Support: omi, Heracross2.0, 85percent (+ Byleth supporting all tiers tbh)
Disclaimer: I don't know 95% of the players
baconeatinassassin | 28000 |
Quantum Tesseract | 25500 |
cityscapes | 24500 |
Sylveon. | 24000 |
Skarph | 22000 |
Byleth | 20000 |
Jordy | 20000 |
quojova | 18000 |
shiloh | 18000 |
Fc | 17500 |
Andyboy | 17000 |
MAMP | 17000 |
Jrdn | 17000 |
S1nn0hC0nfirm3d | 16000 |
Fissure | 15500 |
pdt | 15000 |
a loser | 15000 |
TectonicDestroyer | 14500 |
lotiasite | 14000 |
longhiep341 | 13500 |
Ivar57 | 13500 |
crying | 13000 |
MZ | 13000 |
Mossy Sandwich | 13000 |
Vrji | 12000 |
The Strap | 12000 |
Finchinator | 11000 |
lepton | 11000 |
WSun1 | 11000 |
Trade | 11000 |
LBDC | 10500 |
pannuracotta | 10500 |
London13 | 10500 |
Ren | 10500 |
FlamingVictini | 10000 |
Lily | 10000 |
TPP | 10000 |
Stareal | 9500 |
iapt | 9000 |
PA | 8500 |
Blanched | 8000 |
85percent | 8000 |
Zesty43 | 8000 |
luisin | 8000 |
Geysers | 7500 |
PandaDoux | 7500 |
Onyx Onix 7 | 7500 |
Eli | 7000 |
Crunchman | 7000 |
King Leo V | 7000 |
avyrie | 7000 |
Seldanna | 6500 |
Lancer Fr | 6500 |
Nihilslave | 6500 |
Phantomistix | 6000 |
ez | 6000 |
Mubs | 6000 |
DugZa | 5500 |
TTTech | 5500 |
DuGuo | 5500 |
Greybaum | 5500 |
Kris | 5500 |
anaconja | 5000 |
Tea Guzzler | 5000 |
Heracross2.0 | 5000 |
Meta | 5000 |
ojr | 5000 |
papiloco | 5000 |
Mr.Bossaru | 4500 |
Jqlove | 4500 |
mncmt | 4500 |
Clementine | 4500 |
Nevelle | 4500 |
Nalorium | 4000 |
WMAR | 4000 |
Instruct | 4000 |
FrostPixel | 4000 |
velvet | 4000 |
Ainzcrad | 4000 |
berry | 3500 |
Ransei | 3500 |
Mirbro | 3500 |
jonas | 3500 |
Redflix | 3500 |
Krytocon | 3500 |
omi | 3500 |
AM | 3500 |
Staxi | 3500 |
Ballfire | 3500 |
Dj Breloominati♬ | 3500 |
Beka | 3000 |
bird poop | 3000 |
Hats | 3000 |
TJ | 3000 |
Chris32156 | 3000 |
tlenit | 3000 |
The Dragon Master | 3000 |
Kid Lexus | 3000 |
Jojos | 3000 |
yuki | 3000 |
Itchy | 3000 |
TeamCharm | 3000 |
Jett | 3000 |
eu | 3000 |
damflame 3 | 3000 |
zioziotrip | 3000 |
ironwater | 3000 |
Reece | 3000 |
cscl | 3000 |
polt | 3000 |
5Dots | 3000 |
Amberr | 3000 |
Byleth | 20000 |
quojova | 18000 |
TectonicDestroyer | 14500 |
crying | 13000 |
Vrji | 12000 |
Finchinator | 11000 |
LBDC | 10500 |
Geysers | 7500 |
Mr.Bossaru | 4500 |
Beka | 3000 |
bird poop | 3000 |
Hats | 3000 |
Fc | 17500 |
Andyboy | 17000 |
pdt | 15000 |
a loser | 15000 |
MZ | 13000 |
lepton | 11000 |
Blanched | 8000 |
Eli | 7000 |
berry | 3500 |
Ransei | 3500 |
Mirbro | 3500 |
TJ | 3000 |
Chris32156 | 3000 |
Quantum Tesseract | 25500 |
cityscapes | 24500 |
shiloh | 18000 |
85percent | 8000 |
Seldanna | 6500 |
Phantomistix | 6000 |
ez | 6000 |
anaconja | 5000 |
Jqlove | 4500 |
mncmt | 4500 |
Clementine | 4500 |
Nalorium | 4000 |
tlenit | 3000 |
baconeatinassassin | 28000 |
Jordy | 20000 |
lotiasite | 14000 |
The Strap | 12000 |
pannuracotta | 10500 |
Zesty43 | 8000 |
Crunchman | 7000 |
Lancer Fr | 6500 |
Tea Guzzler | 5000 |
The Dragon Master | 3000 |
Kid Lexus | 3000 |
Jojos | 3000 |
Skarph | 22000 |
MAMP | 17000 |
longhiep341 | 13500 |
FlamingVictini | 10000 |
Lily | 10000 |
King Leo V | 7000 |
Mubs | 6000 |
DugZa | 5500 |
yuki | 3000 |
Itchy | 3000 |
TeamCharm | 3000 |
Sylveon. | 24000 |
Jrdn | 17000 |
Mossy Sandwich | 13000 |
London13 | 10500 |
Ren | 10500 |
Stareal | 9500 |
PandaDoux | 7500 |
Nihilslave | 6500 |
TTTech | 5500 |
DuGuo | 5500 |
jonas | 3500 |
Redflix | 3500 |
Krytocon | 3500 |
Fissure | 15500 |
WSun1 | 11000 |
PA | 8500 |
Onyx Onix 7 | 7500 |
Greybaum | 5500 |
Heracross2.0 | 5000 |
Meta | 5000 |
WMAR | 4000 |
omi | 3500 |
AM | 3500 |
Staxi | 3500 |
Ballfire | 3500 |
Jett | 3000 |
eu | 3000 |
damflame 3 | 3000 |
zioziotrip | 3000 |
ironwater | 3000 |
Reece | 3000 |
cscl | 3000 |
polt | 3000 |
S1nn0hC0nfirm3d | 16000 |
Ivar57 | 13500 |
Trade | 11000 |
TPP | 10000 |
iapt | 9000 |
luisin | 8000 |
avyrie | 7000 |
Kris | 5500 |
ojr | 5000 |
papiloco | 5000 |
Nevelle | 4500 |
Instruct | 4000 |
FrostPixel | 4000 |
velvet | 4000 |
Ainzcrad | 4000 |
Dj Breloominati♬ | 3500 |
5Dots | 3000 |
Amberr | 3000 |
Hype for another year of Camomons in OMPL! So here a PRto help managers to choose their Camo slot!
