Challenge Nuzlocke Challenge

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This is where I post updates for my HG Nuzlocke.

All standard rules plus...

-Gift Pokemon may be received, but must be boxed and never used during the run.
-Togepi is a gift Pokemon.
-Game Corner Pokemon are not gift Pokemon. However, as per restriction, I can only get one Pokemon at each Game Corner.
-Legendaries fall into the same boat as gift Pokemon.
-Sudowoodo, Snorlax, and the Red Gyarados fall into the same boat as legendaries.
-My Pokemon must not be higher leveled than the next Gym Leader/Champion's highest leveled Pokemon.

AHHHHH!!!.........I'm shrinking!

Elm talks to me. "Hi, what's your name?" I call myself Nuzlock (stupid 7-character limit), since that is what I am here to do. Oh, he has a Pokemon for me? How nice. I guess I'll take Cyndaquil. Oh, a nickname? What about Smogon? Yeah.


Smogon the lv. 5 Cyndaquil
Nature: Quiet <----(fail)

All right! I have no Pokeballs, so the first Pokemon I see, I will have to come back and catch. I see... a Pidgey. All right! I go to Cherrygrove now. Oh look! The guide gentelman! OOH! Running Shoes!

I proceed to see which Pokemon I have to catch in Route 30...

I encounter a level 3 Caterpie.

*kills it*

*5 Pidgey and 10 Caterpie later*

Oh, Mr. Pokemon's house! You want me to take this piece of crap egg back to Elm? Certainly! *cough* derp *cough*

Oh, a red-haired boy! I will battle him!

*proceeds to 2HKO his Totodile*

That was easy.

*heads back to lab*

The police guy gives me the opportunity to name that red-haired dude. I think I'll call him DRDEK.

Lyra teaches my character how to catch Pokemon. Whatever.

*5 million Sentret later*

*catches a lv. 2 Pidgey*


Aeolus the lv. 2 Pidgey
Bashful Nature

On to Route 30!

*catches a Caterpie*


Oglemi the lv. 3 Caterpie
Rash Nature
-String Shot

Let's defeat all the trainers in Routes 30 and 31 with Smogon!

*does so*

Holy crap! Oglemi is evolving! Oglemi evolved into Butterfree.

Now let's see what we get on Route 31, since before I only encountered Pidgeys and Caterpies.

*10 Caterpie later*

A wild Bellsprout appeared!

*catches it*


Great Sage the lv.3 Bellsprout
-Vine Whip

That's great. Maybe it'll be a Cut slave...

Let's go to Sprout Tower!

*Wild Rattata appeared!*


Bloo the lv. 4 Ratatta
-Quick Attack

Another HM slave... Great.

*Solos tower with Oglemi.*

Oglemi is evolving again! Oglemi is now a Butterfree!

I head into the Gym...

Trainer 1: Easy solo for Smogon
Trainer 2: Easy solo for Smogon

Falkner: I lead with Oglemi as he leads with Pidgey. Easy 2HKO as Oglemi takes 3 damdge from Tackle. Then I switch to Smogon for some Ember spamming. Pidgeotto comes in, takes a few Embers, Gusts me a few times, Roosts a few times, and is now on super low HP. That was Falkner's mistake, because he should have Roosted earlier. I Quick Attack for the KO. Then Smogon evolves. :)

Badges: 1
Team Members: 5
Deaths: 0

From MVP to LVP:


Smogon the lv. 14 Quilava
-Quick Attack

Could have soloed Falkner. Too bad...


Oglemi the lv. 10 Butterfree
-String Shot

Soloed Sprout Tower, took down Falkner's Pidgey. Last run my Butterfree took 11 damage from Falkner's Pidgeotto's Gust. 11 damage from a super-effective attack. That's insane.


Bloo the lv. 4 Ratatta
-Quick Attack
-Rock Smash

HM slave... sigh...


Great Sage the lv. 3 Bellsprout
-Vine Whip

Ratatta is a better HM slave even...


Aeolus the lv. 2 Pidgey

Didn't train him at all. sigh. At least he's a good Fly slave.

On to Route 32!

...Wait what do you mean I have to pick up that egg? Screw that egg, it's a gift Pokemon...Fine, I'll take it, if only for the Everstone later...

Time to head out to Route 32! I first have to do something...

*uses Repel*

Oh wow, I only need one Repel for this Route? Great! Time to get that Old Rod and catch myself a future powerhouse!

*Wild Magikarp appeared!*

Oglemi Sleeps it, then knoks it down to yellow health. Pokeball is thrown, Magikarp is caught!


tennisace the lv. 10 Magikarp

On to finish Route 32!

*a couple of trainers later...*

Union Cave! Yay for Geodude!

*Wild Sandshrew appeared!*

Fuck this game.

I go through Union Cave, which has the most underleveled Pokemon ever. Then I go through Route 33 and to Azalea.

Kurt wants me to help him in Slowpoke Well? OK then.

You broke your back? There's a ladder goddamnit!

*Fishes up Vader the Goldeen*

Nice HM slave...

*solos TR Grunts (TR derps from now on) with Oglemi*

-Proton leads with Zubat. Oglemi OHKOs with Confusion.
-Proton sends out Koffing. Oglemi OHKOs with Confusion.

Wow. That was easy.

Time to grind in the gym.

tennisace is Level 16, Oglemi 14, Smogon 17. Let's go.

-Bugsy leads with Scyther. I lead with tennisace.
-tennisace takes a U-Turn and Tackles Metapod.
-Switch to Smogon as Metapod tackles.
-Switch back to tennisace as Kakuna comes out.
-Switch to Oglemi, who takes a Poison Sting.
-Switch back to tennisace.
-Scyther comes out.
-Smogon takes a U-Turn on the way in.
-Smogon takes another U-Turn.
-tennisace levels up.
-Smogon levels up.
-Hive Badge get!

Current Team (MVP to LVP):


Smogon the lv. 18 Quilava
-Quick Attack

Could have soloed Bugsy if I felt like letting it.


Oglemi the lv. 14 Butterfree
-String Shot

Completely beast. Took down all those TR derps.


tennisace the lv. 17 Magikarp

Taking attacks and doing nothing like a true derp would.


Bloo the lv. 4 Ratatta
-Quick Attack
-Rock Smash

HM slave... sigh...


Aeolus the lv. 2 Pidgey

Didn't train him at all. sigh. At least he's a good Fly slave.


Vader the lv. 10 Goldeen
(stupid moveset)

Another HM slave. At least more useful Pokemon are coming.

From now on, I will just summarize what happens each chapter since I'm too lazy to write.

-Exits Azalea Gym.
-Runs into Rival DRDEK.
-Oglemi OHKOs Gastly.
-Oglemi OHKOs Zubat.
-Oglemi Sleeps Croconaw.
-Proceed to 8HKO.
-That was easy.
-Goes into Ilex Forest.
-Catches Paras.
-Annoying Farfetch'd thing...
-Gets Cut, teaches Cut to Bloo.
-Gets through Ilex after teaching Smogon Headbutt.
-Gets TM12 Taunt.
-Wild Abra appeared the moment I step into the grass on Route 34.
-Sleeps and catches it.
-Names it Alaka.
-Goes into the Daycare.
-Lyra's Grandma is just perverted...
-Checks PC.
-Withdraws Alaka, who is holding a TwistedSpoon (5% chance), is male, and has a Bold nature.
-But first, on to the Goldenrod Game Corner!
-10 minutes later, I have King S the Dratini.
-Goes into Gym.
-Defeats lackeys.
-Challenges Whitney.

