(Old) Scavengers Ladder (June 2018 - May 2020)

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Hosted an official for April 10th at 2pm EST.
QCs by Tapler and BulbaBuddy

1st place: AbuBatata [03:05].
2nd place: PartMan [03:16].
3rd place: 111ace111 [03:55].
4th place: celesteeal!!! [06:21].
5th place: scoobydoobydrew [06:24].
Consolation Prize: Litt♥Eleven [08:52], TurtalKatThing [15:23], An_Azurill [15:43], ProfSapling [16:44], Andrew [19:38], Devoxys [21:30], aQrator [25:06], Schiavetto [25:47], MikeTheEntei [40:49]

1) The only NPC that can be battled with a different type matchup chart has these two trainer classes (alphabetic order for full hunt). [proprietor psychic]
2) In an Inverse Battle, these Pokemon are weak to the highest number of STABs from pseudo-legends. [bisharp pawniard]
3) Across all games that he appears in, Inver uses Pokemon from these families more often than any other (name the LC Pokemon from each). [eevee nincada]

Congrats to celesteeal, ProfSapling, PartMan, 111ace111, scoobydoobydrew, MikeTheEntei, and aQrator for finishing without any incorrect guesses!
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Reserving an official for April 11th at 5:30 PM GMT (1 PM EST)
QCs: SpearWizard

Make sure you turn up!

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: 111ace111 [02:00].
2nd place: TurtalKatThing [04:31].
3rd place: MikeTheEntei [05:49].
4th place: Devoxys [12:37].
5th place: An_Azurill [13:10].
Consolation Prize: aQrator [15:57], Orion's Sign [18:07], Pranav03Sharma [19:59], killerASCII [22:55]

Underlined names recieved bonus points for completing the hunt with no incorrect answers.

1) (Answer all questions with the name used in the dex page title) This Pokemon's XY Smogon Dex overview refers to its other formes resembling cotton candy and a slice of pizza. [Wormadam]
2) This Pokemon's XY Smogon Dex suggests using a decent Pokemon as an alternative to using it. [Beautifly]
3) This Pokemon's XY set in its Smogon Dex uses a damage reducing berry to allow the Pokemon to survive a +2 Extreme Speed from Arceus and use Counter to knock it out. [Deoxys]

Thanks for turning up, and hope to see you soon!
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Reserving Official Hunt on April 11 at 3 PM UTC
1st place: celesteeal!!! [01:15].
2nd place: PartMan [05:16].
3rd place: 111ace111 [05:32].
4th place: Devoxys [10:36].
5th place: aQrator [12:40].
Consolation Prize: An_Azurill [14:17], MikeTheEntei [14:19], TurtalKatThing [19:31]

note: underscored completed the twist

1) In Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia, an NPC mistook this Pokemon as a moving gigaremo. [claydol]
2) In Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia, Oddish disguised as this object. [strange weed]
3) In Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia, Team Dim Sun called a Wailmer by this name after they failed to capture a Wailord. [Wailord mini]
Thanks to LittEleven and BulbaBuddy for QC

May the Pyuks be with you
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It's Incognito time. If you can read this, PM me "Woof" next time you see me!
I'm excited to be hosting the first Incognito since the ability to host them has been re-established. It'll be at Noon (US Eastern time) on April 10th. Also, due to technical limitations, this incognito hunt will NOT include the Perfect Score twist.
Quality checkers are 111ace111 and LittEleven, the latter of which is also the host for this hunt!


The first incognito hunt of the decade has been concluded!

1st place: Zipzapadam [02:16].
2nd place: celesteeal!!! [03:28].
3rd place: TurtalKatThing [03:44].
4th place: Steve456664 [05:29].
5th place: AbuBatata [07:17].
Consolation Prize: PartMan [07:19], ProfSapling [07:49], pokemasterofkalos [08:04], Pis >_> xel~! [10:29], 3.14dgeot-Mega [11:02], BeastBoy1971 [19:35], An_Azurill [33:16]

1) This is the name of the artist for the song "Incognito" as it appears on the In The Groove games. [Inspector K]
2) This song's Single Expert difficulty rating was changed from 10 to 11 between In The Groove and In The Groove 2. [Mythology]
3) What Pokemon's National Pokedex number is equal to the highest maximum BPM listed on a song from In The Groove (the first game)? [Haxorus]

See you all next time! Unless, of course, you're being Incognito, too...!
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Trite! It's an incognito official! 18 April 10pm SST (10am EDT)!
QC by LittEleven and BulbasaurBuddy

1st place: celesteeal!!! [03:53].
2nd place: Mike the Entei [05:01].
3rd place: TurtalKatThing [06:46].
4th place: aQrator [07:31].
5th place: 111ace111 [08:27].
Consolation Prize: Almm41 [09:29], Devoxys [12:23], PartMan [17:18], An_Azurill [28:32], p0ip0le ∆ [32:54], AbuBatata [34:37], sIang翔 [34:51], The Frozen One [37:14]

111ace111, Devoxys, and The Frozen One have completed the hunt without a single wrong answer!

The overall theme of this hunt is perfection - things you get when you complete some set.

1. This Pokémon forme can only be obtained by completing the National Pokédex. (PS! format) | Magearna-Original
2. A TCG Pokémon card allows its player to win the game simply by having sufficiently many cards in hand. This is the name of the ability that enables this mechanic. | HAND
3. These titles in Rumble World are obtained by capturing ten specific Pokémon. (alpha order) | Bleary-Eyed Friend Chilly Friend Glutton Hot-Blooded Friend Live Wire
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Reserving an official for April 20th @ 1:00 PM EDT / 5:00 PM GMT, hosted by Litt!

