This is where I post updates for my HG Nuzlocke.
Badges: 7
Deaths: 2
Nickname theme:
All standard rules plus...
-Gift Pokemon may be received, but must be boxed and never used during the run.
-Togepi is a gift Pokemon.
-Game Corner Pokemon are not gift Pokemon. However, as per restriction, I can only get one Pokemon at each Game Corner.
-Legendaries fall into the same boat as gift Pokemon.
-Sudowoodo, Snorlax, and the Red Gyarados fall into the same boat as legendaries.
-My Pokemon must not be higher leveled than the next Gym Leader/Champion's highest leveled Pokemon.
-Gift Pokemon may be received, but must be boxed and never used during the run.
-Togepi is a gift Pokemon.
-Game Corner Pokemon are not gift Pokemon. However, as per restriction, I can only get one Pokemon at each Game Corner.
-Legendaries fall into the same boat as gift Pokemon.
-Sudowoodo, Snorlax, and the Red Gyarados fall into the same boat as legendaries.
-My Pokemon must not be higher leveled than the next Gym Leader/Champion's highest leveled Pokemon.
AHHHHH!!!.........I'm shrinking!
Elm talks to me. "Hi, what's your name?" I call myself Nuzlock (stupid 7-character limit), since that is what I am here to do. Oh, he has a Pokemon for me? How nice. I guess I'll take Cyndaquil. Oh, a nickname? What about Smogon? Yeah.
Smogon the lv. 5 Cyndaquil
Nature: Quiet <----(fail)
All right! I have no Pokeballs, so the first Pokemon I see, I will have to come back and catch. I see... a Pidgey. All right! I go to Cherrygrove now. Oh look! The guide gentelman! OOH! Running Shoes!
I proceed to see which Pokemon I have to catch in Route 30...
I encounter a level 3 Caterpie.
*kills it*
*5 Pidgey and 10 Caterpie later*
Oh, Mr. Pokemon's house! You want me to take thispiece of crap egg back to Elm? Certainly! *cough* derp *cough*
Oh, a red-haired boy! I will battle him!
*proceeds to 2HKO his Totodile*
That was easy.
*heads back to lab*
The police guy gives me the opportunity to name that red-haired dude. I think I'll call him DRDEK.
Lyra teaches my character how to catch Pokemon. Whatever.
*5million Sentret later*
*catches a lv. 2 Pidgey*
Aeolus the lv. 2 Pidgey
Bashful Nature
On to Route 30!
*catches a Caterpie*
Oglemi the lv. 3 Caterpie
Rash Nature
-String Shot
Let's defeat all the trainers in Routes 30 and 31 with Smogon!
*does so*
Holy crap! Oglemi is evolving! Oglemi evolved into Butterfree.
Now let's see what we get on Route 31, since before I only encountered Pidgeys and Caterpies.
*10 Caterpie later*
A wild Bellsprout appeared!
*catches it*
Great Sage the lv.3 Bellsprout
-Vine Whip
That's great. Maybe it'll be a Cut slave...
Let's go to Sprout Tower!
*Wild Rattata appeared!*
Bloo the lv. 4 Ratatta
-Quick Attack
Another HM slave... Great.
*Solos tower with Oglemi.*
Oglemi is evolving again! Oglemi is now a Butterfree!
I head into the Gym...
Trainer 1: Easy solo for Smogon
Trainer 2: Easy solo for Smogon
Falkner: I lead with Oglemi as he leads with Pidgey. Easy 2HKO as Oglemi takes 3 damdge from Tackle. Then I switch to Smogon for some Ember spamming. Pidgeotto comes in, takes a few Embers, Gusts me a few times, Roosts a few times, and is now on super low HP. That was Falkner's mistake, because he should have Roosted earlier. I Quick Attack for the KO. Then Smogon evolves. :)
Badges: 1
Team Members: 5
Deaths: 0
From MVP to LVP:
Smogon the lv. 14 Quilava
-Quick Attack
Could have soloed Falkner. Too bad...
Oglemi the lv. 10 Butterfree
-String Shot
Soloed Sprout Tower, took down Falkner's Pidgey. Last run my Butterfree took 11 damage from Falkner's Pidgeotto's Gust. 11 damage from a super-effective attack. That's insane.
