np: UU - Six Deadly Suspects

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You're forgetting that while Crobat is excellent as a weather starter, it is by no means the best. Electrode is even better for Rain Dance, though it doesn't tend to survive long, between terrible defenses and Explosion. Its base 140 speed lets it beat most every other lead, even potentially some slow scarfers. It's been king of the rain dance biz much longer than Crobat, and really for good reason. Blowing up is easily the best way to get a sweeper into battle without taking damage, while U-turn risks unforeseen consequences.

As for Sunny Day, it doesn't have that same kind of "instant awesome SD setup" mon, but there are still some solid picks in stuff like Ambipom, Persian, Sceptile, etc. Crobat may be good at setting up weather, but it's not like weather goes away as soon as he leaves. It's a nich that must be filled, and Crobat happens to fill it well.

Bottom line, everything and its mother learns the Weather moves, and it's not all that out of the ordinary to be fast + weather.

Then it comes down to Taunt. Everyone's been talking about how "omg crobat picks up a guaranteed taunt", but why is that bad? There are some vicious setup mons around that Taunt helps keep in check, such as most CMers (not espeon but that's beside the point somewhat), some SDers, Curse Tanks, etc. Furthermore, Taunt really isn't that rare a move either. What it really comes down to is the fact that Crobat is a good Pokemon at what it does, and while it may possibly be the best, it's not like removing it is going to suddenly make these things disappear. It's nowhere near BL material, IMO. Sure, Crobat can make life suck for a number of teams, but that should be something that the metagame is allowed to adapt to rather than just blaming it on Crobat being a jerk and banning it.

From when I played, it was never a real issue to beat Crobat as a lead. With Froslass gone, Steelix could be pretty nice as a lead to scare away Crobat, as Gyro Ball does ridiculous amounts of damage to Crobat, and Earthquake is ever looming in case Crobat wants to get cute and Roost. Froslass was a bitch because no matter what, it was setting up one or two layers of spikes and then killing something. Crobat's *only* use as a lead is to Taunt and then... do something. It can set up weather, but that's not especially special. It can try and stall with Roost, but against a lot of tanks and stuff you want to taunt, that's kinda iffy. Hell, you could just run some kind of Scarfed Anti-lead and shut down Crobat that way. With Froslass out of the way, Crobat is a lot less useful. Crobat had a huge niche in being the only non-Electrode lead to actually be capable of beating Froslass, but if Froslass gets the boot (which I suspect and largely hope), its use as a non-weather lead may dwindle. It might get used a shitload, but we'd expect that of a good mon in the hands of players that want to win. But like Scizor in OU, usage + being good at something != broken.
I was going to say something of the sort, but SDS beat me to it.
The bottom line is that Crobat may not be broken. Yes, it's good at its job. So? Good =/= broken, is there a petition for banning Metagross leads in OU?
Nah, don't worry, I agree with SDS to some extent. There are better weather starters, yet what makes Crobat stand out is it's good typing. Really, its' defenses and hp are excellent for UU, and along with good typing, it can make use of them, unlike Electrode. The reason why U-Turn is better than Explosion - because the pokemon can setup multiple times. Sure there are others like Ambipom and Persian and Electrode who can setup weather, but none of them have the versatility of Crobat, who actually can switch in on quite a few moves.

Mmm... About Taunt... you know UU is choc-full of good Taunters, not only Crobat. That wasn't what I was trying to say. What I was saying, is that because of great defenses with an awsome typing as well as good speed, Crobat WILL nearly always set up Taunt. Sure, others can do that, but none will survive as well as Crobat, leading to less success.

About Steel-Types in general... Crobat's job is to Taunt them and get outta there... so really, such a versatile bird who can stall, taunt, and attack has a huge effect on the metagame. I'm curious to try out the Steelix lead though, that might be fun to try versus things like Ambipom though I'll have to include Lanturn to deal with random Magnetrics/Typhlosions.

Umm... I promised I wouldn't rant about Scizor for the time being, so yeah... I'm not going to respond about it (Lol, rant isn't the real word, more like complain).

Umm... Crobat is a weather lead as well as a non-weather lead. I think it isn't going to be effected by Frosslass not being there as much as you think, but I dunno.

I agree, Good at Job != broken. Centralizing factor == broken (Doesn't Compile, lol). That's why I'm concerned.
I know I mainly used Crobat as a lead because I hated Froslass with a passion and there's nothing that beat it reliably in UU outside of Crobat that I could lead with. I'm sure I'm not the only one, too.
I used to use Staraptor as my lead. It actually worked really well with U-turn and Intimidate.
Any ideas when the actual voting is going to take place?
Crobat can also utilize hypnosis. But I do see your point. And, yes, I use trick room (question from a few pages back) because in this metagame, there are about 50 good trick room abusers that keep opponents guessing.
Bulky waters are problematic? Shaymin keeps them in check. Shaymin is a must on this metagame. Without Shaymin bulky waters are really difficult to take down.