The challenger stares down Whitney, and throws his Pokeball. Out comes a Quilava. Whitney sends out her Clefairy. Smogon the Quilava 2HKOs Clefairy with Ember as Clefairy decides to DoubleSlap for 8 Damage. Then the challenger switches to his Butterfree, Oglemi. Whitney sends out her Miltank, which does massive damage with Rollout. Oglemi launches some powder filled with narcotics, but the cow Miltank eats its Lum Berry. Miltank then tries another Rollout, which is aimed at tennisace the Magikarp. It then tries another one, but misses. It then decides to start Stomping. After a while of going back and forth and healing, Challenger Nuzlock decides he can stall no longer, and heals Oglemi. He then switches to his prepared death fodder, Haunter the Unown, for a free switch-in. Haunter is obliterated by a Stomp, and Nuzlock mourns his death. However, it did not die for nothing. Oglemi comes in, tanks a Rollout, and puts Whitney's cow into a drug-induced coma. He then switches to King S the Dratini. King S has a secret ace-Dragon Rage. Dragon Rage 2HKOs Miltank, which fails to wake up, at Whitney's dismay. The second Dragon Rage takes the cow down and out. Whitney cries at her own defeat, but finally she decides to give Nuzlock the Plain Badge, and TM45 Attract, which is useless. Nuzlock buries Haunter in his PC and moves on.

-Starts in Goldenrod.
-Realizes I didn't catch anything Route 33.
-Headbutts a tree.
-Lv. 4 Heracross appears.
-Welcome to the team PK Gaming!
-Enters the Bug Catching Contest.
-Steps into grass.
-Finds a Scyther.
-Rather redundant with Heracross, but welcome to the team Philip7086!
-Waters and catches Jimera the Sudowoodo.
-Boxes Jimera because he is one of the "Overworld Pokemon", which I have banned.
-Time to grind for Morty.
-tennisace is a bitch to grind.
-Buys the TM for Swords Dance at Game Corner.
-Teaches it to Philip7086.
-Challenges Morty

The challenger Nuzlock stares down Morty, as he sends out Gastly. Philip7086 is sent out, and immediately uses Agility and 3 Swords Dances as Gastly pitifully Licks away. Nuzlock uses a Super Potion, followed by a Paralyz Heal, then Pursuits Gastly to death. Gengar appears. Pursuit OHKOs. Haunter appears. Pursuit OHKOs. Haunter appears. Pursuit OHKOs. Morty appears. Pursuit OHKOs. (loljk) FOG BADGE GET!!!

-Exits Ecruteak to the west.
-Makes it through Route 38.
-Makes it through Route 39.
-This girl gives me a call.
-A guy gave her something...
-It was a Thunderstone, which she gave to me!
-But first, the Lighthouse!
-Finishes Lighthouse.
-Grinds, and evolves tennisace. (Finally!)
-On to Route 40!
-Wild Tentacruel.
-Many near-death experiences.
-Screw this...
-Puts Alaka in the lead position.
-Alaka is level 28 at the end of the route, everyone else is ~level 23.
-Time to grind Philip7086.
-Easily beats gym trainers.
-Challenges Chuck.
-Rock Slide OHKOs Philip7086.
-Challenges Chuck again.

The challenger Nuzlock faces down the leader, Chuck. Chuck chucks down his Primape's Pokeball, as Nuzlock sends out Alaka. Alaka lets loose a terrifying Psybeam at Primape, who faints in one hit. Then the challenger switches out to his Scyther, Philip7086. Scyther dances with his Swords once, getting hit by a ridiculously weak Focus Punch from Poliwrath. It then proceeds to 2HKO with Wing Attack. As a last resort, Poliwrath launches a Surf, but it does not KO Scyther, as Wing Attack KOs Poliwrath. STORM BADGE GET!!!

-Leaves Cianwood.
-Flies on Aeolus to Olivine.
-Delivers the medicine.
-Unlocked Safari Zone.
-Went through Route 47 and 48.
-Gets to the Safari Zone.
-Goes back to Olivine.
-Everyone is now lv. 26.
-Challenges Jasmine.

The challenger Nuzlock faces down the leader, Jasmine. Jasmine tosses out a Magnemite, which is promptly OHKOed by PK Gaming's Brick Break. The next Magnemite also meets the same fate. Then Steelix comes out as Nuzlock swaps to Smogon, who launches a Fire Blast, which melts the iron snake, reforming it into a more pure form of iron with all the hematite removed. (Technically if you remove the hematite there'd be nothing left, but whatever.) Steelix is OHKOed and forged into a sword, with which Nuzlocke kills Jasmine with (lol jk). MINERAL BADGE GET!!!

(Next chapter, something WILL die.)

-Flies to Ecruteak.
-Gets out Vader.
-Surfs to Mahogany.
-Sees Suicune,and that weird Eusine guy.
-Battles some ridiculously weak trainers.
-Goes up Route 43.
-Catches a Girafarig.
-Goes into the Lake of Rage.
-Catches RGB the Shiny Gyarados, who is my first encounter in Lake of Rage, so I don't need to box him.
-I do anyways, because tennisace has EVs. (Suck on his lime cock!)
-Meets Lance.
-Goes into the Rocket Hideout.
-Triggers an alarm.
-Disables the alarms.
-WTF??? The wild Geodude and Koffing traps are lv. 21, and the grunts' Pokemon are levels 17-20 lol.
-Geodude blows himself up on PK Gaming.
-Time to run from more wild encounters, I don't want anyone to die.
-Goes into the lower floor.
-Gets the two passwords from two different Team Rocket Grunts Derps. (really?)
-Goes into Petrel's office.
-Gets the password to the Electrode room via Murkrow.
-Beats up Petrel with Alaka.
-Enters the Electrode room, only to be ambushed by Ariana and a Derp.
-Level 40 Dragonite? Oh, fine...
-Catches an Electrode, faints the rest.
-Gets through Gym.

Before I summarize my challenge of Pryce, I would like you to know that death will happen soon. If you do not wish to see that death, close this hide tag.

The challenger Nuzlock faces down the leader, Pryce. Nuzlock releases his Scyther, Philip7086. Pryce, having heard of what happened to Morty, sends out Seel and whispers to it. Nuzlock overhears, "...Once you get it up, die." He orders Philip7086 to set up on the helpless Seel, 2 Swords Dances should suffice. Seel then sets up Hail, and Philip7086 Swords Dances. Seel then uses Rest, healing off the 6% it took from Hail damage. (It's only Water-type) Philip7086 proceeds to annihilate both Seel and Dewgong with Wing Attack, but fails to take out Piloswine as it eats a Blizzard.

Hail is still up.

Piloswine has Snow Cloak.

Wing Attack missed...

And Philip7086 fell to Blizzard.

PK Gaming came in and revenged his fellow Bug-type.

If I had grinded a little more, it would have OHKOed that Piloswine...

Forgive me Philip7086...


Philip7086 the Scyther
Caught: Chapter 4
Defeated: Morty, Chuck's Poliwrath
Died: Chapter 8, at Level 25
Died because: Wing Attack missed.

EDIT: Now that I do the calcs, it seems that Philip7086 had a 35% chance of OHKOing...

EDIT 2: NVM, the calc assumes Technician...