Bloo the lv. 4 Ratatta
-Quick Attack
-Rock Smash
HM slave... sigh...
Great Sage the lv. 3 Bellsprout
-Vine Whip
Ratatta is a better HM slave even...
Aeolus the lv. 2 Pidgey
Didn't train him at all. sigh. At least he's a good Fly slave.
Elm talks to me. "Hi, what's your name?" I call myself Nuzlock (stupid 7-character limit), since that is what I am here to do. Oh, he has a Pokemon for me? How nice. I guess I'll take Cyndaquil. Oh, a nickname? What about Smogon? Yeah.
Smogon the lv. 5 Cyndaquil
Nature: Quiet <----(fail)
All right! I have no Pokeballs, so the first Pokemon I see, I will have to come back and catch. I see... a Pidgey. All right! I go to Cherrygrove now. Oh look! The guide gentelman! OOH! Running Shoes!
I proceed to see which Pokemon I have to catch in Route 30...
I encounter a level 3 Caterpie.
*kills it*
*5 Pidgey and 10 Caterpie later*
Oh, Mr. Pokemon's house! You want me to take this
Oh, a red-haired boy! I will battle him!
*proceeds to 2HKO his Totodile*
That was easy.
*heads back to lab*
The police guy gives me the opportunity to name that red-haired dude. I think I'll call him DRDEK.
Lyra teaches my character how to catch Pokemon. Whatever.
*catches a lv. 2 Pidgey*
Aeolus the lv. 2 Pidgey
Bashful Nature
On to Route 30!
*catches a Caterpie*
Oglemi the lv. 3 Caterpie
Rash Nature
-String Shot
Let's defeat all the trainers in Routes 30 and 31 with Smogon!
*does so*
Holy crap! Oglemi is evolving! Oglemi evolved into Butterfree.
Now let's see what we get on Route 31, since before I only encountered Pidgeys and Caterpies.
*10 Caterpie later*
A wild Bellsprout appeared!
*catches it*
Great Sage the lv.3 Bellsprout
-Vine Whip
That's great. Maybe it'll be a Cut slave...
Let's go to Sprout Tower!
*Wild Rattata appeared!*
Bloo the lv. 4 Ratatta
-Quick Attack
Another HM slave... Great.
*Solos tower with Oglemi.*
Oglemi is evolving again! Oglemi is now a Butterfree!
I head into the Gym...
Trainer 1: Easy solo for Smogon
Trainer 2: Easy solo for Smogon
Falkner: I lead with Oglemi as he leads with Pidgey. Easy 2HKO as Oglemi takes 3 damdge from Tackle. Then I switch to Smogon for some Ember spamming. Pidgeotto comes in, takes a few Embers, Gusts me a few times, Roosts a few times, and is now on super low HP. That was Falkner's mistake, because he should have Roosted earlier. I Quick Attack for the KO. Then Smogon evolves. :)
Badges: 1
Team Members: 5
Deaths: 0
From MVP to LVP:
Smogon the lv. 14 Quilava
-Quick Attack
Could have soloed Falkner. Too bad...
Oglemi the lv. 10 Butterfree
-String Shot
Soloed Sprout Tower, took down Falkner's Pidgey. Last run my Butterfree took 11 damage from Falkner's Pidgeotto's Gust. 11 damage from a super-effective attack. That's insane.
Bloo the lv. 4 Ratatta
-Quick Attack
-Rock Smash
HM slave... sigh...
Great Sage the lv. 3 Bellsprout
-Vine Whip
Ratatta is a better HM slave even...
Aeolus the lv. 2 Pidgey
Didn't train him at all. sigh. At least he's a good Fly slave.
On to Route 32!
...Wait what do you mean I have to pick up that egg? Screw that egg, it's a gift Pokemon...Fine, I'll take it, if only for the Everstone later...
Time to head out to Route 32! I first have to do something...
*uses Repel*
Oh wow, I only need one Repel for this Route? Great! Time to get that Old Rod and catch myself a future powerhouse!
*Wild Magikarp appeared!*
Oglemi Sleeps it, then knoks it down to yellow health. Pokeball is thrown, Magikarp is caught!
tennisace the lv. 10 Magikarp
On to finish Route 32!
*a couple of trainers later...*
Union Cave! Yay for Geodude!
*Wild Sandshrew appeared!*
Fuck this game.
