Tournament OM Classic Information Thread

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in the hills

spreading confusion
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(art by lyd)
Welcome to the first iteration of the Other Metagames Classic! The OM Classic is a tournament that features various Other Metagames from previous generations. This tournament will be single elimination with Best of 3 style matches for each cup. Afterwards, the top 8 players will face off in a playoffs in which a winner will be crowned! The schedule for the Cups is as follows:​
USUM Balanced Hackmons Cup
- June 28th (hosted by In The Hills)
ORAS Almost Any Ability Cup- July 5th (hosted by berry)
USUM NFE Cup- July 5th (hosted by SectoniaServant)
ORAS STABmons Cup- July 12th (hosted by In The Hills)
USUM Mix and Mega Cup- July 12th (hosted by Kris)


Playoffs will take place after the final Cup has concluded. The top 8 players will face off in a seeded single elimination tournament, where all 5 tiers will be played in a Best of 5 style match. The points system used will be the same as the one used in the Smogon Grand Slam.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Does the OM Classic count towards the 2020 Other Metas Tour Circuit?
A: No, the OM Classic doesn't count for circuit points of any kind.
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Important Mechanical Changes
A few people were confused about a few mechanics for these metagames (cough berry) so here's a general list of important changes from past generations, as well as some metagame specific mechanics.


  • Full Pokedex and move list are usable. This includes moves like Core Enforcer, Pursuit, Return/Frustration, and many others.
  • Z-Crystals and Mega Stones can be used, allowing for the use of Z-Moves and manual Mega Evolution.
  • Rapid Spin is 20 BP and does not increase Speed.
  • Grassy, Electric, and Psychic Terrain boost is 1.5x instead of 1.3x.​
  • Defog no longer removes Terrains.​
  • Figy Berry and its equivalents restore HP by 50% instead of 33%.
  • Inner Focus, Oblivious, Scrappy, Rattled, and Own Tempo no longer have immunity to Intimidate
  • Disguise does no damage to Mimikyu after activation.

  • Burn deals 12.5% per turn, not 6.25%.
  • Prankster affects Dark-types.
  • Soul Dew boosts Special Attack and Special Defense of Latios and Latias by 1.5x.
  • Dark Void's accuracy is 80%, and it is not restricted to Darkrai.
  • -ate abilities grant a 1.3x power boost, not 1.2x.
  • Gale Wings grants +1 priority to all Flying-type attacks regardless of the user's HP.
  • Base critical hit rate is 1/16 instead of 1/24.
  • Normalize no longer boosts the power of affected moves.
  • Mega Evolution does not increase the Pokemon's Speed nor activate its Ability on the turn of Mega Evolving.
  • Destiny Bond does not fail with multiple uses
Metagame Specific Changes:
USUM Balanced Hackmons:
  • Arceus and Silvally forms will always be Normal-type, unless they are holding their designated item and have the ability Multitype/RKS System.
USUM Mix and Mega:
  • Aggronite adds a Steel secondary typing, as opposed to removing the secondary typing.
  • Red Orb and Blue Orb can be used as mega stones, providing the following boosts:
    • Red Orb (+30 Attack, +20 Defense, +50 Special Attack | Desolate Land | +
      | +49.7 Kg)
    • Blue Orb (+50 Attack, +30 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense | Primordial Sea | N/A | +78 Kg)
  • If a Mega Stone is banned, its native user will still be able to Mega Evolve with that stone. For example, Pidgeot can hold Pidgeotite despite Pidgeotite being banned.
  • Rotom formes can only use moves from Electric, Ghost, and their current forme's typing in addition to their normal movepool. This was an arbitrary mechanic applied by the ORAS STABmons leadership that was removed in Generation 7, but we want the metagame to play as it originally played.
ORAS Almost Any Ability
  • If an ability is banned, its native users will still be able to use the banned ability. For example, you can use Huge Power on Azumarill and Imposter on Ditto.
Announcement on Challenges for NFE, AAA, STAB and MnM
Recently, it was brought to my attention that a lot of users were experiencing trouble with connection on ROM, our side server that was recommended for Classic games to be played on. To alleviate any issues on that end, we will be making a few changes on how matches will be played in order to have a more secure and playable tour. First off, [Gen 7] Mix and Mega will be added to the main PS! server as a challenge-only format due to difficulties in replicating the format in custom challenges. For the rest of the tiers (USUM NFE, ORAS Almost Any Ability, and ORAS STABmons) there will be a slightly more complex change to how users will need to challenge. This information and guidelines for each tier will be posted below, as well as in each of the weekly posts that the hosts provide, along with a few rules that have come from this change.