-Got a call about Team Rocket.
-Thought I would try to replace Philip7086.
-Pulled out aesoft the Magnemite.
-Gave it the EXP Share.
-Time to dominate some Rockets!
-Sneaks into Radio Tower.
-Oh come on, DRDEK...
-At least the Grunt Derp gave aesoft EXP.
-Beats up all the Grunts.
-Comes to Petrel.
-Koffing comes out. Alaka OHKOs.
-Rinse and repeat 4 more times.
-Rinse and repeat, except now with a Weezing instead of a Koffing.
-Gets the Basement Key.
-Finds the Director.
-Gets up to Petrel.
-Alaka sweeps him.
-PK Gaming is brought down to 8 HP with a crit from Ariana. (Pretty good because it has a Mild nature.)
-Switches in Alaka into Arbok.
-I forgot it had Crunch.
-That Bold nature sure helped.
-Alaka hangs on with 11 HP.
-Time to heal.
-Challenges Archer.
-PK Gaming OHKOs Houndour.
-Alaka OHKOs Weezing.
-tennisace Intimidates Houndoom.
-Houndoom is 4HKOed by Dragon Rage...
-Faint Attack crits...
-tennisace lives with 6 HP.
-tennisace lands the finishing blow.
-Goes through Route 44.
-Gets to the Ice Path.
-Catches ItsARandom the Swinub.
-Gets HM07 Waterfall.
-tennisace finally gets a Physical STAB.
-Gets to the Strength puzzle.
-I remembered my last HG run.
-Solves the Strength puzzle.
-Exits into Blackthorn.
-Now everyone is Level 40.
-Enters Clair's Gym.
-tennisace proceeds to own her lackeys.
-Challenges Clair.

The challenger and the leader square off...

Next chapter.

Wait, what do you mean I can't do that? Well, too bad. Besides, you don't want to see deaths in consecutive episodes, right?


tennisace the lv. 40 Gyarados-Route 32 (I repeled the rest of the route.)
PK Gaming the lv. 40 Heracross-Route 33 <-----(How lucky am I?)
Alaka the lv. 40 Kadabra-Route 34
Smogon the lv. 40 Typhlosion-New Bark Town
King S the lv. 40 Dragonair-Goldenrod Game Corner
Rotating between:
-ItsARandom the lv. 40 Piloswine-Ice Path
-aesoft the lv. 40 Magneton-Route 39

Badges: 7
Deaths: 2

HM Slaves and useless shit.

Haunter the lv. 5 Unown-healfodder in Whitney battle
Philip7086 the lv. 25 Scyther-Snow Cloak. MEH.

Nickname theme:
Sorry I haven't had time to update folks. But it's coming.

However, I'm on my way to the Elite 4 without a single death. Feraligatr/Togekiss/Noctowl/Butterfree/Magnezone/Mamoswine. Golem was boxed, as I knew its endgame performance would be subpar compared to Mamoswine.
Part 2: To Violet City!

(Double posting like a boss. I'm in the mood to write.)

I immediately regretted heading out onto Route 29 at night, it was dark as hell itself. Arietta didn't seem to mind it as much as I did, perhaps she was just eager for adventure. Given my previous exploits, I was slightly less confident. Still, Silver had to be stopped before it was too late, so I really had no say in the matter. Fortunately, I started out lucky on this journey, as a red light peered out at me from the trees. I recognised this as a Hoothoot using Foresight. Could it light our way? Of course! With no trouble, Arietta subdued it, and Bishop the Hoothoot, our living torch, was added to the team.

Of course, this description does not nearly do the calm owl Pokémon justice, but we'll get to that.

My first instinct was to check Route 46, to the north. The cliff wall was sheer, so there was no way Silver could get anywhere if he'd come through, but it never hurts to check. He could always be camping. He wasn't, of course, otherwise this would be incredibly short, but I did capture a rather bashful Geodude, who I named Aegis. Not a wasted trip at any rate. Cherrygrove City proved fruitless for information too. Nobody had so much as seen Silver, even when he'd battled me earlier. It was almost as though he didn't exist. It was at this point I decided Violet City was my next best bet. It was a hub of activity, and there was a Pokémon Gym - a likely draw for Silver.

So, in the morning, we set out, catching a small Caterpie named Buggo along the way. I thought it wouldn't be useful to me, but one look at those hilariously disproportionate eyes, and I was totally sold on him. Naughty bastard.

The team continued to grow strong, with Arietta, Bishop, and Aegis quickly reaching level 10 before Violet City. I didn't want to train Buggo yet, as I was still nervous about using switch training with a freshly caught team, even if Aegis could withstand any attack that life threw at him. His time came though, in the Sprout Tower.

I'd heard in Violet's Pokémon Centre that a red-headed boy had been seen entering the Tower about half an hour ago. My heart skipped a beat, was the quest over already? Hell no, but you knew that already.

Sprout Tower is a strange monument in Violet City. The Sages who inhabit it have devoted their lives to learning the way of the Bellsprout. That said, it's made for a remarkably strong structure. It's like a willow tree, that bends in the wind, but never breaks, aided by the counterbalancing middle beam. It's a genius piece of old engineering, and many architects make regular pilgrimages. However, I have no interest in that sort of thing. What I was interested in was the thieving visitor on his way to the top. Knowing that all trainers in this area used Bellsprout as their main Pokémon, I decided to give Buggo a trial run. It worked out well, he handled every Vine Whip that came his way like it was nothing, and Tackled his foes into submission. I was proud of him. Such a tiny caterpillar, such a wrecking ball. By the end, he'd even evolved into a Butterfree, making him the de facto strongest member of the team.

It taught me never to underestimate my Pokémon, I'll never fully know what they're capable of.

Anyway, at the top of the Tower, we ran into Silver, who had apparently just handed the Elder Sage a punishing curb-stomp battle.

"Your battle style... Ruthless. Unfeeling. Uncaring. You seem to care nothing for your Pokémon, as though they are merely your tools. I promise you boy, this attitude will get you nowhere."

"Shut up, weakling!" And with that, Silver struck the old man across the face, and he fell to the floor. "I have no use for people like you! Now hand over the move!"

"HEY!" I couldn't stand to see him disrespecting this old man so much. It was despicable. "Show some respect! You're coming back to New Bark with me, Silver. We have much to discuss."

"You again? The weakling I flattened in Cherrygrove? YOU'RE going to make me come back? HA!" What was wrong with this guy? Not only had I been the one to flatten him, he was obviously deranged. I couldn't let him escape, and sprinted for him, ready to tackle him. But in a blink, he had looted the Sage's robes for something, and leapt out the window, rappelling down the Tower with an Escape Rope. Now I'm sorry, but I was NOT about to try some shit like that. By the time I could run down the stairs, he would be halfway to Azalea Town no doubt. I groaned. Nothing I could do.

The Sage was fine by the way, he was just in shock from being struck so forcefully, and promptly mugged. "That boy... He was afflicted by the Nuzlocke curse, wasn't he..." I nodded.

"Like me. But I've got to stop him. He's a thief, and has no idea what he's doing."

"Then please... Take this. You'll need it, the HM for Rock Smash. But you can't use it without Falkner's Gym Badge."

"Falkner? This City's gym leader? No thanks, I don't do Gyms. I'm not out for that sort of thing any more."

"I'm afraid there's no choice, you need the Zephyr Badge's authorisation to use it... And if Silver already has it, then..." I saw his logic. I was trapped. To continue chasing Silver, I would need to take the Pokémon Gym Challenge, so that I was authorised to use Hidden Machines in the Johto region. Of course, this raised the question of why I couldn't use my badges from Sinnoh or Kanto, but as I later found out, they were region-locked. What a brilliant move.

I booked a match with Falkner for the next day, so that we had time to prepare - I wasn't about to lose another Pokémon, even if it meant Silver gained a sizeable lead. I'd travel through nights if I had to.

I needn't have worried though, Aegis swept through Falkner's bird Pokémon without breaking a sweat. But there was one more distraction for me in Violet City.

*ring ring, ring ring*


"Joshua! Professor Elm here. It's as we suspected - the Egg was nothing all that special."

"Good to know it was a waste of time for all involved."

"Well, maybe not! I have no use for it, but would you like to take it then? It contains a rare Pokémon you might get use out of."

"Really now? Well, you have my interest..."