Like I said once before in this thread, that's just not true at all. There are many good grass types in UU. Maybe if people weren't so afraid of using something other than the "OU of UU", they'd discover that Venusaur, Meganium, Sceptile, and many others deal with bulky water just fine.

Now as for Shaymin, I think with its combined good SpAtk, huge bulk AND great speed, it's too much for UU to handle. There's only Regice as a true Counter (since most of the time there's SR up, which hurts Articuno/Moltres, Grass types and Bugs will get Air Slash'd, and Registeel can't really scratch Shaymin at all) and even he won't enjoy being SubSeeded...or hit by Stealth Rock. Nothing can really switch into Shaymin safely.
It's easy for me. Between my defensive Roserade, and other members of teams who resist Shaymin's Roserade-hurting moves, Shaymin is quite easy to handle, with Rocks off the field of course. And she can take hits herself, if worst comes to worst, and easily kill it off with Sludge-Bomb.

On a different note, has anyone noticed the drop in Water-types overall, particularly Azumarill and Slowbro?
On a different note, has anyone noticed the drop in Water-types overall, particularly Azumarill and Slowbro?

Yea, well, sort of. The only truely "viable" Water types are now Milotic....and Milotic. Milotic is one of the only Pokemon with enough Defenses to take the Firetype wall Breaker attacks mildy well, while also not getting completely shut down by Status and can stall out any Rain team easily.

Slowbro and Azumaril are 2HKOd by Fire-types attacks.

Milotic usage still has decreased from what it was due to Shaymin being on every team, even Roserade being common due to Shaymin.
I wish Staraptor came back.

I really don't. Staraptor was the one Pokemon I nominated for BL, and I stand by that nomination. There's just no defense against it. With Brave Bird, Close Combat, and Return, it covers all its bases, and Rotom can't exactly take multiple Brave Birds. Intimidate let it switch in quite easily, and it still had its choice of a 4th move. U-turn was great for scouting on Scarf variants, Quick Attack gave an excellent priority attack to CB variants, and Roost let Life Orb variants keep on kicking. Only Max/Max+ Luxray could safely switch in on it, and said Luxray was not exactly that useful outside countering Staraptor.

Froslass can stay in BL, too. Crobat was the only thing that could stop it from getting a guarateed 1 layer of Spikes and often 2 or 3. And even then, you ran the risk of Crobat getting hit with a STAB Ice Beam off 110 base satk if your opponent predicts the Taunt. Destiny Bond+Taunt made it difficult to KO without losing a Pokemon of your own.

Abomasnow...well, I don't know. I've only seen 1 Hail team total since Abomasnow was banned, and although I did lose to it, it was largely because I was caught off-guard. Without Froslass, Hail is more manageable, but with Abomasnow, it might still be a bit much. It's hard to say.

As for Gallade and Raikou, I wouldn't mind seeing them come down from BL. Their power is worrisome, but I don't think its beyond UU's ability to handle. Still, their banishment was more understandable than Crobat's, so I wouldn't be that miffed if they stayed in BL.
Froslass can stay in BL, too. Crobat was the only thing that could stop it from getting a guarateed 1 layer of Spikes and often 2 or 3. And even then, you ran the risk of Crobat getting hit with a STAB Ice Beam off 110 base satk if your opponent predicts the Taunt. Destiny Bond+Taunt made it difficult to KO without losing a Pokemon of your own.

Base 80 Special attack. Any 'Mon with Spikes can guarantee a layer of Spikes as well, Omastar is a great Spiker. Taunt + D-Bond was nice but I often opted for Safeguard instead of Taunt for entire team status protection for like 8 turns.

Staraptor should and probably will remain BL. He is to much of a beast.

Crobat is managable and I do hope that he comes back to UU. As he will of course be the #1 lead and definitely top 5 used 'Mon. Thus giving me even more reason to use my Regirock lead ^^.
Oh, whoops, mixed up its base speed with its base sp. atk. Still going to put the hurt on Crobat, though. Anyways, Omastar is hardly guaranteed even 1 layer of spikes considering how many Taunters are faster than it. I suppose lead Ambipom can Taunt Froslass, too, but it's not going to like STAB Ice Beams, either.
0 SpA Omastar Vs...

