Approved by: Team Pokepals
Teambuilders: DennisEG , Analytic , bludz , Nedor (another one in our hearts) , p2 (in our hearts) , Team Pokepals , Clone. , jacob (in our hearts), starry blanket , rob. , urban , FlamingVictini , Steve Angello , Halcyon , AM (In our hearts
) , Koiro. , Hector Hard Mode , daddy's kisses , H.M.N.I.P
Art: NicoReaper
Status: CLOSE
Hello everyone! This thread has been passed down from generation to generation, starting with Trinitrotoluene 's first workshop, followed by Analytic 's second workshop and then Halcyon 's with the previous version of the workshop. Thank you guys for starting and hosting this fantastic resource!. Now, I have the pleasure to host the Fourth Workshop thread accompanied by the teambuilders mentioned above. The goal of this thread is to have a place where you can ask experienced users for help creating a team around a core or Pokemon you may have had trouble building with, saw on the forums, or are generally curious about, and one of us can reply with the team as well as the teambuilding process we had so the original requester can see how the team developed and get ideas on how to build their own teams in the future. Anyone is allowed to post here no matter how experienced or inexperienced a battler you might be, and even if you don't have a core idea of your own, you can search in the Good Cores thread so you dont post a non-viable core.
Unclaimed Requests:
boxofkangaroox Mega glalie
Requests being Worked on:
lucky002's Mega Scep - Analytic
Gammafire's Gengar + Bish - FlamingVictini
blueman164's Offensive Mega Zor - FlamingVictini
komet3's Escavalier - FV
Raging swampert's Haxorus - FlamingVictini
geovanidude's Crawdaunt - bludz
DownAbove's Jellicent - bludz
MegaStarUniverse nidoking +keldeo - urban
Beastorino's Mega Medicham + Rotom-Wash - urban
Ankebut's Ttar + keld + rachi - Analytic
Boo3000's Lucario - Halcyon
ectowplasma's Mega Lop + chomp - starry
RedzoneX CB entei - starry
Ende's and Flugly2's Weav + M sciz - starry
ImMrflubadub's Specs Dragalge - HHM
True ExcaKill's mega lop + thundy - daddy's
Teambuilders: DennisEG , Analytic , bludz , Nedor (another one in our hearts) , p2 (in our hearts) , Team Pokepals , Clone. , jacob (in our hearts), starry blanket , rob. , urban , FlamingVictini , Steve Angello , Halcyon , AM (In our hearts

Art: NicoReaper
Status: CLOSE

Go ahead and tell NicoReaper how sick this art looks.
Hello everyone! This thread has been passed down from generation to generation, starting with Trinitrotoluene 's first workshop, followed by Analytic 's second workshop and then Halcyon 's with the previous version of the workshop. Thank you guys for starting and hosting this fantastic resource!. Now, I have the pleasure to host the Fourth Workshop thread accompanied by the teambuilders mentioned above. The goal of this thread is to have a place where you can ask experienced users for help creating a team around a core or Pokemon you may have had trouble building with, saw on the forums, or are generally curious about, and one of us can reply with the team as well as the teambuilding process we had so the original requester can see how the team developed and get ideas on how to build their own teams in the future. Anyone is allowed to post here no matter how experienced or inexperienced a battler you might be, and even if you don't have a core idea of your own, you can search in the Good Cores thread so you dont post a non-viable core.
- Have a one paragraph description with the set / core you want us to build around and a slight idea of what kind of team you want the end result to be. Also, actually have the set(s) you want us to use in your post. This makes the process of building teams faster for all of us here.
- Do not post asking us to make use of uncompetitive Pokemon. This is not a competition to see how good we are at teambuilding; this is us trying to educate people on what is good and how to build effective teams.
- Do not delete/edit your post once you've posted, as it difficult trackin it.
- Note that we have the right to decline any core request if we deem that it isn't viable or worthy enough to build around, please keep that in mind.
- Do not flame people for asking for a certain Pokemon or that they can't build one themselves.
- Please don't nag anyone of us to build fast, etc. We will try to make teams that are the best and it does take time so please keep patience
- I'll close the thread to requests after a week Open, and then Reopened when at least 60% of the cores are posted into teams.
- You are free (and highly encouraged) to suggest and post changes / critiques you've made to already posted teams that you feel improve them.
- However, you are not allowed to post your own teams here to have us modify them. We're here to build new teams, not modify older ones. If you want your own teams critiqued and modified, post them in the RMT forum, not here.
- Only one request per person, or only one core per person. You may post a new request if your old post isn't in Unclaimed Request or is just dropped, or if your team has been built.
- Don't post a core if the workshop is closed.
- If you want a team with a Pokemon below or in the C+ rank of the OU Viability thread here your request must be only that single Pokemon; For example if you want a team around Hawlucha, you cannot pair it with another Pokemon even if they are perfect together. Otherwise we won't take it or it would be rejected.
- We'll let you guys know when we're considering adding people to the teambuilding crew.

boxofkangaroox Mega glalie

lucky002's Mega Scep - Analytic
Gammafire's Gengar + Bish - FlamingVictini
blueman164's Offensive Mega Zor - FlamingVictini
komet3's Escavalier - FV
Raging swampert's Haxorus - FlamingVictini
geovanidude's Crawdaunt - bludz
DownAbove's Jellicent - bludz
MegaStarUniverse nidoking +keldeo - urban
Beastorino's Mega Medicham + Rotom-Wash - urban
Ankebut's Ttar + keld + rachi - Analytic
Boo3000's Lucario - Halcyon
ectowplasma's Mega Lop + chomp - starry
RedzoneX CB entei - starry
Ende's and Flugly2's Weav + M sciz - starry
ImMrflubadub's Specs Dragalge - HHM
True ExcaKill's mega lop + thundy - daddy's
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