Hi, I am looking for a team that can be built around Inferanpe that can be offensive and defense for OU? don't know if this is possible but would like to see a team that is built for the ladder.
Ok imma drop my request before it closes once again, I'd like someone to build a team around zard-y+Sand core (preferably ttar over hippo) and if you go with rapid spin excadrill the implement a lure to ferrothorn, which is the only rox setter that prevents excadrill form spinning I can think of...ok there's also hippo, maybe something like hp fire/surf/stabs latios could work? BD azu? If u opt for another hazard remover that's fine.
Sure, go ahead, my request was vague on purpouse so that the builders had a lot of free room, I thought it was better bc I'm struggling to build a good char-y team
I've got something that I could post later, but are you certain about this request? It's a bit vague and I'm not certain if you've fully thought through what you want with this team.
Sure, go ahead, my request was vague on purpouse so that the builders had a lot of free room, I thought it was better bc I'm struggling to build a good char-y team
You'll need to give us sets if you'd like us to build with that core.Hi I would like a team with the core of Latias-Mega + Nidoking
why this core? the answer is simply mega latias consider it one of the best mega Oras for its versatility and Nidoking is a very good Wallbreaker. Nidoking also kills things latias not for (Clefable, Scizor, Heatran).
Nidoking is Love /u\
I already have a team with these two, although Latios is running LO. I can pretty much guarantee that most builds you're gonna get w/ these two are gonna be better off running LO, but if you'd like I can try to take the core as-is. Reason being is that Roost-less Specs-Tios is nowhere near as great of a Keld switchin, so its defensive utility requires redundancy support to an extent that it normally doesn't need.I'm gonna assume that the core I posted prolly 2 months ago isn't gonna be picked up, so I'd like to replace it with this:
Heracross-Mega @ Heracronite
Ability: Guts
EVs: 144 HP / 232 Atk / 32 Def / 100 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Pin Missile
- Rock Blast
- Rest
Latios (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Surf
- Sleep Talk
Dual wallbreaker core, where Heracross tears apart slower walls like Slowbro/king and Tangrowth, while also being a solid stop to a lot of Pursuit trappers in the tier. Specs Latios takes advantage of the fact that it's probably the single fastest wallbreaker in the tier to beat even offensive threats like Keldeo and Garchomp, while handling Lando-T and Skarmory with Surf. Running Guts on Heracross pre-mega due to being able to take advantage of Rest later on, especially when the extra speed might matter.
I already have a team with these two, although Latios is running LO. I can pretty much guarantee that most builds you're gonna get w/ these two are gonna be better off running LO, but if you'd like I can try to take the core as-is. Reason being is that Roost-less Specs-Tios is nowhere near as great of a Keld switchin, so its defensive utility requires redundancy support to an extent that it normally doesn't need.
Lemme know what you'd like me to do. Just to rephrase: I can try and build with the two as you requested exactly and probably end up with a build that would fare better with LO Tios, or just give you my Hera/Latios build with LO Tios.