Challenge Nuzlocke Challenge

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I'm doing a Nuzlocke of FireRed, using all those standard rules. I'm at the Rock Tunnel right now. I'd like to write about it, but if you Smogoners don't want to read it, then I won't bother wasting my time. If you want me to write one, then I suggest you post something saying something to the effect of 'Oh, DarkMaelstrom, you're so generous. We'd love to hear your Nuzlocke story.' Well, not exactly like that (That'd be a bit disturbing), but just say the word and I'll begin.
Don't worry, Smogoners. I'll get something up when I find the time.
Apparently my statement was found disturbing by the general public. I must agree with all you who quoted it. Actually, I kinda wanted a sort of creepy basic idea, but maybe it turned out creepier than I anticipated. I apologize to any of you younger viewers if I emotionally scarred you for life. Maybe my Nuzlocke can take it all away.
And thanks, Kaitii. At least I know someone's reading it. I read yours, and it was pretty good. It's certainly an unconventional method, but I liked it (You get the Pokedex from Oak, though, not Elm).
There's always worse statements.

Lookin' forward to your story.


Well I played for less than 10 min and have enough material to write more.

Part 3. Him again...

Duke showed increasing worry as he and I traveled back towards the lab. Every wild Pokemon we encountered along the way was quickly dispatched by him without so much as a second glance. In the pit of my stomach, I somehow knew what was coming, it was the same as all those years ago.


That trainer that caused me problems throughout my journey, always challenging me, then losing miserably. But somehow... I don't know how to explain it, but I did feel a little drawn towards him. The fire in his eyes to become stronger, to prove himself. He was just like me in a way, we just had two major differences; His stakes were not as high and he had no compassion for his Pokemon.

Upon reaching Cherrygrove city again, Duke and I took a stop at the Pokemon center, he didn't have too many injuries, but I knew all too well it was better to be safe than sorry, no matter the opponent. As Duke and I walked out of the Pokemon center, Duke's snout shot in the air and he looked in the direction of Route 29.

"Toto..." He muttered. So I was right, Silver was back. did he know that I had returned? It didn't make any sense, was it all just a coincidence? I guess it doesn't matter though, he's back and it seems just like history is repeating itself.

I sighed and knelt down to pat Duke on the head. "Duke, you ready for this, partner?" I asked. The real challenge was about to begin, and I had to make sure that he was ready. I wasn't so sure that I was ready, however. I did know that no matter what I would have Duke by my side, and that alone was enough to move me forward.

"Dile!" Duke declared, rushing towards Route 29, towards whatever it is that caused him to raise his snout.

In Duke's rush, he bumped into someone and rubbed his head in embarrassment. When he regained himself and looked up, he felt a shiver go down his spine. Duke was face to face with Silver. Their eyes locked for a good minute, until I caught up to Duke and noticed Silver right in front of him.


That name along with seeing him right there in the flesh sent a wave of emotions through me. Hate, sadness, happiness, confusion, you name it and it was probably there. I felt like I did develop feelings for Silver as I traveled years ago, it just crept up on me, I would always look forward to seeing him again. It was Babbycaikz that noticed this first. After a time, I came to accept it, knowing full well it would be unrequited love.


I felt something collide with my leg, it stung a little, but quickly faded. I hasn't realised I had begun to space out and Duke knocked me back into reality. I thanked him and then brought my attention to Silver.

"It's been a while, Silver." I said, trying to keep my cool. Knowing Silver, he saw right through me.

"That it has, Kitty. You know, I've been wondering where you've been. Imagine my surprise when I heard the rumours of you going to return be true. I figured you needed someone to keep you on my toes, and so, here I am. Did you miss me? I bet you did." Silver's tone was the same as always, calm, cool, and collected. In terms of his appearance, he was again, the same. He mustn't like change very much. Though, I can't say I really minded the fact that his appearance is the same. His long, flowing red hair, those fierce e-


"...Toto" Duke slapped me again. I zoned out again. Fuck.

As I regained myself, I felt so embarrassed as I heard Silver laughing. "Haha, you're the same as always, never taking anything as seriously as you should. Maybe that's why you failed."


That's it. He hit a nerve. "Who the fuck are you to talk about failure? If I recall correctly I beat you whimp ass every single time we battled. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. You couldn't even get past the elite four, heck I highly doubt you even earned all the badges. You cannot come and tell me I failed when you couldn't even get anywhere near my level!"

Silver smirked, oddly enough, it reminded me of Duke's smirk. "Heh, there's that temper of yours I know and love. C'mon now, Kitty, you can say what you like, but in the end we both know you failed. Here we are for round 2 though, will you fail again? Who knows, but I do know that I'll be there, urging you on. For better or worse, that's up to you." I noticed Silver reach to his belt and grab a Pokeball. He wanted to battle, right here, right now. Wordlessly, he tossed the Pokeball in the air and it opened, revealing... a Chikorita.

" C-Chi...Chikorita..." I stuttered. Silver had chose the Pokemon my Totodile is weak to, just as he always had. When I chose Duke, I had no idea Silver would be back, so I never had any worries about having to see a Chikorita again, but here... right in front of me is a Chikorita. I have no choice but to battle it. Tears welled up in my eyes. Memories of Babbycaikz flooded my mind. I couldn't take it anymore and cried out with everything I had.

Duke tried his best to comfort me, but I just kept crying. His eyes became narrow as he faced Silver. The little Chikorita appeared confused, but willing to obey Silver.

"Chikorita, Tackle that Totodile and don't hold back." Silver commanded.

The Chikorita darted forward with the intent to hit Duke. It was apparent this Chikorita had zero battle experience when Duke simple sidestepped it and hit it's back with a Tackle. With a 'thud' the Chikorita crashed into the ground, skidding for a few inches before coming to a stop. Silver gritted his teeth and yelled at Chikorita to attack again. This time, he hit his mark, but it seemed to just bump off Duke. Once again, Duke raked his claws against Chikorita's flesh and down he went, not getting up this time.

Silver gritted his teeth and called back his Chikorita. "What a weakling, no wonder yours died." With a smug look he walked off, leaving Duke and I, still crying, at the beginning of Route 29.

I hadn't noticed the battle at all, I was too lost in my thoughts about Babbycaikz. Nothing else registered in my mind until I felt Duke crawl in my lap as he had when we first went to Cherrygrove.

"Dile..." He murmured, trying to comfort me. I felt his head digging under my arm, trying to get me to hold him. Taking him in my arms, my tears started to come to a halt. When I was finally able to look up, I noticed Silver and that Chikorita were no where to be seen. Confused, I looked to Duke for answers. "Totodile, Dile. Dile To." He explained.

I held on to him tightly, thanking him for standing up for me while I was down. I got up and realised that this was no longer the time to be crying. Babbycaikz did her best for me, everyone else did as well. To cry would show as if I can't move on and do what they want me to do. I would see Silver and that Chikorita again, and when I do, I will be ready.


Duke the Totodile Lv11
And now, the highly anticipated moment has come (Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but anyway...). My Nuzlocke has come to Smogon. Again, I'm at the Rock Tunnel right now. I'm not going to go that far with this post (I'll wait to see how the audience receives it), but I will even if only one person wants me to continue. If no one cares, I won't waste my time.
My character is named Rogue. While that may not be very important to you, it may be helpful later on. So it's time for me to shrink down and enter the pixelated world of Pokemon:

Part 1: The Beginning
It's just another dull day, and I'm not expecting anything special. I walk downstairs (I must say, though, the building contractors for Pallet Town are terrible! Who makes a house with only a kitchen/living room and one bedroom these days? Where does Mom sleep? The world may never know...), but Mom has nothing inspiring to say ('All boys leave home someday. It said so on TV.' Someone's watching too much reality television).
Since my life sucks and I have nothing better to do, I try to go for a walk to Viridian City. But nooo. Some old man shows up who's apparently the world-renowned Profesor Oak and tells me it's unsafe to go out into the tall grass by myself, so he decides to give me a Pokemon (Sure. I'm too irresponsible to go out on a little stroll around Route 1 by myself but apparently I'm responsible enough to care for a fire-breathing dragon. Go figure). I think the good professor's finally gone senile. He thinks a 1'00" purple rat can Tackle me to the ground. How cute. But we're not going to argue with his decision, since I'd rather have a Pokemon.
In case I didn't make it obvious enough before, I pick Charmander and nickname it Thorn (An awesome reference for an awesome Pokemon). You may be wondering (Or maybe you're not) why I picked Charmander if it makes the first two Gyms so difficult. Well, in answer to your question, 1.) I like dragons, and 2.) I've played the game enough times that I'd appreciate a challenge.
Then some annoying guy breathlessly runs in and whines to have a Pokemon too. Apparently he's my neighbor, Gary. I can't believe he's related to the good professor. Anyway, he's real creative and picks the Pokemon all rivals pick: the one with the type advantage (Oh...I just realized that in Platinum, Barry doesn't let you pick first because he's more mature, but because he wants an advantage...). Maybe he watches too much TV, too.
I just want to go out and train my partner in peace, but nooo. Even that right is denied me. Mister Original is pushy and wants to challenge me immediately, and I have no choice but to accept (Sometimes I think the Pokemon world is communist...). He sends out his Shellfish Pokemon (Am I the only person who wonders why Squirtle and its evolutions are 'The Shellfish Pokemon' when they're clearly turtles?), confident he can run me into the ground, when he nearly has a heart attack seeing his Squirtle melt into the ground.
Feeling like I've accomplished something, I head home to tell my mother, but once again she's not helpful. So I leave the 3 houses and a lab that are all I've known for the past ten years and head out to Route 1. So exciting! I wonder what I'll find? I'll let you guess (Here's a hint: It's a Normal type):
Part 2: Viridian City
If you guessed Pidgey, you'd be absolutely wrong and I pronounce you a horrible guesser (I still gave you a hint, even if it wasn't helpful!). A Rattata pops up, and since Oak neglected to give me some Poke Balls, I'm forced to ruthlessly murder it with my Thorn. Show 'em why rats are low on the food chain, Thorn!
Since I have absolutely nothing better to do, I decide to train Thorn while I make my way to Viridian City. We now fastforward through about ten minutes of training and I'm at Viridian, having left a trail of...well, nothing, in my wake. Why do Pokemon have to melt into the ground? I'd like to have at least something to show for my hard work. But I at least think all the Rattata on Route 1 have gone extinct.
Since a crazy old man is blocking the road to Route 2 because Starbucks ran out of coffee, I decide to go to the Poke Mart (After being directed there by an extremely convincing salesperson who gave me a free sample) to buy some Potions, Antidotes, Poke Balls, the works. But once again the clerk displays the Pokemon world's communism and forces me to go deliver Oak's Master Ball to him. Now, I'd rather keep the Master Ball for myself, but since I'm such a nice guy (As evidenced by the 3 people who quoted it), I decide I may as well give it to Oak.
As it turns out, I didn't exterminate all the Rattata, since there's still an unlimited number more. Man, I wish my Garchomp bred that fast! Anyway, I decide to train Thorn (Who's level 8) to level 10 on the way back to my hometown.
I give Oak his precious Master Ball and he greedily stashes it in his secret stash of Master Balls along with his seemingly unlimited supply of starters and Pokedexes. He's eternally grateful, so he gives me his prized invention, the Pokedex, but then he ruins the moment by giving one to my crybaby neighbor, too.
I proudly strut out of town with my all-powerful level 10 Thorn and proceed to go to the route to the west of Viridian...Route 22, is it?...ready to add another member to my team. I'm hoping to get a Mankey, since Mankeys pay off way sooner than even Rattata once it's evolved, seeing that Raticate's base Attack is only one point higher than Mankey's (Base 81 compared to 80). The only advantage to using Rattata is that it learns a base 80 power STAB move early on (Hyper Fang at level 13), but later on you're bringing dead weight along wit you. Plus, when Mankey evolves, its Attack is higher than Raticate could ever dream of.
And of course, with my luck, I find a Rattata. At least it's level 5, though, so I won't have to spend much time grinding him to level 10. I'm hoping Thorn doesn't go berserk and crit on the poor little Rattata, but Thorn restrains himself and leaves Rattata with roughly 1 HP. I chuck my Poke Ball at it, waiting for the click that siginifies a capture...and he's caught! I decide to nickname it Jerry (I loved that show when I was younger), then check its nature and realize the how apt the nickname is, as it's Naughty.
I go further out onto the route when that supporter of communism, Gary, shows up and wants to show me his 'amazing' new Pokemon. He then gapes in shock as his team is ripped apart by a 1'00" purple rat. After a horrible defeat, so he feels better about himself he manages to sputter out that I'm too crappy to challenge the Pokemon League. Well, maybe I am right now, but so are you! Someday I'm gonna be the very best, like no one ever was. You just watch me (But don't stalk me as you tend to do, you creeper!)!
The coffee addict finally lets me past, but only after repaying me for my emotional scarring by being redundant and showing me how to catch a Pokemon, then giving me a TV (Sure, it's a useless TV if you've played the game before as I have, but a TV's a TV).
I put Jerry out front, preparing to catch another Pokemon and seriously hoping I don't find a Rattata, when a Pidgey pops out of the tall grass (The 'tall grass' doesn't really fit my definition of tall grass, though) and I pat myself on the back. I then give myself two more pats as I catch the Pidgey and nickname it Ewan. It has an even better nature than Jerry, though; it's Adamant.
I check my Bag to make sure I have the Antidotes that are my lifeline in a Nuzlocke, then walk into the bug-infested Viridian Forest. They could really use some Rogue Pest Control Services there.
Part 3: Viridian Forest
Dang it! Right as I walk into the forest I see a sign that reads: 'Viridian Forest is protected by law of the government.' Stupid communists. I guess it won't hurt anyone if I just clear out a few Weedles but the Weedles, but no one likes Weedle anyway (If you do happen to like Weedle, you have my sincere condolences).
I'd really appreciate it if I find a Pikachu in here, but Pikachus are pretty rare in Viridian Forest and with my luck I'll find a Weedle anyway.
Me and my big mouth. I find a Weedle. I decide I may as well catch it even though I won't use it. For Oak's sake. He doesn't have much else to live for anyway. I nickname it No Good since that's about all it'll do me and I stash it in my PC. I then put Ewan out front and start grinding him to level 15. A Kakuna shows up, Ewan gains some virtually free EXP points, and it's on.
Once Ewan is level 15, I swap him with Jerry and proceed to crush the hopes and dreams of the little preschoolers and their newly-caught insects. Once I've sent all the 5-year-olds crying back to their mommies, I get Jerry the rest of the way to level 15, then I do the same with Thorn. After my Pokemon are incredibly amazing, I exit the darkness of Viridian Forest into the blinding light of Route 2.
Part 4: Pewter Gym
I heal up Team Rogue, then hastily decline the shorts maniac's offer to show me to the Gym and make my way there myself (Honestly, it's not that hard to navigate. Really, it's not much of a city at all. The only 'city' in the Pokemon games that actually comes close to an actual city is Castelia City in Black and White). When I get into the gym, Clyde, or whatever the guy's name is, proclaims himself my agent without any words on my part on the matter (Communist!). I then easily beat the first and only Trainer in the Gym who's not Squinto (I have nothing against Native Americans, but I apologize for the Squanto reference if it offended you, but that's what I'll refer to Brock as) and is terrible at judging both time and distance (Dialga and Palkia must hate his guts), then I go back to Viridian Forest and evolve Thorn into Charmeleon so I have a better chance of beating Squinto. It's risky, I know, but Thorn's my best shot since Rock types resist all of Jerry's and Ewan's moves, so I see no reason not to use him. And anyway, it's not like he has a -Defense nature and 0 Defense IVs. He can take a hit or two.
Rogue vs Brock!
I grow in confidence as Squinto slowly makes his way to the right side of the screen, and I wonder how he got to be Gym Leader if he never opens his eyes. For all he knows, he could be challenging a Lucario with an Onix while believing Lucario to be a Charizard, using Rock Tomb on it and believing it's super-effective.
I easily dispatch of his overgrown mound of crap known as Geodude when he sends out Onix. The Rock Snake and Thorn silently face off, Metal Claws bared, when Thorn takes the initiative and attacks first. Thorn used Metal Claw! Rats (And I don't mean Jerry). With that kind of damage I'll 3HKO Onix at best. I don't like those odds, especially since I'm slower than Onix now that Rock Tomb has lowered my Speed.
Suddenly, Squinto's bad eyesight kicks in and he randomly thinks it's a better idea to use Tackle than Rock Tomb. I couldn't agree more.
This is a critical point in the battle. Thorn's taken so much damage that using a Potion is useless and Rock Tomb could KO, while Thorn could in turn KO Onix (Assuming Metal Claw hits and Thorn doesn't die) if he survives. So I decide to rely on Rock Tomb's shaky accuracy while being at the same time aware of Metal Claw's own unreliable accuracy.
Foe Onix used Rock Tomb!
Foe Onix's attack missed!
Use Metal Claw, Thorn!
Onix fainted!
Yeah, that's right, Brockie. You just got beat when you had the type advantage. Don't be a baby and hand over the Boulderbadge. And while you're at it, give me your TM for Rock Tomb, too. It might be helpful.
And that's where I stop for today.
Read this if you're communist. If you're not, don't pay any attention to it:
Please note that while you may have noticed that I don't like communists, I'm aware that some people do still support communism and could be on this website. So if you are communist and are reading this and I offended you in some way, I apologize. Just don't give me crap about it. But I don't see why a communist would be playing Pokemon in the first place.
And Teacher taught me that communism is the root of all evil anyway.