S(tresh) RANK
Sylveon(geerat): Among the players currently in, geerat is definitely one of the figure of Camo in teamtours and especially at OMPL. He played Camo for years now with an overall positive record of 7-5 on OMPL (both IX and VIII). If he always has to catch up the changes happened during his frozen activity, he manages to build effective teams without really needing support. Moreover he can help in other metas like AAA or GG. Finally, his positive presence in chat is always a great addition.
jrdn: We all remember jrdn's amazing performance during OMPL VIII with a dominant record of 7 - 1 in Camo. While jrdn hasn't touch much Camo since then, he still probably has a good understanding of the meta and will be perfectly capable of building hot teams and bring win to home with one of the best in-game in the pool.
Panda Doux: Since my departure, PD has shown he was able to take over as the best french Camo player. Indeed, he managed to win the most recent Smogon Camotour and has shown good results during Iron Chief, the most recent project on Camo. While playing some pretty standard and predictible fat teams, he pilots them well and is perfectly able to take the win against almost all opponents. Nevertheless his tendency to bring always the same kind of stuff and an in-game which, although improving, remains below the best players imo, prevents him from reaching the top.
Anaconja: Initially known for BH, Anaconja played since many years Camomons during OM teamtours with decent record. We particularly know him for full setup stuff either setup HO (DD Dragapult, Naganadel, Tornadus-Therian, etc) or fat setup (Clefable, Volcarona, Buzzwole, etc) so it's sometimes hard to say if he manages to win due to broken or if it was skill. Anyway, Anaconja is a good player in general and has enough experience to be a very good starter.
Mossy Sandwich: At the scale of Camo's life MS is a recent player who started playing it mostly during OMPL IX among the Spindas, winner of this edition. Initially sub, he played decently his game while not being able to bring many wins. He gradually improved during other tours and continued to play Camo during Iron Chief. Finally, he's now member of the Camo's council showing his good understanding of the meta. However he still lacks a bit of experience and his in-game stays below the top players, that's why he cannot be higher.
a loser: Ex Camo TL, a loser understands well Camomons and was one of the first to point out the issue of Calm Minders in Camo. He build good teams but lack of experience at playing Camo at the top level (ie: in teamtours) because we all know him for BH. But still, a loser could be a great starter in the perspective of a large and competitive pool of BH players.
Meta: Facebook rename be like smh. Meta is good builder, good player and all of this reflects quite well in his record at WCoOMs and OMPL although I think it has definitely the potential to do better. I remember playing test games with him during OMPL and he showed interest and motivation which always considering we're all (starters) dead at the end of OMPL. A solid slot that I would have liked to see finally get a record at the height of his talent!
Andyboy: Might be rusty but in fact Andy was good at Camo! He won second Camotour of this gen (against xavgb maybe, I don't remember). Considering that and its glorious past in OMs I'm pretty sure he could be a top pick in Camo. He plays (played?) Genshin and just for that he could have deserved to be in A anw.
Havens: Know how to build and how to play Camomons. He played Camo in the past especially in OMPL or WCoOMs so it's a solid pick. I think it could be higher but we don't see much about him because he was only starter during the last WCoOMs.
PA: I don't remember exactly when he started to play Camo but he's good. Seems to build decent team and them quite well as we saw in WCoOMs. Would like to see more to have a better idea!
Byleth: Never played Camo during teamtours but Byleth know how to build good teams (except when he adds 5 weaknesses to Fairy on a team smh) and play well. He will be the starter on STAB for your team but if you need a sub in Camo, you can throw an OU-main to STAB and still have a good Camo player.
cscl: Like PA, I don't remember if he played Camo before but I'm pretty sure I've seen his name before in Camo. He played well during WCoOMs but only a team LMAO. So yeah I can't say much but with support ig it's a decent pick.
Mark K: I personally love Mark K because he's cool and it was fun to test with him during OMPL VIII. And yeah, he played Camo during OMPL VIII but ended up with a bad record unfortunately. But still I think Mark could be a great support in Camo and might play if needed.
Clasmia: I met this guy recently during Iron Chief and had the opportunity to meet him again at the incredible NatDex Camotour and he's nice! I understood during both events that he knows how to build good teams (while quite unusual sometimes) and plays well. It would be a newcomer I would have liked to see in action!
Dugza: THE Peck Toxapex player (nah sorry as a Camo player I will NEVER get over it Dugza won a Camotour at the beginning of the gen but ended up with a bad record at OMPL VIII involving some luck if I remember well. Could be a good support with his remaining knowledge of Camo.
longhiep341: Won at Iron Chief with an interesting team. Seems to build unusual teams but could be an interesting pick.
pdt: jrdn told me this guy destroyed him in secret when we all knew jrdn as the sacred monster of Camomons O_O. So yeah, if pdt remember indeed what's Camo and how to play/build, he could be an amazing slot ig.
Clementine: Un peu con comme une table et bourré une fois sur 2 mais en vrai il est sympa. He played a game of Camo at WCoOMs and won it so he's prob good (not really).
shiloh: He played a bit of Camo last OMPL and taking into account certain similarities between OU and Camo, an excellent OU player might be a good Camo player as well with a bit of training.
