Actually your post is very disappointing and is a perfect example of logical fallacy.
Antiquity is not desirable. Just because something was not accepted as a valid argument does not mean the argument itself is not valid.
"The way" you conduct suspect tests are stupid. When you want to test removing a pokemon the FIRST thing you need to think is whether removing that pokemon makes another mon/set of mons problematic. The goal is to have a healthy meta. Especially when it comes to smogon "We will cross that bridge later" is not reassuring in the slightest (looking at you toxapex, should also be clefable but not the point of post). Even if it was reassuring, you would force people to play in a super unhealthy meta for some time.
If you are actually somewhat good at battling and understand the game instead of spamming the same fat core every game and banning everything that threatens your core, you CAN predict what will happen next when certain mons are gone, I already made another post about this so I won't repeat myself on that.
Few Games picked-up from forum tours a terrible example. Despite what you may want to believe highest form of competition/skill expression/oppresive teams exist in the ladder as some people like me either don't have the time/ don't want to hang out in the forum.
As Storm said, literally every team that is built, starts with the question how do I beat pex (and actually clef) Anything good offensively that can threaten this while being a mon one would like to use (instead of a strange superpower Nidoking set) seems to get banned restricting the ways of breaking these cores. You have destroyed a meta that has skill expression/variety because you were sad to lose when your defensive mons couldn't cover you when you played wrong for 3 turns in a row. If you misplay 3 turns in a row you deserve to lose. The way you decide to ban everything good offensively, make it so that you can get away with playing terribly (especially due to regenerator, hdb and remaining offensive mons having much worse stats)
When I was playing GEN8 (I guess 2 years ago), even before all the bans to offensive mons, top 50, had around 35.40 players who use either complete stall or so called "semi stall" with 4-5 extremely fat/stall mons with a revenge killer/ditto. I think in top 50/30/10 there were 2 of my accounts that have HO, Storm and his alt that plays comps other than full fat, and 2-3 more players. By banning everything you cannot deal with, you created a meta so centralizing and stale, everyone who is actually good at the game got bored and left.
Your way of evaluating the game is even when you missplay for a long time, if your defensive mons cannot get you out of the pickle, that means the offensive mon is broken and it should be gone. If you cannot deal with Melmetal in this meta, you deserve to lose that means you played terribly.
Since the start of gen 8 mons(afaik) the mons with offensive presence that are banned (right or wrong)
Kyurem(both versions, even Kyurem-black had tons of counterplay as I stated in my previous post),
Phero,Genesect, Lando-i, Shifu,Naga, Cinderace, Magearna, Darm-Galar(not sure if it was gen8 tbh), Spectrier
Defensive mons that are banned: _______________
Also defensive mons unlike offensive ones have synergy with each other especially thanks to regenerator/recovery and hdb unlike the offensive ones. So 2/3 mons in combinations can make the meta incredibly centralizing/cover each others weaknesses perfectly. Since we have 6 slots, the more fat a team has, the more synergy it creates.
If your OU council consists of a guy who is hard stuck 1800/1900 only playing the pex-clef core (this was back when I was playing, no idea about the current status) and your leader has the most uninformed takes ever, it is unavoidable that your "balancing" will be terrible.
If I, as a player who likes offensive oriented teams, have to outplay you 10 times in a game just to have a small shot at winning, there is definitely something wrong with balancing.
If I, as a player who despise defensive teams, but can still easily beat one of high ladder players the first time I play a half-meme fat/stall team I don't have any idea about, while the guys who spams fat in high ladder cannot beat 1600s with my team, there is most likely something wrong with balancing as it favors the one style too much. (Just because you won't believe , I am sadly putting some screenshots-link)
[Gen 8] OU replay: Steez Ibanez vs. Prethia - Pokémon Showdown (
View attachment 460160
Since most of the ladder spams the pex/clef(or whatever it is rn) fat core, they vote ban against anything they are having difficulty to deal with. Your teams shouldn't be able to deal with everything anyway, that's what makes the game unbalanced/too centralizing. As long as you ban the pokemons the same way, only one-type of mons will be banned aka mons with offensive presence that threatens your fat core. Why? Because ladder is dominated people who want to shut off their brain and let their fat tank everything no matter how many turns they misplay. If ladder was dominated by people who played my style then it would be pex and clef who would be gone because those people would experience how oppresive those two were with their infinite amount of movesets and even ability in Clef's case.
Even though I left the game, I am writing this because you as a council and community have successfully made the better players or even mediocre players with different style than yours bored/quit the game because of your inability to deal with things you don't use. It is sad because this could be a great tier with lots of fun using the best battling/team-building software I am aware of. Now I am playing a game with gen7 movesets/gen 5 mons because it is actually interesting to teambuild and not all the battles feel the same.
Again, antiquity is bad. How you suspect the mons so far has been TERRIBLE. The way you decide to ban the mons is equally terrible. I know you won't but it is never too late to change your attitude. Instead of having a council mostly sharing one style of play/ letting ladder decide democratically which again is dominated by fat, you should pick representatives for each style. Otherwise you will also scare away the few different/interesting people who remained with you.