Ambipom@ 252/0- 46.33% - 54.52% (Surf)
Crobat@ 252/0- 37.70% - 44.12% (Surf), 50.27% - 59.09% (Ice Beam)
Froslass@ 252/0- 45.35% - 53.49% (Surf)
Drapion@ 252/252+- 29.65% - 34.88% (Surf)

Other leads would include Roserade, Thyplosion, and Smeargle. Those 3 outcomes are self-explanitory (I would think). Anyways, common Taunters don't scare Omastar at all really. Cover the obvious Shaymin switch with a Moltres and your golden.
All those leads like to setup their own stuff (except Typhlosion, obviously). While you're busy trying to "scare them off," they could have done their job and left already. And since they're all two hit K.Os anyways, they may still get their job done having taunted you. What's worse is that it's just setup bait for Shaymin, which is one of the worst things you can put on your team right now. They'll have a dead pokemon, but they'll have their setup and a Shaymin to exploit it.

Given your RMT, it's likely not a problem for you. But I don't think it's as easy a fit on anyone else's team, given how popular Shaymin is.
Other leads would include Roserade, Thyplosion, and Smeargle. Those 3 outcomes are self-explanitory (I would think).

Sorry, what? I'll give you Typhlosion, but Smeargle will just Spore you and Roserade can just straight up kill you, then proceed to status your next Pokemon.
The process is iterative until the results are stable, within reason, (i.e. no one Pokemon receives enough support to be considered a suspect). So, yes, more suspects can be nominated down the road. First we have to figure out these 6 though x)


That really doesn't make sense. The point of this suspect process is to determine suspects in isolation, meaning we have to discover the isolation (suspect-free) metagame first.

That means the "voting" that will occur next should first be whether or not there are any more suspects.

I realize for "time's sake" we might tests suspects simultaneously, but one of the main points of this entire process is determing all suspects.

How can we only focus on these six first if there are more?
Sorry, what? I'll give you Typhlosion, but Smeargle will just Spore you and Roserade can just straight up kill you, then proceed to status your next Pokemon.
I think that's what he meant by self-explanatory; that Omastar loses to all three (Typhlosion Focus Blasts/HP Grasses) is a given.

From my experience, Omastar wasn't necessarily guaranteed a layer of Spikes, but it was pretty easy to get at least one if your opponent had a Registeel, Chansey, Steelix, or even Clefable on their team. The layer wasn't guaranteed at the start of the match, but mostly during the middle.

On another note, is anyone else having trouble with deviation? It has taken a good amount of matches for mine to get from 50 to ~48.5 now. In fact, for about 5 or 6 consecutive battles, it didn't visibly change at all (both the minimum and maximum rating values kept increasing by a point each).
On another note, is anyone else having trouble with deviation? It has taken a good amount of matches for mine to get from 50 to ~48.5 now. In fact, for about 5 or 6 consecutive battles, it didn't visibly change at all (both the minimum and maximum rating values kept increasing by a point each).

I've had the same problem. I believe it has something to do with the high rating, if you lose some match, then you'll see your deviation going down faster.
On another note, is anyone else having trouble with deviation? It has taken a good amount of matches for mine to get from 50 to ~48.5 now. In fact, for about 5 or 6 consecutive battles, it didn't visibly change at all (both the minimum and maximum rating values kept increasing by a point each).

Unless i misunderstand the formula (Big number - Little Number, devided by two?), I already have two acounts with under 45 Devation....I dont see how it is too hard to get. I just played a couple battles on each per day, and tested other Pokemon once i got to the top ~10ish because the rating requirement is so low.
Its hard to get a low deviation when you are atop the ladder. It changes a lot slower if you win a lot initially and then lose at the top, for some reason. For this reason I am happy to lose on the ladder when I can so that my deviation falls. I had this same issue on suspect for a few tests, its just a matter of losing at the right time lol.
Its hard to get a low deviation when you are atop the ladder. It changes a lot slower if you win a lot initially and then lose at the top, for some reason. For this reason I am happy to lose on the ladder when I can so that my deviation falls. I had this same issue on suspect for a few tests, its just a matter of losing at the right time lol.

I see, thats why it was so easy for me, I was testing unstable-ish teams once i got the slightly above the rating recquirement. Thats probably why it was so easy to lower my devation.

So people this means you should test different Pokemon in the tier instead of trying to get at the absolute top of the Latter. For the sake of the test, i mean.
yeah i'm having trouble getting down to 45 too. I'm looking at a 57 deviation and i play several battles every day but the problem is i never lose :/

maybe if your rating is over a certain threshold (say 1850-1900) the deviation requirement should be a bit lower?
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