I go through Union Cave, which has the most underleveled Pokemon ever. Then I go through Route 33 and to Azalea.
Kurt wants me to help him in Slowpoke Well? OK then.
You broke your back? There's a ladder goddamnit!
*Fishes up Vader the Goldeen*
Nice HM slave...
*solos TR Grunts (TR derps from now on) with Oglemi*
-Proton leads with Zubat. Oglemi OHKOs with Confusion.
-Proton sends out Koffing. Oglemi OHKOs with Confusion.
Wow. That was easy.
Time to grind in the gym.
tennisace is Level 16, Oglemi 14, Smogon 17. Let's go.
-Bugsy leads with Scyther. I lead with tennisace.
-tennisace takes a U-Turn and Tackles Metapod.
-Switch to Smogon as Metapod tackles.
-Switch back to tennisace as Kakuna comes out.
-Switch to Oglemi, who takes a Poison Sting.
-Switch back to tennisace.
-Scyther comes out.
-Smogon takes a U-Turn on the way in.
-Smogon takes another U-Turn.
-tennisace levels up.
-Smogon levels up.
-Hive Badge get!
Current Team (MVP to LVP):
Smogon the lv. 18 Quilava
-Quick Attack
Could have soloed Bugsy if I felt like letting it.
Oglemi the lv. 14 Butterfree
-String Shot
Completely beast. Took down all those TR derps.
tennisace the lv. 17 Magikarp
Taking attacks and doing nothing like a true derp would.
Bloo the lv. 4 Ratatta
-Quick Attack
-Rock Smash
HM slave... sigh...
Aeolus the lv. 2 Pidgey
Didn't train him at all. sigh. At least he's a good Fly slave.
Vader the lv. 10 Goldeen
(stupid moveset)
Another HM slave. At least more useful Pokemon are coming.
...Wait what do you mean I have to pick up that egg? Screw that egg, it's a gift Pokemon...Fine, I'll take it, if only for the Everstone later...
Time to head out to Route 32! I first have to do something...
*uses Repel*
Oh wow, I only need one Repel for this Route? Great! Time to get that Old Rod and catch myself a future powerhouse!
*Wild Magikarp appeared!*
Oglemi Sleeps it, then knoks it down to yellow health. Pokeball is thrown, Magikarp is caught!
tennisace the lv. 10 Magikarp
On to finish Route 32!
*a couple of trainers later...*
Union Cave! Yay for Geodude!
*Wild Sandshrew appeared!*
Fuck this game.
I go through Union Cave, which has the most underleveled Pokemon ever. Then I go through Route 33 and to Azalea.
Kurt wants me to help him in Slowpoke Well? OK then.
You broke your back? There's a ladder goddamnit!
*Fishes up Vader the Goldeen*
Nice HM slave...
*solos TR Grunts (TR derps from now on) with Oglemi*
-Proton leads with Zubat. Oglemi OHKOs with Confusion.
-Proton sends out Koffing. Oglemi OHKOs with Confusion.
Wow. That was easy.
Time to grind in the gym.
tennisace is Level 16, Oglemi 14, Smogon 17. Let's go.
-Bugsy leads with Scyther. I lead with tennisace.
-tennisace takes a U-Turn and Tackles Metapod.
-Switch to Smogon as Metapod tackles.
-Switch back to tennisace as Kakuna comes out.
-Switch to Oglemi, who takes a Poison Sting.
-Switch back to tennisace.
-Scyther comes out.
-Smogon takes a U-Turn on the way in.
-Smogon takes another U-Turn.
-tennisace levels up.
-Smogon levels up.
-Hive Badge get!
Current Team (MVP to LVP):
Smogon the lv. 18 Quilava
-Quick Attack
Could have soloed Bugsy if I felt like letting it.
Oglemi the lv. 14 Butterfree
-String Shot
Completely beast. Took down all those TR derps.

tennisace the lv. 17 Magikarp
Taking attacks and doing nothing like a true derp would.
Bloo the lv. 4 Ratatta
-Quick Attack
-Rock Smash
HM slave... sigh...
Aeolus the lv. 2 Pidgey
Didn't train him at all. sigh. At least he's a good Fly slave.

Vader the lv. 10 Goldeen
(stupid moveset)
Another HM slave. At least more useful Pokemon are coming.