(Yes, I know that the Elder gives you Flash. Artistic license!)
Well thanks for being sooo helpful guys /sarcasm

Anyways at relic castle, when will team plasma learn scrafty owns all
team thus far:
Typhoon the swampert
Dante the scrafty (MVP) :D
Blitzen the archeops
Spectre the co(BAN ME PLEASE)rigus

Chaos sadly died to a crit ice beam from brycen </3
Sorry about the double post but no one is posting so w/e

at Victory road

Typhoon the swampert
Dante the scrafty
Blitzen the archeops
IronHide the escaviler
Jose the throh
Chomper the dieno

So should i keep deino or just train the other 5
Actual help would be nice this time
Sorry about the double post but no one is posting so w/e

at Victory road

Typhoon the swampert
Dante the scrafty
Blitzen the archeops
IronHide the escaviler
Jose the throh
Chomper the dieno

So should i keep deino or just train the other 5
Actual help would be nice this time
Is that a typo or something? Because that doesnt naturally occur in B/W not without trading or transfering(which I believe is against nuzlocke rules).
I say train all 6.
Actually iirc he's doing a hacked run of some sort. In that vein, don't use Deino, way too much work for zero pay off.
Just beat the second gym in my nuzlocke run of emerald.
The Team -
Raymond/Combusken - lv18 - Male (Littleroot Town)
Tori/Poochyena - lv16 - Female (Route 104)
Skye/Wingull - lv16 - Female (Route 110)
Stanley/Geodude - lv16 - Male (Granite Cave)
Harris/Nincada - lv16 - Male (Route 116)
Lilly/Lombre - lv16 - Female (Route 102)
Lois/Magikarp - lv11 - Female (Route 106)
Alice/Beautifly - lv13 - Female (Petalburg Woods as Wurmple) (Took a crit from a wild Aron's Metal Claw in Granite Cave) :@
Trudy/Whismur - lv15 - Female (Rusturf Tunnel) (Wasn't paying attention and accidently sent her in against Brawly's Makuhita.... it never stood a chance) :'(
3rd Badge is MINE!!! :D
The Team -
Harris/Ninjask - lv20 EVOOOLVED :D (wanted both him and shedinja, but can't as they would both be from Route 116...)
Raymond/Combusken lv22
Lois/Gyarados - lv20 EVOOOOOOOLVED!!!!! (so.... much... grinding...)
Lilly/Lombre - lv21
Stanley/Geodude - lv23
Kandi/Poochyena - lv13 (Route 117)
EMPTY... :(
Graveyard -
Alice/Beautifly - lv13
Trudy/Whismur - lv15
Tori/Poochyena - lv17 (...damn crits.)
Skye/Wingull - lv20 (In Wattson's gym, it battled against a volbeat, until.... Volbeat used....shock wave... :( )
Just wondering could it be possible to do tue nuzloke challenge for pokemon mystery dungeon? If you could it would be a real chalange.
Is that a typo or something? Because that doesnt naturally occur in B/W not without trading or transfering(which I believe is against nuzlocke rules).
I say train all 6.
I borrowed my little brothers action replay

Anyway thanks for the help- i think i will train dieno, zwelios hits like a truck on steroids so it all good

Yes I am low-life degenerate hacking scum

EDIT: Route 10 is now nothing more than a mass of broken Audino corpses
Showsni, i must say, your nuzlocke is brilliant! It is very funny, my favourite part was the "i did not hit her, i did not! .. Oh hai may"
that reference is genius, keep up the good work!

Also aopsuser yours is fantastic if only for the fact that you made tennisace a magikarp lol
His team fully leveled, QWAZ walked slowly towards the the elite 4s door, He pushed it open with one mighty push and cried thunderesly
"Come at me elite bro, cause its clobberin' time

If you cant tell im about to destroy the elite four AWWWWWWWWWWW YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
That feel when I start a Soul Silver nuzlocke and the very first Pokemon I catch (not including starter) is a careful shiny Wooper! First shiny since I got Ruby years ago, yew!
I started a Nuzelock on Pokemon Silver and am about to challenge the first gym.

Trainer Name: X-Treme
Pokemon (in Party): PsnTrolol(Kakuna), Blade Hair(Chikorita), SexyAndINo(Pidgy)
RIP: Rat(Rattatt)

-I cannot use the PC
-I can only catch the first pkmn in a route, unless it is a repeat
-If a pkmn faints, then i put in the PC and never use it again
-If a pkmn faints in the most trolled situation, I am allowed to decide if it can be used again
(I had a Kakuna with +5 defense against a Hoothoot that was poisoned. When it had 2 HP left, it got a crit and killed my Kakuna. I was so pissed, that I just granted Kakuna a "resurrection")
-I must nickname all my pokemon

-Creamed my rival
-Got to top of Sprout Tower and got Flash.
-About to challenge Flying Type Gym, which kind of sucks as all my guys are weak to it besides pidgey, whose defenses are shit anyway.
Marble101 said:
-If a pkmn faints in the most trolled situation, I am allowed to decide if it can be used again
(I had a Kakuna with +5 defense against a Hoothoot that was poisoned. When it had 2 HP left, it got a crit and killed my Kakuna. I was so pissed, that I just granted Kakuna a "resurrection")

Really? Come on. Crits are part of the game.
Ok, new Nuzlocke. Been a while since I attempted one, and I've never finished one. Anyways, rules are standard, and I'm playing Emerald.

I've made it to Petalburg City so far.

Current Team List:


Gulia the Mudkip
Lv. 7
Nature: Docile

Currently the best team member, and will be a key member to come.

Sundavr the Poochyena
Lv. 5
Nature: Careful

Going to be replaced as soon as I get a better Pokemon. What better means is variable.

Hvitr the Ralts
Lv. 5
Nature: MODEST

I cannot believe I got this one. He's a definite part of my final team, what with being one of the better Special attackers in the game, and having a Modest nature too boot!


Thelduin the Wurmple
Lv. 2-Lv.5

Died while helping Hvitr to gain XP. It was a bad way to go...
-If a pkmn faints in the most trolled situation, I am allowed to decide if it can be used again
(I had a Kakuna with +5 defense against a Hoothoot that was poisoned. When it had 2 HP left, it got a crit and killed my Kakuna. I was so pissed, that I just granted Kakuna a "resurrection")
I've got to agree with AOPSUser, and I've even mentioned it a few times in the videos I'm doing for my own Nuzlocke Challenge. Crits are where the 'unpredictability' part of Nuzlocke difficulty comes into play. I've lost two Pokemon in my own challenge due to crits that I felt were bs, but I just mourned their deaths and then moved on.

Speaking of my own Nuzlocke Challenge for Fire Red, I finally have some progress I can speak of. I apologize for not having any updates (and that I only have one new episode of my challenge to offer you) but now that I've started my Spring semester of college and have classes as well as an internship, my free time is pretty much nonexistant on weekdays now except for the two hours I have when I wake up before I have to leave, and I usually spend those with my girlfriend. Anyway, episode 7 is my newest update after needing a few different days to ultimately get everything recorded. I had my own "trolled situation" that cost me a Pokemon while I was grinding (luckily, I record my grinding sessions just in case of something like this even if I don't show the grinding in the video) but I pushed on to beat my rival in Cerulean City and clear through Nugget Bridge (except for the guy at the end that gives you the prize). My entire team at the moment, however (except for my Ivysaur) is part-Flying, which isn't going to make things easy for me moving forward, but it's the hand I was dealt and I just have to accept it.