1st place: An_Azurill [14:11].
2nd place: PartMan [16:48].
3rd place: 111ace111 [16:57].
4th place: c.kilgannon [19:10].
5th place: TurtalKatThing [22:32].
Consolation Prize: aQrator [33:09], BeastBoy1971 [42:23]

(underlined username indicates perfect scorer)

1) For all questions, if there's more than one answer, list all in alphabetical order. Name the non-legendary and non-mythical Pokemon in the expanded regional Pokedex that are not found under the ownership of any trainer (excluding battle facilities) in Pokemon Platinum. [Rotom Unown]
2) A certain card in the TCG shares its name with a Key Item with Rotom in its name. This move has the same effect as the card and is found on a Pokemon-GX card. [Overclock]
3) In the first Pokemon GO event where Unown was available in eggs, only certain letters could be hatched. Name the Pokemon that can be spelled using those letters (multiple of the same letter is allowed). [Rattata]

Thank you both Litt and Spear for QCing :)
Thanks for participating, hope to see you next time!
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Reserving Official Hunt on April 20th at 4:20 PM UTC *pew pew pew*
1st place: 111ace111 [01:44].
2nd place: c.kilgannon [02:35].
3rd place: celesteeal!!! [02:55].
4th place: TurtalKatThing [04:25].
5th place: PartMan [04:33].
Consolation Prize: aQrator [05:19], p0ip0le ∆ [06:52], scoobydoobydrew [07:35], An_Azurill [10:47], thebluegummybear [11:45], shatterene [12:41]

note: underlined has completed the twist

1) In this episode, Ash and friends received 2 types of pokeball from Kurt as thanks for delivering the GS Ball. [gettin the bugs out]
2) This episode reveals if a human get hit by the red beam that a pokeball create when returning a pokemon into it, they will get stunned. [all that glitters is not golden]
3) In this episode, a pokemon nicknamed Jessica, Ashley, and Michael debuted. [getting the band back together]
Thanks to LittEleven and BulbaBuddy for QC

May the Pyuks be with you
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Reserving an official for April 22nd at 5 PM EDT (GMT-4)!
QC'd by LittEleven & Tapler!
(This hunt did not feature the Perfect Score twist because Q2 was edited midway through the hunt.)

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: celesteeal!!! [10:38].
2nd place: c.kilgannon [11:02].
3rd place: Devoxys [15:46].
4th place: A Phantom [22:54].
5th place: aQrator [24:15].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [24:21], p^_^okemonvortex. [24:36], Rory Mercury [28:43], PartMan [33:02], yaicanea [34:21], TurtalKatThing [42:02], An_Azurill [42:51], shatterene [43:05], ProfSapling [44:11]

1) This Key Item that is not given to the player has a different effect depending on the player's gender. [Dropped Item]
2) Curtis and Yancy mention a certain feature that uses items exclusive to Generations 5 and 6 in their dialogue. These cities that are not version-exclusive have their names in one or more of those items. (alphabetical, exclude city) [Castelia Driftveil Lumiose]
3) This Key Item only in a Generation 4 game is required to obtain a certain TM in another game. [Lock Capsule]
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Hosted an official on April 23rd at 7PM EDT.
QCs by Meicoo and Tapler

1st place: celesteeal!!! [04:12].
2nd place: TurtalKatThing [04:41].
3rd place: 111ace111 [06:38].
4th place: Almm41 [07:38].
5th place: yaicanea [08:51].
Consolation Prize: Mega Eevee X [20:10], cheese555 [20:11], ProfSapling [41:27], shatterene [59:18], c.kilgannon [01:06:48], Andrew [01:21:07]

1) A certain generation introduced more genderless Pokemon capable of being bred than any other. Name the breedable genderless Pokemon from that generation with the highest BST. [metagross]
2) Excluding forms, among female-only Pokemon, this Pokemon has STAB moves that are super effective against the most of the rest. [froslass]
3) Excluding forms, a certain type has more male-only Pokemon than any other type. There are also several types that have no male-only species. Name all fully-evolved predominantly male Pokemon with the both the most common male-only type as well as one of the types with no male-only species (alphabetic order). [Blaziken Chesnaught Emboar Infernape Lucario]

No perfects unfortunately :(
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Hosting an Official Hunt on Sunday April 26th at 12:00 pm EST
Ty to Andy Snype + Pants for qcing

1st place: Litt♥Eleven [03:29].
2nd place: PartMan [06:48].
3rd place: 111ace111 [07:13].
4th place: celesteeal!!! [08:51].
5th place: Pear Experience [09:28].
Consolation Prize: shatterene [09:49], p0ip0le ∆ [14:52], aQrator [21:51], The Frozen One [30:29], TurtalKatThing [30:36], clobbah time [31:08], Pis >_> xel~! [31:42], Darth [40:13], Steve456664 [51:57], An_Azurill [56:00], DanDaMan99 [56:06], Discordual [01:15:50]

1) Alphabetically list the moves which will change the target's ability to a specific ability. [Simple beam worry seed]
2) All four moves whose second word is this are of a type that is weak to fairy. [chop]
3) All moves containing a certain word are two worded, of the same type, and learned by a certain fully-evolved monotype Pokemon..which happens to share its category name with the word in question. In this order, name the Pokemon + its unique move in Sword/Shield. [klinklang gear up]
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Get ready for an Elite Odyssey on April 30th at 8:00 PM (US East)! QCs by 111ace111 and BulbaBuddy. Let's finish the month off like champions!

CONGRATS to everyone who completed the odyssey! Hope you all had a Champion time!