From now on, I will just summarize what happens each chapter since I'm too lazy to write.
-Exits Azalea Gym.
-Runs into Rival DRDEK.
-Oglemi OHKOs Gastly.
-Oglemi OHKOs Zubat.
-Oglemi Sleeps Croconaw.
-Proceed to 8HKO.
-That was easy.
-Goes into Ilex Forest.
-Catches Paras.
-Annoying Farfetch'd thing...
-Gets Cut, teaches Cut to Bloo.
-Gets through Ilex after teaching Smogon Headbutt.
-Gets TM12 Taunt.
-Wild Abra appeared the moment I step into the grass on Route 34.
-Sleeps and catches it.
-Names it Alaka.
-Goes into the Daycare.
-Lyra's Grandma is just perverted...
-Checks PC.
-Withdraws Alaka, who is holding a TwistedSpoon (5% chance), is male, and has a Bold nature.
-But first, on to the Goldenrod Game Corner!
-10 minutes later, I have King S the Dratini.
-Goes into Gym.
-Defeats lackeys.
-Challenges Whitney.
The challenger stares down Whitney, and throws his Pokeball. Out comes a Quilava. Whitney sends out her Clefairy. Smogon the Quilava 2HKOs Clefairy with Ember as Clefairy decides to DoubleSlap for 8 Damage. Then the challenger switches to his Butterfree, Oglemi. Whitney sends out her Miltank, which does massive damage with Rollout. Oglemi launches some powder filled with narcotics, but the cow Miltank eats its Lum Berry. Miltank then tries another Rollout, which is aimed at tennisace the Magikarp. It then tries another one, but misses. It then decides to start Stomping. After a while of going back and forth and healing, Challenger Nuzlock decides he can stall no longer, and heals Oglemi. He then switches to his prepared death fodder, Haunter the Unown, for a free switch-in. Haunter is obliterated by a Stomp, and Nuzlock mourns his death. However, it did not die for nothing. Oglemi comes in, tanks a Rollout, and puts Whitney's cow into a drug-induced coma. He then switches to King S the Dratini. King S has a secret ace-Dragon Rage. Dragon Rage 2HKOs Miltank, which fails to wake up, at Whitney's dismay. The second Dragon Rage takes the cow down and out. Whitney cries at her own defeat, but finally she decides to give Nuzlock the Plain Badge, and TM45 Attract, which is useless. Nuzlock buries Haunter in his PC and moves on.
-Exits Azalea Gym.
-Runs into Rival DRDEK.
-Oglemi OHKOs Gastly.
-Oglemi OHKOs Zubat.
-Oglemi Sleeps Croconaw.
-Proceed to 8HKO.
-That was easy.
-Goes into Ilex Forest.
-Catches Paras.
-Annoying Farfetch'd thing...
-Gets Cut, teaches Cut to Bloo.
-Gets through Ilex after teaching Smogon Headbutt.
-Gets TM12 Taunt.
-Wild Abra appeared the moment I step into the grass on Route 34.
-Sleeps and catches it.
-Names it Alaka.
-Goes into the Daycare.
-Lyra's Grandma is just perverted...
-Checks PC.
-Withdraws Alaka, who is holding a TwistedSpoon (5% chance), is male, and has a Bold nature.
-But first, on to the Goldenrod Game Corner!
-10 minutes later, I have King S the Dratini.
-Goes into Gym.
-Defeats lackeys.
-Challenges Whitney.
The challenger stares down Whitney, and throws his Pokeball. Out comes a Quilava. Whitney sends out her Clefairy. Smogon the Quilava 2HKOs Clefairy with Ember as Clefairy decides to DoubleSlap for 8 Damage. Then the challenger switches to his Butterfree, Oglemi. Whitney sends out her Miltank, which does massive damage with Rollout. Oglemi launches some powder filled with narcotics, but the cow Miltank eats its Lum Berry. Miltank then tries another Rollout, which is aimed at tennisace the Magikarp. It then tries another one, but misses. It then decides to start Stomping. After a while of going back and forth and healing, Challenger Nuzlock decides he can stall no longer, and heals Oglemi. He then switches to his prepared death fodder, Haunter the Unown, for a free switch-in. Haunter is obliterated by a Stomp, and Nuzlock mourns his death. However, it did not die for nothing. Oglemi comes in, tanks a Rollout, and puts Whitney's cow into a drug-induced coma. He then switches to King S the Dratini. King S has a secret ace-Dragon Rage. Dragon Rage 2HKOs Miltank, which fails to wake up, at Whitney's dismay. The second Dragon Rage takes the cow down and out. Whitney cries at her own defeat, but finally she decides to give Nuzlock the Plain Badge, and TM45 Attract, which is useless. Nuzlock buries Haunter in his PC and moves on.