My Rules Video
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7 <----- NEW
Well the elite four were piss easy so should i go to beat alder or make new game? If i make a new game which starter should i hack (not mudkip or unova starters)

Typhoon lv.53
brick brake

hi jump kick
rock slide
rock clime

storm throw
rock slide
bulk up

Iron hide
swords dance
iron head
false swipe
SUMMARY: slow and stady wins the race

Dragon pulse
Body slam
Work up

Blitzen was murdered by n's arceopse's stone edge RIP
I hijacked my Nuzlocke for an episode for my 1k which is in my art thread, but it kinda has a bit of plot so I'll post it here
Okay, I'm going to do a SoulSilver Nuzlocke on an emu. I had previously started one, but after a Crit took my Meganium, Babbycaikz from me at Misty's Gym, I was just too heartbroken to continue. I'm going to do my best to get though this challenge all the way, for my fallen friends, most imporantly Babbycaikz the Meganium, Sparkles the Shiny Gyarados, Batard the Crobat, and NZ Bait the Ampharos.

I'll be writing this in a type of story way rather than just lil updates, it's more fun for me that way and I develop deeper bonds.

Part 1. A New Beginning

For as long as I can remember, I have awoke crying, in a cold sweat. In my dreams, no, nightmares, there is always blood everywhere and screaming... The last sounds of my old friends. Before my very eyes I watched many friends die, I was helpless to save them. I had gone so far in my jouney, but in the end...I chose to give up, I was too heartbroken to carry on. My remaining friends and I returned home, defeated. Our hearts and dreams shattered, we hid our faces from the world, ashamed of our failure. These nightmares have always haunted me though, ever since I returned home. No amount of comfort from my Pokemon friends would cheer me up. night I had a dream that wasn't a nightmare, in fact, it was more of a vision. Babbycaiks was right next to me, my very first Pokemon, my Meganium. She was cheering me on and I was in a battle, but I didn't recognise any of these Pokemon. They but I felt like I had such a bond with them. The battle ended and I was victorious. Before I awoke I heard Babbycaikz's voice, she spoke her native tongue, and yet I knew what she was saying. "Finish what you have started...for all of us." When I awoke, I told my Pokemon of my dream, they believed in me and told me that I must start anew, that they must be left behind, but they will always be cheering me on...just as the others do.

It's today... The day I venture out once more on my journey. I am prepared for what lies ahead, the new friends, adventures, battles...and the pains I will endure. I bid farewell to my friends, they remained at my home, I knew they would be okay. The real question is, would I be okay? Only time would tell.

The time was drawing nearer, I had informed Prof.Elm that I would like to re-try my journey and he prepared three Pokemon for me, just like the first time. As I approached the lab, my hands began to shake, they didn't want to grab the door. I bit my lip and barged through the door, there was no going back now. Elm knew about what happened in my last journey, and he was supportive about it and was proud of me when I asked him for a new Pokemon to finish what I had started. Soon, he and I were face to face.
"Hello, it's been a while, Professor."

"That it has, Kitty. Have you been well?"

"Please, call me Kaitii." I corrected then continued, "Nightmares and boredom as always, but's time."

"Understood, the Pokemon are right this way."

Professor Elm took me to the machine that held the three Pokeballs, and my eyes began to water. Babbycaikz was one of those Pokemon, new to the world, ready to begin a journey... Now, one of these Pokemon would take her place as my partner, but I do not think the place she had in my heart would ever be replaced.

"Okay," Elm began, these are the three Pokemon you may choose from." I already knew what they were, but it was refreshing to hear those words again. He released a Cyndaquil from it's Pokeball. "First up, the fire type, Cyndaquil. This one is rather calm and collected, he would make a fine choice." I looked at the Cyndaquil, he yawned upon looking at me, obviously not interested. I looked to the professor as he opened up the next Pokeball. "Here, we have Totodile, the water type. This little one has a bit of a temper at times, but for an experienced trainer such as yourself, he may pose no large issues." The Totodile gazed at me with large eyes, it was as if he was looking at my very soul, it was chilling, to say the least. "Finally we have Chik-" Elm began.

"That's alright, Professor, no need." I broke him off. I honestly did not want to see another Chikorita. It would hurt too much.

"I understand, take your time choosing who you would like your partner to be." He said before walking off, leaving me alone with Cyndaquil and Totodile.

This choice would be one of the most important of my life, just as when I had chosen Babbycaikz. Either could make or break me. I closely inspected the two.

Cyndaquil. It was as Elm had said, he was very calm and collected. Being in the face of a stranger looking down at him did not faze him in the slightest, he merely gazed at me and yawned once more. Somehow I felt as if he and I were not fit for each other, I am sure he felt the same.

Totodile. How could I describe this Totodile? He has such a sharp gaze, not looking away from me for an instant. As I said before, it was as if he was gazing into my soul, seeing what kind of a person I was. I put everything I had into staring back, he wanted to see what kind of person I am, he would see it in my eyes. For about five minutes this gazing continued until Totodile's gaze softened and he extended a paw to me, smirking. I cautiously reached my own out and he took it in his paw. It seems I did not choose my partner, but rather, my partner chose me.

Elm returned right on time, bringing a new Pokedex. "Here," he said handing me the shiny object, "You'll need this. I need you to go to a friend of mine, Mr.Pokemon. I believe you are familiar with him. He has an egg that he would like me to study, I would like you to retrieve it for me, and bond with that Totodile in the mean time. In fact, start now, what have you decided to call this Totodile?"

I looked at my new partner, his name... He would need a name that reflected his personality, a powerful name.

"His name is Duke." I proclaimed. Duke appeared happy with his name and did what I felt would be come his signature smirk.

"A good name, treat him well." Elm smiled at me.

I nodded and with that, Duke and I walked out the door. I could feel the sun beaming down on me and I felt a gentle breeze. The winds of fate would be blowing soon, hopefully in my favour.

Part 2. New Bond

After hiding away for so long, I am finally going to finish what I started. I vowed to my friends that I would see this through to the bitter end. Duke seemed confident, but I couldn't help but notice that he seemed...lonely. If Duke and I were to be partners, then he and I would need to be bonded a lot more.

"Duke," I began, "I trust you with my life."

Duke looked at me with his large eyes, trying to figure out what I was getting at. He cocked his head to the side in question, seemingly asking "Where did that come from?"

"You must understand that if you and I are going to do this, we need to have complete and utter trust in each other. You may not fully trust me, but I already trust you with my life. I can only hope that one day you trust me as I do you." If Duke were to never trust me, he and I could never complete this journey, perhaps another Pokemon I meet could journey with me, but there is no doubt that your first Pokemon should be that partner.

"Toto..." Was the reply I got. I didn't understand what he said, he and I weren't at that level of communication yet.

Winging it I knelt down and patted his head, "C'mon Duke, we won't accomplish anything just standing around, we have an errand to run."

Duke nodded and seemed to gain some glimmer in his eye. He dashed forward towards Route 29. I couldn't help but smile, seeing how eager he was, but at the same time my heart clenched, knowing that he could meet the same fate as Babbycaikz.

Upon dashing into the grass, Duke was confronted with a Hoothoot, no problem for Duke. I caught up with Duke rather quickly and saw him face to face with his first opponent, and hopefully not his last.

"Duke!" I called out, "Be careful, do NOT get careless!"

Duke smirked and waggled a finger at me, his claw shimmering brightly. Feeling reassured, I took a deep breath and yelled out my first battle command in a long time. "Duke! Scratch attack!"

Without wasting a second, Duke rushed the Hoothoot, claws colliding on the belly of the owl. The Hoothoot reared back and opened it's mouth, uttering a loud Growl that caused Duke to falter a bit.

"Duke don't let your guard down! Scratch it more!" I continued my wave of commands. It felt...exhilarating to be calling out battle commands again. I couldn't help but smile and point my finger as I commanded him, getting into the battle.