Well, I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry if it wasn't that funny or if my attempts at jokes failed, but I don't consider myself a very funny person. If you did think certain parts were funny, please tell me and I will have learned something new about myself.
Even if you thought it was as dull as a rock, tell me what you thought of it. I appreciate criticism as long as you don't go overboard with it, and I appreciate any suggestions you might have for me. Just comment in general on it to tell me I'm not wasting my time.
@Dark maelstrom, i'm not communist but what you described was more of a totalitarian, fascist, dictatorship.

but anyhow i have lost my DS so new white nuzlocke cant happen =(, sorry to dissapoint you (if you actually give a dam)
So I have now started an Emerald Nuzlocke Challenge:

-Battle style is not set
-Standard "first pokemon you see" rule-- except for when the first pokemon is them same on 2 different routes (i.e. a zigzagoon on both 101 & 102 and already caught a zigzagoon)
-The only other exception to the rule above is the Starter Pokemon, who is technically caught on Route 101, but I count it as given to me in Littleroot
-No legendaries will be used
-I WILL catch a shiny if I see it
-Gift Pokemon are allowed (though I'm pretty sure that is a non-issue in Emerald)
-Items and PC are allowed
-If a Pokemon faints, I will put it into the PC into the 'RIP' box
-I will be catching back-ups who will be immediately boxed. (But the 1st pokemon on route still applies)

Chapter 1. Every Great Journey Begins With the First Step
The truck rumbled beneath my feet as I was carried away from my old homeland to this new and mysterious region. Around me boxes were stacked high, and each time the truck stopped the piles tottered. Why did they put me this truck again? I thought to myself, but there was no answer to that question except for dad had just been impulsive... again.

After what felt like hours the truck began to slow until it finally came to a halt. The back of the truck was flung open and the light of the sun poured in, burning my unadjusted eyes. "Get out," said a gruff voice.

"Vig, vig! Vigoroth!" added the two Vigoroth beside the extremely built moving man. I did as told, and unsteadily got out of the back of the truck. Immediately I was confronted with the quaint air of Littleroot Town. I miss my old home. I thought to myself. I walked past my new "home," not wanting to look into it, but my mom was already standing outside, ready to interecept me.

"Oh Severus! Come on inside and look at our new house!" she said with much excitement. I sighed, I didn't want to see this house. But she grabbed my arm and pulled me in before I could form a way to respectfully state my disinterest.

Inside the house was already being refurbished. The two mighty Vigoroth stood pacing back and forth placing various nicknacks on shelves with surprising delicacy. "Isn't it lovely, Severus? The movers' Pokemon do all the work for us."

Yeah, lovely if you want to be robbed blind without even knowing it. But I kept this rude thought to myself, and instead just grunted in agreement.

"Why don't you go upstairs and set your clock Severus and make sure everything is inplace? By the time you're done everything will be inplace down here." my mom suggested with a gentle tone.

So you even let them set up my room? You're really smart keeping our possesions safe. But my mom seemed so happy, it was hard to be mad at her, so I did as I was told and went to my room.

My room seemed remarkably similar to my old room... maybe mom had them do that on purpose, seemed like a cruel joke to me. I walked over to the clock on the wall and set it for 1:00 pm. Down below I heard mom calling me about something, but I didnt feel inclined to see her at the moment. Instead I went to my PC. As soon as I turned it on a backpack appeared flashing on the monitor. "You have 1 new item," it said in a monotone artificial woman's voice. I clicked on the icon, and it took me to my storage. Inside sat one lone Potion, a gift from my mom and dad for my journey in a new region. They are really throwing me to the dogs on this one, I havent lived here for a day and they already think I will be able to handle this region. Good god, dad is really impulsive sometimes, first the move and now this.

Still, I took the Potion, I figured it might come in handy. Mom's beconning from below was becoming shrill, so I decided now would be the best time to appease her. I sluggishly walked down the stairs into the main room. "Oh Severus! Severus! Come quickly, dad is on the TV!"

Great, because I really want to see him. He didnt even have the courtesy to be here for the move... he really is selfish sometimes. I walked over to the TV just as the reporter was signing off, I had missed dad.

"Oh, I guess you missed him," mom said with hurt in here voice.

Mission accomplished was all I could think.

"Well, why don't you go visit the neighbors? Professor Birch lives there, as does his daughter, I'm sure they would love to meet you." I didn't argue, I wanted to get out anyway. So after a brief goodbye I walked out of the house.

The Professor's house was only a minute walk from my own, and it looked remarkably similar to my house as well. Must be a fad. I gave a knock on the door and there was a quiet "Come in" from within the house. I turned the brass knob and entered the house.

Again, I was astounded by the similarities between my house and this one, but before I could fully investigate it a woman swooped down upon talking a mile a minute. "Who are you? Oh, you must be Severus, the new next door neighbor. Our daughter is upstairs, she is around the same age as you, I'm sure she would love to meet you."

I didn't eve get a hello, and she was already back at her seat at the table. I stood for a moment rather dumbfounded, when I noticed a small boy was approaching me. I hated little kids, so before he struck up a conversation I was up the stairs and into the daughter's room.

When I entered the room was all but empty. Not a moving soul, as if now had been in there for days. On the floor rested a red and white sphere... a Pokeball. I knew it was wrong, but curiosity got the best, and I silently crept over and picked the ball up. The Pokeball fit perfectly in may palm, and the white release button faced me, taunting me with its secrets. Within I could see the faint outline of a Pokemon, blurred by a tinting of red. I moved my thumb, ready to release the Pokemon.

"Who are you?!" snapped a voice from behind. With a jump the Pokeball fell and rolled to the base of the bed, I could feel my face going red.

"I'm Severus," I said in an embarrassed whisper, as I turned around to face the speaker. The voice belonged to a cute girl of about 14 (i'm rounding up, May doesnt look 10 to me). In her hair was a green bandana and she wore red short with black tights beneath. But before I could inspect her figure more she was speaking again, just as fast as her mother had before.

"Oh, you are the Gym Leader's son who just moved next door. I'm May, Prof. Birch's daughter. Hehe, I have this dream of befriending all kinds of Pokemon. Which reminds me, I was supposed to help dad catch Pokemon later today!" And with that she ran over to her PC, completely forgetting about my presence in the room. I for one was dumbfounded, not only had she not reprimanded me about touching her Pokeball, but she also just randomly started telling me about her life dream. This place, is weird, I concluded matter-of-factly to myself. There seemed to be no point in staying in her room, so I decided to leave, hopefully not getting caught by the small boy on the way out.

I was out of the house in minutes... probably because I almost ran out. The fresh air was a welcomed change from the stuffy atmosphere of that house. I began walking away when a little girl tugged on my arm. "Ummm sir, there is shouting out there, it sounds like somoen is in trouble. But I am to small to find out what is happening, can you help?"

I sighed inwardly, little kids... but I obliged and walked out of the town into the immediate field that followed. Suddenly there was a shout and a bearded man in a lab coat appeared, running away from a wild Zigzagoon. "HE-HELP!!" he shouted. as he was pushed into a corner between two trees and a boulder. "You over there! In my bag there is a Pokeball, take it and save me!"

What was I supposed to do, he was in trouble, so I sprinted over to the tossed aside bag and reached in, grabbing the first Pokeball I felt. I pulled it out, and it too, fit perfectly into my palm. So perfect in fact, that I nearly forgot the stranded man. "Hey! Help me!" he shouted again, and I quickly regained focus.

I ran beside the Zigzagoon and tossed the Pokeball. With a flash a red chicken like creature appeared. "Tor!!" it shouted. Immediately the Zigzagoon responded, and the two Pokemon faced each other.

"That's a Torchic," shouted the man, who was still blocked by the Zigzagoon. "It knows Scratch and Growl!"

Well the works; "Torchic! Use Scratch!" Immediately the chicken responded and struck the Zigzagoon. "Once more!" And again the Torchic responded. This time the Zigzagoon turned tail and fled, leaving just the man, Torchic, and I.

"Whew, thank you for rescuing me. I'm Prof. Birch. And you must be Severus. Thank you for saving me, but this is no place to talk, let's head back to m lab and talk there." And with that, the Prof. grabbed his bag we headed back to Littleroot.

Chapter 2: Boldly Going Where "No One" Has Gone Before
As we entered Prof. Birch's lab he dropped off his gear onto a nearby desk and proceeded to bring me to the back of his lab. "Well Severus," he said with a smile, "as a gift for saving me before, I want you to have the Torchic you used earlier."

Gee, thanks, I don't even get to pick my Pokemon, it was just a random pull. Well at least Torchic seems pretty good.

"So Severus, why don't you go ahead an nickname your Pokemon?"

For once, I felt as though I had heard a good idea. A nickname would bring Torchic and I closer... but what would be appropriate? "I'll name him Ragnarok." Yes, Ragnarok, something about it had a nice ring to it.

"An excellent name. Now, why don't you go a visit May on Route 103? I'm sure she would love it. Doesn't that sound like a good idea?" It was a rhetorical question, he would make me go whether I wanted to or not. So with another inward sigh, I left to head out to Route 103.

The routes were oddly quiet for this time of day, not a single Pokemon in sight on any of them. A easily traversed Route 101, as well as Oldale, though there was some boy ranting on about how no one could cross a certain point until he finished sketching footprints of an unknown Pokemon. They're probably his own I thought to myself as I passed the Pokemon Centre.

Route 103 was just as quiet as Route 101, but I didn't complain. Not far ahead was May, standing in a grove of trees and mutter to herself. I approached behind her, but before I could say hello she wipped around. "Oh, hey Severus, I was just checking my Pokemon for my dad and all, so how about a battle? Seeing as you are a rookie trainer and all it is about time you learn how to battle." And without waiting for a response, she had released her Pokemon, a blue otter-salamander cross breed that shouted Mudkip every 5 seconds. I sent out Ragnarok, ready to battle.

The battle ensued with a flurry of Scratches and Tackles. Suddenly, Ragnarok began to look dizzy and unstable, and its fur lost its usual sheen. What is going on? Ragnarok looks like it's about to get sick and pass out. Then suddenly I noticed a trickle of blood dripping down from the corner of his beak. My adrenaline began to pump as I reached into my bag and threw my Potion towards him. Immediately the blood vanished, and Ragnarok's normal color returned, just as another Tackle connected. "Scratch Ragnarok!!" Ragnarok, with renwed vigor, raced forward and raked his against Mudkip, pushing Mudkip down, where it did not get up.

"Woah, you are better than I expected, great battle," May said. "I think we should head back to my dad's lab now." And then she raced away, me promptly following.

It took very little time for us to get back to the Lab, where Prof. Birch was elated about my victory over May. "Now, time for buisness," he said with a more stern tone. "Here you are Severus, a Pokedex. I want you to go throughout the region and collect information on the various Pokemon for me."

Great, just what I want to do.

"You got a Pokedex too Severus!" May exclaimed. "Now you just need tools to catch Pokemon, so here you are, 5 Pokeballs."

I took the Pokeballs without a fuss, and after a few more brief words and goodbyes I left the lab and began my real journey.

