Requested Core:
Team Preview (Click for Importable):

Sorry this took a bit to post—I actually reworked my original Hera build since I found it too weak to Garde/Clef and a few other things. This is a version I worked on with your requested base of Heracross + Latios, but I changed Latios to LO like you mentioned you'd prefer.
Starting off, I knew Jirachi would be practically mandatory to deal with the massive Clefable/fairy weakness the core had, so I opted for the pivot rocks set that's been gaining traction recently. It's an incredibly sturdy pivot thanks to its solid 100/100/100 bulk and it provides insurance vs. some notable breakers, namely Kyu-B, Garde, and Diancie. Scarf seemed somewhat sub-optimal here because of how quickly it tends to get worn down and generally requires some defensive redundancy for fairies/Latios to function decently. The only major issue with rocks Jirachi builds is that they tend to be somewhat Zard-X weak, as it occupies the same slot (rocker) as quite a few Zard-X checks, but there are obviously ways to include counterplays aside from a rocker slot (they're just generally less reliable, unfortunately). After adding Jirachi, the build looked quite Talon/Torn/Pinsir/Sand weak, so I added the all-powerful Rotom-Wash to improve my matchup vs. those 'mons. Rotom is extremely splashable on bulky offensive builds like this and generally works well with fighting megas because of how much they despise flyers, hence why nearly all of my 1,000,000 Lop teams have Rotom on it lol. Rotom is running T-Wave to catch Zard-X, which is a pretty useful tech on Zard-X weak builds. Final threats to the build included Lopunny, Zard-X, Medicham, Mold Breaker Drill, Weavile, and Mega-Sableye, so my final two picks were slightly fat Scarf Lando and Bold Flame CM Clef. The former provides insurance vs. Zard-X and Scarf Drills while providing crucial speed control, while the latter checks too many things to list in addition to acting as a wincon.
One brief thing I'll touch on before covering things you have to look out for is the relationship between Latios and Clef—you'll probably notice that Latios is running a semi-goofy set in Draco/Surf/HP Fire/Roost, which allows Latios to wear down or outright eliminate Clef's roadblocks (Heatran, Jirachi, Scizor, etc.) to pave the way for a CM sweep. HP Fire Latios might seem redundant with Flamethrower Clef, but the move allows you to wear down complete blocks to Clef sweeps like scarf 'Rachi and a few other steels that Clef can't exactly deal with even with a CM under its belt.
Threats to the build would be Bisharp, fast Mega-Scizor, and Mega-Charizard X. You have counterplays to all of them—with some counterplays being weaker than others—but you'll have to play carefully around those threats if you notice them at preview.
Hope you enjoy! Shoutouts to
Infernal and
AM (aka big papi) for testing with me :]