1st place: Qtierater [07:23].
2nd place: Pis (-_-) xel~! [11:05].
3rd place: ProfSapling [12:06].
4th place: celesteeal!!! [13:38].
5th place: FakePart [15:30].
Consolation Prize: TurtalKatThing [16:23], Andrew [18:54], c.kilgannon [22:24], p^_^okemonvortex. [24:26], shatterene [26:07], gallant's pear [27:49], aegii [32:04], Almm41 [35:57], Emboar02~ [42:55], A Phantom [43:10], BeastBoy1971 [43:30], fear火fire火22 [47:09], Computerwizard8800 [01:08:58], rory is bad [01:14:42]
1) This is the only fully-evolved Pokemon that is 4x resistant to Psychic-type moves and can be immune to Ground moves because of its ability. [Bronzong]
2) This Pokemon, whose two types were associated with special attacks in the first three generations, received a baby pre-evolution in generation 2. [Jynx]
3) This is the only fully-evolved Pokemon available in Pokemon GO which can have an ability that can cause it to eat berries early or an ability that prevents confusion in the main series games. [Grumpig]
4) A certain Pokemon that can evolve has a Galarian form that cannot (yet) evolve. What was at one time the only evolution of the Pokemon in question? [Slowbro]
5) The Champion of Kalos Mega Evolves this Pokemon during Championship battle matches. [Gardevoir]
6) This Pokemon spends most of its time at the Hill of the Ancients. [Xatu]
7) This Pokemon is the leader of Team Skull. [Skuntank]
8) In generation 1, this fully-evolved Pokemon had exactly one STAB move which was super-effective against Psychic-types, but was itself weak to Psychic moves. [Venomoth]
9) This is the only fully-evolved Pokemon that is 4x weak to Psychic-type moves. [Toxicroak]
10) A Wi-Fi Plaza minigame consists of throwing berries into this Pokemon's mouth. [Swalot]
11) Archie, Maxie, and Cyrus all use this Pokemon in the games where they appear together. [Crobat]
12) Out of all the Pokemon used by Team Rainbow Rocket grunts, this one has the shortest name. [Muk]
13) When a baby Pokemon's stats in two specific categories are equal, it can evolve into this Pokemon. [Hitmontop]
14) What Pokemon will Tyrogue evolve into if its attack is greater than its defense? [Hitmonlee]
15) What Pokemon will Tyrogue evolve into if its defense is greater than its attack? [Hitmonchan]
16) For two generations, this was the only fully-evolved Pokemon that could learn Arm Thrust (excluding Smeargle). [Hariyama]
17) What Pokemon is the highest rank in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team (not DX) named after? [Lucario]
18) This generation 1 Pokemon has six limbs, but isn't a Bug-type. In fact, in generation 1, all of its STAB moves are resisted by Bug-type Pokemon. [Machamp]
19) Going back to evil team leaders for a second...It's not good to have almost all your Pokemon weak to Fighting-types. Cyrus has some good Flying Pokemon for coverage, but he also likes to use this fully-evolved Pokemon, which is 4x weak to Fighting-type moves. [Weavile]
20) And back to Mystery Dungeon, this Pokemon joins the player's team while they are escaping the town as fugitives during the plot of Rescue Team. [Absol]
21) And another Champion question! A Champion in the main-series games uses this Pokemon, which at the time of that champion's original battle had no weaknesses. [Spiritomb]
22) More evil team Pokemon! Cyrus uses this Pokemon, and Maxie doesn't, despite it fitting Team Magma's general theme...but Archer does! In the Johto games, at least. [Houndoom]
23) Cyrus, again?! This is the only fully-evolved, non-legendary Pokemon on any of Cyrus's teams that is neither weak nor resistant to Fighting-type attacks. [Honchkrow]
24) Two Scavengers roomvoices have a certain Pokemon in their name. This Pokemon has the same pre-evolution as that Pokemon, but is immune to STAB attacks from that Pokemon. [Umbreon]
25) This was the first pseudo-legendary Pokemon to have the same type combination as a previous pseudo-legendary. [Salamence]
26) This used to be the only Pokemon with a 4x weakness to Electric-type attacks. [Gyarados]
27) This was the first pseudo-legendary Pokemon to be immune to Electric-type attacks. [Garchomp]
28) This was the first fully-evolved Dragon-type Pokemon in a two-stage evolutionary line. [Altaria]
29) This was the first Pokemon in national dex order to have a Gigantamax form revealed before the release of Pokemon Sword and Shield. [Charizard]
30) This is the final non-Psychic Pokemon in National Dex order of generation 1...And the final answer you need to complete this odyssey. Congratulations! [Dragonite]

As a bonus challenge, try to figure out the theme of the answers! If you PM me, I'll give you a cookie.
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Hosted an official on April 27th at 6PM EST.
QCs by Tapler and BulbaBuddy

1st place: TurtalKatThing [13:09].
2nd place: 111ace111 [13:16].
3rd place: celesteeal!!! [13:22].
4th place: ProfSapling [15:26].
5th place: shatterene [15:31].
Consolation Prize: c.kilgannon [22:10]

1) This is the first Pokemon movie that was released on a different day of the week in Japan than all previous Pokemon movies (full name, ignore diacritics). [Pokemon the Movie: The Power of Us]
2) Excluding the catching race, these trainers caught a Pokemon in The Power of Us (alphabetical order). [callahan risa]
3) In the Power of Us, Margo befriended 2 Pokemon, both of whom were voiced by the same voice actress in English. This same voice actress voiced part of a Pokemon in the SM anime. What is the full name of the English voice actor who voiced the rest of the Pokemon? [Marc Thompson]

Congratulations to 111ace111 and Prof. Sapling for answering perfectly!
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Official c.kilgannon hunt on April 30th at 12:00pm EST.
thank you to Pants + Meicoo for QCs!

1st place: Spirit Break [03:58].
2nd place: FakePart [10:13].
3rd place: Andrew [11:37].
4th place: Mike the Entei [11:54].
5th place: AbuBatata [13:14].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [13:47], aQrator [18:41], celesteeal!!! [22:08], TurtalKatThing [22:16], Litt♥Eleven [23:16], Praise Bid o3o f [27:39], An_Azurill [30:50]

1) This Pokemon was no longer an event exclusive Pokemon in between the main-series games released in Gen 6. [deoxys]
2) Alphabetically list the Gen II Pokemon that are only available in Gen VI when found at a non-conditional Mirage Spot. [stantler unown]
3) Taking the difference between the total amount of Pokemon able to be stored on the Pokemon Storage System in Gen II (English versions) and the total amount of Pokemon available in Gen II leaves you with this Pokemon's National Dex Number. [nidoran / nidoran f]
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Hosted an Official at 5:30 PM EDT on Thursday, April 30th!