Of course, my mom had to stop before I had taken even 7 steps. "Oh Severus! I'm glad I caught you. Here you are, put these on." she said as she handed me a pair of Running Shoes. "I'm sure those will help you on your journey, goodbye and good luck!" Then she walked away with my old shoes in her hand.

I began to run, enjoying the feeling of wind in my hair, and quickly arrived on Route 101. I was eager to catch another Pokemon, and no sooner had the idea came to my mind than did a Wurmple appear. Ragnarok was just as eager, and quickly battled the Wurmple. I watched as its health lowered and when I deemed the time right threw the Pokeball. There was a loud *click* and the Wurmple was mine.

"Haha, alright!" I laughed to Ragnarok, who shared my enthusiasm. "Come on out Wurmple!" With a *poof* the Wurmple appeared, looking a bit tired after the fight, but still standing. "Now, what to call--" but suddenly I was cut off as a flock of Taillow flew overhead, screeching and crowing. Wurmple jumped higher than I am tall, and fled behind my legs. I laughed again as the last of the Bird-Pokemon flew away. "You sure are scared of those... that's it! I shall call you Tasty. From here on Wurmple, you shall be known as Tasty." Wurmple half laughed half groaned at this, but accepted the name nonetheless, and the three of use procceeded into Oldale for some rest and restocking.

I exited the Pokemon Center and was immediately approached by the local Pokemart Clerk. "Hello young sir, care to follow me?" Another rhetorical question, as he was already on his merry way, knowing I would follow.

Our mini trek ended as we arrived at the Pokemart. "Welcome to the Pokemart, where we sell anything and everything a trainer could need. As part of our sponsorship, please take this complementary Potion." I took the Potion without a complaint, after seeing Ragnarok I knew I would need as many of these as I could get. I entered the store and bought 11 Pokeballs. The clerk then gave me 1 extra for free-- today was turning into a good day. With my stores refilled (and my wallet almost emptied) I proceeded out of Oldale, up to Route 103. This Route was also much more active, and I immediately caught a Zigzagoon.

"Well, welcome to the team," I said to the racoon-porcupine mut. "Now, you also need a na---" But Zigzagoon had rushed off. "Hey, come back!" I shouted after it, and broke into a sprint after it. But before I had taken even a few steps Zigzagoon had returned, carrying a Pokeball in his mouth. "Now where did you get that?" I asked as Zigzagoon dropped the Pokeball at my feet, his tail wagging back and fourth. In the distance I heard a cry "Someone stole my Pokeball! That was my last one!"

I broke down laughing, Zigzagoon was a sly little fella. After I composed myself a readdressed the name issue. "How about Sly?" I asked Zigzagoon as I pocketed the stolen Pokeball. "You seem to be a sly theif." Zigzagoon yelped with joy and began to run in a zig-zaggy circle. I had found a name for my new friend.

I spent the next several hours running between Routes 101 & 103, training my team to a decent level to continue. As the shadows began to grow long, Tasty began to glow. I had heard that Wurmples had branching evolutions, and I was hoping gor a Silcoon. There was a finaly blinding flash, and there stood-- or rather layed-- a Cascoon. My hopes shattered, I returned Tasty to his Pokeball. Disheartened by no getting a Silcoon, I returned to Oldale, and after healing, left for route 102.

Chapter 3: A Bitter Reunion
Our walk onto Route 102 wasnt much of a change in scenery, but it was the fact that I was making progress that lifted my spirits. Almost immediately another Wurmple appeared before me.

Perfect, maybe I will get a Silcoon this time. "Ragnarok, let's go!!" With a *poof* the excited Torchic appeared, prepped for battle. "Ragnarok use Scractch!" Immediately Torchic was in motion, his claws bared. With a push of the ground Ragnarok raked his small talons against Wurmple hide. Wurmple, sensing trouble (ok, actually it fainted-- damn crit), paniced, and fled, spitting a vile trail of String behind him, blocking my way of pursuit. I cursed under my breath at my bad luck and continued my trek.

As I passed a small pond I heard the noise of sloshing water, and suddenly a Lotad had appeared. Well, let's try for this one. "Go, Sly!" I shouted as I released my Zigzagoon. Lotad and Sly circled each other, both ready to fight. "Tackle attack!" The attack landed as Lotad reeled back, failing to impliment an Astonish! "Once more!" Again the Sly attacked, as Lotad Growled angrily.

Fantastic, it stayed to fight. "Pokeball go!" And with a swish the Pokeball left my hand, dropping to the ground with a loud click, and the Lotad was mine. "Haha excellent! One more member of the team. Nice job Sly, now what to name you Lotad?" I looked at the Pokeball in my hand, thinking of an appropriate name. "I think I'll call you, Pinacolada. Yeah, Pinacolada the Lotad." I said with more assertive vigor, and the fourth member of my team was decided.

The remainder of our trek through Route 102 was rather uneventful. Pinacolada remained hidden away, as the battle had taken its toll on her. Ragnarok, Sly, and Tasty easily plowed through the remainder of the Route, with Sly stealing from every trainer I defeated along the way. But soon my good humor was sucked away as Petalburg loomed into view.

Great, HE is here.

I walked past the sign reading "Welcome to Petalburg, we are happy to present to you our new Gym Leader, NORMAN!!" I almost spat as I read it. The Pokemon Centre was almost empty as I went in to rest up my team. The medicine Nurse Joy used fully revitalized my team, and I quickly moved to escape from that wretched city. Of course, some idiot kid found me, "Hey, why arent you going to the Gym? All Rookie trainers should go to the Gym." And then he roughly grabbed my forearm and dragged me to the Gym.

The Gym loomed overhead like a cave in the side of an insurmountable mountain, an obstacle I had no desire of taking on. But with a shove from the random kid, I was thrust through the doors.

"Severus!" called a loud voice that sounded much like my own, only deeper and more manly. "I was wondering when you would arrive here, Im surprised you made it this far so quickly. But then again, you have Pokemon now so you have help."

Yeah, yeah, can I go now? But instead I put on my happy face and said "Yeah, my Pokemon and I have been doing really well. We'll be out of here in no time." I said, hoping he would catch my subliminal message-- he didnt.

Suddenly the doors behind us chimed, and a thin and sickly looking boy with green hair walked in. "H-hello, I am here to catch a Pokemon."

Why didnt you go to Prof. Birch then?

"Ah, yes, Wally," my dad said, "Well here you are, a Pokemon and a Pokeball. Severus, I want you to assist Wally in catching a Pokemon." And without any time for protest, Wally was already taking me back out to Route 102.

Well, atleast I am out of there.

Wally immediately headed for the tall grass, and within minutes a wild Ralts appeared. Nervously but effectively, Wally Captured the wild Pokemon. With his new friend we returned to the Gym, and Wally left for Verdenturf Town.

"Well Severus, why dont you head to Rustboro City and challenge the Gym Leader? I'm sure challenging the Gyms would make you stronger, and eventually we will face off!" He chuckled to himself. I half-heartidly laughed, and gave a brief goodbye, then left the Gym to head off to Petalburg Woods.

I had just about reached the boundary between Petalburg and Route 104 when a man in an absurd blue Hawaiian T-shirt approached me, speaking some random babble about searching for great Pokemon trainers before walking away, leaving me utterly confused. I just sighed and with a shake of my head resumed my trip.

Route 104 was held a magnificent beach that I longed to go and sit on, but I had a schedule to keep. I had attempted to capture of Poochyena, but it turned tail and fled after Ragnarok delivered a powerful Scratch attack. The rest of the Trainers on the Route stood very little chance against me, and even Pinacolada had gained experience. And soon enough Petalburg Woods was infront of me, waiting for me to plow through it. But now the sun was setting, and the woods was no place to be at night, so I released my Pokemon from there Pokeballs, and we set up camp around the fire. Our journey would resume in the morning

Chapter 4: Through the Woods and Over the River
The morning sun awoke me with a gentle ray of light landing on my face. I shifted and rolled over to look at my Pokemon, all curled up around the embers of our fire. Ragonarok awoke first, and shortly after the rest of the gang was up and energized, ready for the day. After a quick breakfast we packed up camp and began to move forward.

Petalburg Forest was dark despite the bright sun that shined down on the top of its canopy. On the forest floor it was damp and eerie, the sounds of scuttling Pokemon echoing through the emptiness. For awhile I felt as though the forest was lifeless when suddenly there was a *plunk* and right infront of me a Slakoth appeared, drowsy as ever.

I knew of Slakoths, and knew that they were difficult to raise and even their final form was a gamble to use, but I figured passing this guy up wouldnt be the wisest idea. "Alright, go Sly!" Sly the Zigzagoon appeared with a flip out of its Pokeball and began to circle the near oblivious Slakoth. "Tackle!" Sly struck home, as the Slakoth batted it away with a Scratch from its long claws. Sly returned for a second strike and the Slakoth sailed away, crashing into a tree trunk. "Alright, Pokeball go!!" With spot on aim the Pokeball struck, and Slakoth was mine.

"Nice job Sly! Now we just gotta name you." I looked down at Sly, who just shook his striped head. "Yeah, the only appropriate name for this guy is Troll. So from now on, you shall be Troll the Slakoth."

I continued through the forest without much resistance until suddenly I walked headlong into a man dressed in an awefully tacky green suit. "Oh, hello there," he said. "Do you know the Pokemon Shroomish? I absolutely love that Pokemon."

I planned on making a snide remark when suddenly there was a shout from not far off there. "You there, devon researcher, give me those papers!" From the brush leapt a man dressed like pirate.

"Aiiiieeeh!" The man in the green suit shouted as he fled behind me. "You there, you are a trainer right? Well defend me!" Before I even had a chance to respond the pirate had already attacked me with his Poocheyana.

I sighed, and released Torchic, and in a few desicive blows from Ember the pirate was fleeing from my sight, shouting something about Rustboro City in his wake.

"Thank you for saving me," said the man. "Here, as a token of my appreciation I want you to have this Great Ball. Wait, did he say something about Rustboro City...? A crisis!! I must be off." And no sooner had he said that then did he run off out of the forest, completely missing the Shroomish who had poked its head out of a bush to get a look at what was going on.

I just shook my head, completely confused by the shinanegans of the adult world, and finished my trek out of the Forest and onto the other side of Route 104, with the only excitment being the final evolution of Tasty the Cascoon into Tasty the Dustox. I nearly choked on its toxic scales when I approached it for the first time... At least the Fight-type Gym dad mentioned will be a little easier now. After I finished gasping for air I took the final stretch through the woods.

The warm sun greeted me as I escaped the dense flora and walked onto the other part of Route 104. Surrounded by a large lake, the trainers here all seemed to have a mellow air to them. I siezed this advantage and steam rolled through them, Sly stealing items the whole way. Within the hour I had made it across the old wooden bridge and into Rustboro City, one of the greatest metropolises in the Hoenn Region.

Chapter 5: Ascending the Ranks to Trainer First Class
Rustboro City put Petalburg City to shame, while Oldale and Littleroot might as well not even have existed. The streets were lined with cobble stone, and everywhere I turned I saw the hustle and bustle of city life. This is the kind of place I could get used to. The first order of business was to heal my team up and deposit Troll, so I headed to the Pokemon Centre and in ten minutes I was on my way beelining to the gym.

The gym stood before me like a mountain, its great glass doors taunting the badgeless trainers with its might. I looked down at the Pokeballs along my waist and sighed with dismay. Ragnarok, depsite being near evolution, was no contending in this gym, and would most likely die to the first Rock-type attack thrown his way. Tasty fell into the same boat as Ragnarok, despite having Confusion under its belt. I guess he'll have to be a worst case scenerio back up Pokemon. Sly, on the other hand, possesed no weakness to this Gym, but knew no move to help in any battle, and his fragility would leave him to be easily KO'd. So there were three of my Pokemon crossed off from the battle roster, leaving only Pinacolada to shoulder the weight of the Gym. I grimaced at the thought of this. Pinacolada was relatively weak, still a Lotad, and despite being Jolly, was rather lazy. This is going to be a rough go. With a great sigh I stepped through the doors and was shallowed up by the immensity of the Gym.

I had hardly made it through the threshold when every Gym Trainer swarmed towards me, releasing all their Pokemon and challenging me to a battle. To my great surpise, Pinacolada swept through all of them, and by the time the last one fell in defeat Pinacolada looked to be much like Ragnarok-- at the final preparation stages before evolution.

I slowly walked towards the end of the Gym and was greeted by a gentle, light voice of a yound woman. "Greetings young Trainer, I am Roxanne, the Rustboro Gym Leader. Are you prepared to demonstrate to me what you have learned from my Gym? Alright, Go Geodude!"

"Go Pinacolada!" Lotad popped out and faced the menacing living boulder. My plan was pretty striaght forward-- Just Absorb until everything is defeated. Pinacolada had no problem obliging, and defeated her first two Geodude's while restoring herself to perfect health. But Roxanne wasn't done, she had saved the best for last. With a flick of her wrist the great Nosepass appeared, its size dwarfing my poor Lotad. I even saw Pinacolada shy away from the behemoth.

"Alright, Absorb Pinacolada!" I shouted, but to my dismay Nosepass was quicker, delivering a nasty Rock Tomb, while Lotad's Absorb barely healed off half of the damage.

The battle raged on, but Pinacolada held strong, and in one final push the Absorb won the day, and Nosepass fell, its great orange nose pointing into the ground in defeat. Suddenly, Pinacolada began to glow, and in a blinding flash Pinacolada the Lotad was gone, and in its place stoob Pinacolada the Lombre. Congrats Pinacolada, after that battle you deserve it.

"Excellent battle, you know your stuff." Roxanne applauded. "Here is your Gym Badge. Go now, the road of a Trainer is still long." I nodded my head in thanks, and walked out of the Gym with a swagger in my step.

I exited the no-longer-so-mighty Gym doors and turned to face the road. There was a shout and a blue figure whipped past me, a large package held beneath his arms. Behind him a man in green was running and pleading, shouting for the boxes return. Curious, I followed, hoping to discover the source of the commotion.

Chapter 6: Team Aqua Strikes Again
I jogged in the direction of the two running men and eventually found myself at the boundary between Route 116 and Rustboro City. And to my great surprise my old friend, the man in the green suit, was standing there too, looking out at the vast Route 116 with sweat dripping down his face and distress etched onto his face.

