Overwatch - Brigitte used FLAIL!

Watch any high elo streamer. Double Zarya is legitimately picked every game. I recommend Surefour or any of the EnVyUs/C9 guys. They legitimately always complain about Zarya, and TviQ, the number 1 rated player worldwide, shut his stream down the other day because it was too boring to play double Zarya just to win every game. There were on average 3 Zaryas every single game when he was playing.

Not trying to say Zarya as a hero is OP by the way. I think Zarya stacking as a concept is ridiculous though. 4 shields at any time is a massive headache.
It's worthwhile imo. A lot of them are super informative (seagull/surefour) and you learn a lot about map awareness. Of course a lot of that advice has no meaning when people don't know much about the game, but it's interesting to see how high elo players think at least.
I don't think Zarya really has anything that can be considered a counter, but it's hard to justify nerfing her, I just don't see her being that overpowered.

Pharah is okay, but it's not exactly a hard one. Zarya's large HP pool+shield make it pretty hard for her to kill Zarya while staying out of range. Pharah has a pretty meager 120 DPS if she hits all her rockets directly, which is pretty much impossible at that range. Reaper is not a counter, of course he can win at barrel-stuffing range, but Zarya's shield lasts 2 seconds and she does 150 DPS at max charge, doesn't take a genius to realize that Reaper can definitely lose in quite a few situations. Widowmaker is not a counter either, of course she can headshot a Zary and do 75% of her hp, but a counter this does not make. Is Widow a counter to practically every hero in the game that she outranges? Obviously no, she is considered a counter to characters that are reliant on making themselves easy to hit to do their job. Pharah is the main example, and Hanzo is also probably another because of his self-slow when drawing. There's nothing exceptional about how Zarya plays that would make her exposed to Widowmaker. If anything the shield makes her more resistant to Widow than most, as she can choose to step out into Widow's line of sight safely every 10 seconds.

Tracer is possibly the best bet for countering Zarya I think. Tracer kills by whittling the opponent down over a few seconds, rather than 1 fat burst that can be parried by the shield, and because of Zarya's lack of burst tracer can user her rewind to give herself a lot of effective health. Tracer is also capable of safely forcing the shield then using her ult to kill Zarya. Still, max charge Zarya does 150 DPS, 1 second of the beam will kill her, that's extremely dangerous. Hanzo, in the hands of a master is also a good character against Zarya I feel like. He is most effective in a midrange sweet spot that's too close for Widow to safely get full-charge headshots off, but too far for Zarya's beam to reach. Soldier 76 is another midrange damage character, but often he is within Zarya's beam range, because he has damage fall off unlike Hanzo. However Hanzo is Hanzo and he needs to have a very skilled user to be worth picking.

Zarya's counters are dubious, but despite this I dont think she overperforms that heavily in competitive games. She can't be easily countered, but she doesn't really effortlessly counter other characters. Tracer, Reaper, Soldier, Roadhog, Reinhardt, Pharah, Junkrat, Lucio, Mercy, etc. None of these characters get outright beaten by Zarya, and can win against her in plenty of situations or aren't prevented from doing their jobs. I have yet to see egregious amounts of Zarya picks or her just being overpowered, her damage and defenses are ultimately limited and proper positioning, not fighting her too close and forcing her into the open to deal damage overwhelms her.
Zarya's primary fire is hitscan though, you keep your reticle trained on the enemy and they take damage. It's like Quake's Lightning Gun but with less range than that. So I guess Zarya can't do much against a pharah in the air unless you're really good at altfire airshots.

Reinhardt and Winston barriers are also quite handy against Graviton Surge btw. Basically forces out a second ult if you want to get any kills.

