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The Beginning
Gym Battles Intensified
Team Recap
Elena VS Iris: Battle for the 8th Badge
Elena VS Shauntal: Elite Four Opener
Elena VS Grimsley: Battle in the Dark
Nickname list (for reference)
Typhoon: Samurott
Inferno: Darmanitan
Jude: Throh
Photon: Eelektross
Maximum: Archeops
Jenn: Scrafty
Caitlin was next on my list and dam she looked relaxed as I entered her room. Seemingly of her own accord, the curtains around her bed slid open, and she stood across from me. Focusing slightly, a poke ball flew off her belt, then opened in a blaze of white light. A Reuniclus appeared, and I knew that I could easily be in for a tough battle. As a Psychic Elite Four member, Jenn was my strongest weapon against her. Moxie could even force a rampage if Jenn roamed unchecked. The problem was, Caitlin was a member of the Elite Four, which meant she very likely had her Dark weakness checked. I checked over my team of friends, and realised that I had the perfect pokemon for Reuniclus. I tossed a ball, and my starter, the mighty Typhoon appeared. Typhoon gave a grunt seeing its opponent, but otherwise waited patiently for my order.
Seeing my choice, Caitlin smiled, then nodded to Reuniclus, giving its order via telepathy. Reuniclus glowed gold, and the air became charged with electricity. I swore, knowing the signs of an imminent Thunder attack. Suddenly there was a crackle of electricity, and then a bolt of lightning speared its way towards Typhoon. “Typhoon now, counter shield with Blizzard!” I yelled. The air became chill, and suddenly a blast of wintery air slammed into the lightning bolt, the two attacks cancelling each other out and creating a misty cloud around the battlefield. With the cloud obscuring my sight, I knew I had to attack fast, and quickly. Caitlin would be able to know the exact location of her own pokemon via there telepathic bond, and she very likely knew where my pokemon was better than I did. Typhoon charged deeper into the cloud, its horn glowing, and then there was a sickening crunch as the Megahorn struck its target.
Caitlin gave a cry as her pokemon flew backwards out of the cloud, when suddenly, a ball of green energy slammed into Typhoon, sending it flying out of the smoke cloud as well. Typhoon was hurt, however the Energy Ball had done much less than I had feared, and Reuniclus was on its last legs. Typhoon blasted a giant wave across the arena which picked up Reuniclus and casually carried it away, before slamming it hard against the nearby wall. The impact proved too much for Reuniclus, as it fainted.
With the defeat of her first pokemon, Caitlin appeared irritated. The edges of her hair twitched, and I wondered if she was losing control. A second later however, she closed her eyes, and then opened them again, calm once more. She selected a second pokeball from her belt, and casually tossed it into the air. A Sigilyph appeared and stared down Typhoon.
As Caitlin waited patiently as to whether I could switch or stay in, I considered the opposing pokemon. I had fought my fair share of Sigilyph in my time, and I knew they packed extreme power. The Energy Ball fired from Reuniclus had done a large amount of damage, and while I knew that Typhoon was bulky, it would be asking a lot of it to take on both Sigilyph and Reuniclus. I debated about sending out Jenn, it was pretty bulky, and I felt sure that it could survive a flying attack. Still, it was a risky move, and I felt that Jenn still might be needed, so I retreated to Photon. Photon had come a long way since I had first captured it in Chargestone Cave, it was now pretty bulky and, while slow, packed a punch. In addition, its electric attacks would be very useful here.
Caitlin’s eyes flashed at the sight but otherwise made no comment. Sigilyph glowed purple, then sent a blast of psychic power towards Photon. The Psychic struck home, and Photon gave a groan as the psychic waves twisted through its body. Then, just as suddenly as the attack had began, it cut off and Photon rallied, charging up its body with electrical power. “Volt Switch” I ordered and Photon glowed with golden light, before slamming into Sigilyph, before disappearing in a blaze of light.
To my amazement, Sigilyph did not faint to the powerful super effective hit, however, in the big scheme of things, this did not matter. Maximum appeared in the place of Photon, at full health and ready to KO something. Maximum was exceptionally fast, and I knew that it could handle a weakened Sigilyph with no problems. I ordered a Rock Slide and Maximum quickly finished off the psychic bird pokemon.
Two pokemon down, with all the momentium firmly on my side, Caitlin knew that she needed something good from her final two pokemon if she wanted to win. Her third pokemon was the bulky Musharna. Still in control, I decided it was time to bring in Jenn. Mucharna glowed purple, and a Psychic attack was blasted toward Maximum. However, my speedy Flying type was too fast, and charged in, slammed into Musharna with a powerful U-Turn, then disappeared and in its place stood Jenn, which easily shrugged off the Psychic attack, failing to take any damage.
Caitlin paused, then gave a light smile, and bowed. We both knew that the battle was over and that I had played the battle out almost flawlessly. With Musharna weakened, Jenn closed in and swiftly KOed with Crunch, gaining a Moxie boost. From there on, it quickly defeated Caitlins Gothitelle, absorbing a Thunderbolt and then striking back twice as hard with a Payback, ending the battle.
The battle was over. I could tell Caitlin was disappointed with how she had battled, but she was holding her anger in check. With nothing left to say, I left the room. Only one Elite Four member remained between me and the champion, it was time to deal with Marshal and from there, the Champion…