-Starts in Goldenrod.
-Realizes I didn't catch anything Route 33.
-Headbutts a tree.
-Lv. 4 Heracross appears.
-Welcome to the team PK Gaming!
-Enters the Bug Catching Contest.
-Steps into grass.
-Finds a Scyther.
-Rather redundant with Heracross, but welcome to the team Philip7086!
-Waters and catches Jimera the Sudowoodo.
-Boxes Jimera because he is one of the "Overworld Pokemon", which I have banned.
-Time to grind for Morty.
-tennisace is a bitch to grind.
-Buys the TM for Swords Dance at Game Corner.
-Teaches it to Philip7086.
-Challenges Morty
The challenger Nuzlock stares down Morty, as he sends out Gastly. Philip7086 is sent out, and immediately uses Agility and 3 Swords Dances as Gastly pitifully Licks away. Nuzlock uses a Super Potion, followed by a Paralyz Heal, then Pursuits Gastly to death. Gengar appears. Pursuit OHKOs. Haunter appears. Pursuit OHKOs. Haunter appears. Pursuit OHKOs. Morty appears. Pursuit OHKOs. (loljk) FOG BADGE GET!!!
-Realizes I didn't catch anything Route 33.
-Headbutts a tree.
-Lv. 4 Heracross appears.
-Welcome to the team PK Gaming!
-Enters the Bug Catching Contest.
-Steps into grass.
-Finds a Scyther.
-Rather redundant with Heracross, but welcome to the team Philip7086!
-Waters and catches Jimera the Sudowoodo.
-Boxes Jimera because he is one of the "Overworld Pokemon", which I have banned.
-Time to grind for Morty.
-tennisace is a bitch to grind.
-Buys the TM for Swords Dance at Game Corner.
-Teaches it to Philip7086.
-Challenges Morty
The challenger Nuzlock stares down Morty, as he sends out Gastly. Philip7086 is sent out, and immediately uses Agility and 3 Swords Dances as Gastly pitifully Licks away. Nuzlock uses a Super Potion, followed by a Paralyz Heal, then Pursuits Gastly to death. Gengar appears. Pursuit OHKOs. Haunter appears. Pursuit OHKOs. Haunter appears. Pursuit OHKOs. Morty appears. Pursuit OHKOs. (loljk) FOG BADGE GET!!!
-Exits Ecruteak to the west.
-Makes it through Route 38.
-Makes it through Route 39.
-This girl gives me a call.
-A guy gave her something...
-It was a Thunderstone, which she gave to me!
-But first, the Lighthouse!
-Finishes Lighthouse.
-Grinds, and evolves tennisace. (Finally!)
-On to Route 40!
-Wild Tentacruel.
-Many near-death experiences.
-Screw this...
-Puts Alaka in the lead position.
-Alaka is level 28 at the end of the route, everyone else is ~level 23.
-Time to grind Philip7086.
-Easily beats gym trainers.
-Challenges Chuck.
-Rock Slide OHKOs Philip7086.
-Challenges Chuck again.
The challenger Nuzlock faces down the leader, Chuck. Chuck chucks down his Primape's Pokeball, as Nuzlock sends out Alaka. Alaka lets loose a terrifying Psybeam at Primape, who faints in one hit. Then the challenger switches out to his Scyther, Philip7086. Scyther dances with his Swords once, getting hit by a ridiculously weak Focus Punch from Poliwrath. It then proceeds to 2HKO with Wing Attack. As a last resort, Poliwrath launches a Surf, but it does not KO Scyther, as Wing Attack KOs Poliwrath. STORM BADGE GET!!!
-Makes it through Route 38.
-Makes it through Route 39.
-This girl gives me a call.
-A guy gave her something...
-It was a Thunderstone, which she gave to me!
-But first, the Lighthouse!
-Finishes Lighthouse.