2nd: Qtierater (aQrator)
3rd: bulbasaurbuddy
4th: FakePart (PartMan)
5th: cheese555
6th: 111ace111
Consolation prize: LittEleven, Emboar02, ProfSapling, Andrew, Pisxel, gallant's pear, An_Azurill, TurtalKatThing, BeastBoy1971, TalonSwag, MethWarriorZ
celesteeal (+10), Qtierater (+8), bulbasaurbuddy (+5), 111ace111 (+5), LittEleven (+2), Emboar02 (+2), Andrew (+2), Pisxel (+2), gallant's pear (+2), TurtalKatThing (+2)
(1) Clangorous Soul Dragon Dance, (2) Shell Smash Shift Gear, (3) Flame Charge
1) A certain type has only two status moves, both of which boost the user's stats. Alphabetically name the two moves.
2) In Gen 7, these two moves besides Dragon Dance boost attack and speed, and when powered into a z-move have the same z-effect as Dragon Dance. List them alphabetically.
3) A certain type that is resisted by Dragon has no status moves that boost the user's stats. This is the only move of that type that is guaranteed to boost a stat for the user.
Thanks to c.kilgannon and Pants for qc'ing!
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Introducing the Daily Question!
  • Each day, a Scavengers staff will update the Daily Question, which will be a single, normal-style question.
  • You can PM a staff member to try to answer the question, for 2 points a day.
  • Feel free to guess multiple times if you don't get it right on the first try!
    • However, please refrain from spamming a staff member with answers or being rude in PMs. Unnecessarily egregious behavior may result in a loss of points and potential room punishment.
    • Also refrain from sharing answers, asking for/offering help, or working together on these questions.
  • Use the command "/daily question" to view the current question.
Mhave fun!
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Reserving Official hunt on May 2nd at 8 PM UTC
1st place: celesteeal!!! [03:09].
2nd place: Litt♥Eleven [03:52].
3rd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [04:16].
4th place: TurtalKatThing [04:28].
5th place: 111ace111 [06:32].
Consolation Prize: Devoxys [06:47], Emboar02~ [07:43], yaicanea [08:08], cheese555 [08:23], Mike the Entei [12:52], ProfSapling [16:33], aQrator [19:17], BeastBoy1971 [35:29]

1) This is the most recent Japanese Pokemon anime opening theme song sung by Satoshi (Ash Ketchum). [Alola]
2) Assuming you have 0 pokedollars left, if you sell all items dropped by 3-lettered NPCs in White Forest to a Pokemart in Pokemon White, and then buy 1 of each mail sold in Opelucid City, how many pokedollars will you have left over? [2150]
3) These Pokemon cards can use Double Lariat to deal more than 100 damage with a neutrally-effective hit. (Ascending order by the card's HP, name the Pokemon only) [aggron pangoro golurk]
Thanks to Tapler and c.kilgannon for QC

