Extremely unlikelyWill we have one tier shift when people aren't being impacient?
Extremely unlikelyWill we have one tier shift when people aren't being impacient?
When listing item usage, would it be possible to combine the stats for the 50% Berries (Figy Berry, Wiki Berry, Mago Berry, Aguav Berry, Iapapa Berry) into a single figure? They are functionally identical to each other but, particularly in VGC thanks to the item clause, the usage on each of them is often quite split. Having to pull out a calculator to determine their actual usage compared to other items is a pain, and even that may not always be an accurate method if a certain variety of 50% Berry doesn't show up on the list.
Right now, Gyarados's ability usage statistics in OU look like this.I can already tell from Gyrados's Bulbapedia article that it always has mold breaker after it evolves, so this information is probably not very useful. On the other hand, I would like to know what percentage of Gyaradoses had intimidate before they mega evolved. Can moveset stats files show these statistics from now on?
so IIRC PS just chooses a random ability for these mons.
This is apparently still a problem. What happened?This is actually a PS quirk that I dug deep into at one point--the issue here is that people are creating the Pokemon as Gyarados-Mega not Gyarados-with-Mega-Stone, so IIRC PS just chooses a random ability for these mons. If it's showing up as 100% "Mold Breaker" I must be doing some fudging somewhere though. Let me look into it. PM me if you don't get an answer in, say, a week.Right now, Gyarados's ability usage statistics in OU look like this.I can already tell from Gyrados's Bulbapedia article that it always has mold breaker after it evolves, so this information is probably not very useful. On the other hand, I would like to know what percentage of Gyaradoses had intimidate before they mega evolved. Can moveset stats files show these statistics from now on?+----------------------------------------+
| Abilities |
| Mold Breaker 100.000% |
what happened to checks and counters?Stats for the month are now up: https://www.smogon.com/stats/2018-04/.
Note that metronome battle is completely borked, and I'm not even going to be generating stats for that metagame next month.
What about them?what happened to checks and counters?
i dont know about other metas, but if you look through https://www.smogon.com/stats/2018-04/moveset/gen7ou-1825.txt checks and counters are sometimes very bare or there simply aren't any (ie for zygarde). is this normal?What about them?
Stats for the month are now up: https://www.smogon.com/stats/2018-05/, with the exception of CAP, which I need to regenerate for the new mon.
i dont know about other metas, but if you look through https://www.smogon.com/stats/2018-04/moveset/gen7ou-1825.txt checks and counters are sometimes very bare or there simply aren't any (ie for zygarde). is this normal?
I wouldn't be so sure tbh, its depressing how stagnant many metagames have been lately. something needs to change imoCan we get official word on whether we'll get corrected stats for June? According to the current numbers, nothing moved more than ± ~0.1%... in any format. While technically possible, I don't think any metagames are that stagnant.
https://www.smogon.com/forums/threa...ate-for-july-2018-for-real-this-time.3639170/Can someone summarize drops and rises please?