I've found CB Scizor to be just as effective.so... how do you get past Renkurusu, taht things like, invincible, is choice band Ttar really the only way?
Trick can also stop its setup, as can any sort of phasing.
I've found CB Scizor to be just as effective.so... how do you get past Renkurusu, taht things like, invincible, is choice band Ttar really the only way?
so... how do you get past Renkurusu, taht things like, invincible, is choice band Ttar really the only way?
Also, Landuros has certainly been neutered. Less people are going to nominate for Landuros for Suspect, I believe, and he should have a comfortable place in the metagame. Obviously, there are more tan a few ways to counter/check Landuros, so there shouldn't be too much dispute over it.
Refer to the Reuniclus thread. People have come up with colorful, some viable, ways to check Reuniclus. Though I never seem to have a problem with it.
Also, Landuros has certainly been neutered. Less people are going to nominate for Landuros for Suspect, I believe, and he should have a comfortable place in the metagame. Obviously, there are more than a few ways to counter/check Landuros, so there shouldn't be too much dispute over it.
My two cents.
Landlos is still Far threatening as a poke.
So please, don't look at my "exception" and attempt to justify your continued weather based bans. Yes, it is an exception, but that should only be called should the combination actually be broken.
As I said in the last thread, intentions and perceptions are not the same thing. If people feel that your proposal is grounds enough to create addenda with other bans, then they will do it.
That was my Nidoking!As for other teams, well, I've had two completely terrible losses, lol. Sun seems to be so hard now; I got swept by a mono-Spiritomb O_O Stupid weak Venusaur. Then my rain team got swept by a Shell Smashed Nidoking X(
The clarification is greatly appreciated.I feel like I should briefly explain the purpose of my proposal.
Yes, it was meant to make weather and all related abilities an exception, meaning you COULD argue for Sandstream + Sand Throw ban...however, this would go entirely against the spirit of my proposal.
I did it to PREVENT a massive cascade of eventual bans. Ban Drizzle, then Drought goes, then either Sandstream or Excadrill / Landorus / Terrakion go...then Reuniclus and Latios and Mew and Wobbuffet and Garchomp and Moxie Salamence when its released...and Contrarian Jaroda / Eccentric Ditto never really stand a chance to stay...
Ultimately, propose an exception idea but with a pragmatic purpose: stop banning things.
I look at this metagame and I am literally able to make weatherless offense teams, weatherless stall teams, weatherless balance teams, rain stall / offense, sun stall / offense, sand stall / offense and stand a chance against any team. The current metagame's balance + Team Preview gives you a chance against any strategy.
Sandstream + Sand Power / Throw and Drought + Chlorophyll are NOT broken in the current iteration of the game. Bronzong, Gliscor, Skarmory, and Jirachi are having a much easier time getting on teams without having to worry about Swift Swimmers, and the Rain Offense Pokemon like Thundurus / Tornadus / Starmie / Rotom-W are all easily checked by Scarfers.
So please, don't look at my "exception" and attempt to justify your continued weather based bans. Yes, it is an exception, but that should only be called should the combination actually be broken.
You continue to encore it? What do you do when it finally runs out of calm minds since you aren't doing anything much to it in return?
You continue to encore it? What do you do when it finally runs out of calm minds since you aren't doing anything much to it in return?