May the Pyuks be with you
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Mini Official Roundup! (April 1st - April 30th EST):
1st place: celesteeal! [01:26]. 2nd place: rbds nightmare [03:25]. 3rd place: Dylas [03:33]. Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [04:02], shatterene [04:13], Skybounds ⬡ [04:44], LJB14 [12:01], Squirtell! [14:02], Notater517 [15:52], kingtroller + [19:59], TurtalKatThing [23:35], p^_^okemonvortex. [25:01]
Quality Checker: Andrew
1st place: 111ace111 [01:00]. 2nd place: Meicoo [01:02]. 3rd place: Litt♥Eleven [01:05]. Consolation Prize: CryoGyro [01:13], Shatterene [01:19], Pisxel~! [01:23], celesteeal!!! [01:26], AbuBatata [01:37], PartMan [01:45], Zipzap? Adam! [03:04], pokemasterofkalos [03:14], TurtalKatThing [05:36], haario [09:13], An_Azurill [14:10], Atad777 [40:38]
Quality Checker/Host: Devoxys
1st place: PartMan [02:28]. 2nd place: celesteeal!!! [07:01]. 3rd place: aQrator [12:10]. Consolation Prize: TurtalKatThing [18:10], AbuBatata [21:16], 111ace111 [21:57], An_Azurill [30:53]
Quality Checker/Host: LittEleven
1st place: 111ace111 [02:25]. 2nd place: celesteeal!!! [04:44]. 3rd place: Devoxys [05:52]. Consolation Prize: Zipzapadam [12:32], PartMan [15:01], TurtalKatThing [16:32], zacians [28:14], aQrator [48:27]
Quality Checker/Host: Meicoo
1st place: celesteeal!!! [06:17]. 2nd place: TurtalKatThing [07:29]. 3rd place: Devoxys [07:42]. Consolation Prize: aegii [08:06], aQrator [10:46], 111ace111 [11:39], Shatterene [15:16], wallape [18:17], pokemasterofkalos [21:03], gallant's pear [32:15], An_Snom [33:00], MikeTheEntei [34:22], p0ip0le ∆ [37:57]
Quality Checker/Host: LittEleven
1st place: Computerwizard8800 [03:25]. 2nd place: Meicoo [06:33]. 3rd place: MikeTheEntei [08:02]. Consolation Prize: Cheese555 [08:34], celesteeal!!! [08:34], 111ace111 [08:51], TurtalKatThing [12:26], PartMan [14:29]
Quality Checker: Andrew
1st place: The Frozen One [02:13]. 2nd place: MikeTheEntei [02:40]. 3rd place: Pis >_> xel~! [02:45]. Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [02:57], 3.14dgeot-Mega [04:38], scoobydoobydrew [06:24], TurtalKatThing [06:56], deftinwolf [07:45], Z◕rquax ◕‿◕ [11:21], An_Azurill [15:00], captanpasta [16:19], aQrator [22:18], killerASCII [29:48]
Quality Checker/Host: Andrew
1st place: celesteeal!!! [01:34]. 2nd place: aQrator [04:30]. 3rd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [04:31]. Consolation Prize: ProfSapling [06:10], MikeTheEntei [06:20], BeastBoy1971 [06:22], Devoxys [06:51], TurtalKatThing [26:56], 111ace111 [27:03]
Quality Checker/Host: A Phantom
1st place: celesteeal!!! [03:16]. 2nd place: Cyllage [03:24]. 3rd place: scoobydoobydrew [04:37]. Consolation Prize: bulbasaur! buddy! [04:44], Devoxys [04:51], TurtalKatThing [04:57], Litt♥Eleven [05:08], 3.14dgeot-Mega [05:22], Cheese555 [06:05], Found then Lost [07:48], Notater517 [07:49], ProfSapling [16:27], BeastBoy1971 [17:10], Andrew [22:12], aQrator [30:24], MikeTheEntei [54:22], An_Azurill [01:04:53]
Quality Checker/Host: c.kilgannon
1st place: celesteeal!!! [03:05]. 2nd place: aQrator [05:10]. 3rd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [11:20]. Consolation Prize: Meicoo [12:07], TurtalKatThing [12:11], Cheese555 [14:34], A Phantom [17:57], YveltalNL [24:09]
Quality Checker/Host: Computerwizard8800
1st place: celesteeal!!! [02:11]. 2nd place: TurtalKatThing [02:22]. 3rd place: aQrator [03:39]. Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [04:12], SoshialDistanshing [04:17], gallant's pear [06:48], Geene [07:05], BeastBoy1971 [08:00], TheStarmanLord [09:48], MikeTheEntei [10:04], An_Azurill [12:12], shatterene [15:40], Andrew [28:44], Computerwizard8800 [31:23], cheese555 [01:05:38]
Quality Checker/Host: c.kilgannon
1st place: Litt♥Eleven [00:38]. 2nd place: shatterene [01:02]. 3rd place: Pis >_> xel~! [01:08]. Consolation Prize: Computerwizard8800 [01:54], cheese555 [02:07], 111ace111 [03:47], BeastBoy1971 [03:49], c.kilgannon [07:42], Emboar02 [09:41], An_Azurill [09:42], MikeTheEntei [13:01], TurtalKatThing [13:06], chichinitz [23:22], aQrator [24:15], Darth [34:24]
Quality Checker/Host: Andrew
1st place: celesteeal!!! [01:22]. 2nd place: shatterene [02:00]. 3rd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [02:00]. Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [02:36], NGGYU [02:37], An_Azurill [02:53], TurtalKatThing [02:59], Computerwizard8800 [03:01], MikeTheEntei [03:25], BeastBoy1971 [03:42], aQrator [05:19]
Quality Checker: LittEleven
1st place: bulbasaur! buddy! [01:21]. 2nd place: shatterene [01:29]. 3rd place: 111ace111 [01:47]. Consolation Prize: BeastBoy1971 [02:24], MikeTheEntei [02:35], celesteeal!!! [02:38], Gwynt ^-^ [02:40], aQrator [02:43], RBDS YveltalNL [03:11], ProfSapling [03:32], Zipzapadam [05:39], TurtalKatThing [06:59], Almm41 [09:49], Andrew [10:11]
Quality Checker: pokemonvortex
1st place: TurtalKatThing [00:55]. 2nd place: celesteeal!!! [03:12]. 3rd place: shatterene [06:08]. Consolation Prize: Andrew [08:03], PartMan [35:35]
Quality Checker/Host: Computerwizard8800
1st place: 111ace111 [07:37]. 2nd place: yaicanea [12:12]. 3rd place: TurtalKatThing [14:04]. Consolation Prize: celesteeal!!! [19:26]
Quality Checker: A Phantom
1st place: Spirit Break [01:00]. 2nd place: celesteeal!!! [01:28]. 3rd place: p0ip0le ∆ [01:41]. Consolation Prize: Almm41 [01:42], p^_^okemonvortex. [02:01], miketheentei [02:03], Computerwizard8800 [03:05], 111ace111 [03:08], shinxthe17? (._.) [04:04], BeastBoy1971 [04:55], TurtalKatThing [07:41], sIang翔 [07:41], killerASCII [07:47], kingtroller + [08:45], wishmasterjirachi [10:02], A Phantom [11:24], scoobydoobydrew [14:51], skyfigueroa [17:02]
Quality Checker: Andrew
1st place: Litt♥Eleven [00:28]. 2nd place: aegii [00:35]. 3rd place: celesteeal!!! [00:37]. Consolation Prize: broil [00:43], A Phantom [00:49], c.kilgannon [01:00], Cyllage [01:06], shatterene [01:11], ProfSapling [01:26], hallomario [01:42], Almm41 [03:01], Ssitqc [03:07], Squirtell! [04:02], Pis >_> xel~! [04:13], yoony1 [04:19], skyfigueroa [06:21], BeastBoy1971 [07:41], kingtroller + [14:07], killerASCII [15:49], negsan [15:54], The Frozen One [18:11], AbuBatata [21:08], Drop a Dracovish [28:31], p0ip0le ∆ [31:12], Steve456664 [36:14], ASnomPlaysShowdown [41:35], Orion's Sign [46:47], scoobydoobydrew [55:55], sIang翔 [56:45], fear火fire火22 [58:26], Sylvolution [01:00:32]
Quality Checker/Host: Bulbasaurbuddy
1st place: 111ace111 [03:23]. 2nd place: Emboar02~ [05:09]. 3rd place: Devoxys [06:16]. Consolation Prize: TurtalKatThing [06:57], PartMan [07:11], scoobydoobydrew [07:21], shatterene [08:22], Mike the Entei [08:30], aQrator [09:06], bulbasaur! buddy! [11:44], ProfSapling [13:16], BeastBoy1971 [16:31], c.kilgannon [19:49], An_Azurill [29:37]
Quality Checker/Host: LittEleven
1st place: Mike the Entei [03:34]. 2nd place: shatterene [05:14]. 3rd place: shinxthe17 (._.) [06:01]. Consolation Prize: A Phantom [08:19], litteleven [13:13], Almm41 [33:08]
Quality Checker/Host: Computerwizard8800
1st place: cheese555 [02:01]. 2nd place: Mike the Entei [02:30]. 3rd place: 111ace111 [03:49]. Consolation Prize: TurtalKatThing [11:16], killerASCII [14:29], Pis >_> xel~! [14:42], shatterene [29:47]
Quality Checker: Devoxys
1st place: celesteeal!!! [00:39]. 2nd place: Devoxys [00:43]. 3rd place: Litt♥Eleven [01:00]. Consolation Prize: FireghtBug [01:02], TurtalKatThing [01:11], AbuBatata [01:27], shatterene [01:50], Pranav03Sharma [02:13], An_Azurill [02:41], PartMan [02:45], Pear Experience [05:12], 104th Trooper [08:51], Pis >_> xel~! [16:38], aQrator [23:35]
Quality Checker/Host: 111ace111
1st place: cheese555 [02:56]. 2nd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [03:08]. 3rd place: Devoxys [04:06]. Consolation Prize: aQrator [04:37], working on this [05:52], yaican.ea [06:05], Pis >_> xel~! [06:12], gallant's pear [06:13], TurtalKatThing [08:04], shatterene [08:04], An_Azurill [15:18]
Quality Checker/Host: 111ace111
1st place: cheese555 [00:55]. 2nd place: 111ace111 [01:48]. 3rd place: ProfSapling [02:32]. Consolation Prize: celesteeal!!! [03:17], An_Azurill [04:52], Mike the Entei [04:56], aQrator [06:00], scoobydoobydrew [06:36], TurtalKatThing [06:54], BeastBoy1971 [21:39], PartMan [23:06], 3.14dgeot-Mega [23:31]
Quality Checker: Devoxys
Last Month's Results

