specs with Switcheroo.

The key here is Noivern's flexibility. It's quite happy to SPAM Specs Boomburst all day long, providing that you can predict steel Pokemon with Flamethrower. However, a well-timed Switcheroo can really screw up your opponent's strategy.

Edit: stuff like this happens more often than you think...

wreynolds withdrew Breloom!
wreynolds sent out Greninja!
Noivern is fast asleep.
Noivern used Sleep Talk!
Noivern used Boomburst!
The opposing Greninja lost 100% of its health!

I feel like your last slot is really a filler. I would still throw Draco Meteor there, because of the raw power it provides. Yeah, you need to switch out one use, but honestly you may say the same about Super Fang. BTW does Noivern learns Roost ? Because I think set abusing Super Fang + Substitute + Roost + STAB attack should work taking into account Noivern great speed.
No one is using any modest Noiverns?

The only reason I could think to run Timid is to out speed Alakazam or something?
No one is using any modest Noiverns?

The only reason I could think to run Timid is to out speed Alakazam or something?

I'm currently running a Modest one, but I can assume People are running Timid to abuse that Speed and outspeed other threats like other Noiverns or something you couldn't outspeed without Timid, as I see Noivern as a Scout/Revenge Killer first.
No one is using any modest Noiverns?

The only reason I could think to run Timid is to out speed Alakazam or something?
Definitely always run Timid. Outspeeding Alakazam, Greninja, and the multitude of base 110 and 115 Pokemon is far too important to jeopardize.
Honestly, I really like Noivern as a bulky wallbreaker. Dragon/Flying is a great defensive typing (despite the rock and ice weaknesses) and super fang does consistent damage to a lot of walls.
Hmm, what about a tailwind set? It could help the slow pokes like mawile
But bear in mind i dont know much about him
The single bad thing about infiltrator is that if your opponent doesn't see frisk, they won't do something stupid like sub on gengar and screw themselves over.

Just my thoughts though, I'm currently breeding for a 4 iv shiny ATM.
Hmm, what about a tailwind set? It could help the slow pokes like mawile
But bear in mind i dont know much about him
Tailwind sets have been used to some effect in double and triple battles. Pairing him with somebody that doesn't take boomburst damage can be a truly terrifying combo, but you'll have to try it out for yourself
Noivern with Frisk and King’s Rock
Modest 252 SpA/100 Spe/156 HP
Air Slash

While everyone is going round and round about how this guy could be a Toxic Staller or Specs Sweeper, I am looking at something to go the distance as an Annoyer or a Scout that also has amazing design! Since I have Hydreigon and Scizor for sweeping, I need something to irritate my opponents while working out what their team is capable of. He might have a Dragon secondary typing but I didn’t see the need to use Draco Meteor because I already have Hydreigon for that and Boomburst does as much damage as many of the coverage moves, especially to Substitute users that aren’t Ghost Type. Air Slash is to be used in conjunction with STAB, King’s Rock, and his insane speed, plus Volcarona, Conkeldurr and the Ghost/Grass types. As usual, U-Turn is used to get out when needed and his insane speed almost guarantees that which is always a boon. I am going to use Roost for several reasons. First is his typing which is both a plus and a pain because he can take the fighting and fire attacks that I have problems with, but the there is also a nasty Stealth Rock weakness which is the second reason for Roost. Thirdly, since my primary attackers have their own issues I need something to have a longevity that isn’t found on this team so it can continue to come in and annoy my opponent. Lastly is the ability Frisk. This was once a useless ability in my mind, but since I am going to switching in and out constantly it would be nice to be as informed as I can be especially with all of the Mega Stones flying around.
I'm really torn on what ability to run (and breed for in-game) on Noivern. I really like the idea of Frisk with Switcheroo and Choice Specs, for scouting and general utility/mostly safe crippling of stuff, but on the other hand Infiltrator Flamethrower/Draco Meteor could be very useful against a number of things (klefki and gengar use subs and are immune/resistant to boomburst, for example).
I'm really torn on what ability to run (and breed for in-game) on Noivern. I really like the idea of Frisk with Switcheroo and Choice Specs, for scouting and general utility/mostly safe crippling of stuff, but on the other hand Infiltrator Flamethrower/Draco Meteor could be very useful against a number of things (klefki and gengar use subs and are immune/resistant to boomburst, for example).

If you think about it, you can Switcheroo on the turn Klefki/Gengar substitute or whatever move they decide to use, this will force/cripple them to switch because you can U-Turn and set up on them
if you are running the switcheroo set it doesn't make sense to use frisk really. Once they realize you don't have infiltrator klefki and gengar and whatnot are obviously going to set up sub and see what they are up against. You could potentially waste a turn and then be very far behind. Switcheroo and infiltrator is an amazing combo as it warns against sub, the only counter.
Isn't Noivern's main niche its Speed? If it is, then it makes a whole bunch of sense to always run Timid or another Speed-boosting nature.

I've tested this thing out, and it really makes more sense to go for the stronger moves. He can barely KO some threats with thos stats of his though. Boomburst is great for hitting Faires, and it's an amazing move.
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I don't know if this has been mentioned, but Noiverns problem is that it just barely doesn't kill the enemy Poke that it should. with that odd spk stat of 97. If that's the problem then I was thinking he'd team up really well with Spikers, and Stealth Rock setters (Ferrothorn). Seeing as how he is extremely fast and learns Whirlwind (!)... The damage he lacks would be made up and then some with the right entry hazards! as he is can almost pick and choose what to KO and what to just Whirlwind away. Unfortunately he doesn't have dragon tail to phase out ghosts, but he does learn shadow ball. and he uses it very effectively.
Seeing as how he is extremely fast and learns Whirlwind (!)... The damage he lacks would be made up and then some with the right entry hazards! as he is can almost pick and choose what to KO and what to just Whirlwind away. Unfortunately he doesn't have dragon tail to phase out ghosts, but he does learn shadow ball. and he uses it very effectively.

I do not see Noivern as a effective Phazer. Effective Phazers can sponge a Hit from a Setup Sweeper and switch them out to keep their stats normal. Whirlwind is just bad on a Pokemon like Noivern as it has Negative Priority meaning it'll go last against everything that isn't using Trick Room and Noivern dosen't have the bulk to stay in and take hits. I feel Noivern was made for Speed and it should be using it, as it's his main niche over other Dragons aka a effective Revenge Killer.
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