Phew, finally posting my record.
Platnium Battle Hall Singles Streak: 196
Didn't quite make it to 200, but oh well :P
Latios @ Focus Sash / Choice Specs
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
IVs: 31/6/31/30/31/30
-Draco Meteor
-Surf/Dark Pulse
-HP Fire
Yeah, it's my favorite Pokemon, Latios. I think I'm only the second person to get on the list by using him. Draco Meteor kills most things not named Blissey, while the rest of the moves are for coverage. Surf was replaced with Dark Pulse during the Ghost set, not for Shedinja, but to kill ghost types with ease. I only ran Focus Sash when I was facing Pokes who could probably OHKO him without being OHKO'ed first.
Anyway, order of sets.
Dark: Weavile and Umbreon
Ice: Weavile again
Steel: Resists Draco Meteor
Normal: Blissey, too many unnecessary surprises.
Ghosts: Dusknoir and Gengar. Faced Argenta in battle 50 and won against a Swampert.
Dragon: Not a fun one. Ran into Garchomp, Latios, and Latias, in order. Draco Meteor actually missed Latios, but Dragon Pulse didn't do too much to me.
The rest was pretty smooth until I faced Argenta again. Her Pokemon was the Umbreon. Ugh, I love Umbreon dearly, but not in this instance. Draco Meteor missed, Confuse Ray hit, Sucker Punch hit, and Latios hit itself. Then another Sucker Punch, which also hits. However, Draco Meteor hit and critted, so I made it.
I did the Dark and Steel sets again before realizing "Crap, I forgot Ice." So I go back. Sixth battle in, it's Weavile. Ice Punch hit me and did heavy damage. I used Thunderbolt (trying to paralyze the thing) and it hit, but didn't kill thanks to the Sash, nor did it paralyze. I lost, end of story.
I've been working on this streak for a few weeks, so I was doing both my Hall and Tower streaks simoultaniously. Probably explains why I fell short of my goals for both.
As per usual, please notify me if I've missed something.
something fishy here - see red highlighted text. after you get to 170 you do one type at a time, not sets of ten.
@RL - solid team - many people have had success with rain teams in doubles, but i really like your idea of being able to switch to hail/blizzard if it suits.. changes are good, although i reckon i'd maybe stick with blizzard over hp elec on vappy. grass knot should be able to do lots to the main things hp elec would be useful for things like gyarados. also don't forget that NVE surf in rain still has base power 106.