I slowly walked up to him when he whipped around, staring me straight in the face. "Oh good heavens, its you, the great trainer from Petalburg Woods. I need your help, that Team Aqua goon stole my goods. Please, get them back." He didnt even let me respond before he pushed me out onto the route and forced me to save his goods.

Route 116 was a wild a lush route full of life. Trainers were all over, and I was prepared to take them down. With Ragnarok and Sly by my side I stormed the Route, taking no prisoners. The only enemy I allowed to survive was the a Nincada who had appealed to my better nature. So I captured it a named it Inseninja. Who knows, I might just need him one day.

By the time a reached the large tunnel at the end of the route my team was feeling strong. Ragnarok still remained a Torchic, but Sly, and even Tasty, had grown stronger. At the openning of the tunnel an old man stood, his eyes red and his face streaked with tears. As I approached he broke down in near incomprehensible sobs, "Wraaah, that man stole my beloved Peeko. PEEKO!!" I just nodded, and then entered the tunnel.

Rusturf Tunnel was a strange world. Filled with a perpetual layer of green dust, I could barely breathe in it. Suddenly, a wild Whismer jumped out at me. Sly was quick to react, and in moments I had captured Kerry the Whismer. Not far down the tunnel I saw the shadowy figure of a man. Beneath his arm was a box, and by his side was a Pokemon.

"Don't come any closer runt!" the man shouted. "Poocheyana go!"

"Alright, Sly, lets do this!!" Sly and Poocheyana circled, each barring their fangs. Sly struck first with a strong Headbutt, as the Poocheyana tried to blind him with a Sand-Attack. But Sly was unphased, and finished him off with another Headbutt.

"Grrrrr," the Grunt growled. "To think I made it this far with a useless hostage Pokemon only to be stopped by a dead-end tunnel and a kid. Here, take the package and the Pokemon, I'm gone." And with the relinqiushing of the box and Pokemon the Grunt fled. Immediately the old man appeared.

"Thank you for saving my Peeko. I am Mr. Briney, I live in the cottage by Petalburg Woods. If you ever need anything just ask." And then he and his Pokemon left. I soon followed suit, as there was nothing really left for me here.

As soon as I returned to Rustboro the man in the suit swooped down upon me, thanking me a hundred times over and giving me another Great Ball. Then he took me away to his office building, where his boss, Mr. Stone, not only gave thanked me but gave me a Pokenav, as well as a mission to deliver the goods and the letter. I accepted the task and headed on my way.

I returned to the Pokemon Centre to deposit my unecessary members of my team: Kerry and Inseninja. After a quick rest I left and began to leave Rustboro City. As I approached the road to Route 104 a familiar voice shouted from behind me. "Hey Severus, I hope you are ready for a battle!"

Chapter 7: Victory at What Cost?
"Hey Severus, I hope you are ready for a battle!" May shouted as she tossed her Pokeball. Infront of her stood a Torkoal, looking at me with indifference.

Well someone is abusing their father's labratory. I looked at her Pokemon. Judging from its disposition, its power level was about on par with the rest of my team. I took stock of the Pokemon I had, and just like Roxanne's Gym, what I had at my disposal wasnt promising.

Tasty was immediately ruled out, he would die in a hit or two while not delivering any significant damage. The story was the same for Pinacolada, who while fairing better type-wise, had no move to power through Torkoal. Ragnarok had the most power on my team, but he too had no moves to muscle through Torkoal's defense. The only choice the remained was Sly, who I hoped despite his lackluster attack could make up for it with strong STAB blows. So with my decision made I sent Sly to face off against her Torkoal.

"Alright, use Headbutt!!" Sly charged in and smashed against Torkoal's hide, who hardly noticed the small Pokemon's presence. Meanwhile Torkoal was content with boosting its stats with a threatening Curse. Sly charged in again, doing even less damage, as Torkoal boosted again. Things were getting bad now, Sly was failing to do any damage meanwhile Torkoal was already at +2 in both Attack and Defense. But I had no other options, so Sly continued slugging through, hoping to gain some ground. Suddenly flames erupted from Torkoal's mouth and Sly was coated in Embers, delivering a huge amount of damage. I was shocked, I had no idea that Sly would take that kind of damage, and I knew he wouldnt be able to take two more of those. But Sly continued with another Headbutt, and then blanketed with more Embers.

Sly was on his last legs, but Torkoal looked weak too, and Sly knew it. But I knew that Sly couldn't handle another hit. I was preparing the switch when suddenly Sly charged forward without my command, striking with all his strength. Torkoal was rocked, but stayed standing, as more flames erupted from its mouth. Sly was completely obscured from sight, and as the smoke cleared, I saw Sly laying on his side, not moving, not breathing, just lying there, the fur along his head and left flank charred. Tears welled up in my eyes and I released Ragnarok. In a fury he finished off Torkoal, and then my mind went blank.

(Yeah, I made a bad judgement, I thought Headbutt might do max damage and Torkoal-- who was in the red-- would faint)

When I regained control I was looking at a defeated Mudkip, and a Lombre standing tall beside a charred Zigzagoon. "Great battle Severus, you are way stronger than I expected. Here, we'll exchange match call numbers so we can battle again. See ya around!" May said, and then walked marrily away.

I ran over to Sly, and scooped him up, his burnt fur falling away as my arms rubbed against it. With Pinacolada by my side I sprinted to the Pokemon Centre, tears streaking my face. I burst through the red roofed buildings doors and screamed for Nurse Joy to save him. Sly was taken away to the ER, but in 10 minutes Nurse Joy was back, tears in her eyes as well.

"Your Zigzagoon didn't make it. His," she stammered, struggling to control her emotions, "his burns were to severe. His small body couldnt handle it and his heart gave out."

I broke down sobbing, and Nurse Joy sat next to me as I cried into her shoulder. Sly was dead, and it was my fault. I swear this will never happen again. No one will suffer like you did Sly.

Sly was taken out of the ER in a casket, and brought to me. Ceremonially I opened the lid and placed Sly's Pokeball beside him. Our bond wouldnt be severed because we were no longer together on Earth. I closed the casket and Sly was carried outside of the Centre to a black car, where it was placed in the trunk. Tears in my eyes I watched as the car drove away, taking my beloved friend to Mt. Pyre, the final resting place for the deceased Pokemon. On the street a small stone was placed beneath and lampost with a small plague attached to it. It read: "In memory of Sly the Zigzagoon. Whose cute antics could bring a smile to even the most caloused of souls. May his spirit live on to bring joy to all who need it." Severus read the plague once and then left, never looking back. In his bag he discovered was the HM Cut, and attached to it was a note. "To help on your journey, it is what your Pokemon would have wanted. - The Cut Man"

I broke down once more at the entrance to Petalburg Woods. That night I slept alone with no fire nor tent to offer me comfort.

Chapter 8: The Sun Always Rises Again
I awoke to the sounds of wild Taillow singing their mid-spring song. I rolled over and looked at my trainer belt; it only had three Pokeballs on it. Another tear rolled down my cheek as I touched the spot where Sly's Pokeball had rested. I knew he would have wanted me to go on. My dream was his dream-- it was our dream. To become the Champion.

The Taillow continued to sing as the sun rose over the canopy of Petalburg Woods, its rays landing on my face. It was as if the spirit of Sly was still calling out to me, cheering me on to get up and keep going. To no longer mourn, but honor the sacrifice of friend by making history.

I got up, and in a fluid motion re-clipped my belt around my waist. Sly will not have died in vain. I will win; WE will win. With a yell of vigor I released my team: Tasty, Ragnarok, and Pinacolada. And as one united being we charged through Petalburg Woods, not stopping until we had traversed its dark depths and come through the other side.

I stood before Mr. Briney's cottage, wondering if it was alright to enter. With a deep gulp to gain courage, I walked into the cottage head held high.

Mr. Briney was busy playing tag with Peeko around the large table, but stopped short at the sight of me. "Ahoy there, you are Severus if I am not mistaken. I heard about your misfortunes in Rustboro. I am terribly sorry for your loss, I know the feeling."

I just nodded as I fought back the tears. Biting my cheek to gain composure I opened my mouth and asked, "Mr. Briney, I need a ship to Dewford and Slatport, could you be of assistance?"

Mr. Briney's eyes lit up. "Could I be of assistance?" He said with a hearty laugh. "Well of course I can, all aboard Peeko, we are setting sail to Dewford!" With a great amount of energy, especially for an old man, Mr. Briney was out the door and already at the helm of his ship. I stepped on and immediately we were off along the ocean covered Route 105.

Midway my Pokenav rang. It was dad. I answered, not really listening to what he was saying, and gave a short goodbye when he said he had to go. I spent the rest of the ride in silence. In about thirty minutes Dewford was in sight, and in fifteen more minutes Mr. Briney had landed us in Dewford Harbour.

"Here we are, Dewford Island. You said you have a letter for Mr. Steven Stone. Knowing him he is probably in the Granite Cave north of where we are now, why don't you check in there?"

Taking Mr. Briney's advice I went north. But along the way two fishermen challenged me. Both were quickly dispatched by Ragnarok, and by the time I reached the cave's mouth, Ragnarok was no longer a Torchic, but a mighty Combusken. Things were looking up for me. I looked into the dark cave and stealing my courage, entered, not knowing what types of Pokemon waited for me in its dark depths.

Chapter 9: Search for the Stone
With no time to waste, I took one deep breathe and plunged into the vast mouth of Granite Cave. Inside the cave was a world unto itself, the likes I had never seen before.

Boulders of all sizes littered the floor, creating grand natural sculptures. From the cave entrance light flooded in, making the first floor look almost as bright as outside did. But as I looked down the vast halls of this world beneath the moutain, the light gradually faded, until I could no longer see any further.

Great, I hate the dark.

Suddenly, as if on cue from my thoughts, a old hiker appeared behind me, his deep voice creating a resonating echo off the empty space of the cave. "Yup, sure gets dark down there," said the hiker matter-of-factly. "Judging by your face you must not be a fan of the dark. Hahaha, that's alright, neither am I. Here, take this HM Flash. It'll light the inky darkness of this cave for ya lickety-split."

"Oh, well, thanks mister," I said awkwardly. His kindness was so unexpected, and I was still in shock from him suddnenly appearing that I sounded rather rude and uniterested.

"Haha no thanks necessary. It is a gift from one dark fearer to another. Though I must warn ya, if ya dont have the Dewford Badge that HM will worth nothing, though I doubt you have anything to worry about. You remind of that Steven fellow who passed through not long ago, he didnt need the HM. He said something about already having Flash. Well my boy, good luck down there, watch out for them Zubat!" And with another hearty laugh he walked away liesurely.

I grimmaced, so Flash was useless after all. But on the other hand, the man had told me that Steven was definitely here. Stealing more courage, I began walking further into the cave, the light steadily dimming around me.

Eventually I hit a point where I could only see as far as my own arm length, and with great fear I walked along the walls, struggling to have a solid footing. Suddenly I tripped and with a scream that echoed throughout the cave I fell face first onto the cold damp floor.

Cursing I sat up, my cheek already feeling sore from the landing. But then, right in front of me, I saw an ominous shadow scuffling around in the darkness. Slowly it approached me, metallic clinking noises sounding with each step. Not wasting time I released Pinacolada, and a battle ensued almost immediately.

From the shadows I could tell Pinacolada had the upper hand, and not wanting to lose the edge I chucked a Pokeball. There was a blinding flash and then a loud ping, the mysterious Pokemon was mine.

Picking up the Pokeball I clicked the white button and out popped an Aron. The Aron looked up at me through the gloom, not approving nor disapproving of me, but merely staring me down. Pinacolada and I gave each other awkward glances, and then I finally cleared my throat and spoke.

"Well Aron, welcome to the team. I'm Severus, and I guess I'm your new trainer now." Aron continued to stare, his cold eyes borring into my own. "Ummm... you need a nickname. So, how about Lancelot." Aron gave no response, I took the silence as a yes. To avoid anymore cold stares I quickly returned Lancelot to his Pokeball and continued stumbling along through the cave.

It seemed to take hours, but finally light began to reappear, and I could start making out my surroundings. Climbing out of a small passage way I found myself standing on a ledge, blinded by light pouring in from the cave entrance. I had made a complete loop and was back at the beginning, except this time I was several feet higher. Not far from where I was standing was a smaller cave, and inside I could faintly make out the shape of a humam. Clutching Ragnarok's Pokeball, I walked into the cave.

The smaller cave was gloomy, but not dark. Inside stood a man who was clearly important and dignified. I had barely entered when he turned around and looked at. "Why hello there, I am Steven, and who might you be?"

"Hello," I said, much more pleasantly than I had to the hiker, "my name is Severus. I have a letter from Mr. Devon Stone to deliver to you." As I said this I produced the thin envelope from my pocket and handed it to Steven.

He graciously accepted the letter without looking at it and placed it in his pocket. "Thank you for your kindess. Here, I want to thank you with a gift. Take my favorite TM, Steel Wing." Producing a silver-tinted CD, he handed me the device which I accepted graciously. "Well, I must be off, I am sure we will meet again, goodbye Severus." And then he was gone.

I stood there for a few moments contemplating this strange man. He seemed so sure we would meet again, and he seemed to be very kind. But then my priorities began to reassert themselves to the forefront of my attention. My mission being completed, I hastily left the dark cave and was back on the beaches of Dewford.

The outside world was dark, as the sun had set awhile ago. The sky was full of twinkling stars and a third quarter moon hung high in the sky. Not wishing to get lost in the dark I decided to set up camp and the base of the mountain. In no time my camp was set and my team of 4 was falling asleep to the sounds of the gentle surf and crackling flames.

Chapter 10: Exchanging Fistcuffs
The morning was silent as I walked into the small Dewford Town. The sun had barely risen above horizon, and not even the wild Wingull could be heard singing their harsh, repetitive song. Even the ocean was still, as if all were anticipating the battle that was about to ensue.

The gym loomed before me much like Roxanne's had, a giant mountain that would endure nearly all I could throw at it. The stories of Brawly's strength were still ringing fresh in my ears. Many trainers had given up hope upon being completely crushed by his might, and I knew that I wouldnt have the luxury of rematches. Clutching Tasty's Pokeball in my shaking hand, I entered the sliding doors and walked into the Gym's dark labyrinth.