Here lies Meicoo, inventor of the mini official. Cause of death: the mini official.
The April Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers, led by celesteeal in first place with a titanic new Scavengers record 1628 points! Great job as well by TurtalKatThing in second place with 866 points and aQrator in third place with 777 (+85) points!
celesteeal 1628
TurtalKatThing 866
aQrator 777 (+85)
PartMan 777 (+78)
111ace111 777
LittEleven 575
Mike the Entei 537
shatterene 501
ProfSapling 451
Almm41 344
cheese555 321
3.14dgeot-Mega 314
An_Azurill 304
Computerwizard8800 283
AbuBatata 281
The Frozen One 270
c.kilgannon 246
A Phantom 239
pokemonvortex 236
bulbasaurbuddy 212
Pisxel 194
aegii 185
killerASCII 161
ax1lotl 159
Devoxys 142
Skybounds 130
gallant's pear 120
Spirit Break 120
yaicanea 113
BeastBoy1971 112
zipzapadam 107
Meicoo 105
scoobydoobydrew 101
Andrew 93
RainbowBenja7 92
ASnomPlaysShowdown 84
Tapler 80
p0ip0le 79
Steve456664 67
Dylas 62
Darth 58
Parcly Taxel 54
Grimm Nightmare 44
irokei 39
AliasHallow 36
Squirtell 33
CryoGyro 33
pokemasterofkalos 33
kingtroller 32
Emboar02 32
Merlee 31
wallape 30
Pear Experience 28
wishmasterjirachi 26
Ssitqc 25
Cyllage 24
Orion's Sign 23
AndrewThePenguin 22
WeepingDevil 21
ip04 21
Wan the Avatar 21
YveltalNL 20
Praise Bid o3o f 20
yoony1 20
PlasmaSoldier2016 19
crepuscular goomy 19
Discordual 18
haario 17
Rory Mercury 16
Pranav03Sharma 16
shinxthe17 16
FireghtBug 16
rbds nightmare 15
Notater517 15
Barry000 13
Tigromata 13
Mega Eevee X 13
Instruct 13
Hydrocation 12
clobbah time 12
LJB14 11
smii 11
rb220 11
Found then Lost 11
Zacian-Crowned 11
pv2023 11
skyfigueroa 11
hallomario 11
Bronzecrank 10
rory is bad 10
njkio 10
spookdemon 10
kazuyamiyuki 10
AGuyPlaysPokemon 9
Atad777 9
CountDracula120 9
thebluegummybear 9
ScorrchingTheaph 8
broil 8
Soft Flex 7
amorris 7
negsan 7
sIang 7
quarantinejean 7
Grimmslee 6
Vrji 6
HeracrossTheGreek 6
fearfire22 6
arch of life 6
Midnightsecrets 5
PrincessPika102 5
Gwynt 5
Grimm Troupe 5
Kreat 5
An_Grape 5
zyg 5
Christmas 5
SoshialDistanshing 5
KawaiiiiPotato 5
working on this 5
1vmk notater 4 5
visaelmkii 5
misterfrostee 5
guishark 4
grimmari 4
SergioRules 4
Tushavi 4
Illusio 4
Aeolia 4
GengyGengar 4
Mrs Fame 4
Post-metagamer 4
get your wish 4
CoolingTundra 4
HoeenHero(2) 3
rbds pi 3
rbds cheese555 3
aclark58 3
FourteenAlmonds 3
TheStarmanLord 3
An_Snom 3
rbds chees 3
chichinitz 3
Schiavetto 3
RBDS YveltalNL 3
a wanderer 3
DCSyntro 3
Drop a Dracovish 3
applo 3
Astral Observatory 3
Ocean-ey 3
imsoapy 3
YashGreninja 3
digimonismylife 3
104th Trooper 3
paella de caragols 3
badmonsonly 3
rxdb 3
mgperson 3
Grimm Fandango 2
hoeenhero 2
MaskedShedinja 2
AFKndrew 2
boredcollegekid 2
Zuff 2
jude909 2
keeping it icy 2
Felucia 2
Krakenwaffle 2
Gargoyle31 2
Benjgbro 2
hot soppressata 2
teal-mega 2
DanDaMan99 2
notato8 2
Talonswag 2
MethWarriorZ 2
shittaste 1
shrugsandshrubs 1
notwan 1
solganiumz 1
ThelifeYouLive 1
Lord Varamyr 1
ptelzcra 1
Skaiian 1
deftinwolf 1
rbds andrew 1
smartass ditto avi 1
Cassketch 1
rbds jci 1
lurkingSombres 1
Loljbass 1
i like the devil 1
MegaMismagiusX 1
YvelToTheCore 1
Omniwott 1
conabzb 1
rbds ch 1
coldgenesis 1
ManUNkind 1
Darkdex 1
ScorhingTheaph 1
floooood 1
rbds cheese 1
Royale Steakburger 1
Zrquax 1
captanpasta 1
mukeo 1
Geene 1
rbds Cosmic Truth 1
Jayi 1
Bramboy 1
passenger of shit 1
Iceblock715 1
MimikyuHatsune 1
RandomSweeped 1
Aeonic 1
drosophile 1
psmathgeek 1
RBDS Popplio 1
Luana 1
TripodPlayz 1
Deep x Dope 1
Grimm_Grape 1
Mystic Arcanum 1
Spearit Shackle 1
Andy 1
Salvanoize 1
sylvolution 1
commanderawesome 1
The ladder twist chosen by staff for the month of May is: Stylish Weekends (no Homer): On weekends, Odysseys aren't allowed, so the other special game styles will be hosted instead, including Scavenger Games, Jump Starts, KO Games, Point Rallies, Incognito Hunts, and more!