-Grinds, and evolves tennisace. (Finally!)
-On to Route 40!
-Wild Tentacruel.
-Many near-death experiences.
-Screw this...
-Puts Alaka in the lead position.
-Alaka is level 28 at the end of the route, everyone else is ~level 23.
-Time to grind Philip7086.
-Easily beats gym trainers.
-Challenges Chuck.
-Rock Slide OHKOs Philip7086.
-Challenges Chuck again.
The challenger Nuzlock faces down the leader, Chuck. Chuck chucks down his Primape's Pokeball, as Nuzlock sends out Alaka. Alaka lets loose a terrifying Psybeam at Primape, who faints in one hit. Then the challenger switches out to his Scyther, Philip7086. Scyther dances with his Swords once, getting hit by a ridiculously weak Focus Punch from Poliwrath. It then proceeds to 2HKO with Wing Attack. As a last resort, Poliwrath launches a Surf, but it does not KO Scyther, as Wing Attack KOs Poliwrath. STORM BADGE GET!!!
-Leaves Cianwood.
-Flies on Aeolus to Olivine.
-Delivers the medicine.
-Unlocked Safari Zone.
-Went through Route 47 and 48.
-Gets to the Safari Zone.
-Goes back to Olivine.
-Everyone is now lv. 26.
-Challenges Jasmine.
The challenger Nuzlock faces down the leader, Jasmine. Jasmine tosses out a Magnemite, which is promptly OHKOed by PK Gaming's Brick Break. The next Magnemite also meets the same fate. Then Steelix comes out as Nuzlock swaps to Smogon, who launches a Fire Blast, which melts the iron snake, reforming it into a more pure form of iron with all the hematite removed. (Technically if you remove the hematite there'd be nothing left, but whatever.) Steelix is OHKOed and forged into a sword, with which Nuzlocke kills Jasmine with (lol jk). MINERAL BADGE GET!!!
(Next chapter, something WILL die.)
-Flies on Aeolus to Olivine.
-Delivers the medicine.
-Unlocked Safari Zone.
-Went through Route 47 and 48.
-Gets to the Safari Zone.
-Goes back to Olivine.
-Everyone is now lv. 26.
-Challenges Jasmine.
The challenger Nuzlock faces down the leader, Jasmine. Jasmine tosses out a Magnemite, which is promptly OHKOed by PK Gaming's Brick Break. The next Magnemite also meets the same fate. Then Steelix comes out as Nuzlock swaps to Smogon, who launches a Fire Blast, which melts the iron snake, reforming it into a more pure form of iron with all the hematite removed. (Technically if you remove the hematite there'd be nothing left, but whatever.) Steelix is OHKOed and forged into a sword, with which Nuzlocke kills Jasmine with (lol jk). MINERAL BADGE GET!!!
(Next chapter, something WILL die.)
-Flies to Ecruteak.
-Gets out Vader.
-Surfs to Mahogany.
-Sees Suicune,and that weird Eusine guy.
-Battles some ridiculously weak trainers.
-Goes up Route 43.
-Catches a Girafarig.
-Goes into the Lake of Rage.
-Catches RGB the Shiny Gyarados, who is my first encounter in Lake of Rage, so I don't need to box him.
-I do anyways, because tennisace has EVs. (Suck on his lime cock!)
-Meets Lance.
-Goes into the Rocket Hideout.
-Triggers an alarm.
-Disables the alarms.
-WTF??? The wild Geodude and Koffing traps are lv. 21, and the grunts' Pokemon are levels 17-20 lol.
-Geodude blows himself up on PK Gaming.
-Time to run from more wild encounters, I don't want anyone to die.
-Goes into the lower floor.
-Gets the two passwords from two different Team RocketGrunts Derps. (really?)
-Goes into Petrel's office.
-Gets the password to the Electrode room via Murkrow.
-Beats up Petrel with Alaka.
-Enters the Electrode room, only to be ambushed by Ariana and a Derp.
-Level 40 Dragonite? Oh, fine...
-Catches an Electrode, faints the rest.
-Gets through Gym.
Before I summarize my challenge of Pryce, I would like you to know that death will happen soon. If you do not wish to see that death, close this hide tag.