The Hoothoot took another direct hit from Scratch and was looking viably worn. Duke didn't waste any time in attacking again before the Hoothoot retaliated. With a 'thud' the match was over. Duke won his first match and stared at me intently and snorted.

"Totodile. Toto." He exclaimed to me, his tone rather harsh.

I wish I knew what he was saying... And why his attitude suddenly changed.

This continued until we arrived at Cherrygrove, we would battle and after every victory, Duke would stare at me and seemingly scold me before walking away, I couldn't understand what was going on. Honestly, it had me worried, did he not trust me at all? Not like the way I battled? I was obviously missing something.

At last we arrived at Cherrygrove and to my surprise, the same old man I had met when I first began my journey was still there, helping out rookies. I knew that he would approach me thinking I was a rookie, but honestly, I would rather he not... It was inevitable though. Taking a deep breath, I attempted to walk by him, to no avail.

"Hey!" The old man called out. "You're a rookie trainer I can te-" He stopped himself mid speech. "Ki-Kitty is that you?" He asked. I turned my head away from him, so he would not see me.

"I don't know who that is, I'm sorry. My name is Kaitii, and yes you're right, I'm a rookie trainer. See, I just got my Totodile, Duke." I explained to him, trying to alter my voice so he would not recognise me.

"Well, Kaitii, you're the splitting image of Kitty! She was a Pokemon League Champion, but then she suddenly dropped off the face of the Earth, no one has heard from her for years." The old man told me. I wish he hadn't because it was hard to fight back tears.

I bit my lip and tried to get this over with as soon as possible. "Oh is that so? Maybe that's a good sign for me." I tried to sound as cheery as possible, but Duke saw right though me, did the old man also see through my ruse?

"Yes yes it must be! Just don't go disappearing now lassie." He laughed. My stomach clenched. "Anyways, as I was saying, since you're a rookie trainer, I should show you around, follow me, come along now!"

I sighed and followed, Duke trailing close behind me, his mood seemed to have dropped along with mine. The old man showed me the Pokemon center, Pokemart, Route 30, the sea, and finally his home. I was so glad it was finally over, he didn't ask other questions during the tour, for which I was grateful.

"Alright lassie, that's it. Thanks for being such a good sport, as thanks I'd like to give you these running shoes, they're new and luckily your size." He told me as he handed me a box.

"Thank you very much, sir." I said, on the inside I sighed happily, it was over and I'd get away for sure. Then the realisation that the gym leaders would see me again as well as other people I had met before hit me like a truck.

This is going to be a long journey...

As I began to walk away, the old man muttered, "It's great to see you're back, Kitty. Babbycaikz is proud of you." As he finished, he walked into his house. I stopped in my tracks, a shiver ran up my back and then I fell to my knees, crying.

Duke ran to my side and put a paw on my arm, trying to comfort me. "Dile..." He crooned softly. He moved my arms so that he could sit on my lap, trying to reach my face. I allowed him to see me in my weakness, after all, I trusted him. He is my partner.

"Du-Duke..." I finally managed to choke out. "You need to know something..." I didn't want to have to explain this to him while he and I were so new to each other, but if there was a good time to do so, it was now. "You must know that I am not really a rookie trainer, but you may have heard that from your Pokeball while I was talking to Elm." The words were becoming harder to say, "The truth is, I am an experienced trainer, what the old man said is true. My name is really Kitty, the Pokemon League champ who disappeared one day. No one knows what happened to me, they don't know about how I gave up, how I failed. It really devastated me...The loss of my first partner, a Meganium named Babbycaikz." The tears began to flow like a waterfall now, and Duke was having trouble keeping up with whipping them all away. "I gave up when she died... Her loss was too much. I returned home with all my other Pokemon, defeated. A vision from Babbycaikz is what told me I had to finish what I started... And so that is how you and I came to be together now. Duke... You have to listen to me, you could very well meet the same fate as Babbycaikz or my other friends that were...killed. Please...tell me now if you are willing to go through this with me. When I said I trust you with my life, this is what I meant. I need your complete trust as well, or else the worst will happen." Finally, I finished and the tears were slowing down too.

Duke looked at me for a long time. At least I mustered the courage to look him in the eyes and I saw that his eyes were watering, but his pride wouldn't let tears flow freely. "Totodile. Toto...dile. Dile dile todile." He choked out. There was a chilling feeling in my stomach, like butterflies. I...understood what he told me. He licked my cheek and that confirmed that I did indeed understand what he said. He knew that I was hiding something, and it had upset him, how could I say that I trusted him with my life when I wouldn't tell him this fact about my past? But now, he knows that he can trust me and we can do this together, no matter what happens.

"Duke..." I muttered, wrapping my arms around him. "I'm no longer going to hide who I am. My name is Kitty. I'm back and we'll take the league by storm!" I pulled out my trainer card that read "Kaitii" and discarded it. Duke looked at me questioningly, but it became clear to him when I pulled out another card from my bag. My old trainer card. It read "Kitty" on it. This is the real me and I'll no longer hide it.

"Totodile." Duke said, proud of me.

I got up and put the trainer card back in my bag. It was time to keep going on towards Mr.Pokemon's house. Brushing my knees off of the dirt from the ground, I looked forward towards the next route. Wordlessly, Duke and I went forward.

There were more battles and at the end of them, Duke no longer scolded me as he had before, instead he gave his trademark smirk and recently, trademark finger waggle. My hopes were very high for Duke.

In no time at all we arrived at Mr.Pokemon's house. It was the same as years ago. I was given a Pokemon Egg and Prof.Oak spoke to me about my trust in Pokemon and whatnot. At least, I wish it was the same. Mr.Pokemon and Prof.Oak both recognised me and proceeded to question me about what happened, and so I told them both. Everything. After my story, the two men were left with their mouths agape.

"Kitty...I had no idea. I'm sorry." Professor Oak told me.

"It's alright, sir. I shouldn't have hid my face."

"Kitty this is huge news, you have returned!" Mr.Pokemon exclaimed.

"Is it really that much of an event?" I asked.

"Why yes it is," Oak began, "You made Johto proud and then you just vanished just like that. Many people thought you died. Everyone was worried, there were rumours you were in hiding though, I had no idea it was true..."

"I know... I was just...broken." I sighed, it actually felt good to get this all off my chest. "Professor?"

"Yes, Kitty?"

"Could you inform everyone of my return?" I stood up confidently. "I want everyone to know Kitty's back and isn't going anywhere. I'm taking this league by storm for all my friends!"

"Of course I will, I was hoping you'd ask." He replied.

Thankful, I took the egg from Mr.Pokemon and had my Pokemon healed up as Prof.Oak left to deliver the news via his radio show.

I walked out and heard my PokeGear ring.

"Yes?" I asked when I picked up.

"Kaitii! Kaitii! It's a disaster, it's happening again! Oh please return to the lab now!" It was Professor Elm and he was in a panic.


This only meant one thing.
He was back.

Duke looked at me and tugged at my pants, he wanted to get back to the lab asap. I nodded and together he and I rushed back towards the lab, ready for anything.

Part 3. Him again...

Duke showed increasing worry as he and I traveled back towards the lab. Every wild Pokemon we encountered along the way was quickly dispatched by him without so much as a second glance. In the pit of my stomach, I somehow knew what was coming, it was the same as all those years ago.


That trainer that caused me problems throughout my journey, always challenging me, then losing miserably. But somehow... I don't know how to explain it, but I did feel a little drawn towards him. The fire in his eyes to become stronger, to prove himself. He was just like me in a way, we just had two major differences; His stakes were not as high and he had no compassion for his Pokemon.