May good fortune come your way on the May Ladder!

Big congratulations to a quintet of voice promotions the previous month: Celesteeal and PartChandelure (PartMan) returning to Scavs voice, and turtalkatthing, aQrator, and iamnotterrible (shatterene) becoming voices for the first time! And to top it off, April marks the appointment of Scavenger's' newest RO, the excellent LittEleven!
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Reserving a spot for my first fish at May 2nd, 15:00 GMT.
Thanks to c.kilgannon for QCing and LittEleven for QCing and hosting.
1st place: smii [01:09].
2nd place: celesteeal!!! [01:33].
3rd place: AbuBatata [01:54].
4th place: Praise Bid o3o f [02:34].
5th place: PartMan [03:00].
Consolation Prize: shatterene [03:02], Geene [04:15], Emboar02~ [04:23], yaicanea [06:07], aegii [07:18], TurtalKatThing [13:46], An_Azurill [17:48]

1) List all answers alphabetically. These fully-evolved Pokémon are weak to both of their own STABs. [Dragapult Giratina]
2) These fully-evolved Pokémon resist both of their own STABs, but their individual types do not resist themselves. [Buzzwole Heracross Pheromosa]
3) These fully-evolved, non-forme Pokémon are immune to one of their STABs. [Gliscor Landorus Malamar Marshadow Stunfisk]

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Reserving an official for Sunday, May 3rd, 7:00 pm EDT.
Thanks to Pants and computerwizard8800 for QCing!

1st place: Meicoo [04:52].
2nd place: 111ace111 [05:12].
3rd place: ProfSapling [05:15].
4th place: Almm41 [05:20].
5th place: scoobydoobydrew [06:09].
Consolation Prize: Mike the Entei [06:26], bulbasaur! buddy! [07:11], celesteeal!!! [08:08], TurtalKatThing [10:58], cheese555 [12:01], shatterene [18:16]

1) 4 different characters in the main series games, anime and the Pokémon Adventures manga have butlers with this name. [Sebastian]
2) Allegedly, Wizards of the Coast denied the existence of an extremely rare version of a Pokémon card featuring this Pokémon until in 2006. [Raichu]
3) These Metal-type Pokémon were featured as Prerelease Cards in Build & Battle Boxes in the Sun & Moon series. (alphabetical order) [CelesteelaJirachiMelmetal]


Congrats to all finishers! Thanks to Pants and computerwizard8800 for QCing!
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held a fish on sunday may 3rd at 1:00 PM PDT (gmt-7)
qcs by the great Tapler and LittEleven (who's also hosting)

that was a long one, here are the results! gz to all the finishers
1st place: An_Azurill [06:32].
2nd place: killerASCII [08:21].
3rd place: ProfSapling [08:51].
4th place: sIang翔 [17:57].
5th place: mgperson [18:20].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [18:46], A Phantom [19:01], PartMan [19:32], shatterene [20:09], smii [22:36], aQrator [24:01], Meicoo [25:20], celesteeal!!! [27:58], bulbasaur! buddy! [29:08], TurtalKatThing [33:18], yaicanea [39:58], BeastBoy1971 [40:20], Computerwizard8800 [42:45], keeping it icy [54:46]

1) These moves' accuracy depend on the user's type in Gen 8. [sheercold toxic]
2) This move's damage used to partially depend on the user's type (ignore type effectiveness). [Present]
3) Theoretically, ignoring rounding as part of damage calculation, this Pokemon which existed in Pokemon Gold and Silver would have taken the most damage from Present from a Delibird in Gold and Silver. [umbreon]
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Scav-Egg-ers Easter Egg Hunt Odyssey has concluded!
The event was held from April 19th to April 30th in Treasure Town. For full details, check out this doc with the information and this one with the results.

Shoutouts to all the staff who participated, either by handling the Hint Exchange process, QCing, selecting questions from a huge pool, or all of the above!
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Sparkychild and I collab-hosted a pair of back-to-back Official Scavenger Games on Sunday, May 3rd, at 8 PM EDT (GMT-4), with a twist: They were the first ever Blind Incognito Scavs Officials! (Each was worth normal official points.)

1st Scavenger Games:
Winner: ProfSapling
2nd: celesteeal
3rd: Emboar02
4th: MiketheEntei
5th: cheese555
1-1 Oshawott Snivy Tepig, 1-2 Emboar Samurott Serperior, 1-3 Sceptile Swampert
2-1 Professor Cerise, 2-2 Riolu, 2-3 Goh
3-1 Mew, 3-2 Arceus, 3-3 Mewtwo-Mega-Y
4-1 16, 4-2 1.6, 4-3 Eternatus-Eternamax
5-1 Raichu, 5-2 Chuck, 5-3 Koga
6-1 Victini, 6-2 Emolga, 6-3 Super
Hunt 1 (by Meicoo)
1-1 In the first main series games to have a number in their names, these are the possible Little Cup starter Pokemon. List them alphabetically.
1-2 Alphabetically list the fully-evolved evolutions of Oshawott, Snivy, and Tepig.
1-3 Besides Samurott and Serperior, what other two fully-evolved main series starter Pokemon have names that start with S? List them alphabetically.

Hunt 2 (by sparkychild)
2-1 “Dr. Sakuragi” refers to which Pokémon Professor? (include the word “professor” in your answer)
2-2 This is the latest Pokémon that Ash has obtained in the anime.
2-3 What is the name of Ash’s newest main traveling companion?

Hunt 3 (by Meicoo)
3-1 This is the first introduced Pokemon to have all its base stats be 100.
3-2 This Pokemon's base stats are all the same number as each other, and the number is greater than 100.
3-3 Name the first introduced monotyped Pokemon after Arceus to have a higher base stat total than Arceus. Format its name as PS does.