The challenger Nuzlock faces down the leader, Pryce. Nuzlock releases his Scyther, Philip7086. Pryce, having heard of what happened to Morty, sends out Seel and whispers to it. Nuzlock overhears, "...Once you get it up, die." He orders Philip7086 to set up on the helpless Seel, 2 Swords Dances should suffice. Seel then sets up Hail, and Philip7086 Swords Dances. Seel then uses Rest, healing off the 6% it took from Hail damage. (It's only Water-type) Philip7086 proceeds to annihilate both Seel and Dewgong with Wing Attack, but fails to take out Piloswine as it eats a Blizzard.
Hail is still up.
Piloswine has Snow Cloak.
Wing Attack missed...
And Philip7086 fell to Blizzard.
PK Gaming came in and revenged his fellow Bug-type.
If I had grinded a little more, it would have OHKOed that Piloswine...
Forgive me Philip7086...
Philip7086 the Scyther
Caught: Chapter 4
Defeated: Morty, Chuck's Poliwrath
Died: Chapter 8, at Level 25
Died because: Wing Attack missed.
EDIT: Now that I do the calcs, it seems that Philip7086 had a 35% chance of OHKOing...
EDIT 2: NVM, the calc assumes Technician...
-Gets out Vader.
-Surfs to Mahogany.
-Sees Suicune,and that weird Eusine guy.
-Battles some ridiculously weak trainers.
-Goes up Route 43.
-Catches a Girafarig.
-Goes into the Lake of Rage.
-Catches RGB the Shiny Gyarados, who is my first encounter in Lake of Rage, so I don't need to box him.
-I do anyways, because tennisace has EVs. (Suck on his lime cock!)
-Meets Lance.
-Goes into the Rocket Hideout.
-Triggers an alarm.
-Disables the alarms.
-WTF??? The wild Geodude and Koffing traps are lv. 21, and the grunts' Pokemon are levels 17-20 lol.
-Geodude blows himself up on PK Gaming.
-Time to run from more wild encounters, I don't want anyone to die.
-Goes into the lower floor.
-Gets the two passwords from two different Team Rocket
-Goes into Petrel's office.
-Gets the password to the Electrode room via Murkrow.
-Beats up Petrel with Alaka.
-Enters the Electrode room, only to be ambushed by Ariana and a Derp.
-Level 40 Dragonite? Oh, fine...
-Catches an Electrode, faints the rest.
-Gets through Gym.
Before I summarize my challenge of Pryce, I would like you to know that death will happen soon. If you do not wish to see that death, close this hide tag.
The challenger Nuzlock faces down the leader, Pryce. Nuzlock releases his Scyther, Philip7086. Pryce, having heard of what happened to Morty, sends out Seel and whispers to it. Nuzlock overhears, "...Once you get it up, die." He orders Philip7086 to set up on the helpless Seel, 2 Swords Dances should suffice. Seel then sets up Hail, and Philip7086 Swords Dances. Seel then uses Rest, healing off the 6% it took from Hail damage. (It's only Water-type) Philip7086 proceeds to annihilate both Seel and Dewgong with Wing Attack, but fails to take out Piloswine as it eats a Blizzard.
Hail is still up.
Piloswine has Snow Cloak.
Wing Attack missed...
And Philip7086 fell to Blizzard.
PK Gaming came in and revenged his fellow Bug-type.
If I had grinded a little more, it would have OHKOed that Piloswine...
Forgive me Philip7086...
Philip7086 the Scyther
Caught: Chapter 4
Defeated: Morty, Chuck's Poliwrath
Died: Chapter 8, at Level 25
Died because: Wing Attack missed.
EDIT: Now that I do the calcs, it seems that Philip7086 had a 35% chance of OHKOing...
EDIT 2: NVM, the calc assumes Technician...
-Got a call about Team Rocket.
-Thought I would try to replace Philip7086.
-Pulled out aesoft the Magnemite.
-Gave it the EXP Share.
-Time to dominate some Rockets!
-Sneaks into Radio Tower.
-Oh come on, DRDEK...
-At least theGrunt Derp gave aesoft EXP.
-Beats up all the Grunts.
-Comes to Petrel.
-Koffing comes out. Alaka OHKOs.
-Rinse and repeat 4 more times.
-Rinse and repeat, except now with a Weezing instead of a Koffing.
-Gets the Basement Key.
-Finds the Director.
-Gets up to Petrel.