Upon reaching Cherrygrove city again, Duke and I took a stop at the Pokemon center, he didn't have too many injuries, but I knew all too well it was better to be safe than sorry, no matter the opponent. As Duke and I walked out of the Pokemon center, Duke's snout shot in the air and he looked in the direction of Route 29.

"Toto..." He muttered. So I was right, Silver was back. did he know that I had returned? It didn't make any sense, was it all just a coincidence? I guess it doesn't matter though, he's back and it seems just like history is repeating itself.

I sighed and knelt down to pat Duke on the head. "Duke, you ready for this, partner?" I asked. The real challenge was about to begin, and I had to make sure that he was ready. I wasn't so sure that I was ready, however. I did know that no matter what I would have Duke by my side, and that alone was enough to move me forward.

"Dile!" Duke declared, rushing towards Route 29, towards whatever it is that caused him to raise his snout.

In Duke's rush, he bumped into someone and rubbed his head in embarrassment. When he regained himself and looked up, he felt a shiver go down his spine. Duke was face to face with Silver. Their eyes locked for a good minute, until I caught up to Duke and noticed Silver right in front of him.


That name along with seeing him right there in the flesh sent a wave of emotions through me. Hate, sadness, happiness, confusion, you name it and it was probably there. I felt like I did develop feelings for Silver as I traveled years ago, it just crept up on me, I would always look forward to seeing him again. It was Babbycaikz that noticed this first. After a time, I came to accept it, knowing full well it would be unrequited love.


I felt something collide with my leg, it stung a little, but quickly faded. I hasn't realised I had begun to space out and Duke knocked me back into reality. I thanked him and then brought my attention to Silver.

"It's been a while, Silver." I said, trying to keep my cool. Knowing Silver, he saw right through me.

"That it has, Kitty. You know, I've been wondering where you've been. Imagine my surprise when I heard the rumours of you going to return be true. I figured you needed someone to keep you on my toes, and so, here I am. Did you miss me? I bet you did." Silver's tone was the same as always, calm, cool, and collected. In terms of his appearance, he was again, the same. He mustn't like change very much. Though, I can't say I really minded the fact that his appearance is the same. His long, flowing red hair, those fierce e-


"...Toto" Duke slapped me again. I zoned out again. Fuck.

As I regained myself, I felt so embarrassed as I heard Silver laughing. "Haha, you're the same as always, never taking anything as seriously as you should. Maybe that's why you failed."


That's it. He hit a nerve. "Who the fuck are you to talk about failure? If I recall correctly I beat you whimp ass every single time we battled. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. You couldn't even get past the elite four, heck I highly doubt you even earned all the badges. You cannot come and tell me I failed when you couldn't even get anywhere near my level!"

Silver smirked, oddly enough, it reminded me of Duke's smirk. "Heh, there's that temper of yours I know and love. C'mon now, Kitty, you can say what you like, but in the end we both know you failed. Here we are for round 2 though, will you fail again? Who knows, but I do know that I'll be there, urging you on. For better or worse, that's up to you." I noticed Silver reach to his belt and grab a Pokeball. He wanted to battle, right here, right now. Wordlessly, he tossed the Pokeball in the air and it opened, revealing... a Chikorita.

" C-Chi...Chikorita..." I stuttered. Silver had chose the Pokemon my Totodile is weak to, just as he always had. When I chose Duke, I had no idea Silver would be back, so I never had any worries about having to see a Chikorita again, but here... right in front of me is a Chikorita. I have no choice but to battle it. Tears welled up in my eyes. Memories of Babbycaikz flooded my mind. I couldn't take it anymore and cried out with everything I had.

Duke tried his best to comfort me, but I just kept crying. His eyes became narrow as he faced Silver. The little Chikorita appeared confused, but willing to obey Silver.

"Chikorita, Tackle that Totodile and don't hold back." Silver commanded.

The Chikorita darted forward with the intent to hit Duke. It was apparent this Chikorita had zero battle experience when Duke simple sidestepped it and hit it's back with a Tackle. With a 'thud' the Chikorita crashed into the ground, skidding for a few inches before coming to a stop. Silver gritted his teeth and yelled at Chikorita to attack again. This time, he hit his mark, but it seemed to just bump off Duke. Once again, Duke raked his claws against Chikorita's flesh and down he went, not getting up this time.

Silver gritted his teeth and called back his Chikorita. "What a weakling, no wonder yours died." With a smug look he walked off, leaving Duke and I, still crying, at the beginning of Route 29.

I hadn't noticed the battle at all, I was too lost in my thoughts about Babbycaikz. Nothing else registered in my mind until I felt Duke crawl in my lap as he had when we first went to Cherrygrove.

"Dile..." He murmured, trying to comfort me. I felt his head digging under my arm, trying to get me to hold him. Taking him in my arms, my tears started to come to a halt. When I was finally able to look up, I noticed Silver and that Chikorita were no where to be seen. Confused, I looked to Duke for answers. "Totodile, Dile. Dile To." He explained.

I held on to him tightly, thanking him for standing up for me while I was down. I got up and realised that this was no longer the time to be crying. Babbycaikz did her best for me, everyone else did as well. To cry would show as if I can't move on and do what they want me to do. I would see Silver and that Chikorita again, and when I do, I will be ready.

Part 4. Old friend

The small journey to Prof. Elm's lab was for the most part quiet, neither Duke nor I felt much like speaking. Upon reaching our destination, I noticed there were police vehicles outside, it was just like last time. Could history repeat itself any more precisely? Sighing, I walked inside the lab and was immediately bombarded by police asking questions. Without paying much attention to them at all, I kept walking until I reached Elm and the chief police officer.

"Kitty! Kitty!" Elm frantically greeted, "It's a disaster, it happened again!"

I honestly wasn't as frantic at all about all this, I knew what happened, and I know who has the stolen Pokemon. The first time around, I was honestly enraged that someone would dare steal a Pokemon, and I had attempted to take back the Cyndaquil Silver had stolen before. In the end, I noticed that the Cyndaquil honestly did not mind his trainer, and so I gave up that pursuit. Maybe it would happen again, who knows.

"I know, I know, Professor. It was Silver, again." I sighed, just saying Silver's name brought back a wave of emotions and memories.

The officer beside Elm took note of that and nodded, "So Silver has struck again, interesting. This time, his target was a Chikorita. I see. Thank you for the information." Soon enough, the lab was quiet again, all the police having left to search for Silver.

I couldn't help but smile to myself, if they didn't catch Silver then, they wouldn't catch him now.

My thoughts were interrupted when Professor Elm tapped me on the shoulder, "Ahem, anyways... Did you get the Egg from Mr.Pokemon?" It amazed me how fast he always got over his Pokemon getting stolen.

"Sure did." I replied, reaching into my bag. Within moments I produced the Egg, safely contained within its carrying case. "Here you go."

The professor took the Egg from me, studying it carefully. "Thank you Kitty. So, does this mean you are really going to attempt the challenge again?"

I nodded confidently, no hesitation either. I was certain of my choice. "Yeah, Duke and I are going to take this league by storm," I paused for a second, "Well, and of course all the other friends we'll make along the way." Duke smirked and that was that.

Nothing else needed to be said, so Duke and I turned around to leave the lab. Before we left though, Elm called out to us and asked for my PokeGear number. Once numbers were exchanged, Duke and I left with no more distractions.

Duke and I headed to Route 29 and right away I saw a familiar face, an old friend of mine, Ethan. He was always such an odd kid, pretty shy and quiet usually. I would have walked right by him if it wasn't for his Marill rushing up to me and jumping on me.

"Ma Marill!" She cried happily before jumping off me and running back to Ethan.