The battlers in the Gym were tough. Tasty and Ragnarok-- who wanted to prove his strength as a Fighting-type-- struggled to maintain their dominance throughout the hoards of wave-toughened trainers. But finally we broke through the tide of trainers, and all that stood in our way was the final wave himself, Brawly, a master of Fighting-types.

"Welcome to my Gym," Brawly said in authoritative but relaxed tone. "I am pleased to see you here. My Pokemon have all been toughened up the strong surf that surrounds our home. Are you prepared to face our power? Let us find out, go Machop!"

The opposing Machop appeared, its muscles tense, ready to strike. I had my plan ready, and without hesitating I released Tasty onto the battle field. Quickly Machop ensued a flury of blows, all of which Tasty either dodged, or took with aplomb. As Machop's onslaught slowed, Tasty seized the opening and fired a powerful Confusion, hurtling the Pokemon away. In no time Machop was defeated, and I was in the lead 4 to 2.

"Impressive, I see your Dustox knows how to play. Well my next Pokemon will leave a more lasting mark, go Medidite!"

I knew Medidite would be able to shrug off a Confusion with ease, but Tasty had more than that up his sleeve. With a powerful flap of his wings the winds picked up, and the small Pokemon was hurled away, unable to get close enough to deliver its powerful Focus Punch. In the end even Medidite fell, while Tasty remained in a very healthy state.

Brawly was on his last legs now. He knew that even if he managed to take down Tasty-- which was unlikely-- he still had to face a full health Combusken and Lombre, both of whom were packing attacks.

"I see that this was not my day, but Makuhita and I will not go down without a fight. Let's do this Makuhita, Arm Thrust!"

Makuhita was quick to respond, and began to charge at Tasty, not worrying about counter attacks.

"Confusion Tasty, keep him at bay!" Tasty gracefully fluttered out of harms way, and safely away bombarded the Makuhita with telekinetic strikes. Makuhita fell having hardly done any damage.

"Congratulations Severus, you have won the Knuckle Badge. Here, let's also exchange Pokenav numbers, someday I hope to challenge you again."

Finally, with the Knuckle Badge in my hand, I found Mr. Briney, and together we set sail for Slateport City. As we departed from the small island I smiled. The sun was shining and the wind was at my back. My heart began to soar with the Wingull overhead: the future was looking bright.

Chapters 11-14: The Lost Files
**Due to my long pause in this Nuzlocke, I am posting the going ons in chapters 11-14 as a bulleted post
-Arrived in Slateport with team of Ragnarok, Pinacolada, Tasty, and Lancelot. Whipped Team Aqua's but and proceeded north to Route 110. There I caught Oddish and named it Flora. Flora was immediately boxed (how stupid of me).
-Defeated Rival May with ease, and proceeded through to Mauville.
-Defeated Rival Wally with ease and the Gym Trainers. Began grinding Lancelot, Ragnarok, & Pinacolada. Tasty was boxed.
-Caught Chief the Poocheyena on Route 117, deposited him soon after.
-Finished (so I thought) grinding in all available surrounding routes and went for the gym. Withdrew Tasty at the last second thinking he might prove useful
-Defeated Wattson, but at the cost of Tasty, who I had expected to lose, and Lancelot, a heart breaking loss. I had expected so much out of him, and his career was ended far to early.
-After the pyrrhic victory I withdrew Troll, taught it Rock Smash, and went up to Route 111.
-On Route 112 I caught a Numel and named him Nitro. Caught a Slugma in the Fiery Path and named him Napoleon. Caught a Spinda on Route 113 and named him Pander.
-Lost Pinacolada on Route 113 to Self-Destructs, I cried and lost most of my heart for this challenge.
-Caught a Swablu on Route 114 and named it Nimbus. Gave up on Nuzlocke once I got into meteorite falls.
-Resumed Nuzlocke with a team of Nimbus the Swablu and Ragnarok the Combuske, withdrew Troll the Slakoth and added her to the team in a desperate attempt to create a new powerhouse on the team.

Chapter 15: The Reconstruction Era Part 1 - Secrets Revealed
I woke up with the sun already high in the sky. Ragnarok sat on the far side of the camp as usual. The losses of the past few days, especially those of Pinacolada and Tasty, had really taken their toll on Ragnarok's spirit. He had become so distant, so lonely, that I knew things between us would never be quite the same. He was questioning my skills as a trainer. In truth, I was too. I didn't know what was going to happen in the days to come.

Beside me Nimbus, my recently caught Swablu, was roosting. He had immediately taken notice of my saddness, and had taken to offering his wings as a pillow for me. Ragnarok was especially cold toward Nimbus: who was blissfully untouched by the pain that wracked Ragnarok and I. He was to new to the team to have known the late members of my team. Troll the Slakoth sat between Ragnarok and I, acting as a type of barrier between us. She had only briefly known the members who had passed away, and as such she didnt feel much pain either.

After taking in this sad sight I slowly sat up and got ready. The Pokemon were all returned and the fire was doused. Looking westward, I saw Meteorite Falls in the distance. That was where I had to go, and so I hoisted my pack onto my back and headed off to my destination.

The Falls was exactly how I had heard they were. Extremely large, very wet, very loud, and full of rushing water. It wasnt a place I particularly enjoyed being in. As I walked along I heard a screech and then felt a hard thump on the back of my head which knocked my head forward and left me seeing stars. A Zubat had began assaulting me. I knew how difficult Zubat's were to train, but I was desperate. I released Nimbus and the aerial battle immediately ensued. It was quick and easy, and within minuted the Zubat was mine. Naming him was simple: he would be called Radar. Satisfied, I placed Radar on my belt and continued forward through the falls.

As I continued forward I began to hear the sounds of people speaking in harsh gruff voices. I moved deeper into the cave and found myself facing Team Magma.

"What are you doing her boy?" they snapped, Pokeballs in hand.

"Magma, you wont get away with this!" another, seemingly familiar, voice shouted. From the gloom Archie appeared, his Team Aqua goons in tow. "Team Magma, you can never had your way with the world."

"Haha," Magma laughed. "Arhcie and Aqua are here. But this is a little to much for us to handle. Come after us if you dare, we'll be waiting on the top of Mt. Chimmney." Then with another cackle they pushed past me and were out of the way.

"You there, what are doing here?" Archie snapped as he approached me. "Arent you the boy who ruined my plans in Slateport? Well no matter, Magma is nothing but trouble. They dream of ruining the world by increasing the land mass. We of Team Aqua wont allow that. We shall give chase, Team Aqua, away lets go!"

The tunnel grew quiet as Team Aqua's footsteps died away and I was left alone with my thoughts. After seeing those Team Magma goons blocking the cable car and seeing how Team Aqua terroized Slateport I knew that I had to help out. But as I looked at my team, I knew just one mistep-- like taking on Team Magma-- could cause a lot of unnecessary deaths on my already limited team. If I traveled south to Rustboro, I might be able to get help from Mr. Stone, who still oweded me for delivering the letter to Steven. After some deep thought I decided to go to Rustboro.

The road south was rather quick, and I arrived in Rustboro before the sun was low in the sky. The Devon Building loomed in the distance, a monument of wealth, power, and invention. That was my destination.

When I arrived at the tower the secretary told me Mr. Stone had been expecting me for awhile now and then she guided me to his office.

Mr. Stone sat in his usual place at the head of his long chamber behind his imposing mahogany desk. "Ah Severus," he said, "I have been expecting you. Don't look so frightened, I knew who were since the moment I met you. You are the son of Norman, and a Nuzlocker."

"A Nuzlocker, sir?"

"Yes, it is a rare condition. It is a condition that significantly weakens the spiritual bonds between trainer and Pokemon. That weakening of the bonds means that Pokemon no longer faint, they die."

This final news hit me like a bomb. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"Yes, I saw when your Zigzagoon died. As soon as I witnessed that I knew exactly who and what you were. Nuzlocker's syndrome is a hereditary syndrome passed down from parent to child."

"Parent, but my parent's--" but Mr. Stone cut me off.

"Your father, Norman the Gym Leader, he is of the Nuzlocker blood. Why do you think he trains so hard? Why do you think he fled from his home region? He lossed many Pokemon back home, and couldnt bear it any longer."

"I-I..." I stammered out.

"Nuzlocker's syndrome isnt all bad. The Elite Four's of regions all over the world have been in search of Nuzlockers. The constant fear of death creates battle hardened, cold, calculating, battlers that can sieze any weakness in a foe and use it to their advantage. That is the fate of Nuzlockers. Now, I know you do not want to face this. I could tell when I saw you. So I am here to help you. I will give you this EXP. Share. It will help you train your replacement Pokemon without putting them in the direct line of fire. Let your battle hardened Combusken take on foes for the time being."

I looked at the strange crown-like device Mr. Stone had given me. "Thank you sir." I managed to whisper out.

"Stay strong son, you'll make it through this," Mr. Stone said. "Now, I have to get back to work, and you have to go. Good luck out there."

I took his cue, and left the building, EXP. Share in hand. The sun was setting as I got out onto the streets of Rustboro. Down the road I could see the street lamp Sly's memorial was placed under.

Now I know why.

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, and I made a break for it. I ran as fast as I could until I hit the entrance of the Rusturf Tunnel. The sky turned dark overhead and I collapsed before the cave, unable to go any farther.

Chapter 16: The Reconstruction Era Part 2 - Facing the Inferno
I woke up again with the damp feeling of being covered in dew.

I really need to start sleeping in my sleeping bag. I thought to myself as I sat up. I unattached my belt and peered into the Pokeballs hanging off of it. A dark feeling welled up in my chest as I thought of what Mr. Stone said. I was not blessed like other trainers, I was cursed. Strong trainers will expect me to be a soldier, not a trainer.

I refuse to be ruthless, I refuse to be cold... like my father. I will stand out amongst the other who are like me. I will endure and keep my heart. I spat on the ground in an act of defiance and in an act of forming a pact. I quickly stood up and rebuckled my belt. I had a date with the devil on the top of Mt. Chimmney. I unfolded my bicycle and bolted off through the Rusturf Tunnel.

I arrived at the cable car to Mt. Chimmney feeling far my confident than ever. Troll had finally evovled into Vigoroth, and now good fend for himself. Ragnarok was as strong as ever, and Nimbus was getting better. But my biggest worry was Radar. He was still weak, and we hadnt even really bonded since I met him. But now was not the time to worry, I could hear the sounds of Magma-Aqua battles from the top of the mountain, and now it was my time to join.

I took the cable car up and eventually reached the summit. The road down the mountain was blocked by dualing grunts, but they wer of no concern to me, I only wanted to defeat Magma. I sprinted up the slight slope to the rim of the volcano to find a warzone. Magmas and Aquas tearing at each other, even Archi was surrounded. In the confusion I snuck through almost undetected, having to stop only twice to defeat two Magma Grunts and Tabitha, the Magma Admin. Finally I reached the man in charge.

He was a tall, pale, red-headed man, and he stood beside an odd machine. "All I have to do is place this meteorite in and click this button and we shall awaken that thing." He said icily to himself.

"Not so fast!!" I called. "You'll have to get through me first!"

"Wh-?" he sputtered out. "Grrrr, you dare interfere. Fine, then I, Maxie, leader of Team Magma, shall destroy you! Go Mightyena!"

"Go Ragnarok!!" I shouted, and the two Pokemon squared up. The first two rounds were quick. Mightyena was demolished by Ragnarok's powerful Double kicks. And Camerupt faced a similar fate, though not after leaving a mark with a powerful Magnitude.

"Bah, fine Zubat!!" Maxie shouted in anger as his small bat Pokemon appeared.

I knew this Zubat was far stronger than Radar, and I feared a Wing Attack doing critical damage on Ragnarok. "Alright Ragnarok, return! Go Nimbus!! Fury Attack Nimbus!!" Nimbus rushed forward, delivering trivial damage with its attack, while taking severe damage from a Wing Attack. I paniced, knowing Nimbus wouldnt survive another blow, and switched to Radar. He stood no chance. In a flash Radar was slashed by a powerful Wing Attack and fell to the ground, dead.

I went furious, and released Troll. Troll, seeing death for the first time, fed upon my anger, and we devoured the Zubat with a Strength. Maxie fled soon after, and our Mt. Chimney was saved, but not without a cost: Radar was dead. I slowly descended down the mountain to Lavaridge Town, where I burried the dead was taken away to Mt. Pyre.

I felt the ice creeping into my heart at Radar's death, and grew scared at the feeling. The town's hot springs soothed my soul, as did the kindness of an old woman, who told me that I would be a good caretaker for the baby Pokemon egg she had. I accepted her gift with grace, and then raced off to train for the gym and avenge Radar's death.

The training brought much sucess. TonyTony the Machop joined my team and later evolved into TonyTony the Machoke. Troll followed, growing just as strong. The egg hatched into a Wynaut, who was subsequentally name C'mon Bro. But there was tragedy too, Nimbus, a Pokemon with much untapped potential, fell of the rim of Mt. Chimney as well. And so another team mate was taken by Nuzlocke.

Lavaridge seemed to become my mourning and recovery spot. The hot springs and company of the wise folk in the town seemed to melt ice in my fast freezing heart, and within a few days I was ready to face the Gym.

The Gym, like all before it, loomed in front of me like a mountain. And since recent events on mountains had left me scarred, I was more scared for this battle than any before. But my team was strong and ready, and I had a plan. With a deep breath to gain my courage, I entered the fiery bowels of the gym.

The Gym Trainers were easy like most gyms, and within the hour I was facing the pedastal of the Fiery Gym Leader Flannery.

Flannery was a like many people had said, fiery, energetic, young, strong, and inexperienced. Even her Gym Leader speech gave light to her naivety. But behind that was a fierce warrior, one who I knew I had to be prepared for. We both stared each other down, and released our Pokemon.

Troll was out and ready, as was her Numel. Troll led with a strength, dealing massive damage, as she struck with a Magnitude. "Excellent attack," Flannery laughed. "I expected nothing less from the son of Norman. But I'm not done, Hyper Potion!!" And so Numel was rejouvinated, but another Strength from Troll did the job. And Numel fell.

"Alright, go Slugma!!!" Flannery called as her fire slug appeared.

This was what I had been waiting for, the perfect set-up bait. "Troll, enough, go Ragnarok!" Ragnarok appeared and landed gracefully on the field. "Bulk Up!" Ragnarok flexed as Slugma suddenly made the sun shine brightly. Another Bulk Up and Slugma filled a room with a horrid Smog. Ragnarok knew what was coming a Bulked Up without even my command, as Slugma smogged be again.

But now I knew the battle was mine. "Double Kick!!" Ragnarok sprang forward on super heightened muscles destroying Slugma with a single kick. Camerupt fell just as easily.

"I see you know what you are doing," Flannery laughed. "But this isnt over, go Torkoal!!"

"Double Kick!!" Ragnarok lunged forward delivering two mighty kicks, but Torkoal still stood.

"Body Slam!!!" Torkoal lept into the air and came down, knocking Ragnarok across the room, but all it did was damage, the Paralysis chance did not come into effect.

"Double Kick!!!" I shouted, and Ragnarok finished Torkoal with two more kicks, and victory was ours.

"Excellent. You are quite the trainer Severus," Flannery praised me. "I can tell you and your Pokemon share a deep bond, and with your... condition... that is saying something. If you are ever back in Lavaridge look me up. We can take a dip in my own hotsprings if you'd like." Flannery laughed and then jumped through one of the holes in the gym floor and vanished.

I walked somberly out of the gym. My battle was flawless, and not a single casualty was taken, and I was even asked on a date, but I was still bothered. Flannery had known about my Nuzlocker's Syndrome. Did that mean all the Gym Leaders knew? And what about other people, could they know. I left the gym with these dark thoughts on my mind when a I heard someone shout "Hey Severus!"

More updates soon! Next up: The Battle Between Father & Son

The Team:

Ragnarok the Combusken (M)
Nature - Lonely
Level - 33
Moves - Double Kick, Peck, Ember, Bulk Up
Ability - Blaze

Opinion: The undisputed king of the team. Ragnarok is the sole survivor of the powerhouse team I had before the indcidents of Route 114. Like he was expected, Ragnarok guided my team through the dark and uncertain times of the team's Reconstruction Era. And coming out nearly soloing Flannery is just icing on the cake. The future looks bright for Ragnarok.


Troll the Vigoroth (F)
Nature - Serious
Level - 29
Moves - Strength, Cut, Rock Smash, Slack Off
Ability - Vital Spirit

Opinion: After his original HM Slave uses prior to the disasters of Route 114, Troll is now finally proving his worth. Her movepool now is clearly limited by the HMs, but Strength and Slack Off are really all she needs for now. With decent bulk, strength, and great speed she will most likely prove to be a solid member of the team for awhile to come.


TonyTony the Machoke (M)
Nature - Serious
Level - 29
Moves - Leer, Karate Chop, Revenge, Seismic Toss
Ability - Guts

Opinion: Another great find. Though I was searching for a Spoink on the Jagged Pass, TonyTony is just as good. Great attack and bulk, his only real flaws are his low speed and lack of a powerful move. But in time that will all change, and I expect him to be nearly as reliable as Ragnarok.

The Reserves:

Inseninja the Nincada (M)
Level- 7
Nature- Jolly
Moves- Sractch, Harden, Leech Life
Ability- Compound Eyes

Opinion: Not much, he was the first Pokemon I saw on the Route, and maybe if I need him I could evolve him into a Ninjask or a Shedinja. And with my current situation I might just do that.


Kerry the Whismer (F)
Level- 7
Nature- Brave
Moves- Pound, Uproar
Ability- Soundproof

Opinion: Kerry may have some potential, as Exploud is a decent Pokemon. With Sly's unfortunate death I thought the odds of her addition to the team would grow. But with the disasters that took so many of my team's lives, I needed someone else, and I looked towards troll to take a spot.


Flora the Oddish (F)
Nature - Mild
Lvl - 13
Moves - Absorb, Sweet Scent
Ability - Chlorophyll

Opinion: Flora may have been useful for facing Wattson, but on the whole training her would have been far too much of a challenge with not much reasonable use in sight. But with recent events that may change for Flora.


Chief the Poocheyena (M)
Nature - Hasty
Level - 13
Moves - Tackle, Howl, Sand Attack, Bite
Ability - Run Away

Opinion: Chief is just one of those Pokemon that just doesnt have any real use. Mightyena isn't that good, and training Poocheyena isn't worth it. Even in light of recent events, I probably wont use him, though the chance is still there.


Nitro the Numel
Nature - Modest
Level - 14
Moves - Growl, Tackle, Ember
Ability - Oblivious

Opinion: Nitro is in a similar boat as Chief. I just didnt see a reason to use him. Ragnarok already surves as an amazing Fire-type, and Numel just didn't have an immeditate use -- or a future use -- to invest in its training. Even now, Numel probably wont be used simply because of Ragnaroks presence. But is something tragic were to happen to Ragnarok, this guy would be first in line as his replacement.


Napoleon the Slugma (M)
Nature - Bold
Level - 15
Moves - Yawn, Smog, Ember, Rock Throw
Ability - Flame Body

Opinion: Basically Napoleon is just another Nitro-- both of whom are inferior to Ragnarok. In fact, this guy is probably behind Nitro in terms of who is more likely to be used.


Pander the Spinda
Nature - Lonely
Level - 14
Moves - Tackle, Uproar, Faint Attack
Ability - Own Tempo

Opinion: Y U NO SKARMORY???? That about sums it up don't cha think? Pander may have a vast movepool, but it is so weak offensively and defensively I wouldnt use it. The only chance it has is if all my other Pokemon were to faint. And even then, I'd use it just to catch another Pokemon. Sorry Pander.


C'mon Bro the Wynaut (M)
Nature - Bold
Level - 5
Moves - Charm, Encore, Something Else
Ability - Shadow Tag

Opinion: What can I say, it's a Wynaut. Why not put it on the team, idk, just that I really dont want a Pokemon who relies on taking damage to deal damage in Nuzlocke. Sure, in a normal run I might, but not here. There is a chance, a Wobbafett is pretty good, but for now, no.

In Memory Of the Dead:

Sly the Zigzagoon (M)
Lvl - 12
Nature - Calm
Moves - Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Headbutt
Ability - Pickup

Defeated By: A judgement error while facing May's Torkoal. He stood no chance against Torkoal's Ember.

Memorial Quote: In memory of Sly the Zigzagoon, whose cute antics could bring a smile to even the most caloused of souls. May his spirit live on to bring joy to all who need it.

Final Words: I had truly high hopes for sly. It was my own fault, and we lost a Pokemon with a lot of potentail here. Good bye, Sly.


Tasty the Dustox (M)
Lvl - 18
Nature - Rash
Moves - Tackle, Protect, Poison Sting, Confusion
Ability - Shed Skin

Defeated By: The electrifying power of Wattsons' Voltorb's Shock Wave.

Memorial Quote: In memory of Tasty the Dustox. May he forever fly higher than any bird Pokemon, and may the moon glisten upon him every night.

Final Words: I knew this was coming, but even still, it was painful, as Tasty was my first Pokemon. From the beginning I wanted a Beautifly, but I got a Dustox, and that immediately put a limit on Tasty's usefulness. He demolished Brawly, but after that he petered out, until the point he was no longer needed. In the end he paid the ultimate price trying to weaken Wattsons' team. Thank you Tasty, and Good bye.


Lancelot the Aron (M)
Lvl - 24
Nature - Rash
Moves - Headbutt, Roar, Mud-Slap, Headbutt
Ability - Sturdy

Defeated By: Wattsons' Magneton's Shock Wave

Memorial: In memory of Lancelot the Aron. May his iron will always prevail in the face of adversity.

Final Words: This loss really stung. I had really hoped this guy would become the tank of my team. He would take hits and dish them out even harder. But that dream was never realized. I am sorry Lancelot that you never saw your full potential, Good bye my friend.


Pinacolada the Lotad (F)
Lvl- 26
Nature- Jolly
Moves- Astonish, Fury Swipes, Absorb, Fake Out
Ability- Rain Dish

Defeated by: The suicidal rage of a Ninja Boy's Koffing's Self-Destruct

Memorial: In the memory of Pinacolada the Lombre. May she laugh, swim, and play all day.

Final Words: This loss stung the most out of any. Pinacolada was at one point the most accomplished member of my team. Her loss came as a shock and it still stings. She was going to become another powerhouse of the team if only the fates had not been so cruel. I am going to miss you Pinacolada, thank you, and Good bye.


Radar the Zubat (M)
Nature - Serious
Level - 17
Moves - Leech Life, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite
Ability - Inner Focus

Defeated By: Maxie's Zubat's Wing Attack & my own judgement error.

Memorial: In memory of Radar the Zubat, may he traverse all the world's caves.

Final Words: I never got to know Radar. Could he have been great? Probably. Could he have patched up some of the weaknesses my team faces? Probably. I retrospec what I did was really stupid. So, I am sorry Radar. Thank you, and Good bye.


Nimbus the Swablu (M)
Nature - Quiet
Level - 21
Moves - Peck, Fury Attack, Astonish, Sing
Ability - Natural Cure

Defeated By: My own judgement error and a Vital Throw from a Makuhita.

Memorial: In memory of Nimbus the Swablu. May he fly as high as the sun a feel the warmth of every spring day.

Final Words: I feel really stupid about this one. Altaria's are good enough in-game. Swablu had potential, but I got annoyed an lazy and stupid and let it take the fall. I can't say much else except I am sorry Nimbus. Thank you, and Good bye.

More updates soon
Just started a FireRed Nuzlocke in the hopes that I will not be scarred for life >.>

Rules and regulations of my very first FireRed Nuzlocke:


1). Battle style shall not set.
2). First poke per route rule will be put into effect once I am given my first pokeballs. Not a moment before. Otherwise, it is standard rules.
3). LEDGENDARIES? What ledgends exist in a Nuzlocke outside those overcharged Punching bags?
4). Shiny = capture ASAP!!!!!
5). Gift Pokemon are allowed (this is my first run, so I need all the help I can get >.>)
6). Items and PC are allowed bacause I need them.
7). If a Pokemon faints, I will put it into the PC into the "Otherworld" box.
8). All pokes not dead or on my team that I have captured shall be placed in a box named "Cyro".

Wish me and Selena the Female Squirtle good luck :P
@Dark maelstrom, i'm not communist but what you described was more of a totalitarian, fascist, dictatorship.

but anyhow i have lost my DS so new white nuzlocke cant happen =(, sorry to dissapoint you (if you actually give a dam)

Communism, dictatorship, same thing in my opinion. Communists don't give you much freedoms, but whatever.
I didn't even know you were doing a Nuzlocke, but that's too bad that you lost your DS. Another Nuzlocke to read would be welcome.
@Dark, I really liked it, and I'd like to see more. Also KS and DEMo, I'd love to see updates from you guys too! I would do a Nuzlocke myself, but yet I don't have the heart...
@Demo, you can get a Wynaut egg in Lavaridge town (Somewhat useless) and Castform in the Weather Institute (Not great but better than a level 1 Wynaut).
My first chapter in Nuzlocke is up, and I am working on the 2nd, if anyon wants to read it they can, if not... eh, oh well, I'll still write it
Since I have Pokemon ADD, I am also doing a Heart Gold Nuzlocke challenge.

-Battle style is not set
-Standard "first pokemon you see" rule-- except for when the first pokemon is them same on 2 different routes (unless I want two of the same Pokemon)
-No legendaries will be used
-I WILL catch a shiny if I see it
-Gift Pokemon are allowed
-Items and PC are allowed
-If a Pokemon faints, I will put it into the PC into the 'RIP' box
-I will be catching back-ups who will be immediately boxed. (But the 1st pokemon on route still applies)

Updates will come eventually
@Dark, I really liked it, and I'd like to see more. Also KS and DEMo, I'd love to see updates from you guys too! I would do a Nuzlocke myself, but yet I don't have the heart...

Thanks! I really appreciate that. I've gotten some more time on my DS this weekend, and I think I can get some updated posts up some time tomorrow, Tuesday at the very latest.
YAY i have found my Ds i think inm going to do another white nuzl- yeah im not going to spell that soon, with no hacks this time (idiot brother lost his action replay
Hello, Smogon! This is coming a little later than I'd expected, but anyway, it's here now. This is Chapter 2 of my FireRed Nuzlocke. So here it is. You can skip over the hidden text if you want, but if you need to refresh your memory or if this is your first time reading my Nuzlocke, then I'd encourage you to read it.

Read this if you have had amnesia recently or if this is your first time reading:
Once again, my character's name is Rogue and I'm using standard Nuzlocke rules. As a recap, I currently have the following Pokemon:

1. Thorn the Level 16 Charmeleon
2. Jerry the Level 15 Rattata
3. Ewan the Level 15 Pidgey

1. No Good the Level 4 Weedle

We last left our good friend Rogue celebrating his first Gym badge. We return to him as he prepares to leave the not-so-citylike Pewter City. And, without further adieu, here's Chapter 2 of DarkMaelstrom's FireRed Nuzlocke!

Part 5: Routes 3 + 4
After running around Pewter City screaming and bragging about my shiny new badge, I decide to go blow all my prize money on Poke Balls, Potions, the works. And just because I can, I go to the section of the museum where you pay 50 Poke Dollars to do absolutely nothing…yeah. It wasn’t worth it. I’d much rather go over to the side where you get the Old Amber and Seismic Toss, but I can’t yet, so sadly, I don’t.
When I finally leave town, I’m stopped by the first of Professor Oak’s extremely irritating ‘ever-present Aides’. I wish they’d either be a little less ever-present (AKA stalking me) or actually give me something for free. But anyway, this particular Aide gives me the Running Shoes (Just about the only thing from Oak you don’t have to work for). I don’t see why you need Running Shoes, though. It’s not like it’s illegal to run in regular shoes, but with the Pokemon dictatorship, who knows. Aww, apparently Mom loves me after all! I’m so touched…I might just shed some computer generated tears…
…not. Let’s just forget about that awkward moment and move on…
After I’ve shot a spitball at the Aide as he walks away, I, too, walk away and onto Route 3, ready to catch a Pokemon. I liked it better in HGSS when there were meteorites on the route you could use to change Deoxys’s form (Not like I can get Deoxys in this game anyway…).
I quickly dispose of the weak wittle Trainers, including some just plain demented people(See the Shorts Maniac and the gal who thinks guys have cooties), steal their money, and hurry off to the first available patch of grass on Route 3. I’m hoping I can find a Nidoran Male (‘cause Nidoking is awesome! Actually, I might try to get a Nidorino in the Safari Zone to replace my Dugtrio (Spoiler: I catch a Diglett. No way!), but once again the RNG isn’t in my favor and a Spearow pops up (Another spoiler: I find a lot of Normal/Flying type Pokemon) so Thorn roasts it on a spit and cooks it for dinner. Maybe I could bribe the Magikarp salesman with it. Hmm…I’m not gonna waste a Poke Ball on something completely inferior to Pidgeot this generation.
Speaking of which, I’m on Route 4 now, where the Magikarp salesman actually is, so I go talk to him. He apparently doesn’t have a taste for roasted sparrow, but he’s keen on selling his Magikarp for 500 Poke Dollars. For one thing, I don’t think I have that much after blowing all my money in Pewter, for another, I’m not gonna waste my time training some complete crap to Level 20 to get an amazing Pokemon without a good STAB this generation (It’s only semi-useful STAB move is Hidden Power Flying. Now THAT’S sad. At least it gets Waterfall and Aqua Tail as Physical STAB in Gen 4), so I hastily decline his offer and proceed to call the police. Shut his operation down, nobody likes Magikarp anyway. The only time catching a Magikarp is worthwhile is in DPPt in the Resort Area, I think it is, where you can catch the Level 100 Magikarp. Even then it’s awful. The best thing to do is find a Rare Candy, look for a Level 99 Magikarp, and evolve it. Bingo, you instantly have an amazing Level 100 Pokemon. Otherwise, just breed one.
I got a bit off track there. You’re not paying to hear my opinions. Well, you’re not paying me at all, but still…you don’t want to hear about my opinions. Do you? If you do, that’d be freaky (Well, not as freaky as if you wanted to hear about my personal life). Not freaky, just…strange.
Got off track AGAIN! I can’t believe the Magikarp salesman swindled the Rocket Trio so many times, though. Yet again! Shoot me now.
Anyway, in Mt. Moon coming up I can kick some Team Rocket crap and maybe get something good (Well, there isn’t really anything good in there. Clefable can be decent, but if you can’t trade as I can’t, nothing’s good. I do realize, though, that Clefairy evolves with a Moon Stone. Not like I’ll find a Clefairy anyway. If I do, I’ll finally have some good luck)
I heal up and prepare to do some spelunking through the caves of Mt. Moon.

Part 6: Mt. Moon + Route 4
Right as I get into the stupid cave I find a Zubat. Normally, if this was any other game, I’d love to get a Zubat (Crobat is boss! I almost always use him in HGSS, and he usually becomes Crobat by level 28, which is amazing, and he‘s an incredible stallbreaker competitively), but because of the annoying evolution solution thing I can’t evolve it into a Crobat until I get those plate thingies in the Sevii Islands. Speaking of which, do you guys (And gals, but guys is just a general term) want me to stop writing these at the Elite Four or keep going through the Sevii Islands? Just let me know. And while you’re at it, I’m planning to go do a Nuzlocke of Generations 1-5 in order, so if you want to me to type up some posts for those, too, let me know. Either way, I’ll do them, it just depends if I’ll put them to print or not. Doesn’t make any difference to me, but if you like my writing, then post something completely unlike my original example, because like 3 or 4 people quoted it because it scared them. Just tell me you want to hear (Or in your case, read)more.
Off track again…I really gotta stay focused. So, yeah, a Zubat flies at me and tries to eat my face, but Ewan is a boss and puts it in the ER with its ninja wings of fury (Eat your heart out, Koga!). Actually, it’s strange that they have hospitals for Pokemon, but not a single hospital for people. The closest thing to a hospital for humans are random beds. Maybe the Pokemon conspiracy theorists are up to something. I dunno.
I easily sweep through the weak little Trainers of Mt. Moon. Well, not all of them are little. Some of those Hikers aren’t too afraid to boast their beefiness. Ewan and Jerry can pretty easily one-shot anything in here except Magnemite, Geodude, and Onix. Thorn has to do the heavy lifting for them in those cases, since he’s so amazing.
Finally, I find some of those college flunks with no life (AKA Team Rocket), and teach them who’s boss. That’s right. You just got owned by a pigeon. You are now Ewan’s slave. Also Jerry’s, but for the most part I was training Ewan when I fought Team Rocket.
No wonder the Magikarp salesman can trick the Rockets so easily. I have no clue why Giovanni trusts Jessie and James with all those important missions. Maybe because they’re his elite. If so, that’s just plain sad. Team Rocket is just so incompetent (Except Giovanni. At least he’s good enough to become the 8th Gym Leader).
I get to the greedy nerd guy with his incredibly irritating Koffing and Grimer (I might even be inclined to say they irk me, but who says ‘irk’ any more? Actually, I read a book once with the word ‘irk’ in it, and it was published in like 2005, so IDK). It’s so annoying how Smog always seems to poison you. Sometimes the game even seems like it can read minds, too. It’s freaky, but it seems like if a thought just flits across your brain for a moment, that actually happens, like with poisoning. I don’t know if that’s just me, if I’m just weird, but that seems to happen to me a lot. It’s a pretty strange coincidence, though.
He lets me have one of his precious fossils after I beat the lung cancer out of his Koffing. I’m going to choose the Kabuto fossil. I don’t remember what it’s called right now, but I do remember like all the other fossil names. It’s annoying. Actually, I’m going to look it up now…oh, yeah, it’s the Dome Fossil. Durr. Anyway, I take the Dome Fossil because Kabutops looks awesome and it’s pretty decent. Omastar just looks so dumb, but it’s pretty good in 5th Gen with Shell Smash. So later on I’ll have an awesome little Level 5 trilobite when everyone else is Level 40-45. Fun, grinding! Everyone loves grinding…not.
I finish grinding Ewan to Level 20, so now everyone on my team is Level 20 and has evolved once. Coincidentally, I actually do find a Clefairy, but I unfortunately have to send it to the Pokemon void.
I climb the stairs to get out of Mt. Moon and get into the bright light of Route 4. I think it’s pretty strange that you take a ladder UP and you end up leaving the cave normally. I’m fairly certain I’m not the only person who finds that odd.
It’s a good thing I didn’t get a Magikarp, since I have a chance of finding something better here, like a Sandshrew (But even then, Sandslash isn’t especially amazing either). I’m just hoping to get something remotely useful that’s not a Spearow. But first, I talk to the squabbling karate masters and teach Thorn Mega Kick, which is much better than Mega Punch in my opinion. Normally, I don’t like to use these tutors during a runthrough, but Mega Kick has no competitive value in the first place and anyway, this is a Nuzlocke. You don’t exactly use Nuzlocke Pokemon competitively.
I swap Jerry out and step into the not-so-tall grass. Whaddaya know. An Ekans. I weigh the pros against the cons, and this is my verdict: Ekans doesn’t evolve until level 28 or something like that, which means a while of inferiority from now, and even when it’s Arbok, its stats are worse than Raticate’s, so it will add virtually nothing to my team. So I kill it.

Part 7: Cerulean City, Routes 24 + 25
I quickly scour Cerulean City for helpful items, which I do (There’s a Rare Candy in the old guy’s backyard, but it’s hidden in the flowers). I would’ve liked to get a bike now, but the salesman wants to sell it for a million Poke dollars, which is just cruel. Even when you’re at max money, you’re still $1 shy of having enough to buy a bike without the bike pass or whatever it’s called. So I dramatically stomp out of his dictatorial establishment and leave the city for Route 24.
Unfortunately, public enemy #1 shows up, and wants to challenge me with his ‘super-smart Pokemon’. Yeah, right. I highly doubt that your little rat is smarter than Thorn the Fire-Breathing Dragon! Bring it on, secret member of Team Rocket! I bet you’re just too ashamed to admit it.
As always, he sends out his pigeon first. The first to die. He only has two new members of his team (Three if you’re counting Pidgeotto as a new Pokemon), both of which are virtually useless. He hasn’t even evolved his Squirtle yet. And yet again his Squirtle is assassinated at the claws of Thorn. Just like the King.
And once more I rob Gary before he can rob me. He leaves, but then just to be irritating, he comes back and gives me just about the most useless Key Item ever, the Fame Checker, claiming me to be a ‘chatty gossip’. Apparently ‘…..’ says a lot more than it used to.
He finally leaves and I’m free to go to the Nugget Bridge, where you win a mysterious prize (Ooh, I wonder what it is!) and an application to Team Rocket after beating 5 trainers. They really need to make their challenges tougher. Then I win a Nugget (No way! I wasn’t expecting that!), and the last guy asks me to join Team Rocket, which I somehow refuse without saying anything, then I challenge an unexpected sixth Trainer.
Since this is a new route, I go into the grass, but a camper guy is jittery and wants to challenge me really badly. So I whup him, go into the grass, and find a Pidgey, which ends up in the graveyard. Why can’t I find something useful like an Oddish? Then I go to Route 25, since I have nothing else to do on Route 24. There’s loads of Trainers on Route 25, so it’s a great place for doing some training. However, the main reason to go onto Route 25 is Bill’s place. Oh, but this is a new route, so I can catch another Pokemon. I’ll let you guess what I found (Here’s a hint: I gave you a hint already).
Check the hidden text labeled Nuke Route 25! if you want to know what I found. It’s fun…yeah. Really fun…
I go to Bill’s house and go inside, only to find a Clefairy. I guess Bill isn’t home. Then the Clefairy speaks to me and I faint. The Clefairy then proceeds to do CPR on me, and I begin to think this isn’t a real Clefairy. It tells me it’s name is Bill (I knew there was something fishy about that guy) and asks me to turn him back into a human. Normally, I’m pretty wary around talking balls of fluff, but since it’s not an actual Clefairy, it can’t hurt me. Just for fun, I tell him no, but apparently he’s in on the dictatorship, too, and forces me to do it. Then I leave the house so he’s trapped in the machine forever, but when I go back in, he’s out of the machine and you have to go through the whole process again. Just thought you might want to know what happens if you do in fact say no.
Since I’m such a nice guy, I run the program and he’s normal in no time. He apparently is under some delusion that I don’t want to see his Pokemon, so since he’s forever indebted to me, he gives me a ticket to the SS Anne. That’s not going to cut it, but since Kanto is under a dictatorship, I have no other option but to take the stupid ticket.
I’m outta this route. Some people are bragging about their boyfriends and girlfriends, but I don’t really care and they annoy me, so I take the shortcut back to Cerulean, ready to fight Misty, my Pokemon so high leveled that they’d give Misty a heart attack (Thorn Level 27, Ewan Level 24, Jerry Level 20). If you’re wondering why Jerry is further behind than the rest of them, it’s because I’m planning on abandoning Jerry and swapping him out for a superior Normal-type in every regard: Snorlax (The fact that Snorlax is one of my favorite Pokemon doesn’t hurt either).

Part 8: Cerulean Gym
I stock up on Potions for the Water Gym and prepare my Pokemon. I’m going to use Jerry for this, mainly because he has an insanely powerful STAB move and is hit neutrally by Water moves. I’m not too concerned, because Jerry has a pretty decent amount of Speed and can outspeed just about everything in the Gym (Besides Starmie) and can 1HKO them all (Besides Starmie). So Jerry it is.
The other people in the Gym aren’t too challenging, and Jerry easily beats them. He gets a good amount of EXP from the battles, and he’s so close to Level 21 that I decide to go out to Route 24 and grind him the rest of the way to the next Level.
I check my amount of Potions, and seeing that I’m well stocked, I step up to Misty (I’m sorry, I don’t have a nickname for her) and tell her to get off her lifeguard stand thingy. She’s too high up there and she needs to get down (Decreasing her ego would be pretty helpful too). Of course, she’s enraged and rashly challenges me to a battle, saving me from the trouble of doing it myself.
Rogue VS Misty!
Actually, I’m interested to see how this turns out. Last time I challenged this Gym, I used a Pokemon with a similar base Attack stat to Jerry’s, and both spammed a 120 Power move (Though Jerry’s move received STAB making it 120 power). I am, of course, comparing Raticate with Hyper Fang to Mankey with Mega Kick. So we’ll see how this plays out.
Right off the bat I notice a difference in performance. Previously, Mankey was slower than Jerry is, and so attacked after Staryu. But this time, Jerry attacks first and 1HKOs the Staryu. Again, another difference. Mankey 2HKOed Staryu. I’m fairly certain this significant difference in damage was brought on by Jerry having a +Attack nature, and if I remember correctly, Mankey had a neutral Attack nature.
I’m excited to see if this improvement from my last challenge will result in an easier defeat of Misty’s Starmie, who brought me severe problems the first time I played the game.
I’m disappointed, however, that Starmie attacks before Jerry. I’m not surprised, though. It was only a small hope that I’d strike first. But Starmie used Swift instead of Water Pulse, and Jerry took roughly ¼ damage from the move. My disappointment is soon erased, though, when Jerry does perfect damage to the Starmie. It’s that amazing spot where the HP is enough that Misty won’t use a Potion but that Jerry should KO next turn. I’m crossing my fingers and hoping for the best…
Starmie used Water Pulse!
Crap. I think this’ll do some pretty severe damage, and I didn’t think this through thoroughly enough earlier. I didn’t take into account the fact that Jerry’s Naughty nature was -Special Defense, and Water Pulse is a Special attack. Fortunately, the move doesn’t KO and doesn’t confuse me, but it got pretty darn close.
I’m pretty much assured a victory as long as the 10% chance that Hyper Fang will miss fails to occur, but the RNG hasn’t been in my favor today, so I cross my fingers and toes and hope Jerry doesn’t miss. I’m taking a huge risk here, and risks aren’t normally something you can afford in a Nuzlocke. You usually end up with a dead Pokemon. If I miss, I’ll have to use a Potion, and I’m worried that Water Pulse could KO me even after the Potion. I’ll just have to hope I don’t miss (Why do I always end up using moves with unreliable accuracy to win my Gym battles?). But if worse comes to worst, I always have Ewan with his STAB Quick Attack. But if worst comes to worse than worst, I can have Jerry give Starmie rabies with its final breath.
Jerry used Hyper Fang!
Starmie fainted!
Yeah, that’s right, Misty! Hand over your badge and your Water Pulse! It’ll come in handy later with my future Vaporeon!
Well, I ended up accomplishing two things with this. I won my second badge, and I dented Misty’s pride and succeeded in lowering her ego. A job well done! I must congratulate myself, and so must Clyde, my agent. Oh, and Clyde? Ooh, look! Misty had a heart attack! Whaddaya know? Call the ambulance if you care about her life!

