Overwatch - Brigitte used FLAIL!

I'm playing mostly Zen lately too, which brings this to mind:

Zen is like my main support hero because its very easy to push the payload if you ult with Transcendence
also Orb of Discord is going to get nerfed but I kind of understand because it's easy to pin someone with the orb and you can easily kill them off yourself if they have low hp like Tracer etc.
Also if you try to do that and you get low since Zen also has kinda bad HP then you can easily flock to a teammate since Zenyatta is surprisingly fast actually
With the Orb of Harmony, it isn't really as useful as the Orb of Discord right now but I still use it with attack heroes because they almost always play on the offense so they can heal while battling other heroes, but usually giving it to defensive heroes is also good on Defense mode since heroes like Junkrat set-up with the mines and trapper, and if they caught they can heal up and that prevents the risk of getting killed or being caught of guard while setting up. Also Zen's ult is also good when the enemies are capturing a point so you can finish them all off with huge amounts of HP, also contesting the point in the process. So ultimately if played right Zen can be very helpful in Attack and Defense.
Honestly aside from the other support heroes Zen can do massive healing and damaging in the process
Speaking of Zen, he's more of a DPS that can heal rather than a healer that does DPS. And that he has a defensive ult.

I've been playing him as healer mainly and occasional damage but that isn't really optimal lol. His hybrid favors attacking and then countering with his ult that basically nopes all the non insta kills. I've been getting more success with Ana as she favors healing more than Zen. So she's healer and off DPS rather than the other way that Zen really is. Also been getting more heals with Ana than Zen, not including Transcendence. So good at tanking with tanks omg. Her ult is meh tbh. It's an enabler that's all it is. Not an offensive team wipe ult or a defensive save your whole team ult. So Ana is kinda relegated to a 'win more' hero. It'll make the gap between the winning and losing team even further. It's also good for hard carrying like with Zen, but greater focus on heals and ulting. I'm starting to win more with Ana on comp with hard carry party lol.

I really want Mercy to be viable. But her kit makes it really unfun to play against her so :(

Also oh my Raseri that's a heck load of time lol. I only have like, 50games including placements?

And hype for PTR and season 2 changes.
Zen is great, I'll keep playing him despite a nerf.
Also just read this on Reddit, I laughed a lot:
"There was one match where I was gold with 4 elims after 2 rounds as Zen.

I was not experiencing tranquility"
Do you play Tracer?
Honestly the best asset is basically being annoying to the opposing team, like everyone uses this strat when they play Tracer honestly but I just thought it was pretty annoying hehe. Basically just contest the post and try to drop a bomb if you have your ult ready and then just start spam shoot everyone and when your damaged just e back. It's really annoying because it seems like you're suicide bombing but you're not xD. Just beware Reaper meatshots, Roadhog hooks and threats to Tracer and you'll be fine. Also use Flash for fast means of transport to get the the front lines faster or to like gtfo out of a bad situation. Just beware Roadhogs because they completely wall Tracer and you cannot do anything but run o_o
Looks like it's a reverse hybrid map (Payload then capture point). Hybrid maps are already my favorite to play on, so I seriously can't wait to try this out!
PSA to anyone who insists on defending right outside the enemy spawn on maps like route 66, hanamura, and volskaya industries

please stop

you're gonna die instantly and cause your team to lose as they try to defend 5v6 as you walk back to the fight
its really easy to get free kills on anyone coming out right side on volskaya, im going to go for the sound blast at gate open even if im completely alone
I hate that shit, especially in comp. And Reinhardts who rush into enemies as if they were invincible... bitch please my harmony orb won't protect you from 500 damage/second.
It's sad how feeding is still a problem in rank 70s. Like we don't expect you to win every single fight at rank 70s. But don't position yourself so awkwardly where heals will never reach you, and force yourself to fight 1v1s and die. It's not hard to not feed :c
it's cause people have anime protagonist syndrome they're all like "I WILL BE THE ONE TO STOP THEM FOR IT IS IN MY BLOODLINE, HANDED DOWN THROUGH MY FAMILY FOR GENERATIONS" and then they die because of course they do

happens all the time, people press tab and see a bunch of golds and think they're invincible

unrelated when will pharah be viable again :(
Once discord is nerfed she'll be much more viable.

Also sandshrewz I feel like it is kinda hard to not feed especially if you suck c:

Oh and on a final note, turn out the new map isn't reverse hybrid, just regular hybrid... RIP
I don't think Pharah isn't going to suddenly become significant if Discord becomes 30%. Well hopefully Discord is nerfed other than changing it to 30%. She'll be slightly more viable. But with McCree being permanently there, it's quite the limiting factor lol. He's still 2shotting Pharah except at long range.

Also yeaaa quite a portion of rank 60s and 70s have no game sense and all they have is aim :c
I cannot play Pharah at all, like honestly
I try to imitate other people by flying in the air and shooting rockets from above but 9/10 chance I get sniped by a Widowmaker
on the ground I just get completely rekt by Reaper. Some heroes just don't fit people >_>