Hunt 4 (by sparkychild)
4-1 How many different types can Hidden Power do damage as?
4-2 n Pokémon Go, super effective moves do not hit for 2x. What multiplier is applied to super effective moves instead? (Do not include “x” in your answer)
4-3 Of all the Pokémon that can be brought into a custom battle on PS, this one has the highest base stat total of all Pokémon. (format answer like /dt)

Hunt 5 (by Meicoo)
5-1 In Pokemon Yellow, a certain Gym leader uses only one Pokemon. Name the Pokemon.
5-2 In Gen 2, this Johto Gym Leader uses only fully-evolved Pokemon.
5-3 Name the first Elite 4 member introduced in the main series games to use a type that no other Elite 4 member uses.

Hunt 6 (by sparkychild)
6-1 Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Shaymin, ???
6-2 Pikachu, Pichu, Minun/Plusle, Pachirisu, ???
6-3 Small, Average, Large, ???
2nd Scavenger Games:
Winner: 111ace111
2nd: ProfSapling
3rd: Emboar02
1-1 Shadow Ball, 1-2 Hoopa Lunala, 1-3 Blacephalon
2-1 GS Ball, 2-2 Burnt Berry, 2-3 7 / seven
3-1 Colorless Darkness Lightning Metal, 3-2 Poison, 3-3 Toxel
4-1 Headbutt, 4-2 Espeon, 4-3 New York City
5-1 Aerodactyl, 5-2 Steelix, 5-3 Milotic
6-1 Everstone, 6-2 Eviolite, 6-3 Sun Shard
Hunt 1 (by Meicoo)
1-1 In the first Pokemon movie, Mewtwo uses this move that is super-effective against Psychic type Pokemon.
1-2 In Pokemon Sun and Moon, these two ghost-type legendary Pokemon that share their typing are the only two mythical/legendary Pokemon that learn Shadow Ball by level-up. List them alphabetically.
1-3 Besides Hoopa and Lunala, this other ghost-type Pokemon in the Undiscovered group learns Shadow ball by level-up in UltraSun and UltraMoon.

Hunt 2 (by sparkychild)
2-1 This gold coloured Pokéball was introduced in the anime but disappeared after a few dozen episodes and was never mentioned again.
2-2 Aspear Berry was known as this in Gen 2 games.
2-3 How many different apricorns are there?

Hunt 3 (by Meicoo)
3-1 These four types in the TCG do not exist with the exact same names in the main series. List the TCG types alphabetically.
3-2 Pokemon of this main series type, that doesn't exist in the TCG, have been classified in the TCG as first Grass, then Psychic, and now Darkness-type TCG cards.
3-3 In the main series, this poison-type Pokemon evolves into a different form of its evolution depending on its nature. (Answer is LC)

Hunt 4 (by sparkychild)
4-1 In Sinnoh, the item Honey replaced this Pokémon move’s out-of-battle effect.
4-2 65/65/60/130/95/110 Which Pokémon is this?
4-3 Unova is based on this in-real-life location.

Hunt 5 (by Meicoo)
5-1 Excluding forms, this is the first Pokemon in the national dex to resist both of Shield Dust Venomoth's STABs, but take neutral damage from both of Tinted Lens Venomoth's STABs, that doesn’t share a type with Venomoth.
5-2 Excluding forms, this is the first Pokemon in the national dex to resist both of Wonder Skin Sigilyph's STABs, but take neutral damage from both of Tinted Lens Sigilyph's STABs.
5-3 The national dex number of Aerodactyl added to the national dex number of Steelix is the national dex number of this Pokemon.

Hunt 6 (by sparkychild)
6-1 You receive this item from the Professor after you hatch a certain Pokémon Egg in Pokémon Gold.
6-2 This item introduced in Gen 5 boosts both defensive stats by 50% if certain conditions are met.
6-3 This item is required to evolve Eevee into Espeon in a certain side game, and only works with Eevee.
Thanks to LittEleven and Pants for QC'ing!
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Reserving a special official for Sunday, May 3rd at 9:30PM EDT.

Thanks to BulbaBuddy and LittEleven for QCing and Litt for co-hosting!

This official was a Jump Start with a random battle tournament in place of the first hunt. Meicoo, 111ace111, imjustgray, and celesteeal received a 1 minute head start for the hunt.

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: celesteeal!!! [03:24].
2nd place: 111ace111 [03:33].
3rd place: mgperson [04:47].
4th place: Emboar02 [05:54].
5th place: Meicoo [06:55].
Consolation Prize: hallomario [12:55], MikeTheEntei [14:32], TurtalKatThing [24:21], ProfSapling [24:53]

1) Two Pokemon in the manga have names in the VIZ Media translation of Pokemon Adventures that are "Mr." followed by opposite natures (e.g Quiet and Jolly). Name the Pokemon in alphabetic order (format as PS does). [unown d unown p]
2) The second through seventh rooms in a certain location have Unown in each room that spell out this word. [friend]
3) Both the lowercase and uppercase version of this letter from a non-Roman script have been shown as Unown forms at some point. [sigma]
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Reserving an official for May 4th @ 7:00 PM EDT / 11:00 PM GMT, hosted by BulbasaurBuddy!

1st place: Rory Mercury [06:06].
2nd place: TurtalKatThing [14:01].
3rd place: mgperson [15:31].
4th place: 111ace111 [17:10].
5th place: p^_^okemonvortex. [17:36].
Consolation Prize: A Phantom [18:34], Computerwizard8800 [18:53], BeastBoy1971 [19:32], ProfSapling [20:16], Almm41 [20:58], killerASCII [01:05:15], TL The Legend [01:10:53]

1) This is the Pokemon with the lowest BST that can perform Cool Chrysalis. [Shedinja]
2) This Clever move, when used in a Coolness Contest Spectacular, will still excite the audience. [Pay Day]
3) A certain NPC gives you an item that is required to compete in Contest Spectaculars. In alphabetical order, list the items that NPC can give the player that aren't key items. [Lum Berry Star Light]

Thank you both Bulba and Spear for QCing :)
Thanks for participating, hope to see you next time!
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