Nuke Route 25!
If you guessed that I found a Level 100 Arceus, you are an even worse guesser than last time and I shun you. Well, I can’t really shun you, since I won’t know what you guessed unless you tell me, and I can’t really shun you through a computer anyway.
I find a Pidgey and it irked me so much that guess what I did? I’ll make it multiple choice:
A.) Nuked it
B.) Burned it alive
C.) Poisoned it
D.) Cooked it for Giovanni and gave it to him on a silver platter
Check the next hidden text to find out! Is this irritating you? Is it? Hmm? I doubt it.

Communism, dictatorships, cookies, and turkey (And fire-breathing dragons)
Well, I have the same disclaimer I did last time. If you’re communist or support dictatorships and I offended you, don’t hate the player, hate the game.
And thanks to The QWAZ for pointing out that what I described was not communism but in fact dictatorship. I changed the mistake. I will say, though, that communism was the first word that popped into my head for to describe the situation in Kanto.
If you guessed any letter A-C and E-Z, you are an even worse guesser than if you guessed that I found an Arceus! The answer is D. I use Ember on the Pidgey (Lightly roasting it but leaving it slightly raw), then I chuck Poke Ball at it. I stash it in the PC and give it to Giovanni later on. When? I won’t tell you. You’ll have to read the next post to find out.

And so ends the epic ending of my epic second Nuzlocke chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! Remember to comment and tell me if you’d like me to go past the Kanto Elite Four and even beyond to the far reaches of Unova!
Next time we will rejoin Rogue as he sinks the SS Anne and challenges the Vermillion Gym Leader, Lt. Surge!
Link to previous updates

The Beginning
Gym Battles Intensified
Team Recap
Elena VS Iris: Battle for the 8th Badge
Elena VS Shauntal: Elite Four Opener
Elena VS Grimsley: Battle in the Dark


Nickname list (for reference)

Typhoon: Samurott
Inferno: Darmanitan
Jude: Throh
Photon: Eelektross
Maximum: Archeops
Jenn: Scrafty

Caitlin was next on my list and dam she looked relaxed as I entered her room. Seemingly of her own accord, the curtains around her bed slid open, and she stood across from me. Focusing slightly, a poke ball flew off her belt, then opened in a blaze of white light. A Reuniclus appeared, and I knew that I could easily be in for a tough battle. As a Psychic Elite Four member, Jenn was my strongest weapon against her. Moxie could even force a rampage if Jenn roamed unchecked. The problem was, Caitlin was a member of the Elite Four, which meant she very likely had her Dark weakness checked. I checked over my team of friends, and realised that I had the perfect pokemon for Reuniclus. I tossed a ball, and my starter, the mighty Typhoon appeared. Typhoon gave a grunt seeing its opponent, but otherwise waited patiently for my order.

Seeing my choice, Caitlin smiled, then nodded to Reuniclus, giving its order via telepathy. Reuniclus glowed gold, and the air became charged with electricity. I swore, knowing the signs of an imminent Thunder attack. Suddenly there was a crackle of electricity, and then a bolt of lightning speared its way towards Typhoon. “Typhoon now, counter shield with Blizzard!” I yelled. The air became chill, and suddenly a blast of wintery air slammed into the lightning bolt, the two attacks cancelling each other out and creating a misty cloud around the battlefield. With the cloud obscuring my sight, I knew I had to attack fast, and quickly. Caitlin would be able to know the exact location of her own pokemon via there telepathic bond, and she very likely knew where my pokemon was better than I did. Typhoon charged deeper into the cloud, its horn glowing, and then there was a sickening crunch as the Megahorn struck its target.

Caitlin gave a cry as her pokemon flew backwards out of the cloud, when suddenly, a ball of green energy slammed into Typhoon, sending it flying out of the smoke cloud as well. Typhoon was hurt, however the Energy Ball had done much less than I had feared, and Reuniclus was on its last legs. Typhoon blasted a giant wave across the arena which picked up Reuniclus and casually carried it away, before slamming it hard against the nearby wall. The impact proved too much for Reuniclus, as it fainted.

With the defeat of her first pokemon, Caitlin appeared irritated. The edges of her hair twitched, and I wondered if she was losing control. A second later however, she closed her eyes, and then opened them again, calm once more. She selected a second pokeball from her belt, and casually tossed it into the air. A Sigilyph appeared and stared down Typhoon.

As Caitlin waited patiently as to whether I could switch or stay in, I considered the opposing pokemon. I had fought my fair share of Sigilyph in my time, and I knew they packed extreme power. The Energy Ball fired from Reuniclus had done a large amount of damage, and while I knew that Typhoon was bulky, it would be asking a lot of it to take on both Sigilyph and Reuniclus. I debated about sending out Jenn, it was pretty bulky, and I felt sure that it could survive a flying attack. Still, it was a risky move, and I felt that Jenn still might be needed, so I retreated to Photon. Photon had come a long way since I had first captured it in Chargestone Cave, it was now pretty bulky and, while slow, packed a punch. In addition, its electric attacks would be very useful here.

Caitlin’s eyes flashed at the sight but otherwise made no comment. Sigilyph glowed purple, then sent a blast of psychic power towards Photon. The Psychic struck home, and Photon gave a groan as the psychic waves twisted through its body. Then, just as suddenly as the attack had began, it cut off and Photon rallied, charging up its body with electrical power. “Volt Switch” I ordered and Photon glowed with golden light, before slamming into Sigilyph, before disappearing in a blaze of light.

To my amazement, Sigilyph did not faint to the powerful super effective hit, however, in the big scheme of things, this did not matter. Maximum appeared in the place of Photon, at full health and ready to KO something. Maximum was exceptionally fast, and I knew that it could handle a weakened Sigilyph with no problems. I ordered a Rock Slide and Maximum quickly finished off the psychic bird pokemon.

Two pokemon down, with all the momentium firmly on my side, Caitlin knew that she needed something good from her final two pokemon if she wanted to win. Her third pokemon was the bulky Musharna. Still in control, I decided it was time to bring in Jenn. Mucharna glowed purple, and a Psychic attack was blasted toward Maximum. However, my speedy Flying type was too fast, and charged in, slammed into Musharna with a powerful U-Turn, then disappeared and in its place stood Jenn, which easily shrugged off the Psychic attack, failing to take any damage.

Caitlin paused, then gave a light smile, and bowed. We both knew that the battle was over and that I had played the battle out almost flawlessly. With Musharna weakened, Jenn closed in and swiftly KOed with Crunch, gaining a Moxie boost. From there on, it quickly defeated Caitlins Gothitelle, absorbing a Thunderbolt and then striking back twice as hard with a Payback, ending the battle.

The battle was over. I could tell Caitlin was disappointed with how she had battled, but she was holding her anger in check. With nothing left to say, I left the room. Only one Elite Four member remained between me and the champion, it was time to deal with Marshal and from there, the Champion…
Just a short update to hold you together till the monster ones get written. Remember, I have a habit of signposting in my updates. They might be small (or obvious) but they ARE there. Previous posts included below in case anyone cannot be bothered searching though 30 pages looking for my previous chapter updates looking for them.

The Beginning
Gym Battles Intensified
Team Recap
Elena VS Iris: Battle for the 8th Badge
Elena VS Shauntal: Elite Four Opener
Elena VS Grimsley: Battle in the Dark
Elena VS Caitlin: Battle of the Mind

Despite having defeated 3 out of the four Elite Four members easily, I felt a bit apprehensive heading into a battle with Marshal. The truth was, a had a feeling that he had some seriously bulky pokemon which would make it difficult for Maximum to succeed. Maximum was my best weapon against Marshal, and, provided I used Maximum correctly, I would be battling the champion in no time, the trick was, like with Caitlin, finding the correct time to send him in.

I quickly formed a rough strategy, then entered the room and faced Marshal. We both exchanged polite greetings, however, we both knew what I was here for. Marshal threw a poke ball, and a Throh appeared a pokemon that I owned myself.

Throh I knew, from experience, were super bulky. The problem was, I had a feeling that Maximum might fail to KO and if Maximum failed, then this match would be very short indeed. Realising that I just needed to weaken the thing, I decided to start as I did before with Caitlin, send in my best friend, the powerful Typhoon, and hope to slug it out.

From experience, I knew that most Throh relied on tanking hits, then striking back hard. Resolving to keep Typhoon at distance from Throh, I ordered a Surf attack. A powerful wave smashed into Throh however, as expected, the attack was shrugged off by Throh. Throh then charged in, picking up Typhoon and then hurling it a fair distance. The attack had done a fair bit of damage, but nothing too serious, so I ordered a second Surf. The wave roared toward Throh, who did not seem to be perturbed at all by the attack. Marshal barked an order and then Throh crouched low, before slamming its powerful fists into the ground causing the ground to tremble slightly and cave in. As part of the ground fell inwards, a small segment shot upwards letting Throh create a small earthen shield out of its Bulldoze attack, which it then crouched behind as the wave slammed into it. A wall of water slammed into Throhs basic earth shield however, using its famous strength, Throh held his shield steady against the rush of water, Behind his shield, Throh was immune to the power of the Surf, and calmly waited till the attack had been completed.

Marshals tactic had me stunned and I reacted slowly as Throh charged forward, slamming into Typhoon with its earth shield, and then picking Typhoon up and throwing it again. Typhoon bounced along the ground and fell in a heap. The attack had done massive damage but Typhoon was stronger, and managed to get upright. Throh slammed its fists into the ground again, forming his shield while Marshal smirked while I swore. Throh creating that damn shield was protecting a fighting types biggest weakness, dealing with long range attacks. By using the shield, I would have to take the fight to close quarters which would favour Throh. I gazed at Typhoon and then spotted something. Drawing hope from what I had seen, I ordered an Aqua Tail. Typhoon charged forwards, slamming its tail into the earth shield, shattering it. “Now Tempest, activate Torrent!” I called. Marshal swore as from close range Typhoon exploded in water, blinding Throh and pushing it back. Reeling from the sudden spray of water, Typhoon hammered it with a Surf from close range crushing Throh under the sheer weight and power of the water, knocking it out.

As Marshal considered his next move, I stared at Typhoon. It had not been the first time it had gone into Torrent range and I realised that, this Torrent boosted attack was stronger than previous attacks I had seen in my journey. Perhaps activating Torrent was like using an arm or a leg, something that got even stronger the more you used it. What was also interesting to me was that my friend appeared to be holding itself back slightly, as if afraid that unleashing Torrent would cause it to fully lose control of its powers. If I was correct in this, Typhoon could be even stronger than I suspected and unlocking its full potential could serve me well in the battles ahead.

As I pondered this, among other things, Marshal made his selection, and a Sawk appeared. Sawk entered the battle at full health so it very likely had Sturdy, I mused to myself. Deciding that I could need Torrent later in the match, I called Typhoon back, and sent out Photon. Marshal stared at the electric pokemon, apparently confused, before ordering a Retaliate.

Sawk charged, and lashed out with a firm punch that sent Photon rocking back on its heels before gathering itself and slamming into Sawk with a powerful electric blast. Sawk staggered backwards, and Photon vanished in a blaze of lighting, before Maximum appeared in its place.

Upon seeing my powerful Archeops Marshal let out a groan, he knew that he was screwed. Maximum swept forward, and then destroyed Sawk, before finishing off the Conkeldurr and Mienshao that came next due to its high powered Acrobatics attack. The Elite Four had been defeated, it was time for me to face the Champion and finish this challenge.
ninja, one complaint about your updates.
It keep saying gym leader's instead of elite 4, just thought you would like to know. Other then that these are indeed your level of excellent updates :P
I will be getting Pokemon Emerald soon. As is customary, I will do a Nuzlocke. I plan to start with Torchic. My nicknames may also be a bit weird.

Nicknames: I take the Pokemon, find the final evolution, take its Pokedex number, subtract 8, and find that Pokemon. So Torchic will be named Ho-Oh.

-All Stanard rules.
-No Gift Pokemon or legendaries.
-All Pokemon must be grinded 5 levels. No exceptions, other than Gift Pokemon and legendaries.
-If a Pokemon does not survive, it must make a trip to Sinnoh. (get migrated to Platinum.)
-If I fail to catch the first Pokemon, too bad.

Not gonna bother writing updates and such, just putting my Pokemon.

Torchic lv. 13
Nature: Quiet
-Focus Energy
Caught: Starter

Comments: Current 2nd place MVP. Obvious reasons.

Beautifly lv. 10
Nature: Adamant
-Poison Sting
-String Shot
Caught: Route 101

Comments: lol@Nature.

Zigzagoon lv. 4
Nature: Rash

Comments: Cut and Pickup slave.

Lombre lv. 16
Nature: Naughty
-Nature Power

Comments: MVP. Who knew Roxanne was so easy?

Taillow lv. 9
Nature: Modest
-Focus Energy

Comments: I seem to have really bad luck with Natures...

Nincada lv. 7
Nature: Jolly
-Leech Life

Comments: This makes up for Taillow's Nature I guess...


-lv. 4 Marill

Combusken lv. 19
Nature: Quiet
-Double Kick

Comments: Pretty solid. Peck is useful.

Zigzagoon lv. 4
Nature: Rash

Comments: lol

Lombre lv. 19
Nature: Naughty
-Fake Out
-Nature Power

Comments: Not as good now as he was. Wait until he gets Surf though.

Taillow lv. 19
Nature: Modest
-Quick Attack
-Wing Attack
-Double Team

Comments: I'm looking forward to evolution.

Ninjask lv. 19
Nature: Jolly
-Leech Life
-Fury Swipes
-Double Team
-Mind Reader

Comments: Sexy nature, sexy typing (against Brawly), Double Team, and Speed Boost. What's not to like?

Kadabra lv. 19
Nature: Bold

Comments: Very meh. Still, it was a lucky catch.

Boxed: lv. 4 Marill


lv. 10 Butterfree
Nature: Adamant
-Poison Sting

Comments: Died against Tentacool because of extreme Supersonic hax. I feel your pain Jimera0.
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