OU CCAT: Nidoking Edition

Not sure if I should say this yet but I think a tinkerbell celebi would be a better fit than Virizion. Celebi doesn't really fear anything that Gastrodon can throw at it so we can run willowisp/hp fire rotom now. hp fire on celebi also makes scizor easier to deal with, something like 64 evs or something to ensure the ohko. Just my thoughts for now, might suggest something later but I suggest that you guys test this out.
Tinkerbell certainly has its perks; it provides further paralysis support to this team, generally more physically durable than Virizion, and can beat the Rotom-W / Scizor core. It's weakness to U-turn / Pursuit is still a bitch, though, making Landorus and Tyranitar harder to deal with, which Virizion usually doesn't have much to worry. Virizion can also hurt Heatran and Blissey, unlike Tinkerbell Celebi. Drifloon, I'll be sure to note this post when we begin the next stage of team-building, thanks!

Just a reminder that we will be voting next week, so be sure to submit your noms! Here's the Specially Defensive Heatran that Cooky recommended last page:


Heatran @ Leftovers
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 240 SpD / 12 Spe
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
~ Lava Plume
~ Earth Power
~ Toxic / Stealth Rock
~ Roar
And it's time to vote for our final team member! The current line-up can be viewed here. The final choices are as follows:

OU Ballot
The voting will proceed till Saturday, the 21st! We're almost there :D
Lol had a post planned out listing pros and cons but then Pocket posted the ballot so im posting a reason why im voting this way (provided pocket lets me!!!).

Anyway I feel that Gyarados is prolly one of the better options out there, because its one of the few pokemon that can handle Volcarona and Scizor. If Terrakion gets the nod I worry that having a weakness to the #1 most used pokemon, Scizor (Both CB and SD), would really hurt this teams potential. For example The only pokemon on this team that can really switch into Scizor's Bullet Punch are Jirachi and Rotom W, both of which lose a large chunk from U-Turn. Physically Bulky Gyarados can tank hits from Scizor all day and can still spread para support to help Virizion and Nidoking.

Gyarados (Physically Bulky)
Yea, of course, ginganinja, feel free to explain your votes; it's even recommended ;d. Thanks for your input!
I was torn between Choice Scarf Infernape and Choice Scarf Terrakion. While they both can handle Volcarona with Stone Edge, they both handle DD Scrafty with STAB Close Combat, I just feel that Terrakion is the better option because it can also hit Dragon Dancers like Dragonite and Gyarados harder than Infernape could. While Terrakion is easily revenged by Scizor, and Infernape is resistant to both its STABs, Rotom, Nidoking, and Jirachi all can check it already.

Terrakion (Choice Scarf)
Terrakion (Choice Scarf)

- I do agree with Ginganinja about the possible Scizor weakness, but with no Rapid Spinner, Gyarados is gonna have a hard time out there :/ . Especially with the Volt-Turn combo that are being used so much atm.
Gyarados (Physically Bulky)

As I said before, having a balanced team means we need to have strong defensive and offensive cores, and while I do feel our offense can be improved, Gyarados completes our defense very well.

Remember, people, we still have the testing phase after this to make changes!

Scarf Terrakion
Gyarados (Rest & Sleep Talk) - nihilist

Gets my vote because it is the best counter to Volcarona I have found yet. Can tank its hits all day due to resisting both STABs in Bug Buzz and Overheat/fire move, and can Roar it out should it get too many boosts.

Also, while Gyara can't do much to Scizor, unlike Terrakion, Gyara is a good check to Scizor in that Scizor can't do much to it either. Plus, having Sleep Talk to bypass Roar's negative priority, stacked with U-Turn's switching, will really help to wear down the overgrown metal mantis. The weakness to Rotom W I recognise, but between Terrakion and Gyara, at least Gyara is only weak to half the core, as opposed to Terrakion being unable to switch into either of them (Bullet Punch/Hydro Pump).

The reason I choose the ResTalk variant is simply because we have no spinner. So a Gyarados will need some way to recoup its losses from SR. Thus, Rest can come in handy, and after the main counter to Gyara is gone, one can simply stall with Sleep Talk and Roar. Especially if we end up with hazards on this team.
Well, its a tough choice between Terrakion and Bulky Gyarados.

However, I feel we need to balance the team, and thus, intimidate bulky Gyarados is probably what I would go for. It gets nice oppertunities to set up, especially substitue, and I feel Volt-Turn is just too common to ignore.
I've been doing some testing, and I've made it to 1303 points and #179 on the ladder in a short matter of time with these changes:

Scarf Adamant Terrakion in the last slot with a moveset of SE/CC/X-Scissor/Rock Slide

Tinkerbell Celebi with HP Fire swapped for Virizion

Jirachi with Fire Punch, Stealth Rock, and Body Slam

The team performs very solid against most other teams. I typically lead with Rotom-W, trying to gain momentum, or Jirachi, trying to set rocks early, because rocks are a vital factor to this team's success. Celebi acts as a great lure and eliminator for both Scizor and Ferro. The team struggles with Sub Protect Gliscor (Gengar is the only member that can readily deal with it), MixMence (glad there aren't many of those), Any Haxorus (who doesn't), and SubCMRachi (usually have to resort to rking with Terrakion) among others. Overall, a very well constructed team, and Nidoking certainly pulls his own weight.

Edit: Yeah, so I'm changing my vote. I tried Gyara, but not having a spinner and a lack of reliable recovery really hurt it. Celebi fills its role admirably, as well as giving the team some great immediate power with Leaf Storm.
Gyarados (Physically Bulky) - skidilidy

I've always been partial towards Gyarados on this team. Intimidate is a wonderful asset in stopping threats like Scizor and CB Dragonite, while its resistances allow it to take out the likes of Volcarona. Furthermore, it directs Electric-type attacks that allow for easy switch ins to Nidoking. I absolutely adore the set we've chosen too. Gyarados will provide us some great paralysis support while Taunt will help keep our side of the field status free and hazard free. I feel that Gyarados brings the most the the table for this team. Terrakion might have its advantages, but I don't see it supporting this team as well as most seem to envision.
Terrakion (Choice Scarf)

Adds some much needed firepower. Even though the team's balanced, it lacks something that can either tear holes in teams early or clean up shop late game. Terrakion fills that niche like no other.