-Alaka sweeps him.
-PK Gaming is brought down to 8 HP with a crit from Ariana. (Pretty good because it has a Mild nature.)
-Switches in Alaka into Arbok.
-I forgot it had Crunch.
-That Bold nature sure helped.
-Alaka hangs on with 11 HP.
-Time to heal.
-Challenges Archer.
-PK Gaming OHKOs Houndour.
-Alaka OHKOs Weezing.
-tennisace Intimidates Houndoom.
-Houndoom is 4HKOed by Dragon Rage...
-Faint Attack crits...
-tennisace lives with 6 HP.
-tennisace lands the finishing blow.
-Goes through Route 44.
-Gets to the Ice Path.
-Catches ItsARandom the Swinub.
-Gets HM07 Waterfall.
-tennisace finally gets a Physical STAB.
-Gets to the Strength puzzle.
-I remembered my last HG run.
-Solves the Strength puzzle.
-Exits into Blackthorn.
-Now everyone is Level 40.
-Enters Clair's Gym.
-tennisace proceeds to own her lackeys.
-Challenges Clair.
The challenger and the leader square off...
Next chapter.
Wait, what do you mean I can't do that? Well, too bad. Besides, you don't want to see deaths in consecutive episodes, right?
-Thought I would try to replace Philip7086.
-Pulled out aesoft the Magnemite.
-Gave it the EXP Share.
-Time to dominate some Rockets!
-Sneaks into Radio Tower.
-Oh come on, DRDEK...
-At least the
-Beats up all the Grunts.
-Comes to Petrel.
-Koffing comes out. Alaka OHKOs.
-Rinse and repeat 4 more times.
-Rinse and repeat, except now with a Weezing instead of a Koffing.
-Gets the Basement Key.
-Finds the Director.
-Gets up to Petrel.
-Alaka sweeps him.
-PK Gaming is brought down to 8 HP with a crit from Ariana. (Pretty good because it has a Mild nature.)
-Switches in Alaka into Arbok.
-I forgot it had Crunch.
-That Bold nature sure helped.
-Alaka hangs on with 11 HP.
-Time to heal.
-Challenges Archer.
-PK Gaming OHKOs Houndour.
-Alaka OHKOs Weezing.
-tennisace Intimidates Houndoom.
-Houndoom is 4HKOed by Dragon Rage...
-Faint Attack crits...
-tennisace lives with 6 HP.
-tennisace lands the finishing blow.
-Goes through Route 44.
-Gets to the Ice Path.
-Catches ItsARandom the Swinub.
-Gets HM07 Waterfall.
-tennisace finally gets a Physical STAB.
-Gets to the Strength puzzle.
-I remembered my last HG run.
-Solves the Strength puzzle.
-Exits into Blackthorn.
-Now everyone is Level 40.
-Enters Clair's Gym.
-tennisace proceeds to own her lackeys.
-Challenges Clair.
The challenger and the leader square off...
Next chapter.
Wait, what do you mean I can't do that? Well, too bad. Besides, you don't want to see deaths in consecutive episodes, right?
tennisace the lv. 40 Gyarados-Route 32 (I repeled the rest of the route.)
PK Gaming the lv. 40 Heracross-Route 33 <-----(How lucky am I?)
Alaka the lv. 40 Kadabra-Route 34
Smogon the lv. 40 Typhlosion-New Bark Town
King S the lv. 40 Dragonair-Goldenrod Game Corner
Rotating between:
-ItsARandom the lv. 40 Piloswine-Ice Path
-aesoft the lv. 40 Magneton-Route 39
PK Gaming the lv. 40 Heracross-Route 33 <-----(How lucky am I?)
Alaka the lv. 40 Kadabra-Route 34
Smogon the lv. 40 Typhlosion-New Bark Town
King S the lv. 40 Dragonair-Goldenrod Game Corner
Rotating between:
-ItsARandom the lv. 40 Piloswine-Ice Path
-aesoft the lv. 40 Magneton-Route 39
Badges: 7
Deaths: 2
HM Slaves and useless shit.
Haunter the lv. 5 Unown-healfodder in Whitney battle
Philip7086 the lv. 25 Scyther-Snow Cloak. MEH.
Philip7086 the lv. 25 Scyther-Snow Cloak. MEH.
Nickname theme: