Tournament OMPL X - Commencement

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This year's bh pool is looking really deep. All these players would be incredible pick ups and deserve to get drafted :)
Here's my tier list though to help out other managers who will be drafting for bh.
(players not in order in specific tiers)

Step above the rest
  • Quojova: 2021 BH Seasonal Winner, 2022 BH Open semis, BHLT Finals (hasn’t finished)
  • Cityscapes: 6 - 0 in BH OMWC, 3 - 2 OMPL
  • XxSevagxX: 2021 BH Open Finalist, 6 - 2 OMPL, 2022 BH Open winner
  • Stresh (by quota): Stresh
Just Below the top
  • Quantum Tesseract: Super solid builder + player
  • MAMP: Creative builder, 4 - 0 in omwc, 2022 BH Open quarterfinalis
Very Strong Players
  • a loser: nice good offensive builds
  • Ivar57: 3 - 2 in OMWC (lost to city twice), good aggressive builder
Big Strong Player
  • TTTech: He is a big strong man. 3 - 2 in OMPL, good passive long term builds.
Strong Players
  • Nihilslave: up and coming player, BHLT current finals, offensive builder
  • Astralydia: recently got into bh, making her own unique BO / balance builds
  • Ren: BH Open finals, 2 - 2 OMWC, not doing bh tho so won’t build
Somewhere in between
  • Onyx Onix 7: One of the best current support players for bh. Has a bit of difficulty in game, but incredible at building + scouting
Very solid
  • Tea Guzzler: BHLT Semi-finalist, Up and coming player, has very solid builds, excited to see more of him in ompl
  • Damflame 3: BH Open finalist. Has literally 0% imposter usage tho, so will have to change those patterns to succeed in ompl. Pretty good builder
  • Aninterestingidea: Hasn’t signed up yet, but he was the first person to begin building the current Xerneas + Regigigas structures which now define the meta.
Somewhere in between
  • Avyrie: Good player, and have good ideas, but has difficulty completing cohesive teams.
  • DuGuo: A student of nihilslave. Just got into BH, but many people have been impressed with his playing + newer teams. If you draft him, will get the support of all of china.
  • Anaconja: recently got into bh again, has been a little rusty but understands how the games play out and is a good player. Builds good balance
  • Career Ended: newer player as well, but has very quickly picked up the metagame. I’ve been overall impressed with all his own original builds and playing. Has gotten unlucky in many of his games as of late.
  • Darkrai Retribution: Almost beat losr in BH Open but got really unlucky. Knows how to play the game really and would be a great 3k pick up.
  • Ballfire: I remember ballfire from forever ago, Had no idea who they were but got to like 1600 on ladder very quickly. Was pretty impressed with their building + playing. Has shown signs of improvement as well, beating onyx onix 7 in BH Ladder Tour.
A step above some
  • ItsChew: Has recently picked up bh, and can play many of his games at a high level. Reached BH Open semis, notably beating astralydia along the way. If he's able to get his building sorted out though (which I believe he can) he can definitely become a very strong BH player and a huge steal this draft.
  • Redflix: Has mentioned he’s been enjoying bh. Can pilot builds at a relatively high level.
  • Greybaum: Has been able to build some solid teams and structures. Can pilot them descently well too.
  • Codename C.A.T: Builds some fun structures with a lot of cool ideas.
  • Kabilapok: Made it to BHLT play offs, and is able to pilot his teams well.
Un Tier
  • Unnerftalonflame
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hello i am kris and i am here to list some people you might not immediately think of drafting but are still worthwhile picks; this is not a power ranking so the order of this list isn't comparative, it's just me listing people
  • instruct - well-known in the om mashups community, instruct is capable of consistently making obnoxious teams that make everyone hate facing them. their ability to play games is decent, but i have no doubt they'd be able to stick around as a good support
  • omi - arguably one of the most underrated people on all of smogon, omi can easily adapt to metagames with a little bit of initial team support to help kick things off. she was a good team support for her own team and then the crying cubchoos (i think idr which team) in NDPL II, so she should fare well here
  • loghiep341 - originally from randbats, longhiep came out of nowhere into the godly gift community during one of our recent suspects and is able to easily adapt to teams. don't have much to say, but they're reliable
  • adem - similarly to omi, adem is able to quickly adapt with a bit of team support
  • eli - eli has been around oms forever and is able to help create team ideas in all metas and is very capable in gg
  • cy - cy is another underdog; i really dont have much experience working with her, but seeing how she operated in NDPL II, she's able to help out her teammates a lot and is worthwhile to have on in some form
  • jonfilch - while they dont have much of a presence in oms specifically, jonfilch easily adapts to metagames when given proper support as shown as their tournament performances site-wide
  • pannuracotta - while they only signed up for stabmons, pannu has the secret perk of knowing how to play godly gift, so while they might not wanna be slotted in it, they would be solid team support there, which is good when considering their STABmons Open finalist placement as well
  • revenge killer - see what i said abt jonfilch it applies here too
  • clementine - despite being a meager 5'1" tall, clementine is able to perform decently in the right environment and might be able to provide some unique ideas for other formats
  • tj - this is moreso me making sure tj gets pointed out because i kinda doubt he will go undrafted; despite not being on om west this past omwc (which i will admit was an oversight on my part!) tj is currently in spl finals, olt quarterfinals, is a 2-time SCL winner, and has a multitude of other high placements and tournament achievements. probably very easily molded into whatever player necessary despite only signing up for nfe, but team support is big here
  • yuki - seemingly unknown by majority of om and more specifically 2v2 players, yuki is fairly competent in almost all doubles-related formats; they know vgc like the back of their hand (hence why they co-lead the community) and love other doubles formats with a passion. i think it'd be a shame to see them go undrafted
  • lily - while she doesnt have any trophies to showcase her achievements, lily is insanely competent in just about any meta she touches, ranging from gen 3 pu all the way to gen 8 uu. team support will be beneficial here for sure, but lily is another potential dark horse in this list.
  • ez - similar to revenge killer, jonfilch, and many others on this list, ez adapts very easy to whatever meta they get slotted in and are sure to perform adequately with the proper help.
  • chlo - former informal omtl / mnmtl / agtl / megamons tl chloe has continued to have great tournament performances outside of oms since stepping down and is still very up-to-date on galar ag. she'd perform well regardless of where she got slotted.
  • finchinator - while im sure everyone knows who he is, finchinator doesn't have much of a resume in oms. he'd probably perform best in the more self explanatory oms (i.e. stabmons, nfe), but im sure he would perform well regardless.
  • tpp - while not as known as finchinator, tpp is very competent competitively and fits into the same descriptors ad finch. another good pick!
  • flamingvictini - despite not listing any preferred metas, im sure flaming victini would be able to easily pick up anything if given the proper catering.
also here's a list of people you probably thought of drafting but i am listing just in case:
  • 85percent
  • ainzcrad
  • avery (NOT LPH)
  • avyrie (FORMERLY LPH)
  • crying
  • damflame 3
  • derpyboi
  • dj breloominati
  • fc
  • heracross2.0
  • iapt
  • ironwater
  • jordy
  • lepton
  • luisin
  • mz
  • reece
  • ryuji-sempai
  • stareal
  • the dragon master
if you're not on either of these two lists and believe you should be, im sorry! i only listed people i am familiar with.
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cool stuff even tho not getting drafted probs
edit: nvm didnt know drafting has already happened, gl all!
Don't worry! We just do mock drafts before the real one (in theory to make sure it works properly but really it's just for fun)

It does give people an idea of if they will get drafted or not, but it's no set in stone! The last two years I was drafted in almost every mock but not the real thing :[
2v2 Doubles Power Rankings
>>Reference sheet for 2v2 tournaments<<
London13 - London13 is currently the best 2v2 Doubles player in the community. While they're more of an oldgens player, they understand current SS solid. Solid builder with nigh-unparalleled fundamental ability in-game. 7-2 record and in tournaments with a bunch of individual wins on the belt. I don't think they'll sign up, but if they do, they're a must-get. I'd probably advise pairing them with a cheap builder, though. They're going to take a while to get accustomed to current ss.

Morgan - While Morgan as of recent isn't performing to their previous heights in tournaments, they're still one of the best around. Most prolific builder in the tier and certainly one of the most innovative.

Vrji - I've had my doubts on Vrji as a player in the past but the results speak for themselves. Great run in OMSL, solid 2v2 in 2v2 Pool League, with generally good and innovative builds.


mish is the greatest four-letter word ever to be birthed by humankind. Properly understood, "mish" can provide deep meaning and insight to any honest inquirer, and saying mish can elicit joy, courage, and most importantly, a fuller appreciation of life itself.

Many lack an understanding of mish, which is understandable to those who have not yet reached enlightenment. Although fully grasping mish is difficult, we may look to the example of others to help us on our quest. Take the fine user Demantoid as an example:

trello: Guys I made a tinder I’m scared
trello: What do I say
Demantoid: mish

In this log, we see Demantoid offer a small piece of his wisdom. Inquiry about what to say on Tinder was met simply with those beautiful 4 letters: mish. Such a simple word reveals a complex truth: mish can properly be used in almost any situation imaginable. Some may say respond to this point with foolish thoughts such as these: "It is inappropriate to say mish in every situation.". Such ignorance still remains even in the hearts of top Doubles OU players, and those who understanding the fuller meaning of mish consider these poor lost souls with deep pity.

Secondly, mish transcends many conventions of grammar. "mish" properly understood is a state of affairs quantified by the state of having mish attached to it. This necessarily affords great flexibility in its use. For example, should I be haxed in a prestigious game of the Doubles Premier League, it is both appropriate to respond "mish" and that the object of the hax (I, myself) was "mished". You may adopt a sort of noun usage (e.g. that was "a mish" or "fini = mish" or comparable examples), but such usage is less common than simply uttering mish.

Having said all that, an intellectual understanding (so-called "head knowledge") of mish really is not enough to fully understand and appreciate mish. Although I try my hardest to understand mish, even I fail to come to a complete realization of it. Here are some activities I have done to further my understanding of mish:
To conclude, any player who rejects mish simply does so out of ignorance. Once a true understanding of mish is apprehended, it quickly transcends the disgusting caricature of "meme" inappropriately assigned to it and offers indescribable joy that is not readily found in other pursuits of life.
papiloco - papiloco is an excellent player. 9-2 record on the teamtours sheet, the best win% of anyone on that level. The only thing that makes me hesitate to put them at Tier 1 is their building ability, which can be exploitable. Pair them with a good builder and you'll go places. Don't let Morgan get them for cheap, trust me.

IBM - Imagine Being Me came back from the coffin a few months back and has been performing solidly in individuals such as swiss. They've been a good player for quite a bit and has good metagame knowledge to boot.

Lancer Fr - Lancer's been on a tear recently. Quarters of Swiss with good performances in Pool League, OMSL and Duos. Great pickup if you want to get a 2v2 player and not touch the tier for the entirety of the tour.

Blanched - If Lancer's been on a tear, Blanched has been insane. Look at leaderboard for 2v2 LT Cycle 1:

Won 2v2 Classic, and made it solidly far in swiss as well.
Itchy - Just does solid in tours. They've been an oldgens player mainly but has moved more to SS as of recent.

Newcomers to current gen SS who've been quite good as of recent (fringe tier 2s italicized)
  • Phantomistix
  • Chris32156
  • Reece
  • adam3560

Solid 2v2 oldgen players that would probably do well in SS
  • tenzhii
  • zioziotrip
  • PA
  • RobDog747 - probably the best of the people in this tier
  • Bag of Trixx
  • Opchurtle100
  • StitChuu
  • Trade
  • yuki
  • Crunchman
  • RTM

willdbeast you're welcome.
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Let's add another PR to the pool! While metagame mains are always a good thing, one of the most important things in OMPL can be making sure that you have a good tiebreak slot. Good tiebreaks can be categorized in many ways. Being a main across a multitude of metagames can definitely prove useful, and being skilled overall can help a ton as well. I'm going to be making a PR for who you'd want to draft as a general draft, and I'll make sure to include what their weaknesses are so you can patch them up as a manager. While I would not recommend using this PR to determine who your starters are, you can be relatively sure that by drafting these players, you have a great chance at winning a tiebreak and a solid overall buy.

To be more clear in my explanation: This list should not necessarily be used to determine starters. If someone is good at starting here and is ranked high, that's a coincidence. This list is to rank people based off of their ability to tiebreak, be self-sufficient and support different metagames to the one they're playing. Ranks are ordered alphabetically, managers aren't ranked. Also, I won't rank 2v2 players unless I believe they'll be able to find success in another tier, because I have no grasp of that playerbase in general. Also won't rank myself but if I did I'd prob be C- smile

To reiterate: If a player is ranked low, it doesn't mean they're a bad buy perse, but it just means they're very one dimensional and there are other players that (in my opinion) either excel in the support that these players provide or their raw playing is so good that they're ridiculously likely to go positive in their pool with proper support.

S Rank
Skooma - To start, we have the OMGS finalist. I'm putting Skooma here because on top of having an overall high skill level, I've seen him put a lot of work into team tournaments and I think that any team would be lucky to have him. He's able to support a multitude of metagames as well as substitute into them with almost assured effectiveness. I think he'll definitely go positive in the tournament, and I'd trust him to bring home results no matter what metagame you slot him in.

A+ Rank
shiloh - While his signup only lists AAA, shiloh's one of the players I've been most impressed by during my time on this site. I've had the pleasure of teaming with him for several team tournaments and seen him be successful across many metagames. On top of all of this, he has a fundamental understanding of team culture and what makes a team good, so he's able to offer a lot of support outside of metagames as well. In terms of Pokemon, this is someone who I'd comfortably put behind the wheel of any metagame. I'd expect a win from him because he's honestly just that good. He's able to take a team and just pilot it super effectively. The only reason that I have shiloh not in S rank is because I don't know how motivated he is for the tournament or how active he's going to be, but this is one of the best players (and honestly dependiing on motivation, probably the best player overall) you could possibly draft as of this post.
Sylveon. - geerat's been a mainstay of the OM forums for years, and for good reason. He's always showing up for the team and always ready to provide support to any slot that may need it. He genuinely wants the best for the team and while he's only recently coming back to OMs, he's been going high for auctions and that's for good reason. On top of being a solid player, he's able to provide support for AAA, STAB, and GG - that's three of the highest in demand slots for the tournament. geerat's honestly the whole package - Nice chat presence, good support, good tiebreak and incredible player.

A Rank
Andyboy - His signup only lists MnM and AG but I've seen him do great in AAA, BH, and STAB as well. He can comfortably play NFE given teams and pull results. I haven't seen him play Godly Gift, but that metagame is fairly easy. On top of everything else, he's easy to work with and a super nice person overall. He's super good at the game, and I think that last OMPL has people being way too harsh on him. I think that Andy's a deceptively strong player and the people taking him lightly are making a mistake.
Fc - Fc is a player I've always been super high on and he's a really good friend of mine. While he wants to play STAB super badly, he's one of the most cracked players I've seen and I think that he matches up well against the majority of the OM playerbase across a ton of the metagames. On top of this, he's incredible at AG too and would provide immense support in that slot. The combination of being close to the best player in two metagames, general skill and the ability to slot into any meta and probably win has him at A. The only reason he isn't A+ is because I'm not sure he'd be super happy if you slotted him into BH.
Jordy - You don't get into two open finals and not make A Rank, c'mon lol
pdt - The first player here who isn't a dedicated main to any tier. He likely doesn't build for himself here, but if he does then this easily pushes him to A+ as pdt's teams always tend to be super solid. On top of this, he's also able to take games that he probably shouldn't take and somehow always manages to work his magic. He'd be A+, but he's also super prone to tilting and this does tend to snowball. Fantastic player, though, and I'd say that you should draft him if you can and ask questions about what meta he wants later. He's just super valuable to have on the team and I'd say he's even worth building your plan around. That being said, don't drop 30k on him for him to draft and then be surprised when he isn't online.
Quantum Tesseract - I think that in past OMPLs, Quantum's ran into the problem of being forced into a kitchen where there's too many chefs or having to work in too many kitchens. That doesn't appear to be the case here, and that makes me happy because I can personally attest to Quantum's support being one of the best in the community. You can say what you will about them, but their builds are legit, and their skill as a player is good as well. They'll put in a lot of effort for sure.

A- Rank
Avery - An overall solid player who's able to slot into two OMs and did incredible in STAB open. I also feel as if the two metas they're able to go into are fairly important metas to have. While I don't know TOO much about them as a player, and thus have a shorter explanation here, I know they're solid and I feel that this is the right place for them to be.
beauts - They won't start, but they're able to support every OM fairly well. Yeah, you read that correctly. They make it their mission to build every OM which is incredible for teams. I'd honestly rank them A, but I know from experience that people who try and support so many different metagames burn out super quickly. That's terrible when you're late in the tour and every win is crucial. I think beauts can easily be A rank and even A+ rank if they try and avoid burning out, but I'm remaining skeptical for now.
ez - It just so happens that someone named ez is actually incredible at the game. I've seen them win games they really shouldn't, and I think their only weakness is that they need teams. Some meta knowledge couldn't hurt, but this person's mind is actually insane and they're definitely one of my top buys.
Finchinator - Your friend and mine, Finch is a super solid player who's probably set to do super well with the right support. While you should not slot him into BH or you may mysteriously find yourself banned, he's got what it takes to beat most of the mains in each metagame if he puts his mind to it. Needs support, but you probably won't find yourself regretting drafting Finch. As a bonus, he has wonderful music taste ;)
Jrdn - Jordan's an incredible player and the only reason he's A- is because he's had a rough last few years. I think that at his best, he's S and can even possibly warrant his own rank because of how incredible he is. I'd even take it a step farther and say that he's even comparable to stresh - He's just that good. That being said, you should not purchase Jordan with the assumption that he will play at his best. You should assume he'll play his average game, but that's still super good and probably deserving of an A+ or A. If he wasn't one of the unluckiest players I'd seen, he'd probably land in one of those tiers.
Lily - She won't build, but her skills are legitimate and her being undrafted would be a waste of a perfectly good player considering she can outplay every other high tier on this list. She doesn't really have any visible tournament wins, but she has extremely strong fundamentals and has impressed me as a player whenever I've watched her play. If you're looking for a general, all around sub who you can support with teams, Lily should be one of the first people you consider.
mncmt - Probably the player I'm highest on in this tier, but I don't think they want to play anything other than NFE and I'm not sure how motivated they are for this tournament. If they're motivated, they'll almost certainly bring home results - This person is one of the most impressive players that Smogon has to offer and if they're willing to play more than just NFE, they'd probably the first person I think of when I want a general sub.
PA - They're in this tier because they're able to slot into both STAB and 2v2 and do super well in either one while providing great support in the other. Super solid player considering they've learned the two metas they signed up for fairly well, and I'm expecting them to go at least even.
Redflix - While they don't want to start in their main meta, I probably enjoy using Redflix's MnM teams the most and they did say they were open to providing support in that slot. They're also a fairly solid player who I enjoy watching. I don't think you should let Redflix not wanting to start in MnM deter you from drafting him, because he's still a fairly powerful player who's able to do well in other metas, and even probably BH which is a huge boon considering that's something others on this list probably can't accomplish.
Stareal - Stareal is very good at Pocket Monsters. While they need support and might only want to play NFE (definitely double check with them, though, because it's huge if they're open to playing other tiers), they're almost guaranteed to excel at NFE and they always play super strongly. I don't really have much to say on this player, but if you've done your research, you'll know that this person is a super solid player and they can pretty easily slot into other metagames as well if they so please.
Skarph - Held back by only supporting and possibly playing AG, but Skarph is definitely one of the better players on this list and they'd be an incredible tiebreak slot even if AG wasn't in it. Super strong fundamentals, and they'd only have to learn the meta a little before slotting into a completely new one. I've bought Skarph in every mock draft so far because I think that if he wanted to, he could own the competition.

B+ Rank

B Rank
The Strap

B- Rank
Dj Breloominati♬
damflame 3

C Rank
Mossy Sandwich
Codename C.A.T
The Dragon Master
80 yrs
Tea Guzzler
Mark K
King Leo V
a loser
Heracross 2.0
Farce of the Death

Unknown - these are players who I'm aware exist and have had good things said about them but also players who I cannot personally speak to
Revenge Killer
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lol hi om people I have made an NFE index for everyone in order of signups. I might be wrong completely on some stuff due to being semi-absent from NFE or lack of certain insights so I hope someone else that plays nfe will also make a list like I did
Beauts, council member, has been involved in like every major nfe tour in the past year. Has expressed to not want to start, seems to be a good option for supporting a more overall known tournament player.

Lepton, wasnt in ompl last year iirc but was on the verge of getting in. Had a great omwc, best nfe record iirc??? I have heard that they usually want someone to help with builds (if this incorrect, correct me please). But as a council member they definitely know whats up in the meta.

The Strap, always does well with his agressive builds in like every nfe teamtour. Even if his teams look too offensive at times, he always makes it work with his great play.
Extra note: please buy us together :)

Me I guess??? After last ompl Ive been kinda not playing nfe in tours but still kept up with the tours. I was helping in europe for omwc so I kinda know my stuff? Kinda feels weird to write about myself so ill keep it at that.

S1nn0h, NFE TL always has cool ideas and generally solid in most NFE tours. Kinda a no brainer since he has the experience too. Dont have much else to say other than that he is good and should be a guaranteed pick imo.

Stareal, not rly a mainer but consistently participating well in team and individual tournaments for nfe. Does need building support but if you give him that he will be set for a good season.

85%, a very known user within NFE. He is a prolific builder who can support basically anyone at a high level. He does not like playing himself on the big stage though so make sure your starting player will be able to play all weeks. Just like I said with beauts I would definitely pair this player with a good tournament player to just provide great teams.

tlenit, not a mainer but since I just covered 85% I will just mention him right away. you kinda have to put him with 85% together if you draft him according to his sign up so there you have your "tour player + mainer supporter" combo. I have teamed with him in omwc where he did exactly as his signup says, "to be fair, i wont build, i wont be active, but i will get games hopefully done". And when he got them done he usually won.

King Leo V, "NOTE: If you buy me to play, please only do if you can trust me and let me be. Maybe I'll use better teams with support, but my teams just work better for me than "Better Teams". Just Ban Magmar thanks!" Well they banned magmar so thats a good thing, but about Leo. Leo is a crazy builder in my eyes and he recognizes that too. But similarly to The Strap, the craziness works in his hands. Buying support for Leo could almost be seen as wasted credits due to his stubborn nature with building but the wins he has put up over the years makes it all justifiable.

PandaDoux, also not a mainer? honestly I dont know that much about PD but I know he has played the tier and is good at it but how good and how sufficient he is remains a mystery to me. Even though there is a certain lack of known info about his NFE capacities to me I felt like it would be wrong to not mention him.

Simbo, holy shit I didnt expect to see his name. Simbo has not been around for much in SS NFE but is still known for his SM qualities. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he will probs still be fine since he knows stuff from naturally playing the tier in SM.

because nfe is pretty easy to play compared to other oms in ompl here is a list of great players that will do perfectly fine with support
non mainers that had nfe in their signup:
jordy (extra note: went very far into the nfe open)
pdt (extra note: played in nfepl)
TJ (extra note: has played nfe in ompl before)
sorry if I missed some blatant obvious stuff but this should help anyone at least with their mocks :)
Here's the real BH drafting guide everyone has been waiting for. Some notes on this guide are shown below.
  • Records shown are overall OMPL wins and losses and may contain results in metas outside of BH
  • Draft prices shown are averages as of mock draft 6
  • Players are listed in no particular order
  • Managers aren't included (all of them are noobs anyway so they wouldn't have made this list regardless)
cityscapes (16-8) Average Draft Price: 20K
city is the best BH player in the draft. She's more than capable of building independently and is one of the most knowledgeable players in the tier. If you don't know this by now then crawl out of your hole. This will be an expensive pick for a BH main but is a no-brainer.

MAMP (17-18) Average Draft Price: 15.1K
Remember when MAMP signed up as an NFE player and went for really cheap and still ended up playing BH some? Crazy times. Now MAMP is back in BH mode full swing and coming up with cool teams and playing strongly. They have a ton of OMPL experience, play other OMs some, and they are funny and cool so you can't go wrong here.
Quantum Tesseract (14-15) Average Draft Price: 27K
QT has been around the block in OMPL and is well-versed in many OMs. This normally leads to them being spread a little too thin being asked to support multiple metagames but QT can be a very valuable resource if used correctly. They've got consistently solid BH builds and are a competent, confident player that will have a shot at winning each game they play.

Ivar57 Average Draft Price: 12.3K
Ivar got drafted last year in OMPL but didn't play in any games. Being a part of the team is still helpful experience though and they got some more team tour experience recently in OMWC. Ivar is a very solid BH player that is capable of building and playing with a variety of team styles and this can keep his opponents guessing. While they can build on their own just fine, I think they'd do best with and really appreciate having some support. He also dabbles in some other OMs too so it is always nice to have that.

quojova Average Draft Price: 15.1K
quojova doesn't have a ton of team tour experience but has had some nice showings in individual tours, winning the BH seasonal last year and making it far in others. From what I've seen, they are definitely a solid team pilot that is capable of picking up wins with a good team. On that note, they've been borrowing teams for almost all of their recent tour games so I'm not sure how their building holds up in the current meta. With some support, I think quojova could be a fearsome opponent in BH.
TTTech (3-2) Average Draft Price: 7.1K
TTTech had a pretty solid debut last OMPL, although their games were pretty funky at times. TTTech is a capable teambuilder and a very solid battler, especially when games get long. They have a tendency to bring the same cores over and over but have recently done a better job of adapting them to avoid being counter-teamed in tour matches. No one ever looks forward to playing TTTech in BH so that is also a plus for him.

Onyx Onix 7 (1-4) Average Draft Price: 5.4K
Onyx had a shaky OMPL debut last season, but they did have a very tough schedule. Onyx is an extremely talented builder that can push the limits of both stall and offensive with their creative ideas, but lack of confidence can get in the way when playing the game. However, they have some experience under their belt now and I think they are an invaluable BH support option that could also start games with solid team support.

Nihilslave Average Draft Price: 7.8K
Nihilslave's builds remind me of Onyx's in some ways but the two are distinctly different at the same time. Nihilslave has come up with some neat teams recently and has been more active in tours than I'd ever seen, but I don't think they have much experience in a team tour environment (that I know of). Their creativity in set building would be a major resource to any team looking for BH support and their ability to build various team styles will make scouting quite difficult.

Ren Average Draft Price: 10.5K
Ren didn't sign up for BH for some reason but they are definitely more than capable of playing the meta. They've been borrowing teams lately, which combined with their skill as a player has led them to success in the BH Open. I don't foresee them building much in BH during this tournament but I know they can if they really want to.

damflame 3 (0-1) Average Draft Price: 6.4K
damflame is a very interesting player to me. They too have had recent success in BH tours and have an interesting collection of teams they've been using. The teams are all fairly balanced but use some sets that aren't as commonly seen and this could be useful for throwing off an opponent or making it hard to scout ahead of time. I'm not sure how much building they do themselves but I think they could be a nice support option for teams if not a starter.

pdt (14-10) Average Draft Price: 14.4K
PinkDragonTamer liked playing BH. pdt doesn't like playing BH. pdt with a teammate who is current on the BH metagame might like playing BH? We'll have to see.
Tea Guzzler Average Draft Price: 6.2K
Tea Guzzler is an up-and-coming BH player with a strong love for Rayquaza. The few teams they have built have served them well on the ladder so far but they've expressed frustration at coming up with new builds that don't seem to recycle the same cores. They lack tour experience due to being a newer player but I think they could be a useful support piece to any BH slot as they are eager to play and continue learning the metagame.

anaconja (4-4) Average Draft Price: 6.6K
anaconja's record is definitely for Camomons (RIP) but they are an experienced BH player that has recently gotten into Gen 8. They are a creative builder when they put in the effort and a solid player too.

Jqlove Average Draft Price: N/A
They've yet to sign up for OMPL but Jqlove has some pretty unique builds and ideas that could be useful when brainstorming for teambuilding. They played STABmons for team China in last year's OMWC so they do have some experience in team tours.

Career Ended Average Draft Price: N/A
They also haven't signed up but could be a very interesting support option if they do sign up. I've been impressed with their builds and play as of late, as they started heating up in the BHLT.

Ballfire Average Draft Price: 6.3K
I don't know much about Ballfire but I've been seeing a lot more of them recently in BH tours so they definitely have a desire to play BH and you can't say that about everyone these days. They also signed up for AG, which I know nothing about, but looks nice on paper.

Redflix (4-3) Average Draft Price: 10.3K
Former MnM main and former manager of the epic Zoomer Zeraoras is trying out BH. They've been laddering a lot lately and seem to be more than capable of piloting well-built teams. I'm not sure how good their own BH building is but I feel confident they could perform in BH as support or with teambuilding support.

Codename C.A.T Average Draft Price: 4.6K
Is a player I've mostly seen playing Gen 7 BH but has more recently picked up Gen 8. They seem to have lots of ideas and this is always a good thing when it comes to teambuilding for OMPL.

Darkrai Retribution Average Draft Price: 3.7K
Another player I don't know much about here, but they seem to play the metagame quite well from what I have seen. I played them in the BH Open and they held their own so I could see them being a nice cheap pickup in the draft.

avyrie Average Draft Price: 11.6K
aka lph aka mega metaboss. I really haven't seen them play BH much lately so I'm not sure really where they are at in BH at the moment. They were a more active builder earlier on in Gen 8 so I know they can do it and they seem to be a nice presence in chat and get likes on this site like nobody's business.
a loser (8-7) Average Draft Price: 15.7K
Well, I lost my niche of being decent at both BH and Camomons but at least I still have BH! I finally put together a winning season last OMPL and had a lot of fun making unique builds to face each of my opponents. Going 1-3 in OMWC doesn't look amazing but I was a Draco Meteor miss and improper EV spread away from going 3-1, fwiw. I've done BH in team tours with and without support and I'll say that even a small amount of BH support is very helpful to filter out some of my weirder ideas and test teams.
None of these players have signed up but are all experienced in OMPL BH play and would be sure to help the team in one or more ways if they decide to sign up. Time to come out of hiding people!
sugarhigh (6-9)
Stolen Identity aka yolk (1-1)
SuperSkylake (1-2)
highlighter (9-6)
dimrah (2-1)
GL Volkner (17-12)

Quantum Tesseract21500
a loser17500
The Strap14000
Tea Guzzler7000
damflame 37000
Mossy Sandwich6000
Onyx Onix 76000
Dj Breloominati♬4000
King Leo V4000
Lancer Fr3500
Revenge Killer3000
80 yrs3000

Wiggly Family

Uh Oh Kommo-os
Quantum Tesseract21500
Dj Breloominati♬4000
King Leo V4000

Malding Mavericks
Revenge Killer3000

Brigadier Boldores
Tea Guzzler7000

Honey Linoones

Temper Tyrantrums
a loser17500
damflame 37000
Mossy Sandwich6000
Lancer Fr3500

Hammered Hawluchas
Onyx Onix 76000

Spinda Wheels
The Strap14000
80 yrs3000
Today's headline
"Will amber ever last 5 minutes into a draft without spending 90k on 4 people"
sorry for the wait i was busy irl :wo:
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