Osake: Vous fiez pas à son message de profil il fait le fou mais il est pas plus grand que moi ! Ngl this small guy know nothing about Camo and always forget the typing during the game, even when the typing is in front of his eyes smh. But you know what? I lose often to this guy. What a downfall and what a disgrace.
Serika: Rah le salaupiot il revient in STAB quand je suis plus là pour être dans sa team J'espère tu vas gérer <3 He gets reqs at a Camo suspect LOLOL.
Zesty43: He played 2 games of Camo last OMPL!
Some others registered may play Camo but I don't know them so can't say much about them
PEOPLE I FORGOT IN THE V1 (sad react only)
Dr. Phd. BJ: Sorry I forgot you ;-; BJ is the most recent OMGS winner and it easily shows how good he is at OMs in general. Honestly I didn't know he played Camo before talking with him on the Europe server for WCoOMs. And he showed he has a very good understanding of the meta although he didn't recognize my arguments against Reuniclus! If I hadn't forgotten him, he will probably be in A-/B+... but he's just in the forgotten part now hehe.
Dragonillis: J'ai tendance à oublier que tu joues Camo vu que tu grattes plus mes teams que tu ne build toi même Dragonillis is an OMs main, not particularly exceptional at one of them but good at all. That's also the case in Camomons obviously! He will be at least in B for sure! Bisous
RETIRED (?) GANG (you want them but you can't)
TNM: THE THE THE THE well fuck it, you're just THE now. THE was the most talented Camo player up to date with impressive results during WCoOMs (only lost 2 games due to haxx). He's the current TL of Camo and while being bad at it because I have to do everything for him (smh), it reflects well his knowledge of Camo. He isn't signing up because he would have liked to play Camo and not AAA but Camo being absent from OMPL X. Also his overall motivation to play mon after getting the trophy of OM circuit champion is decreasing because he still understood it will be always far from Osake and me. Really nice man outside from that
Oh he also Volcarona'd many players at Iron Chief showing how broken this mon was and we all thank him for that because that was what was missing to ban it!
Euphonos: E# man, the face of Camomons since many years now. Euphonos was the most involved guy in Camo with several project and a lot of work overall with videos, nice posts, etc. Moreover, he is one of the best and experienced Camo player of all time. His original but solid builds with an interesting vision of the game led him to make a name for himself. Camo was his favorite metagame for which he gave so much. Camo having been progressively sidelined with respect to the "official other metas" despite our efforts, we will probably not see him anymore before a potential return of Camo in gen9? Hope you're doing well man!
Karl Dude Guy: He liked Camo but never really had the opportunity to play it on teamtours.
Sabella: I said before that an OU player with a good in-game might be good as well in Camo, this is one of the counter-example. But now he has experience of Camo so he might come back in force!
Palapapop: Si tu passais pas ton temps à cracher sur le Camo tu pourrais aimer et être fort ! Mais du coup bah tu te contentes de me rappeller que la jeunesse grandi bien vite (sauf Osake) en game de test. He's good at Camo while playing some bad sets at the NatDex Camotour (fuck your bad Fight/Fairy Lop-Mega smh).
Frrf: Apparemment t'as l'air de bien aimer Genshin mdr. Mais t'es pas sur Europe nullard. I taught him Camo so he's good, trust trust.
Altthiel: Regarde le gars juste au dessus et encore en train de jouer à Genshin mais pas avec nous >:c My second tutee after Frrf (or the first? I don't remember but who cares?). He crushed the competition during OML (french OMPL) X (don't remember the number) with a 5-0 (?).
Siamato: Hello, it's me! Nice to meet you Legends say that I play Camo since a loooong time and despite several years (yeah time flies omg) of retirement (je vous vois venir les fr ) I was until recently, quite active in Camo (resources, beautiful posts to discuss CM, samples, etc). I guess my overall record, all OMs teamtours confounded, is 11-6 (2-1, 4-3, 5-2) which is quite good considering I only participated to 3 teamtours and wasn't really known before that (only as Matiss98, winner of 2 Camotour in gen7). I know AAA, STABmons, BH, MnM and recently I tried GG for fun but yeah, with or without Camo nothing can change my permanent retirement!