"S-sorry about that, Kitty. I don't know w-what came over Marill." I told him it was no problem at all, it was nice to see such a friendly Marill. As I turned to walk away, I noticed him pat his Marill on the head, whisper something, and give her a treat. I didn't really think too much of it and began to walk away when Ethan called out to me, "Kitty, wait! don't mind that is..."

I nearly winced as I heard him call my name, and was almost tempted to keep walking. I mean, yeah he is my friend, but I really kind of wanted to start my journey, plus, I swear this kid is a creeper. "Yeah?" I responded, turning around.

"I-I just wanted to, give you a small gift to start your journey is all..." He shyly reached into his bag and produced a small sack. "I want to give you my sack of Pokeballs. They're really good quality and I'm sure you know how to handle them well!" Blushing, he handed me the sack and looked up at me, hopeful I would accept his gift.

Ignoring his obvious hint, I accepted the Pokeballs, I wasn't going to turn down a free gift, especially something as useful as these. "Thanks Ethan, you're sweet." I told him, though maybe I should have just left out the last part, because his eyes grew rather wide.

"R-Really? I'm sweet?" He said, by now his eyes were practically the size of baseballs, and I could swear they were sparkling.

"Yeah, these will really help out." I told him. Duke was not exactly paying much attention to this whole conversation and was instead battling any wild Pokemon he could find in the grass until I finished. "Anyways, I have to get going, thanks again, Ethan." I wanted to get away from there quick. Without waiting for him to say anything, I quickly grabbed Duke and rushed off into the grass.

Part 5. New Friend

After the whole encounter with Ethan, I was even more eager to catch a new Pokemon. The Pokeballs he gave me were stored safely in my bag, just waiting now to be thrown at a wild Pokemon.

"Alright, Duke," I began, "Our first stop will be Route 46, where we'll hopefully meet our first friend." Route 46 was just past a building and has a few Pokemon there that could be beneficial to my team, but really, I didn't mind what Pokemon I got, I just felt glad that I was finishing what I started.

Duke cheerfully ran ahead of me, getting over excited of the idea of our little group growing most likely. "Toto!" He called to me, telling me to hurry up.

"I know, I know Duke I'm coming!" I called back as I ran to catch up to him.

Together the two of us walked though the building separating Route 29 and 46. The view of the route was beautiful, and I could make out the mountains far away, close towards Blackthorn city. Soon enough, Duke and I would be challenging Clair there for the second time.

Duke interrupted my thoughts by tugging on my pants and before I had a chance to speak, he shushed me and made a motion for me to listen. It took me a moment, but I soon noticed what Duke wanted me to hear. From a distance it sounded like a voice was singing. The voice was rather deep, but I could tell it was a female's voice. I could not, however, make out the words she was singing. Having no reason not to find out where the sound was coming from, Duke and I followed our ears.

We walked for a good few minutes and the singing was becoming noticeably louder, which meant we were almost there. In addition, with every passing step, Duke got more and more annoyed, complaining about how the singing was terrible, while I, on the other hand adored the sound I was hearing.

Finally, we arrived at a lone tree with a rock next to it. Duke and I didn't notice anything else there, but the sound was definitely coming from where we were looking. Duke went ahead to the tree and started investigating everything around it, wondering where that awful sound originated. Eventually, he came to stand on the rock and noticed that the singing was at it's loudest and he looked down on his feet to see that the rock was actually a Geodude, and the singer.

The Geodude did not seem to notice him and kept on singing her song. "Geo dude geo geo guuude eoooo~!"

My right arm is full of scars and I've devoted everything~!

Duke recoiled in horror as the singing hit his ears full blast and he fell off the singing Geodude, who then finally noticed his presence and ceased her singing.

"Oh! I'm sorry, did I didn't see you there, are you alright?" She questioned worryingly to Duke.

Duke got up and rubbed his head, "Yeah yeah I'm alright, I just got startled by that horrendous singing of yours."

The Geodude gasped and glared at Duke, "Why I'd never! Here I am worried about you and the first thing you do is insult me!" She turned around to leave when I decided to approach the two.

"Wait!" I called out to the Geodude. She didn't know it yet, but she was going to become my new Pokemon soon.

Geodude turned around and to my surprise, waited to see what I had to say. "Geo?"

"Geodude was that your singing? I loved it!" I complimented.

Right away, Geodude's eyes widened and she blushed. How a rock blushed, I didn't know, but I also chose not to question it. "Geo!" She replied, giggling, obviously pleased with the compliment.

Duke was nearly gagging at this point, since for the life of him could not stand the singing.

Since I didn't want to lose my chance at a capture, I cut right to the chase after the compliment, "Geodude, we're going to battle, right here, right now. If I win, I catch you."

"Geodude." She stated and motioned for Duke to approach her. Challenge accepted, it seemed.

I knew I couldn't have Duke use Water Gun since that would KO the Geodude and ruin my chances. For now, Duke only has to Scratch until she is weakened.

"Alright Duke, Scratch!" I commanded swiftly.

Duke rushed at the Geodude who simply dodged it in a single, graceful motion, as if she was dancing. This did not go over well with Duke who was embarrassed he let such a slow Pokemon dodge him. He picked up the pace and nailed her with a Scratch, dealing a good amount of damage due to their apparent level difference.

In response to Duke's hit the Geodude rushed back at him with a Tackle, her aim true. Duke winced slightly but got right back into it and fought back with another Scratch, not letting the Geodude have a chance to dodge it.

Two hits was all it took for the Geodude to become noticeably weakened and I knew it was my chance now. Quickly, I took a Pokeball from my bag and tossed it at the Geodude. The feeling of throwing a Pokeball again gave me such a rush of excitement. With a 'thud' the Pokeball hit the Geodude on the head and enveloped her in a red light. Duke and I stared at the Pokeball, waiting for it to stop wiggling.


And with that, Duke and I caught our first partner. I couldn't contain my joy and I jumped up and down, letting my happiness all out. Duke felt rather bittersweet about the whole thing. On the upside, we caught a partner, on the downside, she happened to have a singing voice he can't stand.

I picked up the Pokeball from where the once wild Geodude stood and called her out.

"Hey there, good match." I told her, hoping she wasn't so bitter about losing. "Nice to meet you, I'm Kitty."

The Geodude looked at me and smiled, extending an arm out to me, "Geo" she said.

The two of us shook hands and it seemed like we would get along just fine.

"So, now I guess I need a name for you..." I pondered some names for a few minutes until something finally rang out in my head, "How about Luka?"

The Geodude gave me a thumbs up and it was settled, she would be called Luka from now on.

"So Luka, do you think you could sing some more for me?" I asked her as sweetly as I could.

"TOTO" Duke screamed, obviously objecting. He quickly ran to my belt of Pokeballs and before he tapped it he looked at me and said, "Totodile dile!" He apparently disliked her singing so much he would rather be in his Pokeball until it was all over. With that he tapped his Pokeball and disappeared inside his safe haven.

I apologised to Luka about Duke's behaviour and it seemed she didn't overly mind, though I was worried about a possible rivalry or sorts between the two.

Luka and I strode off together, her singing and I contentedly listening.

"Geo dude, geo geo dude geodude dude dude geo~"

In the slowly decaying world, I'm struggling but it's the only way
Carving your faded smiles, I pulled out the plug

I looked at her oddly, and questioned why the depressing lyrics, she kept singing some more depressing lyrics and then burst out loudly, "GEODUDE GEO GEO GEODUDE, GEO DUDE GEO!"


My ears nearly broke from the sudden loudness of her singing, What have I gotten myself into? I wondered to myself as Luka continued her song.

For those that don't wanna read.

Duke the Totodile Lv 12
Luka the Geodude Lv3


Casualties- 0

If anyone reads, feedback would be much appreciated to know that I am not wasting my time writing this, thanks <3
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