How this will work:
Users will need to make a groupchat on the main PS! server and invite their opponent to the groupchat, in which they will start a tournament with custom rules based on each tiers banlist. Below is the guide on how to create a groupchat, as well as the tour code needed for each tour. Additionally, ORAS STABmons and ORAS Almost Any Ability have a few rules that must be followed, due to the formats having some slight differences in this form of challenge. These rules will be listed below as well.

How to make a group chat and invite your opponent:
/makegroupchat [any name]
In the groupchat:
/invite [your opponent]

Tier specific tour codes:
/tour new gen7ou, elim
/tour rules notfullyevolved, -chansey, -doublade, -gligar, -golbat, -gurdurr, -magneton, -piloswine, -porygon2, -rhydon, -scyther, -sneasel, -type null, -vigoroth, -drought, -aurora veil
/tour new gen6ou, elim
/tour rules -diggersby, -kyuremblack, -porygonz, -thundurusbase, -aerodactylmega, -altariamega, -metagrossmega, -razorfang, -kingsrock, *acupressure, *bellydrum, *chatter, *darkvoid, *geomancy, *lovelykiss, *shellsmash, *shiftgear, *sketch, stabmons move legality

Additional rules you need to be aware of:
Opposed to more recent generations, in ORAS STABmons Rotom formes can only use additional moves from Electric, Ghost, and its current forme's typing. Failure to listen to these rule will result in a disqualification from the tournament. This is your warning.
ORAS Almost Any Ability
/tour new gen6ou, elim
/tour rules !Obtainable Abilities, 2 Ability Clause, -Parental Bond, -Wonder Guard, -Archeops, -Bisharp, -Chatot, -Dragonite, -Keldeo, -Kyurem-Black, -Regigigas, -Shedinja, -Slaking, -Smeargle, -Snorlax, -Suicune, -Terrakion, -Weavile, +Aegislash, +Blaziken-Base, +Deoxys-Defense, +Deoxys-Speed, +Genesect, +Greninja, +Landorus, -Dynamic Punch, -Zap Cannon

Additional bans you need to be aware of:
You cannot use the following abilities on any Pokemon that do not naturally have the following abilities:
Contrary, Fur Coat, Huge Power, Illusion, Imposter, Protean, Pure Power, Simple, Speed Boost
Failure to listen to these bans will result in a disqualification from the tournament. This is your warning.
We understand that this is not an ideal situation, but this is the easiest and best solution to the problem that's arisen. It is our hope that this solution will create a more secure playing experience for everyone. Thank you to Kris and SectoniaServant as well for helping with the tour codes. If anyone has any concerns regarding this change please feel free to contact me personally.
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An Update on Challenges for NFE, AAA, and STABmons
I recently added a change to how /challenge works, so now users are able to simply challenge each other with the command instead of making a groupchat! Here are the commands:

/chall [user], gen7ou @@@ notfullyevolved, -chansey, -doublade, -gligar, -golbat, -gurdurr, -magneton, -piloswine, -porygon2, -rhydon, -scyther, -sneasel, -type null, -vigoroth, -drought, -aurora veil
/chall [user], gen6ou @@@ stabmons move legality, -diggersby, -kyuremblack, -porygonz, -thundurusbase, -aerodactylmega, -altariamega, -metagrossmega, -razorfang, -kingsrock, *acupressure, *bellydrum, *chatter, *darkvoid, *geomancy, *lovelykiss, *shellsmash, *shiftgear, *sketch, *spore

Additional rules you need to be aware of:
Opposed to more recent generations, in ORAS STABmons Rotom formes can only use additional moves from Electric, Ghost, and its current forme's typing. Failure to listen to these rule will result in a disqualification from the tournament. This is your warning.
/chall [user], gen6ou @@@ 2 Ability Clause, !Obtainable Abilities, -Parental Bond, -Wonder Guard, -Archeops, -Bisharp, -Chatot, -Dragonite, -Keldeo, -Kyurem-Black, -Regigigas, -Shedinja, -Slaking, -Smeargle, -Snorlax, -Suicune, -Terrakion, -Weavile, +Aegislash, +Blaziken-Base, +Deoxys-Defense, +Deoxys-Speed, +Genesect, +Greninja, +Landorus, -Dynamic Punch, -Zap Cannon

Additional bans you need to be aware of:
You cannot use the following abilities on any Pokemon that do not naturally have the following abilities:
Contrary, Fur Coat, Huge Power, Illusion, Imposter, Protean, Pure Power, Simple, Speed Boost
Failure to listen to these bans will result in a disqualification from the tournament. This is your warning.

Hopefully this makes it a bit easier to play your games.
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ORAS STABmons Ban Update: Spore
This was a decision I had planned to make before the tour started, but I wanted to hold off on any bans until people could see for themselves why Spore was an issue and was being banned. As expected, Spore has proven to be an uncompetitive menace in the ORAS STABmons metagame, and thus will be restricted from Pokemon who do not naturally learn it. Pokemon who naturally learn Spore like Amoonguss will still be able to use it. This ban will take effect starting Round 2, so any battles that have yet to conclude in Round 1 will still be able to use Spore unrestricted.
RE: Ghosting
☆aesf: lemme plan out everything first
☆jrdn: can we just do math
☆jrdn: and figure it out lol
+drampa's grandpa: jay ar dee en
☆aesf: ok
☆aesf: sure
☆aesf: can we assume that
☆aesf: insane para hax doesnt happen
☆jrdn: ye
☆aesf: ok
☆aesf: so
☆jrdn: whats ur total pp
☆aesf: volt does 10
☆aesf: tbolt does 12
☆aesf: which means
GL Volkner: transform has 21pp
GL Volkner: softboiled has 11 pp
☆jrdn: transform is bad for him
☆aesf: i use softboiled per every tbolt
ArcticBreezeX: quality gameplay
GL Volkner: he uses it last
GL Volkner: yea
GL Volkner: wait
GL Volkner: is that ghosting
GL Volkner: fuck
GL Volkner: LOL
☆jrdn: lmao
In the third ORAS STABmons game between jrdn and aesf, GL Volkner described what plays would need to be made in a PP stalling situation. This is frankly unacceptable behavior from GL Volkner and is blatant in-chat ghosting, intentional or not. After discussing with a Tournament Director, we have decided that no punishment will be given out at this time, but note that GL Volkner was very close to being disqualified from this tournament. These tour games are to be taken as seriously as any other tour, and this post is your warning: any further instances of ghosting will result in disqualification from the tournament as well as potential further punishment from the section leaders.
Congratulations to aesf for winning OM Classic!!!
Thank you to everyone who participated and I hope that everyone had a good time participating and (re)learning some of these old gens Other Metagames!! This was a really fun tour to host and I'm glad it ran as smoothly as it did. Thank you to The Immortal and the rest of the OM leadership for approving this tour, and a huge thank you the others in the community who helped decide the metagames and helped to make this tour a great experience!! See you all next year!
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