Hope it will help you to choose your CamoslotSee yaNah fuck it you will not see me again this time! Thanks for reading then
Quantum Tesseract | 27000 |
cityscapes | 25000 |
Trade | 11000 |
anaconja | 10000 |
Adam3560 | 9000 |
damflame 3 | 8500 |
Krytocon | 5500 |
Mr.Bossaru | 5000 |
Instruct | 5000 |
Reece | 5000 |
Kris | 5000 |
ironwater | 3500 |
Andyboy | 20500 |
MAMP | 20500 |
Fc | 19000 |
Stareal | 12500 |
longhiep341 | 11500 |
LBDC | 8000 |
Zesty43 | 7000 |
Itchy | 7000 |
ItsChew. | 5000 |
AM | 3000 |
Meta | 3000 |
tlenit | 3000 |
Sylveon. | 24500 |
Jrdn | 15000 |
S1nn0hC0nfirm3d | 12000 |
Vrji | 10500 |
Crunchman | 10000 |
pdt | 9500 |
TectonicDestroyer | 8500 |
Lily | 4000 |
Amberr | 4000 |
jonfilch | 3500 |
ez | 3500 |
cscl | 3000 |
omi | 3000 |
polt | 3000 |
Tea Guzzler | 3000 |
jerryl309 | 3000 |
Skarph | 25000 |
shiloh | 16000 |
avyrie | 10500 |
King Leo V | 7500 |
Nihilslave | 7000 |
Ballfire | 5500 |
Hats | 3500 |
Blanched | 3500 |
Ransei | 3500 |
yuki | 3000 |
The Dragon Master | 3000 |
Clasmia | 3000 |
berry | 3000 |
FrostPixel | 3000 |
Ainzcrad | 3000 |
quojova | 30000 |
luisin | 10000 |
lepton | 7000 |
DugZa | 7000 |
velvet | 6000 |
Mubs | 6000 |
TJ | 5500 |
Heracross2.0 | 5500 |
Swastik | 5000 |
Beka | 4000 |
Ryuji-Sempai | 4000 |
Lancer Fr | 3500 |
Clementine | 3500 |
Nalorium | 3000 |
a loser | 20000 |
crying | 12500 |
WSun1 | 12000 |
Ren | 10000 |
pannuracotta | 10000 |
iapt | 9500 |
Dj Breloominati♬ | 9000 |
Finchinator | 9000 |
PA | 8000 |
Jett | 6500 |
zioziotrip | 6000 |
TPP | 5000 |
baconeatinassassin | 24500 |
Byleth | 18000 |
PandaDoux | 16000 |
Mossy Sandwich | 14000 |
Ivar57 | 11000 |
Greybaum | 10000 |
Redflix | 9000 |
TTTech | 4500 |
ojr | 4000 |
Staxi | 3000 |
papiloco | 3000 |
Kabilapok | 3000 |
Jordy | 16000 |
lotiasite | 14000 |
85percent | 12000 |
MZ | 11000 |
The Strap | 9000 |
Fissure | 8000 |
London13 | 7000 |
FlamingVictini | 6000 |
Jojos | 6000 |
Onyx Onix 7 | 5500 |
mncmt | 5500 |
quojova | 30000 |
Quantum Tesseract | 27000 |
cityscapes | 25000 |
Skarph | 25000 |
Sylveon. | 24500 |
baconeatinassassin | 24500 |
Andyboy | 20500 |
MAMP | 20500 |
a loser | 20000 |
Fc | 19000 |
Byleth | 18000 |
shiloh | 16000 |
PandaDoux | 16000 |
Jordy | 16000 |
Jrdn | 15000 |
Mossy Sandwich | 14000 |
lotiasite | 14000 |
Stareal | 12500 |
crying | 12500 |
S1nn0hC0nfirm3d | 12000 |
WSun1 | 12000 |
85percent | 12000 |
longhiep341 | 11500 |
Trade | 11000 |
Ivar57 | 11000 |
MZ | 11000 |
Vrji | 10500 |
avyrie | 10500 |
anaconja | 10000 |
Crunchman | 10000 |
luisin | 10000 |
Ren | 10000 |
pannuracotta | 10000 |
Greybaum | 10000 |
pdt | 9500 |
iapt | 9500 |
Adam3560 | 9000 |
Dj Breloominati♬ | 9000 |
Finchinator | 9000 |
Redflix | 9000 |
The Strap | 9000 |
damflame 3 | 8500 |
TectonicDestroyer | 8500 |
LBDC | 8000 |
PA | 8000 |
Fissure | 8000 |
King Leo V | 7500 |
Zesty43 | 7000 |
Itchy | 7000 |
Nihilslave | 7000 |
lepton | 7000 |
DugZa | 7000 |
London13 | 7000 |
Jett | 6500 |
velvet | 6000 |
Mubs | 6000 |
zioziotrip | 6000 |
FlamingVictini | 6000 |
Jojos | 6000 |
Krytocon | 5500 |
Ballfire | 5500 |
TJ | 5500 |
Heracross2.0 | 5500 |
Onyx Onix 7 | 5500 |
mncmt | 5500 |
Mr.Bossaru | 5000 |
Instruct | 5000 |
Reece | 5000 |
Kris | 5000 |
ItsChew. | 5000 |
Swastik | 5000 |
TPP | 5000 |
TTTech | 4500 |
Lily | 4000 |
Amberr | 4000 |
Beka | 4000 |
Ryuji-Sempai | 4000 |
ojr | 4000 |
ironwater | 3500 |
jonfilch | 3500 |
ez | 3500 |
Hats | 3500 |
Blanched | 3500 |
Ransei | 3500 |
Lancer Fr | 3500 |
Clementine | 3500 |
AM | 3000 |
Meta | 3000 |
tlenit | 3000 |
cscl | 3000 |
omi | 3000 |
polt | 3000 |
Tea Guzzler | 3000 |
jerryl309 | 3000 |
yuki | 3000 |
The Dragon Master | 3000 |
Clasmia | 3000 |
berry | 3000 |
FrostPixel | 3000 |
Ainzcrad | 3000 |
Nalorium | 3000 |
Staxi | 3000 |
papiloco | 3000 |
Kabilapok | 3000 |
due to the aaa pool expansion now we will only need to spend 52k on Sylveon. instead of 55komplx managers revising their draft plan after tnm signed up
baconeatinassassin | 19500 |
The Number Man | 18000 |
quojova | 17000 |
Andyboy | 15000 |
Greybaum | 7500 |
Mubs | 7000 |
hidden | 4000 |
King Leo V | 3000 |
ironwater | 3000 |
Jojos | 3000 |
Heracross2.0 | 3000 |
Sylveon. | 24000 |
cityscapes | 20500 |
Vrji | 14000 |
Crunchman | 7000 |
TectonicDestroyer | 4500 |
RICEMAN | 3000 |
FrostPixel | 3000 |
Ballfire | 3000 |
Amberr | 3000 |
StitChuu | 3000 |
AM | 3000 |
jonfilch | 3000 |
Phantomistix | 3000 |
Ainzcrad | 3000 |
Ryuji-Sempai | 3000 |
Quantum Tesseract | 24500 |
S1nn0hC0nfirm3d | 12500 |
papiloco | 10000 |
jerryl309 | 9500 |
Nihilslave | 8000 |
tlenit | 7000 |
Nalorium | 6000 |
Staxi | 5500 |
avyrie | 5000 |
anaconja | 4500 |
Darkrai Retribution | 4000 |
The Dragon Master | 3500 |
Jordy | 16500 |
The Strap | 15500 |
WSun1 | 12500 |
London13 | 11000 |
FlamingVictini | 9500 |
Mossy Sandwich | 9000 |
Eli | 8000 |
Tea Guzzler | 7000 |
PA | 7000 |
MZ | 5000 |
Instruct | 5000 |
Zesty43 | 4500 |
Jett | 3500 |
Fissure | 3000 |
Onyx Onix 7 | 3000 |
Skarph | 22500 |
Stareal | 10500 |
Finchinator | 10500 |
pdt | 9500 |
damflame 3 | 7500 |
TPP | 6500 |
LBDC | 6500 |
pannuracotta | 6000 |
DuGuo | 4500 |
Lancer Fr | 3500 |
Meta | 3500 |
velvet | 3000 |
WMAR | 3000 |
OranBerryBlissey10 | 3000 |
Byleth | 19000 |
a loser | 17500 |
lepton | 13500 |
beauts | 11500 |
crying | 11500 |
luisin | 8500 |
Redflix | 7000 |
longhiep341 | 6000 |
Chris32156 | 5000 |
PandaDoux | 4500 |
mncmt | 3500 |
Dj Breloominati♬ | 3500 |
Simbo | 3000 |
XinosXinos | 3000 |
Kid Lexus | 3000 |
Fc | 15000 |
Blanched | 10000 |
85percent | 9000 |
Ivar57 | 9000 |
TTTech | 8500 |
iapt | 8000 |
ItsChew. | 7000 |
Trade | 6500 |
Kris | 4000 |
Mr.Bossaru | 3000 |
shiloh | 20000 |
Jrdn | 14500 |
MAMP | 13500 |
lotiasite | 11500 |
TJ | 9000 |
Ren | 7500 |
Lily | 6500 |
Adam3560 | 5500 |
ez | 3500 |
Itchy | 3000 |
Clementine | 3000 |
Quantum Tesseract | 24500 |
Sylveon. | 24000 |
Skarph | 22500 |
cityscapes | 20500 |
shiloh | 20000 |
baconeatinassassin | 19500 |
Byleth | 19000 |
The Number Man | 18000 |
a loser | 17500 |
quojova | 17000 |
Jordy | 16500 |
The Strap | 15500 |
Andyboy | 15000 |
Fc | 15000 |
Jrdn | 14500 |
Vrji | 14000 |
lepton | 13500 |
MAMP | 13500 |
S1nn0hC0nfirm3d | 12500 |
WSun1 | 12500 |
beauts | 11500 |
crying | 11500 |
lotiasite | 11500 |
London13 | 11000 |
Stareal | 10500 |
Finchinator | 10500 |
papiloco | 10000 |
Blanched | 10000 |
jerryl309 | 9500 |
FlamingVictini | 9500 |
pdt | 9500 |
Mossy Sandwich | 9000 |
85percent | 9000 |
Ivar57 | 9000 |
TJ | 9000 |
luisin | 8500 |
TTTech | 8500 |
Nihilslave | 8000 |
Eli | 8000 |
iapt | 8000 |
Greybaum | 7500 |
damflame 3 | 7500 |
Ren | 7500 |
Mubs | 7000 |
Crunchman | 7000 |
tlenit | 7000 |
Tea Guzzler | 7000 |
PA | 7000 |
Redflix | 7000 |
ItsChew. | 7000 |
TPP | 6500 |
LBDC | 6500 |
Trade | 6500 |
Lily | 6500 |
Nalorium | 6000 |
pannuracotta | 6000 |
longhiep341 | 6000 |
Staxi | 5500 |
Adam3560 | 5500 |
avyrie | 5000 |
MZ | 5000 |
Instruct | 5000 |
Chris32156 | 5000 |
TectonicDestroyer | 4500 |
anaconja | 4500 |
Zesty43 | 4500 |
DuGuo | 4500 |
PandaDoux | 4500 |
hidden | 4000 |
Darkrai Retribution | 4000 |
Kris | 4000 |
The Dragon Master | 3500 |
Jett | 3500 |
Lancer Fr | 3500 |
Meta | 3500 |
mncmt | 3500 |
Dj Breloominati♬ | 3500 |
ez | 3500 |
King Leo V | 3000 |
ironwater | 3000 |
Jojos | 3000 |
Heracross2.0 | 3000 |
RICEMAN | 3000 |
FrostPixel | 3000 |
Ballfire | 3000 |
Amberr | 3000 |
StitChuu | 3000 |
AM | 3000 |
jonfilch | 3000 |
Phantomistix | 3000 |
Ainzcrad | 3000 |
Ryuji-Sempai | 3000 |
Fissure | 3000 |
Onyx Onix 7 | 3000 |
velvet | 3000 |
WMAR | 3000 |
OranBerryBlissey10 | 3000 |
Simbo | 3000 |
XinosXinos | 3000 |
Kid Lexus | 3000 |
Mr.Bossaru | 3000 |
Itchy | 3000 |
Clementine | 3000 |
Sevag's NFE PRbutte's nfe pr (courtesy of Shing'n Streets rlly wanting one)
disclaimer: im ordering this pr into various categories instead of tiers, although the individual tiers are ordered in terms of who i think is better than who
players that can build and play at a high level
~i do not think there is much of a difference between the above and below tier, it's just some may need building support and some may not~
- The Strap - Probably the best NFE player at the moment. I am not quite sure whether he builds NFE teams or not. I know he has built some but he also want the support of more experience builders. Overall, Strap is REALLY good at NFE, and I'd argue the best player in the pool. You should get him, but with some support.
