Continuing from my previous post, the best way right to introduce the new types is to not make them part of the official Type Chart... and instead make them their own Type Chart in "another dimension".
Types in Another Dimension
In the standard laws of physic in the multiverse, there are 18 universal Types. Consisting of Normal, Fighting, Flying, Rock, Ground, Poison, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Dark and Fairy. They are applied to even the Ultra Space, as the Ultra Space remained connected to the main dimension of the multiverse.
But there is one another dimension where how the multiverse works is different... All 18 original Types are not categorized and only a minor aspect of this dimension. Instead, 12 (or even 15 but not necessarily this much) whole new Types, with the Pokemon and Moves being given one of those new Types. In other words, their appearance and abilities doesn't change, but what Type they do have is an entirely different story.
Types in Another Dimension involve replacing the original 18 Types from the official Pokemon games with fake "New" Types for Pokemon and Moves. Moves, Items and Abilities interacting with specific Types will be modified accordingly as well. Some frequently requested ones like Cosmic, Light, Sound and Cyber would be there, as well as more unorthodox ones like Sapient (Human-like), Plasma, Gaseous and Blood/Vampire.
This is not to replace Typing: The Mod, but rather a similar concept yet also with a large difference of a complete absence of old Types, which can change viability of certain Pokemon and Moves in significant way depended on the new Type Chart. That said, the five winner Types from the Gen 7 Typing: The Mod (which is going to have a reboot at Gen 8 btw) will all return to give a sporting chance to at a maximum of 7 other Fakemon Types, maximizing 12 Types, or if that's too little, 15 (but no more).
How Phases Works
The Slate Phases will go like this; Re-categorization for Pokemon, Moves and Abilities, New Type Nomination, and Buffs and Nerfs if needed (i.e. in case a new Type would have too little viable Pokemon or too limited in term of potentially useful moves), with voting in-between, before going back to Re-categorization for the phase. If the maximum of Fakemon Types is reached but there are still materials that retained the old types, these materials will be changed accordingly until there is none left (with the official Z-Moves replaced by Fakemon Type Z-Moves, same with Max Moves if it take place in Gen 8). "New" Pokemon (specifically, new Regional Variants out of these new Types), Moves, Items and Abilities will be made if the current Type really needs further variety and allows for further creativity.
Types from the Gen 7's Typing: The Mod, which are Heart, Time, Space, Light and Food, would be done in faster pace; most of the old and new Pokemon, Moves, Items and Abilities modified for the "new" Type will be directly imported via nomination and then voting, with a few exceptions of some that don't really make any sense. They can still be re-re-categorized in later Re-Categorization for the upcoming new Types.
The new Type Chart will be best made at the very last because every Type in there is whole new, but it can started to be constructed at the middle (i.e. when there are 8 or 9) and then modify accordingly at the 10th Type, 12th Type and if we continue, the last Type. It be done after the Buffs and Nerfs' voting phase.
We should have at least two offensive-oriented Types and two defensive-oriented Types, as well as one Type Triangle (Like Fire > Grass > Water > Fire, where it is super effecting from left to right, and not-very-effective from right to left). This is to prevent the new Type Chart from being monotonous.
Finally, flavor takes higher priority than competitive uses, although Buffs and Nerfs can be done if there is too little potentially competitively good Pokemon and Moves to make the Type work, allowing for availability for the new OU.
How would it differentiate from Typing: The Mod?
Just remember that Types of Another Dimension isn't intended to replace Typing: The Mod, but rather a "spiritual spin-off" that allows experimentation with new Types without getting into the way of the official Type Chart. With the absence of all 18 Types, this may take time to get accustomed into the whole new Type Chart, but once you learned the Type Chart and experimented it for test battles, you may get the hang of it, which helps that, aside of Typing, not too many Pokemon and other mechanics would changed.
Typing: The Mod may received criticisms, but it is certainly fun for those who are more into flavor and lore. This potentially new Pet Mod will do so but without getting on the way of the official Types, allowing the "new" Types to be their own thing. And with only 12/15 Types, it would also be far less stressful for teambuilding than 23 Types in Typing: The Mod.
What do you think? Would it work as a new Pet Mod involving new Types? Or would be better off in anywhere else but here?