Meet my new love, can't wait for the buff Blizzard has in mind for her <3 (I speak infrequently during the video in Arabic, mostly exclamations), skip to 9:40 for final count)
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Ever since the McCree nerf it seems tanks are dominating the meta. 3 tank offence seems to be very common for seizing the first objective, and Tanks were already good to begin with. Roadhog is also consistently shining in competitive games, he seems to be the new McCree with his Hook, LC, Melee combo which deals 200+ dmg if done correctly. Hopefully if they still plan to buff Zenyatta this will change things, his Discord Orb just screams Tank melter, and his DPS is very high with the Orb factored in.
Meanwhile ranked on consoles is literally cancer. Don't play solo. Only play with friends. There are way too many rage-quitters.
Ever since the McCree nerf it seems tanks are dominating the meta. 3 tank offence seems to be very common for seizing the first objective, and Tanks were already good to begin with. Roadhog is also consistently shining in competitive games, he seems to be the new McCree with his Hook, LC, Melee combo which deals 200+ dmg if done correctly. Hopefully if they still plan to buff Zenyatta this will change things, his Discord Orb just screams Tank melter, and his DPS is very high with the Orb factored in.

Yeah Roadhog is pretty bonkers when it comes to hard carrying in ranked. Not really sure if he really needs nerfs though because if you miss a hook you are pretty much just an ult battery for the enemy team, I think people tend to forget that at times about him. They really need to buff DVA and Zeny those heroes are legit useless. DVA is only good for overtime gimmicks and an occasional KOTH map on quickplay.
Even then you're better off picking Winston, who sticks to his flanking targets better since M1 doesn't slow him down and he can ignore barriers
D.Va's actually really good now

Also most of the teams I've gotten into are mostly D.Va, Zenyatta, and Ana
Yeah, they're trying them out cuz hype!!!

I'm so happy Ana is a thing <3 I already fucking love pharah, having her mother (YUNG MOTHER EVEN, THAT SKIN IS AMAZING) is so neat lol, and she's clicking REALLY well with me.

Also I like the mercy changes. I'd be lying if I said I like the nerf since she's easily my favourite hero but it was a needed one lol. her ult charge was utterly ridiculous. I fucking love the buffs she got tho, using res while walking and her damage buff now being 50% are HUGE. pharah's direct rocket now does 180 with mercy's buff which is fucking insane.

I love the PTR
If you want to install the PTR without having to redownload the entire game, try this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/4p67sk/psa_how_to_install_ptr_without_having_to/

Ana is pretty cool, all 4 of the healers seem pretty usable right now (Zen maybe with another healer on the team as well). Some intricacies regarding her kit:

-The healing boost from your grenade is 2x and you can grenade yourself
-Unscoped rounds are tiny, fast projectiles, scoping in turns them into hitscan tracer rounds
-Primary fire heals/damages over a very brief time, some say it's 3 ticks
-There's no way Ana can reach that perch on Egypt without the enemy team helping

Not sure how I feel about the Mercy changes yet, haven't seen much of her at all on the PTR honestly. I think it's fine to give supports new toys when you take others away, since very few people like playing support in the first place, but this potentially seems like an overall character buff that Mercy didn't really need relative to Lucio.
-There's no way Ana can reach that perch on egypt without the enemy team helping

This is what really threw me when I saw the trailer. I saw her sitting on all these high places then the abilites scrolled by and I didn't see a movement one.

Don't get me wrong, she's really cool, but I find it counterintuitive to run a sniper that can't naturally access high places like hanzo and widow can.
Yeah, I think you're best off sticking with the rest of your team as Ana, slightly in the back, where they can just protect you and you can spam M1 down chokes. Kind of sucks getting dived but her supporting abilities are really good and sleep dart peels sometimes.
Playing D. Va on ptr was so much fun. They turned the defence matrix from a mild inconvenience to the enemy team to an absolutely necessary tool for D. Va.

Playing D. Va now is super fun and she feels really tanks due to the defence matrix.
I'm most excited about the Zenyatta buff. Quit playing him prior to the widow's body shot nerf. Can't wait to play him again.