S1nn0hC0nfirm3d / King Leo V - Look, I dont want to be shady to my NFE friends but....both of them are a total toss-up. Some days I watch them play and I think "wow they're so good" and other times I'm just completely stunned by what I'm watching. Both can be top-of-the-line NFE players who are amazing and wonderful etc, and other times they can be very lazy and/or underperform. They're a risk, but there's a reason why Ho3n has won as many tours as he has and there's reasons why Leo is known as being the NFE goat in OMPL.
tour players with experience in nfe
- Stareal - Won NFE Seasonal, had a solid record in NFEPL/OMWC. I've been overall impressed with Stareal in NFE. He has made some pretty questionable plays at time but I think he's a pretty high-floor/high-ceiling player
- tlenit - Will likely need/want teams, tlenit has performed well in basically every NFE tour I've seen him play in. Similarly to Stareal (and TJ), I think he's a pretty low-risk player.
- TJ - I'd put TJ at the bottom of the him/Stareal/tlenit trio of "good players who can't really build", but they're all so close in the quality of player you're getting.
- Jordy - I haven't seen Jordy build NFE which is why he's here, but he's pretty solid at it. That's all
players you should buy as support but should not expect to play
- 85percent - i haven't seen 85percent build nfe since last ompl (i hate u still) but he's a great builder. not suuuuper creative but he is thoughtful about the teams he builds and he is very solid all-around. he's just an okay player but if u want a really good builder to support say a tlenit/tj/stareal/etc he's a very good option
- Jett - look, jett says they don't play nfe anymore (WHICH THEY DONT) and they probably won't be building you teams week in week out. HOWEVER, if you get a decent player from the tier below, and you have 3k to spare, i think jett can be very helpful in terms of the support they provide, which is someone who is experienced with nfe and can look over teams with a solid eye for what is good and what isnt. DO NOT PAY EXPECTING THEM TO BUILD YOU TEAMS. i will say that my personal experience being on a team with jett, when we were both helping us west for omwc semis/finals, was very positive and i found them to be very helpful. they're also a great team presence
players that can build and play at a decent level
- lepton - Went undefeated in OMWC. Can build decent teams but I think is improved greatly with a solid builder behind her. Has a tendency to lose confidence and be very negative. I think the pool for OMPL will be much more difficult for her than her OMWC pool so she may underperform but if she maintains a positive attitude and doesn't tilt I think she can be successful.
- Mirbro - Solid player (and builder? idk) who could be a really good 3-5k pickup. Has very good vibes
- OranBerryBlissey10 - Super creative but can underperform playing-wise. Is a great support option for his creativity, although he has a tendency to disappear and go inactive. If you can guarantee he will maintain a moderate amount of activity he will be a great buy. Do not expect him to build whole teams, rather I'd recommend him as support to someone who can already build at a decent level.
- ojr - ojr is tricky because he can be a very decent player but he does have some weaknesses when it comes to consistency and building ability. I do not think he should start BUT I think if he's motivated he can be a very solid support option as well as high-quality sub.
- Simbo - active SuMo nfe player that has some experience with SS. i think simbo is a pretty solid player who may need some guidance getting back into the meta. i would not get them alone to do the WHOLE nfe slot, but i think if you have other people on your team with experience in nfe to help/guide them, they could be a very solid 3-5k pickup
other people i should mention
- Shing'n Streets - idt he signed up but he's one of the best nfe builders i have seen. he builds at a high level and is incredibly creative, shing try-hards like nobody else. he has a tendency to ghost people sometimes but he is always helpful and smart and good at nfe
- elleapple - total girlboss
- 5Dots - decent at nfe but shouldn't start. can be a decent benchrider. unsure of his building ability
- Bag of Trixx - performed decently in the semi-recent NFE UU tour. don't really know their experience building/playing ability at nfe but im sure they're decent
- Beka - was decent at NFE in Swiss, would likely need building support but could perform with the right help
- DuGuo - they're a dirty NFE team stealer smh but similarly to 5Dots, i think they can be a decent benchrider
- Tarah204 - Tarah was semi-active in the NFE room when it was still around. They play/build somewhat decently but I would likely not pick them up in a draft, but deserved a shoutout for being an NFE room reg
Lineup of the Wiggly Family !View attachment 415746
Honey Linoones
baconeatinassassin 19500 The Number Man 18000 quojova 17000 Andyboy 15000 Greybaum 7500 Mubs 7000 hidden 4000 King Leo V 3000 ironwater 3000 Jojos 3000 Heracross2.0 3000
Larping Lopunnys
Sylveon. 24000 cityscapes 20500 Vrji 14000 Crunchman 7000 TectonicDestroyer 4500 RICEMAN 3000 FrostPixel 3000 Ballfire 3000 Amberr 3000 StitChuu 3000 AM 3000 jonfilch 3000 Phantomistix 3000 Ainzcrad 3000 Ryuji-Sempai 3000
Wiggly Family
Quantum Tesseract 24500 S1nn0hC0nfirm3d 12500 papiloco 10000 jerryl309 9500 Nihilslave 8000 tlenit 7000 Nalorium 6000 Staxi 5500 avyrie 5000 anaconja 4500 Darkrai Retribution 4000 The Dragon Master 3500
Temper Tyrantrums
Jordy 16500 The Strap 15500 WSun1 12500 London13 11000 FlamingVictini 9500 Mossy Sandwich 9000 Eli 8000 Tea Guzzler 7000 PA 7000 MZ 5000 Instruct 5000 Zesty43 4500 Jett 3500 Fissure 3000 Onyx Onix 7 3000
Uh Oh Kommo-os
Skarph 22500 Stareal 10500 Finchinator 10500 pdt 9500 damflame 3 7500 TPP 6500 LBDC 6500 pannuracotta 6000 DuGuo 4500 Lancer Fr 3500 Meta 3500 velvet 3000 WMAR 3000 OranBerryBlissey10 3000
Malding Mavericks
Byleth 19000 a loser 17500 lepton 13500 beauts 11500 crying 11500 luisin 8500 Redflix 7000 longhiep341 6000 Chris32156 5000 PandaDoux 4500 mncmt 3500 Dj Breloominati♬ 3500 Simbo 3000 XinosXinos 3000 Kid Lexus 3000
Hammered Hawluchas
Fc 15000 Blanched 10000 85percent 9000 Ivar57 9000 TTTech 8500 iapt 8000 ItsChew. 7000 Trade 6500 Kris 4000 Mr.Bossaru 3000
Spinda Wheels
shiloh 20000 Jrdn 14500 MAMP 13500 lotiasite 11500 TJ 9000 Ren 7500 Lily 6500 Adam3560 5500 ez 3500 Itchy 3000 Clementine 3000
Quantum Tesseract 24500 Sylveon. 24000 Skarph 22500 cityscapes 20500 shiloh 20000 baconeatinassassin 19500 Byleth 19000 The Number Man 18000 a loser 17500 quojova 17000 Jordy 16500 The Strap 15500 Andyboy 15000 Fc 15000 Jrdn 14500 Vrji 14000 lepton 13500 MAMP 13500 S1nn0hC0nfirm3d 12500 WSun1 12500 beauts 11500 crying 11500 lotiasite 11500 London13 11000 Stareal 10500 Finchinator 10500 papiloco 10000 Blanched 10000 jerryl309 9500 FlamingVictini 9500 pdt 9500 Mossy Sandwich 9000 85percent 9000 Ivar57 9000 TJ 9000 luisin 8500 TTTech 8500 Nihilslave 8000 Eli 8000 iapt 8000 Greybaum 7500 damflame 3 7500 Ren 7500 Mubs 7000 Crunchman 7000 tlenit 7000 Tea Guzzler 7000 PA 7000 Redflix 7000 ItsChew. 7000 TPP 6500 LBDC 6500 Trade 6500 Lily 6500 Nalorium 6000 pannuracotta 6000 longhiep341 6000 Staxi 5500 Adam3560 5500 avyrie 5000 MZ 5000 Instruct 5000 Chris32156 5000 TectonicDestroyer 4500 anaconja 4500 Zesty43 4500 DuGuo 4500 PandaDoux 4500 hidden 4000 Darkrai Retribution 4000 Kris 4000 The Dragon Master 3500 Jett 3500 Lancer Fr 3500 Meta 3500 mncmt 3500 Dj Breloominati♬ 3500 ez 3500 King Leo V 3000 ironwater 3000 Jojos 3000 Heracross2.0 3000 RICEMAN 3000 FrostPixel 3000 Ballfire 3000 Amberr 3000 StitChuu 3000 AM 3000 jonfilch 3000 Phantomistix 3000 Ainzcrad 3000 Ryuji-Sempai 3000 Fissure 3000 Onyx Onix 7 3000 velvet 3000 WMAR 3000 OranBerryBlissey10 3000 Simbo 3000 XinosXinos 3000 Kid Lexus 3000 Mr.Bossaru 3000 Itchy 3000 Clementine 3000
Tyrantrum Lineup
2v2: London13
AAA: MZ Support: Eli, Instruct
AG: Wsun1 Support: MZ
BH: Tea Guzzler, Onyx Onix 7
GG: Mossy Sandwich Support: Eli
MnM: Jordy Support: Zesty43
NFE: The Strap, Jett
STAB: PA Support: Fissure
Anything and everything as needed: FlamingVictini
Overall: Super happy with my draft. Got some awesome players, have support where I need it, and got Fissure for 3k. Let's do that in the real draft ^_^. I was hoping to pick up some 2v2 support for London late draft but by the time I was bidding for it my money was gone, and I did have some other plans. My plan was for MZ to start in AAA, but also to support AG, so I worry I may be putting too much on him, but if that wouldn't work I have Eli, Instruct, and Wsun1 who would totally be able to make it work without that.
The prices this draft were about as reasonable as I've seen them the entire time. Besides some people going absurdly low late draft because nobody had money (usual and unavoidable) very few people went absurdly high, and there weren't that many absurd steals. Although the Tyrantrums managed to get Fissure and MZ for 8k combined, not even at the end of the draft so...
Andyboy | 18500 |
Jrdn | 14500 |
WSun1 | 11000 |
TPP | 11000 |
Ivar57 | 8500 |
Ren | 7000 |
85percent | 7000 |
mncmt | 6000 |
Itchy | 5000 |
Bag of Trixx | 4500 |
PA | 4000 |
Nevelle | 3000 |
Skarph | 21500 |
The Number Man | 17500 |
Jordy | 17000 |
Fc | 15000 |
London13 | 12500 |
Stareal | 11500 |
TTTech | 5000 |
zioziotrip | 5000 |
anaconja | 5000 |
AM | 4000 |
Mirbro | 3000 |
Tea Guzzler | 3000 |
Quantum Tesseract | 25000 |
beauts | 18000 |
crying | 10500 |
MZ | 10000 |
LBDC | 10000 |
PandaDoux | 10000 |
lepton | 9000 |
damflame 3 | 6000 |
Greybaum | 6000 |
Instruct | 4500 |
STABLE | 4000 |
Kris | 4000 |
Heracross2.0 | 3000 |
MAMP | 18500 |
Trade | 13500 |
a loser | 12500 |
Fissure | 9500 |
DuGuo | 9000 |
Mossy Sandwich | 7000 |
Ransei | 6500 |
longhiep341 | 6500 |
Eli | 6000 |
The Dragon Master | 5000 |
velvet | 5000 |
Chris32156 | 5000 |
Jett | 5000 |
Zesty43 | 4500 |
Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂ | 3500 |
StitChuu | 3000 |
Sylveon. | 20500 |
baconeatinassassin | 20000 |
FlamingVictini | 9500 |
TJ | 8500 |
Lily | 8500 |
ez | 8000 |
papiloco | 7500 |
Blanched | 5000 |
Nihilslave | 5000 |
TeamCharm | 4000 |
Ballfire | 3500 |
shiloh | 19500 |
quojova | 16500 |
pdt | 12000 |
The Strap | 12000 |
Vrji | 9500 |
S1nn0hC0nfirm3d | 9500 |
iapt | 8500 |
luisin | 7500 |
pannuracotta | 6500 |
Onyx Onix 7 | 5000 |
tlenit | 4000 |
jonfilch | 3500 |
jerryl309 | 3000 |
Adam3560 | 3000 |
cityscapes | 19500 |
lotiasite | 16000 |
Byleth | 12000 |
Finchinator | 9000 |
King Leo V | 8500 |
Redflix | 7000 |
avyrie | 6500 |
Mubs | 6000 |
TectonicDestroyer | 5000 |
Dj Breloominati♬ | 4000 |
ironwater | 3500 |
Jojos | 3000 |
Mr.Bossaru | 3000 |
Mark K | 3000 |
Seldanna | 3000 |
Aggrometaile | 3000 |
yuki | 3000 |
berry | 3000 |
DugZa | 3000 |
Jqlove | 3000 |
Amberr | 3000 |
Clasmia | 3000 |
Geysers | 3000 |
RICEMAN | 3000 |
tenzhii | 3000 |
hidden | 3000 |
Hats | 3000 |
ojr | 3000 |
Crunchman | 3000 |
Potatochan | 3000 |
jonas | 3000 |
RTM | 3000 |
Ainzcrad | 3000 |
TGA | 3000 |
ItsChew. | 3000 |
Nalorium | 3000 |
FrostPixel | 3000 |
Meta | 3000 |
Staxi | 3000 |
Swastik | 3000 |
447323a | 3000 |
cscl | 3000 |
itsjustdrew | 3000 |
berryalcremie | 3000 |
mh | 3000 |
DuckeryDoodle | 3000 |
MagearnaTheBoss | 3000 |
OranBerryBlissey10 | 3000 |
Reaper Dude | 3000 |
Sanshokuinsumireko | 3000 |
txitxas | 3000 |
omi | 3000 |
Quantum Tesseract | 25000 |
Skarph | 21500 |
Sylveon. | 20500 |
baconeatinassassin | 20000 |
shiloh | 19500 |
cityscapes | 19500 |
Andyboy | 18500 |
MAMP | 18500 |
beauts | 18000 |
The Number Man | 17500 |
Jordy | 17000 |
quojova | 16500 |
lotiasite | 16000 |
Fc | 15000 |
Jrdn | 14500 |
Trade | 13500 |
London13 | 12500 |
a loser | 12500 |
pdt | 12000 |
The Strap | 12000 |
Byleth | 12000 |
Stareal | 11500 |
WSun1 | 11000 |
TPP | 11000 |
crying | 10500 |
MZ | 10000 |
LBDC | 10000 |
PandaDoux | 10000 |
Fissure | 9500 |
FlamingVictini | 9500 |
Vrji | 9500 |
S1nn0hC0nfirm3d | 9500 |
lepton | 9000 |
DuGuo | 9000 |
Finchinator | 9000 |
Ivar57 | 8500 |
TJ | 8500 |
Lily | 8500 |
iapt | 8500 |
King Leo V | 8500 |
ez | 8000 |
papiloco | 7500 |
luisin | 7500 |
Ren | 7000 |
85percent | 7000 |
Mossy Sandwich | 7000 |
Redflix | 7000 |
Ransei | 6500 |
longhiep341 | 6500 |
pannuracotta | 6500 |
avyrie | 6500 |
mncmt | 6000 |
damflame 3 | 6000 |
Greybaum | 6000 |
Eli | 6000 |
Mubs | 6000 |
Itchy | 5000 |
TTTech | 5000 |
zioziotrip | 5000 |
anaconja | 5000 |
The Dragon Master | 5000 |
velvet | 5000 |
Chris32156 | 5000 |
Jett | 5000 |
Blanched | 5000 |
Nihilslave | 5000 |
Onyx Onix 7 | 5000 |
TectonicDestroyer | 5000 |
Bag of Trixx | 4500 |
Instruct | 4500 |
Zesty43 | 4500 |
PA | 4000 |
AM | 4000 |
STABLE | 4000 |
Kris | 4000 |
TeamCharm | 4000 |
tlenit | 4000 |
Dj Breloominati♬ | 4000 |
Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂ | 3500 |
Ballfire | 3500 |
jonfilch | 3500 |
ironwater | 3500 |
Nevelle | 3000 |
Mirbro | 3000 |
Tea Guzzler | 3000 |
Heracross2.0 | 3000 |
StitChuu | 3000 |
jerryl309 | 3000 |
Adam3560 | 3000 |
Jojos | 3000 |
Mr.Bossaru | 3000 |
Mark K | 3000 |
Seldanna | 3000 |
Aggrometaile | 3000 |
yuki | 3000 |
berry | 3000 |
DugZa | 3000 |
Jqlove | 3000 |
Amberr | 3000 |
Clasmia | 3000 |
Geysers | 3000 |
RICEMAN | 3000 |
tenzhii | 3000 |
hidden | 3000 |
Hats | 3000 |
ojr | 3000 |
Crunchman | 3000 |
Potatochan | 3000 |
jonas | 3000 |
RTM | 3000 |
Ainzcrad | 3000 |
TGA | 3000 |
ItsChew. | 3000 |
Nalorium | 3000 |
FrostPixel | 3000 |
Meta | 3000 |
Staxi | 3000 |
Swastik | 3000 |
447323a | 3000 |
cscl | 3000 |
itsjustdrew | 3000 |
berryalcremie | 3000 |
mh | 3000 |
DuckeryDoodle | 3000 |
MagearnaTheBoss | 3000 |
OranBerryBlissey10 | 3000 |
Reaper Dude | 3000 |
Sanshokuinsumireko | 3000 |
txitxas | 3000 |
omi | 3000 |